Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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Topics - glazball

Sold. Please delete.

Hi folks, I have an extra copy of Alice's Mom's Rescue for Sega Dreamcast that I'd like to trade or sell.  It is new and sealed, and an original Hucast release.  It seems people on Etsy are selling "reproduction" and "custom" copies of this and other Dreamcast games, and this is NOT a repro.  This homebrew is out of print and currently unavailable.  If there's no interest after a week or two, I'll likely take it to ebay.
I'm open to all trades, common and/or uncommon titles, for just about any system.  Let me know what you have for trade or feel free to check my wantlist in my signature.  Thanks for looking!

EDIT: Trade is preferred, but I would also take $50 as gift/friend payment and ship for free in a Priority Box (US only).

I'm not associated with this Kickstarter project in any way, but I just have to pass this along.

This little gizmo called Blinking Light Win replaces the 72-pin connector in the NES, which allows for a solid cart connection and no more frustrating blinking red light!  I have never supported a Kickstarter project before (this is my first), but this simple solution seems totally worth it - a $20 pledge plus $10 shipping.  Imagine having to never fight with your NES again for a very reasonable 30 bucks.

I plan to install mine in my NESRGB modded console.  Can't wait!
  I've been obsessed with getting RGB out of all my old systems.  I'm usually against modifying a system, and since I don't have a spare TG, I'm curious if it would be possible to modify a TurboBooster to output higher quality AV?  RGB preferably, or component or S-video.

  I don't know much about the insides of the TurboBooster, but I'd certainly feel a lot better about modding it and leaving the TG console itself untouched.  Perhaps it would easy?  Perhaps it's a giant pain in the ass?   Perhaps it's not even possible?  I dunno...

  If it is possible, I'd be glad to pay for modding services.  Ideally, I'd like to hook it up via RGB through the Framemeister.  Thanks for any info!
  Hi everyone.  I'm looking for manuals to complete several of my US Sega Master System games.  If you happen to have any, let me know and I'll pay a fair price for them + shipping.  (Looking for US manuals only.)  Thanks for any help!

WTB these manuals:

Alex Kidd in Shinobi World
Astro Warrior
Fantasy Zone
Galaxy Force
Global Defense
James "Buster" Douglas Knockout Boxing
My Hero
Rambo III (manual + replacement insert)
Space Harrier 3D
Super Tennis
Zillion (manual + replacement insert)
EDIT: Game has been sold.  Cowabunga dude!

Hi friends, I have an extra copy of TMNT IV - Turles in Time for SNES that needs a loving home.  I'm asking $30 shipped in the US (more if you're in Canada) via PayPal gift.  I'm also open to trades if that's your thing.  The cart is in great shape, tested and works perfectly.  PM if interested or if you have any questions.  I should be able to mail it the next day after receiving payment.  Thanks for looking!
Off-Topic / funny pic
01/31/2013, 02:25 PM
  An old roommate sent me this pic last night - no idea if it's old or where it came from, but I thought I should share it.  Pretty funny!  One day I'll have a gameroom that will look something like this.  I hope!  Only, no games on the floor and... where's all the Turbob??

Hi friends.  I have a few extra PS1 games that I'd like to trade.  The games are:

Castlevania Symphony of the Night (Greatest Hits) - very good condition
Project Overkill - good condition, stickers on case and hinge broken
Army Men Air Attack - good condition, stickers on case and disc

  I'd like to get $25-ish in trade.  I'd be happy with games for any console.  What have you got?  Extra commons?  Let's trade!

EDIT: traded
  Hi friends!  I have an extra Castlevania Symphony of the Night (Greatest Hits) that needs a good home.  Game is complete and everything is in very good condition.  I can send pics later if desired.  I'm hoping to get $25 shipped to US or Canada only, or I'd be open to trade for other PS1, Saturn, DC games (or any system really).  Paypal gift preferred.  Thanks!

  EDIT - traded to Firebomber7 and no longer available!
  EDIT - New member Jelloslug has offered his extra copy of Cadash for raffle, in combination with my own.  So this raffle will have 2 lucky winners.  He is going to send his copy to whoever gets last on the list.  How cool is that?  I'll include his link to pics below.  Thanks man, and welcome!

  Hi friends!  I've found myself with an extra US Cadash and I'd like to find it a new home so it's up for raffle.  Sign up by replying below by Monday Nov 5th and I'll draw a winner on Election Day, Nov 6th.  I'll mail the game to US or Canada - if international, you're welcome to enter but you'll need to pay postage.
  A few notes about this game:  the spine is not original, which is how I received it.  It seems to be a Sparky sticker.  Also, the manual has minor water damage in 1 corner which caused some wavyness, but it's still in good condition (no pages stuck together).  HuCard is in great shape.

  Rules for entry: Please don't enter if you already have the game and/or plan to resell it.  I love our community and I'd like to pass this along to someone who needs it.  No minimum post count is required, but I ask that you have been a member here since before Sept. 1st.
  Love you guys, good luck!

