@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Topics - RegalSin

Okay I have a dream, why don't we get together and make 3d whatever to the dreamcast. We all get asigned jobs, and release these babies. As if you do not know, their is a wave of non-stop Dreamcast releases every now and again, from various teams. We could be team C32, and show our Hudson love, or something like that.
We could make games how they should be. We all are going to turn skull, and our children are just going go threw our belongings like the scanvengers they are.

Even the PCE, everyitme I turn it on I see possiblities.


About OBEY, I am thinking recently I saw an advertisment that said,

The more you spend the more you help the economy.

This was on the subway, and I was thinking to myself about a consumer report from early 20XX, where they have disovered the lack of usage of credt cards, meaning more consumers are using straight cash instead of intrest cash. Also many people are buying houses with straight money, and are not taking out mortages.

So I was thinking to myself, after I dizzied myself to sleep, running in circles, after over eating and not throwing up potatoe chips. Seriouslty WTF? Everybody in USA knows what really jacked the economy............. They are not sloving the problem they are just looking for ways to pull from the peoples.

So thinking about you guys who are like "Oh my gosh Wii U, and Ohhhh PS4 and ohhheeee X-box live cloud o Apple Seri" you all need to wake up. It is over, we have climbed the moutain, and we need to reslove peace.
Of course most of you folks is in the land of not here, but seriously.

I know people need to make money and get jobs, but that is no excuse for toileting your supporters, customers. I feel like an addict who has been on a healthy medication of some sort, but I am now being denied that medication because I am too healthy.


Oh here is another one..I am just sick and tired of the goo goo gah gah over products we do not need. I mean oh come on.

If this was 1995 I would be like

Where the hell is the meat ( words from the 1960's ).
Where is the actual product man.
What am I paying for?
QuoteThe first is all platforming.
For it to be a platformer, it would consist of jumping on enemies, and collecting rocks.

I know where the terms

Action RPG ( what I call J-rpg  ( what I also call adventure ).
Comic Adventure ( even Graphic Adventure =; ](*,) :roll: :roll: :roll: )
Point and click ( which is really just comic adventure/

I just want to know where did this term sprung up/. platformer?

So far what I understand, is a videogame, where you can jump and collect rocks, and maybe have a boss to fight that requires three or six hits. Basically when we have no RPG elements, and the game repeats itself over and over again with tasks, to keep the fun going. I think that sums it up for me.

What I believe as with the Indian Jones effect. People wanted  an Action, or Adventure game that is completely lacking violence whatsoever, and is still fun, So in the west we created meaningless but fun creations called platformers ).

For example

QuoteEarthworm Jim?

Action game because you can move him around but plays out like an J-RPG because the situation Jim is in.
Adventure Game because you guid Jim threw a bunch of levels.
QuoteJ-rpg because he weilds a sword, or fire ball and shops at stores.
Platformer because he jumps up.

My problem is that when we create something and the world is lacking and is just a bunch of goofy sounds, and
make a no sense, we call it a platformer, but seriously it just limit us, because of jumping.

Like Wonder Boy/Adventure Island for example, started out as an Arcade game that in fact turned into an J-rpg.

Of course we have dangerous dave, oh look a jetpack oh look a gun, big spider kill splat.

Just somethng that I had to run off the top of my skull. I call em all J-RPGs, just to remind that when Falcom made the knight started to move around inside in a FPS box, they changed history alongside that other game,
nobody wants to think about, because it is just too cruel to play and finish.
Quote from: Bernie on 09/23/2012, 10:49 PM:-s :-s :-s :-k :-k :-k  Are you, um.... RETARDED?? :-k :-k :-k
An action game is just a cheap word for a J-RPG. Every game before Falcom was Mario Bros.

A J-rpg is what I am calling an action game, because it was RPG ( the DAD board games ) made into Action
games. All action games, not including a few were all J-rpg types. If not then they were hybrids like Splatterhouse,
Shinobi, or score attack games.

The difference is the abiltiy to return back to the begining of the game, or have a wide variety of actions as well.
Free movement, and free feeling.


Many people mistake J-RPG for turn-based RPG.

The first turn-based RPG games were nationwide,  and was all based off DAD board games.
Like Wizardry for example.  Other games were online games, like Dragon battlers, and a 3d monster
game where you could make and download monsters to fight people online in 3d.

Final Fantasy made popular because the action sequences would play out, instead of being directed
at the player in a FPS. Far East Of Eden made a difference as well as Gain Ground type games.
The same could be said for Shin Mega Tensi.

Their is not such thing as a J-rpg turned based rpg invention, or a FPS rpg J-rpg.
All of these rpgs are just different in presentation, and are all turn based games.


In general games like Kirby, Castlevania, Mario, Conker, Sonic, Boink, Wonder Boy, Sword of Beserker, Jetforce Gemini, Megaman Legends, Beyond Godd and Evil, Metal Gear, Resident Evil, and Rayman all fall under the j-rpg spell. As well as any other game, even beat-em-ups.

Turn-based games are just tbg made by Japanese, or whichever nation they come from.


Just call Rayman a J-rpg and it becomes better to play. Calling it a platformer, just makes it look like another collect the rocks, keep em busy game.


Here is the problem. People minds are commercial blinded. Meaning they follow the Chrono Trigger rule.
If something looks strong, then it is strong, if it looks weak then it is weak. Simple minded thinking.


That was RegalSin's logic, now fly my crystal bats, fly. Search the lands, search the rivers, and search the skies.
I can't help wonder that I am doing something wrong in the videogame.

I would say up till the upside down cross I am doing something wrong, because
I remember something differnt happening after the darkness becomes light?

Is it, from killing a specific enemy, like the crushed baby head, or the laughing girl with skull?

Is it taking a certain path in the game itself?

Do I have to not kill the beast, and find another way?

Is it a score attack I have to maintain or, not use any continues?

Seriously that ending sucks. I am going to try again soon,.

I wanna save his girlfreind, because it is apparent that she does live?

Nevermind I will figure it out on my own. I bet it is not using any continues.

This person passed away last mothers day. His mother had died of cancer, and around 2003/4 ( cancer in the nose ( it was a rare form of cancer ))). He himself, woke up in the morning, went back to bed, and never woke up again. Their was nothing wrong with him,

He and me are the same age as well. We would play fight, bath together, sleep in the same bed. He was Genesis and, I was Super Nintendo. He was my only connection to my mothers side of the family. Everybody else in my family are still distant from me. He even introduced me into, Japanese animation, while it was still on VHS tapes with that wondeful yellow subs.

My father had brought me the NES, but I was into legos, and when my family had seperated, my mother had moved back to where she lived. Their I met my cousin,
where we played together, with toys for the first time, and jumped on his mothers bed. Then he had Super Mario Brothers, and duckhunt. a thing that made no sense to me at all, until I was playing with him. Before him was this pac-man and space arcade that one my uncles had purchased.


