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Topics - machomadness


You guys may remember me as the "Asshole Turbo Guy" / JohnnyBlaze.

But, I think after a while, I need to give a formal explanation of things.

I tried finding the original thread but it seems to be gone.

Here's the sitch:

I've only had TWO deals go wrong in my life. Unfortunately, they were SORT of big.

About the first Duo deal, that was mostly my fault. I was under a LOT of stress(I was practically living with gypsies in our apartment who were violent and threatening toward the family), it was handled by numerous people, and it turned into a HUGE mess that should not have happened. As soon as I caught wind of what happened(and got my shit together), I sent the Duo back and later on bought a Duo from someone else. I know my behavior was not the greatest, but I take FULL responsibility for that and apologize to all who were pissed at me, and ESPECIALLY the person who was supposed to trade with me. I wasn't trying to rip off anyone, but some people took the wording wrong on the messages. I have not let ANYONE handle my personal affairs after that and will never again.

Now, about the second one because I don't know if anyone here knows, but I will tell it anyway.

I bought a $300 lot of Famicom items from who I thought was a reputable seller. When the items arrived, the Disk System was not functioning properly. After numerous attempts to try and resolve the situation, the seller kept brushing me off and telling me that everything is fine. I took pictures AND video and still the same response, even after other members pointed out something was wrong. He told me "it's an old electronic". I understand that these things can break at a moment's notice. But, when you pay for something and it comes dead on arrival, that's a HUGE problem.

So, I repeatedly asked him for another RAM Adapter, he kept telling me no. Then after pressure mounted, he told me he would if I pay to send the adapter all the way back to Japan. For the price it would've cost, I could've bought another one from someone in the states. So, I did the only thing I could do. I filed a PayPal claim and did it on the phone so I could tell them what I needed. All I wanted was $50 or so to buy a new RAM adapter. But, PayPal told me that they couldn't just pick and choose the amount and they had to put it in for the full price. I reluctantly agreed as I figured it would get his attention and get him to settle. He finally did offer me $25 which I wasn't sure would cover shipping it back to him(PayPal only lets you ship Priority International now and not first class). Another member on the forum intervened and offered to send me his RAM adapter and ship the defective one back to the seller. I agreed and even threw in my extra Famicom Disks as a thank you and settled the case. Yet, he still chose to badmouth me even though his PayPal was frozen because of numerous complaints about him asking for gift payments for goods and even REFUSING regular PayPal payments so he could take the money and not refund for a defective item. As you are aware, that is against PayPal policy. So, he got caught and is pissed at me because unlike other people, I told him straight up I had a problem.

Then a few weeks later, lo and behold, he found a defect in the RAM adapter, which if it was tested properly would've been found.

But, other than these two, I've had TONS of great deals go by without a hitch and even have one going out today. I just hope you guys are the "stand up people" that everyone keeps telling me you are, even though I still have some trepidation from our last experiences together, and will let bygones be bygones as no one was ripped off like some other people I see floating around and accept it for what it was: two deals that went horribly wrong, but were turned into spectacle.

I plan to start collecting for the PC Engine and even have my Turbo Duo up for trade for a PC Engine Duo-R(unmodified). I can't do this WITHOUT you guys.

So, let me have it.....
I just bought a Duo and need to get some games. But, if I find some CD's with just a regular case or loose TurboChips, does anyone know where I can find front and back cover scans to put in a CD case?
As the topic states, I got my hands on a Turbo Duo after years of searching.

As it's a HUGE investment, I want to make sure I have the best knowledge to care for my Duo. What should I know as a new Duo owner? I need any advice I can get, but I need to know a few major things:

-It's working great right now, but I've heard about problems with the capacitors and laser. Does anyone here do refurbishing services(cap replacement, laser check or replacement, and general clean-up) and if so, when should I get it done(what are the signs that should tell me it's time to get it done), who should I get it done from, and how much will it set me back?

-Also, since I plan on playing CD-R's, what brands are best, what program should I use, and what speed should they be burned at?

-Finally, I plan on using the Neo PC-E 128M Flash Cart. Has anyone here ever used one and what should I know about THAT?

Sorry for the laundry list, but I just need all the knowledge I can get....
Well, I just lost my Turbo Duo because the asshole who traded it to me wants it back because he fucked up on the trade wording(He told me that I didn't have to send my system if I wasn't satisfied and I wasn't as it wasn't working properly and now that I have it working, he wants it back with some BS excuses and trying to threaten me). So, now that I'm officially out a PS3 that's blown, $450, AND a Turbo Duo.

So, since obviously no one on the internet will take plight in my story and give me a Duo, I'll have to sell these games I have.

No unfair offers are refused. I only take Checks, Money Orders, or Cash in envelope. NO PAYPAL!!!!


Somer Assault and Time Ball were already sold.

Help me! I've already lost so much trying to get a Duo and it's heartbreaking to get rid of this stuff, but I need to. After all, if I don't have a Duo, what's the point of keeping these?

I guess you also can consider this a farewell already as since I have nothing of Turbo, what's the point of being here?
The title is self explanatory. I finally found a WORKING Turbo Duo. I want to KEEP it working. Now, I've heard a lot of things about this but so many people have different opinions on the matter.

So, I ask the experts here. What should I know about the Duo that will help me in the future. Known problems. Where to go to get it fixed. Places to go for games. Etc. Etc. ANYTHING that I need to know.