RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Topics - Eddiesamma

So I'd like to see what the interest would be in the community for a newly designed jamma adapter for the pc engine/tg 16. I have seen them but they seem very numbered and I haven't seen anyone working on a reproduction of it. Something plug and play through the expansion port and controller input.
So I have a tg16 I modded with a status light and s-video ect and wanted to swap to a pc engine for my first region mod ect ( I just love the foot print of this thing) I successfully region modded it with the twin multiplexers and a toggle switch added stereo with 2 100 uf caps at 16 volts and then went to the s-video mod. I have removed the resistor that combines the luma to chroma lines so I can bypass the pf filter cap (don't care to have composite) I used the same 3904 npn and 220 ohm resistor I used in the tg16 and I noticed right off that I have a checkerboard pattern in the color on my tv. I have a samsung lcd I play most of my consoles on if that helps, I went back to see if maybe I had some interference from an audio line coming through or something. I was wondering if anyone else has this problem or if it's something else. Just checked and it's nearly unnoticeable on a s-video crt.Also TG16 does not have this checkerboard pattern.
Hey this is my first post here and wasn't sure where to place this particular problem. I have an american turbo duo that was recapped not to long ago and I started to region mod it with a diy region swap board. I built and used the same in my pce and no problems, but this is where I'm at now. I snipped and installed my region mod to the pins and at first it would swap to pce but nit to it's default assuming it was a wrong jumper or something on my bard I disconnected it double checked and re-wired it to the system and it wouldn't read either card. So I pulled it completely and strait wired it to it's default pinout and now it's white screen when I turn it on with a card inserted or not. I don't even get the sys card boot or an attempt to spin a disk. Any help would be greatly appretiated as this is my first duo.