Before his premuture passing. He had many jobs, He was a sports teacher, a graduate in product management, a football player for college, and even served
with army reserves. uhmmmm what I understand, is that he had moved out of his sisters house, to live by himself, and was dating this girl. He spent alot of money on her, and when he was out of a job, she dumpt him, and when he called her, a person threathen to kill him. He tried to live with his father, but they did not get along, and
carried him to the middle of nowhere, with all of his things. So he was struggling trying to find a job, recently. I have not talk to him since four years a go. My mother saw him outside last, and he looked sad. He even wented to Hati, to help rebuild their houses.

Before my dealing with the MIB, this was the only thing I was thinking about, for a very very long time. Him and me was like Bill and Ted, or Kidrock and JC, or even Jake and Silent Bob, Mario and Luigi. It was one of the few people I had in this world, that I could talk to, and make sense out of, but now ........

The flatfact, is this was the worst, of the worst thing that could happen to me, and my family this year. He never had no children at all, and spent his earnings, and inhetance on one woman, who dumped him for a ten ton gorrilla, even after he had taken her to island vacation, and backstage parties. He had everything to live for, and their is no findings that anything had wronged him. We all just assume that he had missed his mother.

That was the story of that person, who introduced videogames to me. Without him, I would probably never ever make heads or tails out of a game controller.
Okay lets think about this. You have tons of normies. buying furbies for their kids, but the new furby basically forces you to use an Ipad or Iphone in order to update, or access other features. It also features those cheap Newtype eyes, ( Anime eyes ).
instead of rounded eyes.

Anyways it is obvious, who is buying this.

Confused parents
people with no idea of value.
People who still thinks Apple is the 411
Anime freaks


I will admit, I do plan to buy one of those NEC robots that can hold a conversation with me. Okay, I am hooked on NEC. However in gods name, Furby is like the American standard. Hold them back and then slowly bring out the AI's. Why not just release the BABY, from Dragon Ball GT already??? Or irobot. That is the future folks, and more crappy laws get passed and nobody does nothing about anything.
The best part was probably RE:Veronica.....( GCN ) where Weskers shows up, and is fricken terminator, beating the liviing daylights out of Chris. REV, is sappose to be the big grand final between the original Resident Evil cast, vs Umbrella. RE4 was sappose to follow the misadventures of Chris but instead we got Leon, and the Navy Seals.

Just seeing Weskers, with zooming crimson eyes, behind those glasses was good enough for me. I was like....it's Weskers, it's Weskers, it's Weskers. Everytime since the original, you see his face, you know some sorta crazy nonsense is going to happen.

Also I love the way, the Umbrella twins was actually.........Let me not give any spoilers.


In RE4 the level before the big fight between Kruiser and Leon. The machines, drones are the same ones that appeared in Bionic Commando Gameboy.

In RE4 their is also the giant flying roaches, They are not as spooky as the illbleed roaches, but man, acid flying roaches in the sewers.

In RE4 they also had the dancing baby from Alle-Mcbeal/X-men . Of course I am refering to the missing enemies. Like the doll that breaks out of the exploding vase,
and begins to attack you. Only in Earthbound I think that has occur in a videogame, where a doll or baby came out of nowhere and tried to take you down. However this was on the unreleased demo, which also has Matrix effect, or slow motion effects,


The worst scene in the entire videogame, series to me is the RE0, where the camera did a 360 Matrix around the bullet, before taking out the pre-plant42 pillar slug monster. I just did not get it at all, asides for showboating the GCN graphics ability.
I am tired of living in a censored society, where people keep trying to find fault with people on the slightest of subject matter. Thanks to this kinda of crazy thinking, Resident Evil 4 was censored, like crazy in Germany, Australia keeps banning everything, People get their DNA on file for words, they look up. Then Japan raises censoring back up. Australia and Japan whines about each others whaling and hunting problems, yet for some reason nobody mentions Canada crazy holiday.

Irregardless of what you believe, I live in the city to end all cities, and everybody is angry, unhappy, tired, depressed, and if they are happy then they are doing something wrong. We have so many indifference towards each other but we all get along, still. So why on the internet, are people making a big deal of something that does not affect anybody, unless they let it affect them? It is like you all gang up , to combat somebodies personal likes, and displaying them.

So where are all the Nazi folks? Apparently nobody cares anymore, on the level of extremist hate crime. The only reason why anybody dislike Jews is because, of 2001.
That and the fact, they do not want anybody to drop off the rent at their management office. The only reason why anybody dislikes blacks, is the constant wave of criminal activities.

You know what is so crazy, for me, it just seem that the so called good people are far more hostile, then the bad people. They are so sad, because they are ready to jumo and be angry at anybody to everybody, just for a few words. The same idiots who protested art, because they could not stop looking at it. The same people who attacked violence in video games, to censoring books. These are the true crazy people of our society.

I mean yes, and okay I will admit, it is wrong for people to compare people of African American decent to monkeys, but seriously, those days are over, and most black people do not even care anymore. If they care, they do not have any life at all, and needs to think about making money, and not ideas that have been around for over five hundred years. Nobody cares at all, anymore, and we live in a peace full society thanks to that.

If it was 1989, nobody would care about any of this nonsense, and we would be left with assumption. It is like my grand mother. She spends all day telling wives tails, and passing on rumors about everything. The last thing we need on this forum is for people to act like crazy witch hunting, morons. Like the same witch hunters who put mud on peoples faces, or through people over cliffs.

It is 20XX and our computers are still slow and guess people are still slow.
I defend all walks of life, and all peoples personal lives, just as long as they do not hurt anybody, in terms of death, or theft. I believe you all should do to.
Or maybe, I am just another standard issue, crazy American?

Ye without sin, cast the first remark....

One day I had to wear all black for a job, and I walked pass this local school that was letting out. This little kid, started shaking his head, and constantly yelling the most popular anti-homosexual word, in an odd manor. I was walking towards his sister, who I never noticed in the crowd until I passed her. He was "stay away from that 33344, get away from that 333444, leave my sister, alone, leave her alone ( screaming at the top of his lungs, like if somebody was hurting him ), People were looking dead at him, as if it he was dying. His head was twisting, and twirling.

I was just walking to the job I was applying for, and all of that from wearing black, from a small bodied five year old kid, smaller then my knee to my toes.

To answer your question, reading these writings makes me think of that little kid, who will become a young man and terrorize other young adults just because of the way they look, and then eventually a father who will pass down that negative energy to their children.


I would love to be in a game room show, and everybody comes to the show in their Halloween costumes, and true colors. It would be the most best game show ever. It is like the world is so backwards now, they boo everything without understanding anything.
You see the NEC computers is where the real party is at, and while the PCE out do the NEC in every way possible, in the box. We might be able to get those people who do not touch the PCE.

This says the NEC console forms, but back then even a computer was considered a console for the video-game enthusiast before the Atari 2600 came to boot.

Next I would also include the Dreamcast section, because the NEC power VR, was chosen over an American competitor ( part of the reason why the N64 was popular in the west ).