Pic of mine here:
Pics of Jelloslug's here:

Entrants so far:
CPTRAVE, OldSchoolGamer, DarkKobold, MotherGunner, Flare65, ConHuevos, PCEngineHell, 420GOAT, galam, Lost Monkey, LameKat, csgx1, cabbage, termis, hoobs88, reno5, burn_654, KnightWarrior, fraggore, storino03, Damon Plus, The Old Rover, fenix, Aggie Tsubi, JoshTurboTrollX-16, farankoshan, finerion, Firebomber7, 8bitForLife

EDIT 11/6 - reno5 and galam are the winners.  Reno5, please pm me with your mailing address and I'll put your game in the mail this week!  Galam, please contact jelloslug and make arrangements with him.  Thanks everyone (with apologies to the newer members who didn't get entered)!
  Ok how messed up is this?  Sony has done some shady things in the past, but after finding this article last night, I don't know if I'll be buying a PS4.
  Sony has patents just coming to light that can use BIOMETRIC DATA and fucking DNA to authenticate, track and even advertise to gamers. Also, this could be used to lockout used games.

  A similar (older) article I found also discusses Sony patents that have just come to light which use cameras and sensors to monitor your facial expressions while playing, along with heart rate, sweat level, iris size, even hair color. Hair color! Sony needs to know your fucking hair color.

  These patents don't mean they will actually be used, but it worries me very much.  I'm strongly against this type of technology, and if it does come to fruition, it'll give me all the more reason to stick with my Turbo where the OBEYing is voluntary!
General Gaming / Ouya? Oh, nah.
10/04/2012, 11:49 AM
  Anyone else planning to boycott the Ouya that should be out next March?  I find it exciting that they were able to get the funds and talent together to put together a video game console, and I rather support a startup rather than MS with their mountains of money...  but as an old schooler, I really don't like digital distribution.  Obviously a lot of people do though.  I'm still waiting for cartridges to make a comeback.
  I know there are a lot of great games that are only available digitally, but I have a real problem with that.  In fact, I try to buy DLC games at retail when they get a physical release (Bit Trip Complete, Bejeweled 3, etc) just so the marketing bastards who looks at sales see there is still a desire for a physical copy of a game.  I don't buy WiiWare, PSN games, hell I still don't own a cell phone.

  Hopefully I'm among a few friends and collectors that see the move to digital as a bad thing.  What do you guys think?  At $100 and the size of a Rubik's Cube, the Ouya sounds neat but to support it can only accelerate the death of physical media.
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB: Exile manual
09/08/2012, 11:18 AM
EDIT: Ordyne manual found (many thanks to tg16manaic!) and I'm still looking for an Exile (first game, not WP) manual.  If you have an extra that you could sell, trade or give then please pm me.  Thanks :)


  Hi friends.  Apologies for clogging up the boards with another WTB thread.

  I'm looking for manuals for Ordyne and Exile.  One I bought from a sneaky seller who didn't mention it was manual-less, the other I just simply didn't notice it was missing.  I'm hoping someone may happen to have one or both that they could sell me.  They don't need to be in mint condition, any condition is fine.  Thanks!
  I've been playing a silly game with my 7 year old stepson on the PS3 called Cartoon Network Punchtime Explosion XL.  It's basically Super Smash Bros. with Cartoon Network characters and horrible controls but still kind of fun.  There's a character from Kids Next Door (who was new to me) named Numbuh One who looks amazingly like a Duo mascot we all know!  Seems a little close to be coincidence.  Anyone else think this is a little bit eerie?

Numbuh One vs. Air Zonk!
  Hi friends.  I have a few games that I would be interested in trading.  I can't claim to understand why, but I know there are a few of you out there that collect sealed games.  I have to assume that you are saving them so that one day, when you're 64, you can sit down with your stack of sealed games, tear them open one by one, and enjoy the shit out of them like you had bought them new back in the day.
  Well I am not one of you!  I recently acquired two rarer games, Cotton and Camp California, that are both sealed.  I paid a bit more for them obviously, but my intent is to play them!  However, before I open them, I wanted to post here and see if anyone would like to trade for mint/near mint copies of the same games, along with something else to even out the trade.
  *To be clear* I am not looking to sell them.  I just want to play them.  But if someone has used copies, I would gladly exchange them and hopefully pick up a new title or two in the process.  And, if no trade pans out after a week or two or three (if I can wait that long), then I'll just open them and enjoy them!

  Now I am newer to these boards than most of you, but please don't hold that against me.  I'm just a fellow Duo lover like all of you.  Both games are in perfect condition.  They are not resealed and the both have the original hang tabs on the back.  I will include pics here also (they are low quality taken with an iPad, but I can take higher res pics if you like).

  For trade, I'm looking for nice (mint/near mint) copies of Cotton and CC, and something from my wantlist.  PM me if interested!

