@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Messages - Lochlan

How many times have you guys seen this box for sale over the past year?  I've seen more copies of Magical Chase and Dynastic Hero than Dragon's Curse boxes.  It's a tough one to find.
Quote from: guest on 05/17/2014, 08:01 PMsold my copy to Lochlan
Who has loved it to this very day!  A beautiful story!!!!!
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 05/14/2014, 09:58 AMI'm wasn't about ready to blow $150 on a game I won't play
Why are you mad that your lowball backfired if you weren't even going to play the game in the first place?  I don't get it.
Quote from: guest on 05/03/2014, 11:19 PMif it is anything like IKARI movement wise
Ikari Warriors uses a rotary joystick and action buttons, while Forgotten Worlds uses a normal 8-way joystick for movement and rotary dial/button for shooting.  IMO it's less clunky than rotary joysticks, and interesting/novel as a concept (initially pioneered crudely in Nintendo's Sheriff, heh), but I'm not really a fan and for me those kinds of control schemes disrupt immersion.

Quote from: guest on 05/03/2014, 11:19 PMit would be cool to face the direction you're moving, but not change the direction while moving if the fire button is being hold. Much better than having two buttons to rotate left/right. Just like Caliber 50 who lets you choose both options.
I'm not familiar but it looks like I should be, I would definitely enjoy it!  The input mechanic you're describing is also used by one of my all-time favorites, Shock Troopers on Neo Geo.  I think that style of input is the best option with commando style of games.  Could be interesting in a STG too.  The PCE's Avenger has something similar.  I don't think I've ever seen that setup in a hori STG.
IMO Forgotten words is barely playable with a three-button setup, it's really intended to have rotary input.

I can't imagine playing it with a two-button pad with an awkward third-button placement.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Might and magic map
04/30/2014, 07:33 PM
PM incoming
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: Ys I MAP
04/30/2014, 04:11 PM
How much are you offering?
Quote from: VestCunt on 04/25/2014, 09:58 PMPrices for Insanity and PP never compromised. Aetherbyte is in no danger of selling themselves short.
It's drastically cheaper and easier to manufacture CD titles.  At least an order of magnitude.

I wrote my previous message under the assumption that "a lot" of time goes into manufacturing Atlantean, but I had no idea it was on the level of what TheOldMan described.  Given the amount of work going into this endeavor, I personally don't think even $100 is a sufficiently "fair" price.  A full day's labor is necessary to manufacture what has already had a ton of programming and art work go into it.   What an achievement!  It's impressive, not to mention commendable, that so much is going into providing a professional-quality product for an extremely niche hobbyist market.

My initial opinion is that the Aetherbyte team's efforts to deter "collectors" with this $60 price-point (basically a gift) will ultimately be in vain.  (How could such a lovingly-crafted product help but become a "collector's item"?)  The inherent slowness of the manufacturing process seems like it will force Atlantean, by design, to be produced in only extremely-limited quantities.  Perhaps the thought here is that by manufacturing this in-house they can meet supply over time and never be "out of print"? And by charging $60 they can have access to a more "casual" customer at regional game expos and so forth?  There must also be some fairly radical populist economic reasons behind the price-point, so I think it's pointless to try and convince Aetherbyte to charge even $100--but I could hardly call it a gouge if they decided to charge even more than that.

@The Old Man and Arkhan: I'm assuming you guys must have also considered having HuCards made in China or something like that, right?  Is the market too niche and the tooling too expensive to permit a more conventional production run (as opposed to the hand-made approach  used for Atlantean)?
Also, nothing is wrong with Dragon Quest 1.  I can appreciate that earlier games are more archaic, nobody expects Pong to comparable with PS4 games or whatever.  But DQ1 came out in 1986, Cosmic Fantasy 1 is an embarrassing effort considering how much later it was released.  It's just so clunky and generally poor, although hot damn do I like the title song.  It's not even the production values of one particular thing, it's just the lack of polish on the overall package that ruins it for me personally.  I liked #2 quite a bit (despite it also having so-so tile work) and bought the first title expecting to have at least a decent time, but was pretty disappointed with my brief attempt to enjoy it.

And Black Tiger, those screenshots you posted are just proof that DQV is kind of shitty too.  Despite being heavily-loved by DQ fans (or so I understand) it's one of my personally least-favorite JRPGs, it's another one I just couldn't get into.  CF1 has really crappy tiles, putting it next to other below-average tile work isn't making a case for CF1 being non-terribad.

Edit: I was definitely not playing JRPGs in 1989, I didn't pick up any until like ~92ish.  I am looking into the historical context more and I concede that I'm mis-evaluating how relatively primitive it is in context--to an extent.  I am not giving it enough credit, but there are Famicom JRPGs I enjoy way more that came out the same year or even earlier.