Lastly I would include a NEC arcade section, but that is just throwing a bone out there. I do not know too much about that, but I am sure their was a small series.

Give the Toganowa Company a run for it's money.
If you haven't noticed a lot of NEC products are interchangeable, with Apple, and Amiga products. However when it comes to IBM and Intel, they are not.

Apple = USA
NEC = Japan
Amiga = Europe

However over time, they all seemed to adopt the Ms-dos type, not including Apple.
Apple was on it's way to failure until Jobs stroke back with his "Next" invention.
Also Apples were cheap lemons, that would break every often but did wonders for graphical users.

The Amiga also did wonders for graphical users, but the gamers prefered IBM, DOS
and the artists, prefered Apples. Then photoshop was released and that made the apple priceless for a time being, along with other desktop tools, that was presented in Amiga.

So why bring this up? They all have something in common, they did an extensive amount of graphical work. However they all bowed down to windows, why? Because it was cheap as dirt to use a MS-DOS computer, and then to use windows for multi-tasking, and as time moved on, more windows outranked apple programmers, leaving
us with god forsaken intel Apples.

Oh what about Unix? Well Unix was this other command line, like DOS, but could work in environment, not wasting as much memory, or resources, and work with larger files, like networking images, sounds, for example. Again networking, back in the 1990's.

So where did IBM leave off to? Well IBM had Lisa, and their warp two products, that served financial institutions, and bigger customer is that nation.


So why I brought this subject up? It seems in the long run without a respectable game library the original Apples stayed in the dust, or some paper weight, while the
Amigas had a library of some sort, they divided it into PAL vs NTSC standards.
Which make it a pain in the brain to collect for Amiga. Then finally  the NEC came out on top with a whopping library.

How are they the same? The connectors, and controllers. Back then it was all for one and one for all. Not oh look it is a cheaper brand. It was something I was thinking about, along with the Genesis and Atari as well.

Cheeri Bye
Okay here is the deal, unlike your nation, we do not have the ideal.
The "Ideal" in terms of a woman who represents our nation,
is divided between Lesbians, and the showgirl. What is normal,
in the land of the rising sun is considered, taboo in the west.

We do not have the Yakshini, which are symbols of fertility.
Instead we have the stories about homosexual love towns.
We do not have Idols, who perform, or sing about love.
We have popstars who dress half naked, and talks about sex.
We do not have AV models ( Audio Visual models ), who are respected, or love
Instead we have B-girls from films that are over thirty years old, who are respected
We do not have Geisha, princess day, or anything like that.
We have women who makes money, spends it on expensive apartments, and never gets married.

The flat fact, to sum up things, is that. They took one problem, and turned it into something else. In East-Asian world, it does not matter what age, your spouse is.
They appreciate and respect, and admire the human body. That is why womans health in the land of the rising sun, is respected so much.

They took sex, and turned it into a crime. A crime of fear, that is built on hate, and has nothing to do with religion at all.

So yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes they came into my home for girlie images.
They showed me pictures of, probably the most famous AV model that ever graced the planet.

All of this is the fault, because we men have ignored what these crazy kugars, have been doing to our society, for years. They are trying to say, stop chasing virgins. They are stupid, and you will just make them peg-nated, and not even take care of the kid. Back then things, were normal. The only reason why nobody stops them, because everybody believes in god. That is why stuff like this does not happen in the rising sun.

Remember is an American woman is a college graduate, she will most likely abort your seed, and send you up the creek for the sex she enjoyed. That is another reason why not to admire American women, at least anymore. If she is over 18, keep back unless she wears a dressy.
Off-Topic / Can we summon the White Witch?
09/04/2012, 11:40 PM
 I just thinking about it, It could be always winter and never spring, or Christmas. Isn't that the perfect world?

I understand that Narnia, in the afterlife goes on forever, and ever. We can see all of our friends and family members.


Of course I am talking about the BBC, white witch not the new, boring, and less energetic one.
We are a force that is crippled, as lovers of fiction we are disrespected. We are not loved in any manor at all. The people who wields the sword, laughs at us. They think we are a joke, because they can use the sword against us, because we lack the knowledge of the sword. They even use the pen and pass laws, we keep supporting them.

Every single vote or capitalism is a means of control. They do not us to work together my fellow users. They want us to be happy people who leads empty lives. They hire us and then fire us, when ready. They make a joke out of our wants and needs.
Off-Topic / Just delete everything...
08/03/2012, 08:42 PM
please delete my posts...............just delete everything

This deleted post went something like this:
Quote from: RegalSin on 08/04/2012, 09:17 AMThe police raided my home, took all my computers, they took everything...
I just downloaded stuff for reference material, I have been downloading since I was in Junior High. I never knew anything else but downloading.
AKA "I kept downloading and downloading and downloading..."
So last time on Regalsin, I invested in a PC-88/98 model machine. I was reading about how the PC-98 series was unpopular. I would assume, their was so many models, to choose from, and the games on the 98 model, was playable, on these models. In reading this, I discovered the final official NEC PC-98 last model was barely 500mhz max, and any other hardware afterwards was considered a clone.

Now I was reading about the birth of the PCE, where NEC decided to make the PCE instead of a CD-rom computer series. In fact this was a good move, because the CD-rom could be intergrated, and used with it's non-CD machines. To make things more intresting, NEC worked on graphic enhancers, which eventually made it to the R2, GCN, and the Dreamcast.

Finally NEC electronics, can be found everywhere to anywhere in the world, From flatscreens, to projectors. I even see a van with NEC logo on it, from time to time, in comparison to SONY. So I think NEC played it smart, move.

In terms of videogames, the NEC PC model computers was a great thing, when it was new and popular but slowly came crashing down once Windows 1.3/3.1 apeared on the scene. I guess that is how NEC operates. They look for new technologies and grab on to the one, that will gain more customers, while leaving room for improvement.

The PCE is basically what the Dreamcast is. A model that can do sooo much, with so little, and powered by a popular programming language, that can be easy to use, C, BASIC, and ASM.
Sooo... aparently I heard thier is most defenently going to be a strike. In NYC a simular thing occured, around Christmas time, with the NYCMTA. It was biblicol.....on an mounumental scale, but without riots. In China we all know the protests that lead to Poland Spring water bottles becoming softer. Along with the Wall Street Protest movement, leading to a former vet being attacked and carried off in a strecher.

Britania is known for it's riots, as well the world hate against them, being the leaders, of planting the flag, Imperialism, and white washing nations. Terrorism and Britian pratically rymes together in a sentence, along with underworld, and Zombie conspiracy.

So lets get it on :x
Remember "Blue Stinger" the graphics displayed in that game and any game of that time is how 3d characters was rendered and considered realistic. The same with 3d Voltron ( the one where phyco badarse Purple Prince turned king in the end ), or Reboot for instance. I just love the way their faces and bodies were shaped, and rendered. Including many of the creatures, that was when I could point to animation ( especially Japanese Animation ) and say "hey that is realistic".