Beyond Shadowgate
Chase HQ (card and manual)
Hero Tonma (card and manual)
Magical Chase (duh!)
Might & Magic 3
Super Air Zonk
Terraforming (would really like to find this one)

  Thanks for looking!
  Greetings!  I recently acquired a few extra US cards and would like to give them to someone here who will play them.  I'm new to the forums, but so far everyone I've met has been really kind and I'd like to give something back to our community.
  This raffle is for Super Star Soldier, and the winner will also get Bonk's Adventure, Alien Crush and China Warrior.  All of the games are card only, and SSS has a video store sticker on the back.  I'll use to draw a winner on Sun, April 15th.
  The fine print:
1.  Please don't resell SSS, though feel free to sell/raffle the others (if the winner doesn't want them, I'll donate them to Goodwill)
2.  Please don't enter if you already own it
3.  Since I'm new myself, no post count required!

  Thanks all!

EDIT - I've decided to end the raffle on March 31, since I have a good list of interested members already.  I'll draw the winner on the 1st.  Also, I should mention this raffle is for US members only.  Good luck everyone!

EDIT 4/1  - Grats Firebomber7!  Your name came up first so PM me your mailing address and I'll send them out this week.  Thanks again everybody for the interest!

Total entrants:
Bernie, burn_654, Firebomber7, Trevpwnsnoobs, BigT, Damon Plus, Evilplayground, incrediblehark, VenomMacbeth, tpivette, JKM, arromdee, tiptopjames, snickersbar, Black Tiger, BigusSchmuck, HercTNT, cabbage, JoshTurboTrollX-16, futureman2000, BuraiFighter, Arkhan, 420GOAT, MotherGunner, T2KFreeker, thesteve, Neurosis138, Freezer, Nando, farankoshan, The Legendary R, Gao, csgx1, Lamekat, c0ldb33r
  Hi folks, I thought it might be appropriate to steal the subject line from tpivette's post.  I'm new to these forums but a long time TurboGrafx lover.  I thought this would be as good a place as any to introduce myself and ramble about our beloved console(s).
  I own just about every console and enjoy collecting games.  Back in the late 80s/early 90s, I like zillions of others had an NES which at some point I sold to buy a Genesis.  No one I knew had the TG-16, but I lusted it for it like crazy.  I remember electronics stores in the mall that had Keith Courage set up and back then, the graphics were just incredible!  Yes, I was blown away by KC.
  My cousin lived near a video store that rented TG-16 consoles.  He would rent it often, but sadly that was my only exposure to the TG library back then.  Lemme tell you though, we LOVED Blazing Lazers and Splatterhouse.  I know that's not an uncommon sentiment, sorry for being unoriginal, but those 2 games are still some of my fondest video game memories.
  In the last few months, I decided to actually start throwing money at my pathetic TG collection which consisted of Alien Crush, China Warrior, Bonks, Boxyboy, Timeball, a few others - not the finest.  I've had a boxed TG-16 that I found a thrift shop ($20 marked down from $40!) many years ago, but just had never sought many games for it.  I found myself a Turbo Booster and picked up a bunch of games over these last few months.  I wish I would have done so sooner, not only because prices seem incredibly high, but because the TG is simply an incredible console.  There are so many wonderful games that I've missed and I've been in heaven discovering and re-discovering the library.  (And I haven't even picked up any PCE games, yet.)
  Lately, I've gotten the urge to see and play the CD library.  I've always felt that video games as a whole took a major nose dive around the CD era (3DO, Philips CD-I, Sega CD, crappy FMV, etc) though as an old gamer, I was really just mad to see cartridges dying and loading times being born!  I never played any of the TG CD games, but after doing tons of reading, I knew I had to see what the hell I was missing.  After weeks of searching, I finally found the perfect Duo, in near mint shape, from a seller who took good care of it.  And yesterday it arrived!
  I only have Gate of Thunder and Theron's Quest so far, but I am having a blast with them (esp GoT).  Graphics and sound are incredible and having this little beauty (it's tinier than I thought it would be) is really a joy.  I've got a few more games coming soon from a member of this forum and I'll be picking up others soon too.  I'm really eager to play Ys I & II and Dragon Slayer.
  It's too bad the Duo and all NECs consoles didn't do better, but perhaps if they did, it would be flooded with crappy games like NES and Genesis.  There was a lot of confusion back then about wth was going with TurboGrafx and I won't get into all that.  It's also really sad to hear about the loss of Hudson.  Things have changed so much, but I feel whole now that I've got a Duo and a juicy library of games that are all sorely underappreciated.
  My new favorites:  Soldier Blade, Neutopia, Devil's Crush and Chew Man Fu!

  That's my story, thanks for letting me share.  I'm really glad to be here  :)

  PS: Got a few extra games with my Duo that I'll be raffling soon.  Stay tuned!