RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Topics - SmaMan

Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB: Neo-Geo CD console
03/28/2014, 01:00 PM
It hasn't been long since I first heard about this thing (thought it was a CD add on for the Neo Geo for the longest time) but the more I pour over the listings, the more I want one. I've found some on eBay, but the shipping on them is rediculous.

So, I thought I'd turn here and see if any in this friendly community would be willing to sell theirs. If you know of a better place to find them, I'd be open to that too.
So I was at Chili's the other day, and they had these new "Ziosk" things where you could order drinks, deserts and play games while waiting for your food. The games were your usual casual fare: Trivia, Solitaire, R-Type.

Wait... R-Type?!
It seems to be a straight port one of the Android mobile versions, played via touch screen. (Which is why I did so terribly in that video) Also it's the lite version which is stupid since you have to pay 99 cents to get to any of the games.  :roll:
Just got me a Famicom Disk System in the mail today!   :D
 Only problem is it didn't come with a power adaptor. :(
I've been trying to get a straight answer on this all over the interwebz, but I figured I'll try asking here.

Will my Famicom (main console) Power Adaptor work with my Famicom Disk System?

I looked up the specs on both (HVC-002 and HVC-025) and they seem about the same. The only difference is VA, where the 002 is 18VA and 025 is 9VA.

I live in the U.S. of A, and I've been able to successfully use a Genesis Model 1 and a PC Engine AC adaptor on this thing just fine. Just curious if they are interchangeable, or I'd be better off buying some C batteries.
Anyone hear about/have been to this place? Seems pretty cool. It's a bit like those few Pinball/Arcade Hall of Fame museums we have in the states, except they really seem to excel in their home computing collections.

And judging by the pictures in this article, they've got at least a start on their Turbo collection, too!  :)
I just got a job as a Morning TV news show producer! I'm really excited, but my hours (with some flexibility) will be from 1am to 9am.

So does anyone who worked, or knows someone who has worked, a night job, have any advice for me?
I've used the Famicom RF switch (the one that goes through that beige box with the black knobs on it) on my PC Engine and it works fine. However I was trying to get it to work with my US NES TopLoader (NES-101 I believe?) last night and it wouldn't work.

Does anyone know if this is supposed to work, and if so, would it go over channel 3/4 or 95/96?
General Gaming / Animal Crossing: New Leaf
06/09/2013, 06:07 PM
Downloaded it last night from the eShop, and it's a whole lot of fun! A lot has changed from the previous installments, but the core mechanic of "just hanging out" has stayed the same... if that's the best way to describe it...

Anyone else got (or plan to get) this game? If so, add me!
My 3DS friend code is 0688-5773-0158
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB PC Engine CD-ROM
05/11/2013, 11:27 PM
I figure I'm going to get one of these eventually so I've decided to start looking for one. I already have a standard white PC Engine console, but all I can find around the 'net so far are sets with a PC Engine already in them. I'd rather not pay for another one, so I was wondering if any of the fine chaps here were selling one all by itself. The necessary cables for it would also be a plus.
I just got in the above game today, (the PCE version) along with a 5-player multitap. So I decided to hook them both up and give this game a go. I only played this briefly on the iPhone TG-16 Gamebox app, so overall it was a new experience.

I watched the opening cutscene and demo, then I start playing. Things go as usual for the first few jumps. But then I hold the 2 button to get a bit of a run for the next one to get a higher fruit. So I pressed 1 while holding 2 and... The game pauses! Made the sound and everything just as if I had hit Run.

I pressed 1 while holding 2 again, and the game unpaused. Still curious however, I pressed them again and suddenly the stage clear screen came up! I was then brought to the next stage.

Now even more curious. I pressed the buttons again. Same thing happened! The first time paused the game, the second time unpaused, (and even if you unpaused with the run button...) the third time went to the stage clear screen!

I went through the whole 1st world like this! Strangely confused and not wanting to clear this new game in less than a half hour, I did a soft reset. (Pressed run+select)

I go to start a new game again. Going straight to it this time, and lo and behold; the "trick" doesn't work this time! And since then I haven't gotten it to do it again! Powering off the console completely doesn't seem to change a thing.

So, what I ask is, has anyone else experienced this? I have any found anything online about this, but I know many of you contain knowledge beyond the web.
Hello everyone! I am the Sma Man, but most call me... Sma Man.

I just got a PC Engine last week, and it's been loads of fun! 'Cept my Japanese is a little rusty so it's been difficult learning how to play some of these games. Retro gaming has always been a hobby of mine, so I thought I'd join a community of like minded individuals.   :P