You play Blue Stinger, D2 ( which is sooo auwsome ), or even Ilbleed, and the animation is so realistic, but at the same time reasonable for the actions. Even on the oriignal PSX ( not the PS2 ) and some N64 and Saturn games, the animation and graphics was done soooo sweet. Something like Alundra 2, or Rockman Dash was even done to a point of representation looks good.

More or less specifically the Dreamcast accomplished this goal, with a perfect balance. Meanwhile........back at PSX, Saturn, N64 land everybody was stuck in
TV Tenchi, brainwash land.

I do not think I have seen animation like that, in a very very long time. It feels good.
Maybe because I am American, and the shapes of the characters was done in terms of realistic people in terms of America, which is very difficult to do. We might never see that kind of animation again. Even animated Japanese people was done much more reasonable then it is now.
So I was walking outside, and was comming from the grocery. This almost elderly ( 40-60ish ) woman came out of nowhere, and decided to help me with my bags. She immeditly took my bags out of my hands, and put them in a fashion to make me hold them easier. She even fitted many of the groceries in the little cart I wash pushing.
She even tied it in little bows as well.

I haven't felt so mothered since I was a kid, I thought she was going to hold out hand afterwards, or sneak away with my food, but instead she just walked off, saying
"zemiya". That was most strangest caring stranger, relations I had since, my co-worker ( waitress ) at a resteraunt offered me a rid home. I mean seriously wow. I know that in Asian culture men are prefered over women, but I haven't felt like that since I was five years old and my mother would lift me up.
What do you think?

QuoteI am going to the life ladys house, see you later.
And that was the end of the entire movie......THE END :dance:

Seriously the person who plays the Life Lady is ( was ) also a pronstar.
I think she is on a dominatrix, rubber fetish, or latex website of some sort.
I remember her by her teeth. :lol:

I would spend the rest of my day and pay, if I could go to life lady house
as well. Get me some ups.

Think of the episode where Seduca, pretends to be miss Belum and starts fighting,
in the end the Mayor, does to do the same thing, however it is only hinted.
Looking for any system cards below -6 GBP range, with shipping included if possible.
Shipping to USA
The system card has to be before V3.0. If I do not contact you, please do not be disapointed.

Negotiations can be.
Basically it is going to a handheld, with a built in touchscreen ( or in future time it will )
that you can play hundreds of past Nintendo games. You know for that r-tard who goes like "oh something retro, let me put down my vabagelina, stop drinking my cheeze wine, and get to playing".

It is a game controller, that is a game controller. For those casual FGTRDED MUDAPHLIPING IMBESILLS.. :-# :-# :twisted: :-# :-# :D :roll: :roll: :shock:

I went threw my entire life playing videogames, being looked at like a crazy person and now this, comming this holiday season, right about the time, when some more troops from deep Iraipd, comes home.

Yeah right..........right huh make it all better, just make it all better.
What is flash.

Flash in general, allows for extremly high end content, like images, and words to be displayed at any size on any computer screen. It takes advantage of ( Mathimatical resizable images ) like a PDF does for a printer, and allows big usage, with small size.

What is HTML5.

HTML 5 is basically X programming language, intergrated into the original HTML/XML usage. Meaning a person with program knoweldge can do the same exact thing a person with Java knowledge ( C/ASM for the internet ) with HTML 4 but now on portable devices. However programs like dreamweaver does the same exact thing, but now with HTML 5.


The problem with FLASH is.

The problem with FLASH, nowadays, is that idiots wants to view everything on a portable devices, with HD ( in gods name I do not know how that works ) vision.
Also FLASH no longer supports win98 ( which I am currently using to watch flash videos on youtube ). Meaning the original purpose of flash is now lost after the invetion of FLASH 7-8 ( where they changed the video encoding ).

In short that FLASH takes up too many resources, and the users are unable to keep up with every single upgrade, and update. Meaning if something needs flash 10 and I am using 7, it will not show. Meaning people are using the latest flash, ( Flash 12 ) and not trying to use flash 6, to make flash stuff.

If you do not upgrade ( or know how to upgrade, because a cellphone usually does not upgrade ) you will not see the latest and thus greatest flash.


HTML 5 just means if you do not use Chrome or whatever new browser, HTML 5 might not work for you.


So what do you think about all of this Quark vs Adobe insanity ](*,)
Do you have any broken PC engine controllers, parts. If so pm about it.

By controller, parts I mean things like

Connector plug,

The controller unit itself

It could be even a working controller itself.

I am looking for them, in parts, hoping they will be cheaper.


Looking to buy dead tenoke bank. Meaning they are not working anymore.
So I am over that age, you know like most of us. I was breifly engaged in a chat
about arcades. These people are like below 25, and probably are approaching the age
of twenty. You know they type who gives the over extra long hand shakes.

The topic was, why did the arcades stop being popular and what was an arcade like.

I said, the arcades had all kinds of games, including whomp ems, and stomp ems. People brought their pet snakes, and smoked inside the arcades. Many people who played hookey from school, would go to the arcades, primarly street gangs ( at the time ), also their was some fighting inside arcades.

What I described, was things that occured to me at arcades. They ask me where is this. I told them about Fairyland and ConeyIsland arcade. Then they replied with
"oh that is not a real Arcade".


Then of course, they said their was fat people inside the arcades, along with wall to wall fighters, and they would hold tournoments inside them.

You see what they described, was basically a "White/blue/pink collared" arcade. You know the type that most of us in the room might go to, on our day off, kinda place.


Then I replied with, oh the arcades had people inside it, that looked like the fighters from Streetfighters ( which they did back in >1995 ). Then they replied with, "we wouldn't even set foot inside one of those places". Along with, oh "your talking about Chucky Cheezes". You see they think that I am 19 years old, but I am not :-$

anyways, I told them the arcades, had picture booths, and pinball machines ( which I am sure you folks reading this are familar with. ). Once again they would not listen.
Basically I described an arcade from the 1950-1970's ( yes I skipped SuperFun time, Ms Pacman, Funcoland, and Sears ) 1990'-1995. They were describing arcades from 2000-2010.


From my conculsion, these people never really played in a real Arcade, asides an enthusiast place. They even wented on to talk about every single Marvel vs Capcom,
like if it was gold. I mean seriously. Long story short, like movie teathers, arcades are novelty.
Recently the summer is unleashed, and I have been seeing, tons of East Asianers,
in my area leaning to the side, like if they are melting, or they are becoming zombies.
Usually the people are in my age group, or maybe even 19-40 years old. All of them looks
young, and walks back and forth like if it is no big problem. It is kinda creeping me out because ( at least in my area ), I know Asians are, very, very, very cheap, ( as my lou shoo, once said ), and they are even willing to scarafice health.