I had so many moments playing CF1 where I felt "oh wow that's shitty."  The Mayor's son (???) in the first town who magically appears, the treasure chests you have to open via a menu that don't have an "opened" graphic, THE HORRENDOUS LOAD TIMES (when I stumbled upon the menu that lets the green bike guy talk it and it took like 30 seconds I wanted to shoot myself), etc.  They clearly spent a lot of money making the cutscenes amazing and put not enough time into developing the engine.

/Serious discussion

All of you cosmic fantasy 1 lovers are terrible people with no redeeming qualities.
You should charge more.  I get that this is a hobby for you rather than a business per se, but I, for one, would be happy to pay $100 for a hand-assembled 3D-printed game.
Quote from: guest on 04/25/2014, 10:40 AM
Quote from: wolfman on 04/25/2014, 02:49 AMSo there isnĀ“t any difference between those 2?
Did you not read the thread Lochlan linked above?  The mostly aesthetic differences are described (there's no major functional differences).
Obviously he didn't.  Although seeing as how he was too lazy to search the forums for the answer to his question, it's not much of a stretch to believe he wouldn't even bother to read replies to his own thread.
The cut-scenes are very well done.  I have to admit that I really like the title song as well, I listened to it three times before even beginning lol.  Everything else about this game is absolutely awful.

After clearing Cosmic Fantasy 2, which itself sports a pretty mediocre engine, I wasn't expecting much--but I was actually impressed at how awful the first game is.  If I was playing it in 1989 as-intended I probably would have been so blown away by the cut-scenes that nothing else would have mattered.  But it is one of the most primitive JRPGs I have ever played.  The menus are clunky beyond belief.  It is on-par with or worse than Dragon Quest 1.  I'm also shocked that somebody managed to release a game with such impressive cut-scenes paired with such crappy tiles and character sprites.  And the load times, good God!  I got ten minutes in and just couldn't take it any more.

I have higher expectations for later titles.
They are no longer a registered user.  Guess I win?  No warnings needed, I s'pose!
Please enter me into your raffle!
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 04/24/2014, 12:50 PMBut basically how much information you can move at any given moment and how fast that process can be repeated.
You really just have no clue, do you?

Please Google these terms to improve your understanding, so you won't sound like such a twat:
Data Bus
Clock Speed
Address Space

An Engineer
Quote from: mrhaboobi on 04/23/2014, 04:04 PMfactory sealed huh.  guess this is a ultra rare version without the cardboard box.
Guess you didn't know that some games were sealed inside the box as well.
Quote from: jordan_hillman on 04/23/2014, 01:35 AMI'm definitely going to look into getting an everdrive to play these rare titles on my system.
You might have some difficulty playing CD titles on an everdrive...
We live in the post-ebay world where NWC cart prices are national news.  I think pretty much everybody knows to look on eBay for pricing, I would be shocked if somebody threw out a Duo without googling it or checking on eBay.  And let's not forget that we are talking about people in our generation.
Quote from: synbiosfan on 04/22/2014, 05:23 PMMany more people are just going to throw their systems out when the caps go, unaware it can be fixed.
lol what?  Where are you getting that from?
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Action RPG's
04/22/2014, 11:27 AM
A few I like:
Xak I-II
Efera & Jiliora
Quote from: Trenton_net on 04/21/2014, 05:51 PMI know that the 3-button controllers have limited-layout modifications that can be applied
That isn't quite accurate.  You can choose whether button 3 aliases select, run, or nothing.  That's the extent of the "layout modifications."
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB: Spine Cards
04/19/2014, 10:31 PM
I'm not expecting a lot, many of these games are hard to find.  I thought it was worth a shot though.  Let me know if you have any of these, I'll happily pay fair market value.

Image Fight II
Macross 2036
Metamor Jupiter
Spriggan Mark 2
Horror Story
Valis 1
Moonlight Lady
Faussete Amour
Popful Mail
Martial Champion
Rainbow Islands

Thanks for looking!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Turbo cd's only
04/19/2014, 08:29 PM
I'm shocked nobody has picked up the Jack Nicklaus.  It might be disc-only for $40, but it's easily the rarest System Card 2 US release and definitely one of the hardest-to-find Turbo games period.
Quote from: Phase on 04/17/2014, 10:11 PMNice, I also use Xubuntu was using Lubuntu before that about half a year ago but Xu has more features I like.
Ha awesome!  Your preferences for PC Engine and Xubuntu reveal a gentlemanly character and impeccable taste.

LXDE is pretty cool, I tried it out for a while but I always kept going back to XFCE.  I agree that XFCE has a better feature set, but I think both are good choices.  I tried all the major desktop environments (and even flirted with window managers briefly) when Ubuntu went from GNOME to the utter horror that is Unity.

