The Analogue Turbo Duo clone shipped in time for Christmas 2023. Are you happy with yours ?? Find firmware updates here.
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Topics - ashrion

There's registration card in this game? I've haven't find a picture where it is. The game has it, really? Thanks for answering me.
Arrival one duo.
Problems, white screen, use systems card not read cds.
All capacitors news, not repair white screen,  hucard work perfect.
Change supercapacitor, use systems card test laser, out system cards, systems work fine, save ok and imatge scdrom2 is ok, white screen is repair.
Laser work, but bad, ones games work others not work i buy one laser new, arrival in 2 weeks.

I look one problem in games, not work voices pcm cdrom games, example.
Gate of thunfer.
In sound test efects, works 1-76, 77-end not sound, all voices, start game explosions not sound, voices weapon not sound.
Name of chip pcm cdrom?
Is posible problem laser? I understand is sound chip, not sound in cd but is posible.
Today norming i play gate of thunder 30 min, not voices, i return menu sound and effect and voices work, return play game and all work, off console and return and all work, after 8 hours play and not voices weapons in menu and game.