I am just want to know what is happening to all of them?
In terms of art, give me a task, and I will try and do it. Just to flex my art abilitiy, and show off to people.

animate a Sprite, or sprite creation, with description.

a contor ( outlined ) image, ( no shading ),

so far that I could think of, I could show off, in terms of videogames, or comics.
I could draw a whole page, but then you will have to pay me :mrgreen:

I am going to be using computer paper, because these are requests. So if ask, hey why are their doubles, "that was because I was being lazy, and cheap, and regular paper and HB 2# pencils do not do any justice.
Okay you all remember the Tyrant from the Resident Evil series. The final boss, of the first game, the wall to wall Mr. X's of the second game, the final Wesker of the third game, and of course Chris freind, from the fourth game. Then of course the teenagers from the guncon gaiden.

So the Tyrant for some reason has been seen in various videogame college commercials. One of such has the tyrant running backwards, and then falling, another one is the tyrant talking to a Metal Gear/Splinter cell cop-off. and more recently the one in the advertisment on this website.

Has it just crossed your mind, everywhere you look you see Tyrant. The most big bad boss and triumpth of Umberlla/Capcom being abused, and morphed over and over again. I understand that in horror films you see that sorta stuff all the time, and various games, but it seems kind of over done.

I know in these commercials it is sappose to be a classical big dumb character, but I am tired of it. It is even more annoying then that commercial with the man playing a monkey game, and then acting like an ape, or the elderly phone commercial.
I am just thinking something here. Their are like five Bomberman games on the SNES. All a nice to play, and the last one being a composite of the last four games.

So I am thinking to myself bomberman on the N64 had two great great games ( that ended with a great GBC game ). Yet they made that hero game, that was some how off.

Bomberman Hero had it's moments, but ever ask why? Why did they try to merge PCE, Saturn, SNES, and GB bomberman into one adventure game, with extra lame  characters, and worlds???? I understand that it is a kids game, but think about how much more fun bomberman hero could have been. I know that Bomberman N64 games where mimicing the SNES games, but at least they made more sense, of everything.
So here is the thing, when people make products, they have various importance of a product.

As well know, videogames, and it's counter part comic books all are media products that are not respected as artforms. Animation itself has declined over the years as well.

After ten years, of pointless war efforts, and the decline of economic strenghts. The
value of products have increased ( primarly because of Oil as fuel source ). More important because everybody is dependent on CD's instead of cassettes ( tape, chip )
the prices have risen, and so forth.

However a new treath that is becoming a reality. People are downloading and paying for videogames. Yes the costs are cut tremendously, but at the same time, those people. Consumers are buying products without a body [-X

Just think about it? You just paid for something that you can not.

1. Feel in your hands
2. See without electricity
3. Sell for it's value.

This is not the age of the corperate latter anymore. This is the age when people are
using things that was once valued at thousands of dollars for mere, pennies while resources that was once prolific is now becoming most expensive. Think about when you had a VHS with over 26 episodes, and it costed ten dollars. Then think about a proffessional made VHS with three episodes.

Look at the NDS. Those things are small as a half-a-dollar. Look at the PSP, which is basically a pocket sized GCN. Finally think about where the PSX has came from, the Mega Drive and even the PCE. Finally records. All of these are products and over the years the cost of resources that have been used even before the 18,00's have risen.
Kept in huge gigantic rooms, with wall to wall storages. Yet our fictional material are kept in boxes, some in storage and others under a bed.

The flat fact I was trying to make, if people stop producing real world products of ficitonal materials, and becomes 100% dependent on elecity. All will be lost.

I am talking about a future were they use lies, to make it a world where everything is programmed and told threw electricity. After that we have nothing. That is a prediction.
the Bank Secrecy Act was amended. In summary, money service businesses (such as PayPal) will be required to verify customers' personal information prior to providing certain services or customer elected product offerings.


For some specific products or balance funding options, PayPal may ask you to ensure your full legal name, address, date of birth, and the last four digits of your social security number are accurate. If your information is already on file with us, you may be asked to re-verify this information. If we do not have your information, you may be asked to provide or update this information before we can process your request for a particular product or balance funding action. We may refund monies to your funding source in the event that more information is needed.

PayPal will only ask you for this information if you are logged into your account. If further information is needed, PayPal will contact and direct you to resolve any concerns via our secured Resolution Center beginning in early April 2012.


The next time you log into your PayPal account, please ensure your full name, address, and tax ID information are accurate

QuoteBank Secrecy Act

Congress passed the Bank Secrecy Act in 1970 as the first laws to fight money laundering in the United States. The BSA requires businesses to keep records and file reports that are determined to have a high degree of usefulness in criminal, tax, and regulatory matters. The documents filed by businesses under the BSA requirements are heavily used by law enforcement agencies, both domestic and international to identify, detect and deter money laundering whether it is in furtherance of a criminal enterprise, terrorism, tax evasion or other unlawful activity.

The Internal Revenue Service is a partner in the U.S. National Money Laundering Strategy. The IRS seeks to achieve a balance between enforcement of the money laundering laws and education. This page provides links to information about specific BSA requirements to assist with education and compliance with the law.
Report of Cash Payments Over $10,000 Received in a Trade or Business (Form 8300)

I am trying to look for the ammendment, but I can not find it.
Seriously wat???
Okay so for the following two nights in a row, sometime around ten o' clock I hear a high pitched sound, that is like


and while it is occuring, I can feel a sorta pain in one of my ears. I try and search for the sound source. Usually it is a television, cell phone, flat-screen television, anttena,
cd-rom ( dvd-rom, blu-ray, etc ), or hard drive. ).

It is driving me nuts, I go to sleep and wake up with my ears burning. It is almost like somebody punched me in my ears ( which has occured before ) but the pain is focused
on the ear drum.

Asides for all of these things, any idea where this sound is comming from, and why it happens sometime around late nights?

I think somebody has some sorta new home appliance, or it could be the power lines outside, or cell phone towers? Something new is around here. I believe animals like
birds, cats, and dogs can hear the sound I am talking about.


Another theory might be this, is what I am hearing.
OKay I hate them.

In many translated works for Japanese animators, their was never no writer. However the translator was listed as the writers.

Then the same people who write plays ( or likes that stuff ) seems to think the things they translate for ( videogames ) is something worthless.

The whole purpose of a translator is to translate the god damn script, so the next auidience can have the same reaction or emotion towards that piece of text
. Not rewrite the script, and try to guess how the audience reacts to it. What I am guessing is, the translators do not know how much easternize the west is.

Then they insist that we westerners do not understand the emotion that comes with the text. So what the hell did I just brought a translated game for? To be crapped on by a person who does not even considered videogames to a be a real medium. Because some people have the ability to feel the emotions, not just the mindless
implusive consumers, who needs a lesson in grammer.

The people who make videogames, comic books, and animations, never needed them, and should avoid using them at all costs. With writers all they are doing is filling in the gaps that people ignore, unless it is actually good.

