The Analogue Turbo Duo clone shipped in time for Christmas 2023. Are you happy with yours ?? Find firmware updates here.
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Topics - molinsky

I got a PC-FX controller in a lot, but I don't have the console. Since I have a PC Engine, I was hoping to find a way to use it with an adapter. It's a nice controller.
Hi everyone! First post here, just got my firts PC Engine.  :dance:

I searched information about power supply options for the old white model and I'm having hard time to find it. I found some tips about Turbo Duo in one topic, CD-ROMĀ² in another and so on. How about to get everything in one topic so everyone can check it?

I got a white PC Engine and the first Core Grafx, both without cables and controllers. I don't know the specs of the power supply for the various PC Engine models. I saw at Classic Game Room youtube channel that the guy was using a Model 1 Sega Genesis power adapter with the Core Grafx, but I don't want to test it without checking because I don't want to fry anything. I already had some consoles with their power adapters: japanese Mega Drive Model 1 (MK-1602 brick), brazilian Master System Model 2 (don't have the number but looks like the small one, MK-3025), american Super Nintendo and I'm waiting a complete Super 32X to arrive (with it's MK-2103 power supply).

For specs of the SEGA bricks, I found this:

Can I use one of those power adapters I have in my PCE/CGfx consoles or do I need to get one for them (and what are the specifications do I need to look)? What can I use from other consoles to provide power for the PCE family? What are the specs for each of the systems? It would be really cool if I get a confirmation of what I found in some topics:  [-o<

- PC Engine/ Turbografx-16/ CoreGrafx: will work with Model 1 Mega Drive and Master System powers adapters
- Interface Unit + PCE + CD-ROMĀ²: will work with Model 1 Mega Drive power adapter
- PC Engine DUO: will it work with Model 1 Mega Drive power adapter (really not sure  :-k)
- DUO-R/RX: ???

Thank you for the attention.