So from now on, anything that is translated. Phuck it, just phuck it.
Seriously just phuck it because some dickless writer probably shited on it, before doing their J O B. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
So I like portal....... Only because on of my favorite artist made that Amiga animation refereced it. That is how I found out about Portal.

Have you ever wondered why portal is popular?

Apparently they took the best parts of Metroid's backgrounds (going threw doors, riding the transporter, and navigating threw rooms
that are huge ) and morphed into a testing facility.

I had an idea like that too. Make a videogame where Samus runs threw a testing ground. However in portal they just took Digi-pen's
work ( they got GCN devkits as a gift, Digipen ), and stuffed
it into the half-life world. I am guessing they makers of this game are probably in my age group 20-40 years old, because at some point you can hear tetris being played in the background along with metroid/Phantasy Star exploration music being played.

Then of course their is the A.I. thingy which is no doubt is sappose to be the big bad Mother Brain. However she does not wear makeup and fights Captain N.

But when we get to her, she is not a tape box.
She is Flight of the Navigator without Pee-wee
Hermans voice. She is the complete opposite.

Then the second game comes along

They have that forsaken exit sign which was designed by a Japanese person, in alternative to the exit sign. Let me give you a hint. The Asians are taking over. Wherever you see that sign, that means Asians no doubt are present. We are talking about Chinese in America.

Then they have the eyeball guy, who is exaclty like flight of the navigator. They even make the walls laugh. Do not even look up the voice actor. Terrible sight.

It is just like my idea, of where Samus is in a big testing facility. Maybe they got the idea from playing Fusion which was a science lab. That is why I like this game.

So it just occured to me. This game is basically another Metroid. No
Prime crap, no super suit, no alien monsters. Just what made Metroid good. Tubes, doors, big-rooms, and mother brain. Then they replaced the brain with Flight of the Navigator at the very end, instead of a real computer room. Instead of using friggin missiles or defeating gigantic guardians like 8-man you have to slove puzzles. Metroid has some puzzle elements but they do not make it obvious.
Quote from: Bernie on 01/27/2012, 11:01 AMWhy is it not fair?
That is simular to what I was working on. I am working on a shooter, and I have been doing so for many years.

This is all from 2005. First it was an RPG to be made for the SNES, then at some point I decided I wanted to be on the PCE and maybe even MSX version but then I decided to make a prequel animation to the series of events that leads to the rpg, which eventually brings us to the MMORPG grand final. Sometime I decided to make a action game, and comic to the animation. Then I decided on something else more reasonable, a shooter.

What was I doing, all that time? Going to college on and off, working petty unlisted jobs, then of course internet. I am still doing that now.

Then I started to work on the sprites for the game, which I am doing on and off.

Why the PCE? Because I wanted it to be on a system that is respected, but has little or nothing to do with 3d. Also the PCE has little or no changes for over an entire decade asides the DUO systems.

I had originally planned the RPG to be on the Sega Saturn, after seeing the 3d on the Saturn.

That example is exactly what I was planning to make.
An object moving shooting rotating objects, plus paralexx scrolloing, along with a score and live chart. That is perfect. However mine is using bigger looking sprites. I am still attempting to make a big sprite display, along with no bg_color. Next I am going to be working on
creating the hit_console and damage, plus the variations of enemies
on screen.

Then all my work is stuck on a hard drive that I do not even know is working ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,). I am serious, I powered up my computer one day, and the harddrive started to smoke. I know I have to carry it into an expert with a replacement hard drive parts. It is alot of important stuff.
We can make a stand, and help curve people away from buying anymore Wii, PS3, 360, islave crap. So lets stop making purchases
on these products and stick to 2d stuff.

I feel your urge bra and braetts, I know that deep down inside their is a tick that says "I have enough to spend, so why not?" but I know their is another tick that says "I wish my favorite whatever would actually make a comeback" That is what I need from you. I need you to help each make that tick work. The first step is disambiguates ourselves from these ideas, of accessibility, and decide on what is right. Down with Wii, PS3, and 360. Until they get it right.

About Microsofts evil plans. So I see the plan now. MS basically took their Direct X PC model, and gave C++ Window programmers and oppertunity to get paid from console only gamers. Like us. In my local comic book/game store they have decided to start selling PC games. They never usted but now people are buying them alot more. Just like that we have killed videogaming, and became........pugly PC gamers.

If Microsoft had never made it's move then most videogamers would never even consider, or know what Halo is. Seriously ever ask yourself would Halo be as monumental if it was released for the other three systems?

The final plan now, is to intergrate all games so that people will purchase Zunes, BB, and new intel windows computer. Dumb idiots who do not know nothing about computers will all buy labtops, and play the same games you play on 360. It is called X-box live AKA Apocolypse Now.

Lets review Microsofts Evil plans

1. Get paid threw real videogame users, the Consoles
2. Get a fanbase from those users
3. Keep the PC fanbase by releasing PC games which are the same
4. Create X-box live with a fee,
5. Creeate wireless device and call it a phone
6. Put X-box live on wireless device
7. Make Windows OS look like Mac OS
8. Put X-box live on Windows OS
9. Stop making plans for new system?

Lets review SONY plans

1. mimic Nintendo
2. Free adverstiment with contract ( Final Fantasy, Tomb Raider, Metal Gear )
3. Advertise more game movement ( which is the gameboy, VHS)
4. Sue lik-sang ( now they look bad )
5. Run back and forth in circles )
6. Blames internet piracy for bad sales.
7. Enlist George Foreman Grill design ( the DUo design )
8. put resert button make people laugh at Japanese view of Engrish
9. put Bannana Controller ha ha ha more Japanese joke.

Nintendo evil plans
1. Release each system with most popular character
1.2. Release each game system with choice for adult and kid.
2. Release each game that is popular with Japanese sales charts.
3. Create a bunch of fun games until death of gameboy creator
4. Repeat and rinse
5. Put Miyamoto in the headlines instead of Gameboy creator, which was a bold move.
6. Oh look Miyamoto created the N64 and he made Mario did you know? that must mean the N64 is ceeewwwll
7. Ride pokemon to the bank, in Japan go back to 2.
8. Repeat 2.
9. Make a bunch of differnt variations of Tetris.
10. Advertise Tetris with popular figures like Yoshi, Wario, Pokemon
11. If a game is not fun enough advertise game character, like
Bomberman = Wario Blast, or Puzzle + Wario = Wario Woods with bom-omb
12. Dress up everything in white, and make gimick into new console
13. Make famouse developer make new game using random character
14. Make stock options to hide problems.

Sega Evil plans

0. Make work place a happy place to, "Service Games" wink wink
0.1 A happy worker is a good worker wink wink
0.5 Make contracts that last a lifetime and give freedoms.
1. Do everything else before everybody else and go banctrupt
1.2 Instead of going bancrupt get loyal employee to give all his money away to company before he or she dies
2. Get downsized and call it a victory.
3. Do work for other companies with barely no advertisment
4. Abuse and violated videogame characters, let artist do rest
So I am working on a game for the PCE, that is another post ](*,)

I still do not know how to get a big sprite displayed on screen, soo
what I am doing is attempting to patch the sprites and make them move together. If I make a sprite over 16X16 I get garbled crap.

So moving on...

I have five 16X16 sprites that are displayed on but when I get to the
seventh one, it keeps repeating the last sprite, why? It is not the position, because I move the position to the area of what I want to get, but like I said, it just keeps repeating the last sprite over and
over again.
So asides with Bush II signing bills to make electronic
transactions taxable ( that warning from paypal ). Many websites on the net will be blocked, in order to combat piracy :-".

My take on this.

By law anybody can in fact force a person legally not to use their artwork, on a persons website. I know for a fact Sorayama ( pin-up artist ), Artwork was uploaded, and he won a lawsuit against a website for displaying his work on a website.

This is okay by me, because I am an artist.

This new law, basically states if you do the above, instead of going threw a lawsuit the govement will just swoop in and block the website, or any other piracy website.

This is not okay by me, because this could mean anything at all. Usage of imagery, to a person singing a musical number, or usage of a song or image that is copyrighted.


Why are they doing this? Because for years

DVD + Cheap - VHS - VCR + Computer + DVD reader - region
+ cheap highspeed internet = no way to prevent a person from moving sound, image, or any kind of electronic stored data =
around = what they call piracy, and what is what you get for using
a crappy storage known as DVD.

In my area, streets that have miles of VHS, DVD, LD-rom, and Video
etc has turned into crime scenes. Hanging around in those places is not advised. Basically back in the 1990's the only reason people ever wented outside was to shop at Video stores. Going to video stores was one of the most greatest feats, and joys during those years.

I went to deposit some money, and this teller decided to ask me for my social. Then he realized I wrote the account number. After pressing some buttons, and putting the money in some sorta machine. He turned around and began flipping threw a bunch of cards, that looked kinda alphabetalically stored. He was bent over for a very long time, looking threw a bunch of cards in a draw. Without writting anything he then gave me my slip.

Why was he looking threw a bunch of cards while he was servcing me?

I feel odd because non of the other tellers did this before. He was just looking at a bunch of cards for like a good minute or two, before he finished my transaction at the window???

That is the most oddest teller I have seen, if somebody here knows  banks, could you please tell me what he was doing??
What should be an
Amiga CDTV matching black ( not barack ) keyboard and mouse
Amiga 1000 Mouse ? ( it is curved in, so I am assuming it is 1200 or 4000 )
I am pretty sure from all the photos displaying the mouses shape.

PS2 games ( all of these are NTSC-USA unless noticed )

Neo Contra
Legia 2 ( I also have Legia PSX import JP )
FFX ( note I am sending an extra disc that needs to be cleaned )
Dirge of Cerberus sealed Greatest Hits.

Yoshi Safari
Battle Clash
Metal Combat
Super Scope ( it is used and missing battery cover, and eye part is broken. can still work, no reciever included )>

Super Mario RPG used alot
Mario Paint ( accessories not inlcluded, they are old and broken) :^o

Super Gameboy II ( the blue one )
Super gameboy SFC in box

Virtual boy heads. One unit has a non working eye with screw holes
drilled into the bottom, Another can work good but if knocked around will not function properly.

Will add more stuff over time


Popfuil Mail PC-88 $100 USD


The Legaia PlayStation JP IMPORT.  $20.49 USD
Ogre Battle 64 Nintendo64 JP IMPORT. $40.00 USD
Riglordsaga 2 Sega Saturn JP IMPORT. $5.00 USD   
Slayers Royal Sega Saturn JP IMPORT. $10.25 USD
Romancing Saga Super Famicom JP IMPORT.   $25.00 USD
Beasts and Blades Super Famicom JP IMPORT. $15.00 USD
Shenmue 2 DreamCast JP IMPORT. $50.00 USD
Dragon Sprit Famicom JP IMPORT. $25.00 USD
Dragon Quest 4 Famicom JP IMPORT. $15.00 USD
Megami Tensei Famicom/NES JP IMPORT. $20.00 USD
Castlevania Dracula Dark Night Prelude GameBo   $42.00 USD
Legend of the River King 2 ( boy with blue hat ) GameBoy JP IMPORT $10.00 USD
WONDER PROJECT J2 - nintendo 64 import n64 $30.00 USD
Dragon Quest 6 Super Famicom JP IMPORT  $20.00 USD
Dragon Quest 5 Super Famicom JP IMPORT $6.00 USD
RPG Maker 2 Super Famicom JP IMPORT. , $250.00 USD
Sakura Taisen / Wars GameBoy JP IMPORT $20.00 USD
Grandia Parallel Tippers (Color) GameBoy JP $32.00 USD
Child's Quest Famicom/NES JP IMPORT $20.00 USD
Princess Maker Turbo Duo JP IMPORT $10.00 USD
Blue Stinger DreamCast JP IMPORT $20.00 USD
Sakura Taisen / Wars 3 DreamCast JP IMPORT $20.00 USD
Rune Jade DreamCast JP IMPORT $25.00 USD
Hundred Swords DreamCast JP IMPORT $41.00 USD
Bertherc DreamCast JP IMPORT. , $13.00 USD
Virtual On Sega Saturn JP IMPORT. , $20.00 USD
R?MJ Sega Saturn JP IMPORT $10.00 USD
Sakura Taisen / Wars 2 ??? Sega Saturn JP $10.00 USD
Those Who Hunt Elves Sega Saturn JP IMPORT $20.00 USD
Neon Genesis Evangelion (Value Edition) Sega Saturn $10.00 USD
Neon Genesis Evangelion 2nd Impression Sega Saturn $20.00 USD
Neon Genesis Evengelion Iron Maiden Sega Saturn $15.00 USD
Night Sega Saturn JP IMPORT $10.00 USD
Christman Nights Sega Saturn JP IMPORT. $15.00 USD
Terra Phantastica Sega Saturn JP IMPORT. $20.00 USD
Shining Wisdom Sega Saturn JP IMPORT. $20.00 USD
Slayers Royal 2 Sega Saturn JP IMPORT $15.00 USD
Wizardry 6 Super Famicom/SNES JP IMPORT $20.00 USD
EarthLight Lunar Strike Super Famicom/SNES JP $20.00 USD
Patrol Labor Super Famicom/SNES JP IMPORT. $20.00 USD
Romancing Saga 3 Super Famicom/SNES JP IMPORT 30.00 USD
Yumemi Yakata no Monogatari Mega-CD JP IMPORT. $5.00 USD Case only
Ambitions of Scissor Mega Drive JP IMPORT. $5.00 USD
Shining The Darkness Mega Drive JP IMPORT. $30.00 USD
Gunstar Heroes Mega Drive JP IMPORT  $50.01 USD
Space-Time Detective DD Sega Saturn JP IMPORT $20.00 USD
Sentimental Graffiti Sega Saturn JP IMPORT $10.00 USD
Sakura Taisen hanagumi Tsushin Sega Saturn JP , $10.00 USD
Sakura Taisen / Wars Sega Saturn JP IMPORT $15.00 USD
Riglord Saga Sega Saturn JP IMPORT $5.00 USD
Sugoro Quest Super Famicom/SNES JP IMPORT $10
Night of Kamaitachi Super Famicom JP IMP , $10.00 USD
Populous Super Famicom JP IMPORT. $15.00 USD
Drakkhen Super Famicom JP IMPORT $15.00 USD
Castlevania Dracula Apocalypse Nintendo64 JP  $50.00 USD
Cocoon Story PlayStation JP IMPORT. $30.00 USD
Blue Legend of Water PlayStation JP IMPORT. $20.00 USD
Doctor Hauser 3DO JP IMPORT $30.00 USD
Tamagocchi Park Sega Saturn JP IMPORT $30.00 USD
Sakura Taisen Hanagumi Taisen Columns Sega Saturn $10.00 USD
Real Bout Fatal Fury with RAM cart. Sega Saturn , $40.00 USD
The King of Fighters '95/w RAM cart. Sega Sat , $40.00 USD
Panzer Dragoon Sega Saturn JP IMPORT. , $20.00 USD
Panzer Dragoon Zwei Sega Saturn JP IMPORT. , $40.00 USD
Azel Panzer Dragoon RPG Sega Saturn JP IMPORT , $30.00 USD
Shining Force 3 Senario 1 Sega Saturn JP IMPORT , $30.00 USD
Shining Force 3 Senario 2 Sega Saturn JP IMPORT , $40.00 USD
Shining Force 3 Senario 3 Sega Saturn JP IMPORT , $30.00 USD
Star Ocean Super Famicom JP IMPORT. , $30.00 USD
Policenauts Pilot Disc 3DO JP IMPORT. , $40.00 USD
6inch My Darling Sega Saturn JP IMPORT. , $15.00 USD
Bio Hazard Sega Saturn JP IMPORT, $20.00 USD
Rockman/Megaman X3 Sega Saturn JP IMPORT. $30.00 USD
Nekketsu Oyako "Techno's" Sega Saturn JP IMPORT. , $40.00 USD
Final Fantasy 4 Super Famicom/SNES JP IMPORT. , $30.00 USD
Final Fantasy 5 Super Famicom/SNES JP IMPORT. , $30.00 USD
Actraiser Super Famicom/SNES JP IMPORT. $20.00 USD
Soul Blader Super Famicom/SNES JP IMPORT $30.00 USD
Princess Maker Super Famicom/SNES JP IMPORT. $25.00 USD
Koro Koro Kirby GameBoy JP IMPORT "kirby tilt". $50.00 USD
My Life My Love Famicom "Game of life" JP IMPORT. , $15.00 USD
Sinki Wold Evolution DreamCast JP IMPORT $20.00 USD
Sakura Taisen / Wars Online Teito No Nagai Hi , Dreamcast?? $30.00 USD
El Dorado Gate DreamCast JP IMPORT. , $20.00 USD
El Dorado Gate 2 DreamCast JP IMPORT. , $20.00 USD
Tenshi no Uta Super Famicom JP IMPORT. $20.00 USD
Tengai Makyo Zero Super Famicom/SNES JP IMPOR , $20.00 USD
Evengelion Digital Card Library Sega Saturn , $20.00 USD
Shining the Holy Ark Sega Saturn JP IMPORT $20.00 USD
Angeleque Special Sega Saturn JP IMPORT. , $15.00 USD
Room Mate Ryouko in Summer Vacation Sega Satu , $15.00 USD
Lunar The Silver Star Mega-CD JP IMPORT $30.00 USD
Lunar Eternal Blue Mega-CD JP IMPORT. , $40.00 USD
Shining Force Mega Drive JP IMPORT. , $20.00 USD
Phantasy Star 2 Mega Drive JP IMPORT. , $40.00
Phantasy Star 4 The End of Millenium Mega Dri , $40.00
Phantasy Star (MARK III/Master System) , $90.00
Phantasy Star (MARK III/Master System) Cart only , $30.00
Wan Chai Connection Sega Saturn JP IMPORT $5.00 USD
The King of Boxing Sega Saturn JP IMPORT. $10.00 USD
Virtua Fighter CG Portrate Shun Di Sega Satur , $10.00 USD
Virtua Fighter CG Portrate Lion Sega Saturn , $10.00 USD
Virtua Fighter CG Portrate Jeffly Sega Saturn , $10.00 USD
Virtua Fighter CG Portrate Wolf Sega Saturn , $10.00 USD
Virtua Fighter CG Portrate Akira Yuki Sega Sa , $10.00 USD
Virtua Fighter CG Portrate Pai Chan Sega Satu , $10.00 USD
Virtua Fighter CG Portrate Lau Chan Sega Saturn , $10.00 USD
The Convenience Store Sega Saturn JP IMPORT.  $.20.00 USD
The Convenience Store 2 Sega Saturn JP IMPORT $20.00 USD
The Making of Nightruth Sega Saturn JP IMPORT , $15.00 USD
Pi to Mail PlayStation JP IMPORT $10.00 USD
Monster Farm PlayStation JP IMPORT.$30.00 USD
Parasite Eve 2 PlayStation JP IMPORT. $30.00 USD
Dragon Valor PlayStation JP IMPORT. , $30.00 USD
Bushido Blade 2 PlayStation JP IMPORT. , $50.00 USD
Arc The Lad 3 PlayStation JP IMPORT. , $15.00 USD
Chrono Cross PlayStation JP IMPORT. , $40.00 USD
Xenogears PlayStation JP IMPORT. , $50.00 USD
Noel L.E. PlayStation JP IMPORT. $20.00 USD
Maximo vs. Army of Zin PlayStation2 JP IMPORT , $20.00 USD
Gokinjyo Boukentai Super Famicom JP IMPORT. , $40.00 USD
Item #   Item Title   Quantity   Price   Subtotal
Virtua Cop 2 Sega Saturn JP IMPORT $5.00 USD
The Money Game 2 Famicom/NES JP IMPORT.   $10.00 USD
Deep Fear Sega Saturn JP IMPORT. $15.00 USD
Tengai Makyo The Apocalypse 4 Sega Saturn JP  , $20.00 USD
Under Cover AD2025kei DreamCast JP IMPORT. , $20.00 USD
Same Game Super Famicom/SNES JP IMPORT. , $30.00 USD
Kyuyaku Megami Tensei Super Famicom , $20.00 USD
Namco Classic GameBoy JP IMPORT $10.00 USD
Cosmic Fantasy Stories Mega-CD JP IMPORT. , $10.00 USD
PM about listing. I am desperate for help,  :roll:I am "dying"  :-({|= .

If you want to work with me. I need to see a demonstration of your code, that is executable with whatever complier. It is a demo we are making.

PM about listing