I'm not 100% in love with the packages that come with Xubuntu but that's easy-enough to change.  I have the same ambivalence toward Ubuntu's core product, but I love Debian/APT and it's just the most convenient way to access that eco-system.  I just don't have the time to spend my life configuring Linux distros.
PCE/TG-16|CD/SGX Discussion / Re: lawl
04/17/2014, 09:23 PM
Quote from: guest on 04/17/2014, 05:41 PMVery Collectible,can be worth as,much as $2,000 to the right collector(s).
He's only selling it for $600, so there is quite a profit to be made here.
Xubuntu 4 lyfe
Quote from: galam on 04/17/2014, 08:07 AMThe whole is certainly worth less than the sum of the parts.
100% agree.  Not to mention that many collectors enjoy the act of acquisition itself--sometimes (usually?) more than even the playing.  The OP contains some very wishful thinking.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: TG16/PCE cd archives
04/01/2014, 09:59 PM
Give in to your anger!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: TG16/PCE cd archives
04/01/2014, 09:08 PM
Quote from: Ninja16608 on 04/01/2014, 08:37 PMTimes are not desperate, I live quite comfy thank you...I am not in a position where I can pay for cds (pressed or CDR), pay for mailing, etc.
Living in comfort, can't afford to mail CD-Rs.

Quote from: Ninja16608 on 04/01/2014, 08:37 PMI have been a member here for a long time (just reading)
Date Registered: April 09, 2013, 03:03:51 PM

This thread delivers!
I would like to enter!  I'm a PCE developer as well FYI, I'll even PM you my WIP demo if you promise not to redistribute it :)
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: TG16/PCE cd archives
04/01/2014, 12:46 PM
Wow, $5 CD-Rs.  Good scam!
Quote from: Nec.Game.head on 03/31/2014, 02:03 PMGreat prices and well said Necromancer !! Damn too bad I missed out on some of these games. You snooze you loose is the game that's played !!!
Lol what
Quote from: guest on 03/31/2014, 07:58 AMIs anyone familiar with the eBay seller "draggindawgs" out of Las Vegas?
It is RoyVegas.  He changed his eBay handle recently, probably to avoid getting recognized.  He dumped a bunch of really rare stuff recently, some for very high prices.  I bought a couple of the rarer items off him myself.
A few of those prices are high, but most are about market value IMO.  I bought Camp California and Godzilla from him and feel fine about the prices.  Beyond Shadowgate is kind of a deal IMO considering how much it's been going for lately, although I'm sure more than a few people around here might disagree.
PM sent for Camp California and Godzilla!
Quote from: NightWolve on 03/30/2014, 02:45 AMOn the topic, something puzzles me here: I don't understand how he sent a package that wasn't fully paid for... So it winds up at his local USPS but locked until the difference is paid, I got that part, but don't get how they put it in the system without full payment in advance and shipped it off to the target's nearest USPS office. How did this happen exactly ?
First off he paid for the shipping via paypal/ebay.  So he didn't have an opportunity to get rejected at the counter.

The way it was explained to me by the USPS clerk was that "USPS is not a collection agency" and that they try to complete service whenever possible.  I did have the option of rejecting the package, in which case the seller would have had to pay for the difference in shipping to me PLUS the cost of shipping back to him.  But ultimately I preferred getting the box/manual/case and paying a little under $4 than to send it back to the seller.
Here's a summary of what happened.

1. I buy an empty box for Parasol Stars and Devil's Crush a day or two apart.  Devil's Crush arrives without issue.  Parasol Stars is listed as "out for delivery" for days.  I e-mail the seller asking if they insured the package since it seems to be lost in limbo.  No response.

2. I go to the post office, turns out the seller sent priority box with first-class postage.  USPS doesn't allow that and charged me for priority mail, so I had to pay $4 to release the package.  Also the package was 7oz and they paid for 6oz so I owed for the extra ounce as well.  I e-mail the seller and tell them about it.  No response.  I wait a few days.

3. Having never heard from the seller, annoyed that I had to pay extra moneys for their mistake, I leave negative feedback.  I finally get a response!

Quoteyou paid no shipping on both products and i have the tracking slip still
with the hipping price and weight which was and always is 7 oz. i will be
contacting ebay about these items and the bad feedback. I dont make the
package size ebay does. Enjoy not being able to buy my other 30 games cib.
Or any other deal I sell all my products lower than anyone. That was just
my empty boxes.
I respond with a picture of the box that says 6oz and postage due and say this:
QuoteHi.  I attached a photo of the label.  Note where it says six ounces, and note where it says "postage due" many many times.  The amount written on the box was re-calculated when I was at the post office and was $3.77.

First off, I have an amazing TG/PCE collection, I have Shadowgate, Cotton, Tonma CIB, etc.  It's hilarious that you're saying I can't buy from you anymore as if it's some sort of missed opportunity for me.  Why would I ever want to buy from you again?  My experience with you was pretty poor so far.  Why would you even bother writing a message like that?    The prices I paid for these boxes was pretty good, and the condition is reasonable.  I am satisfied in that regard.  But, really, if you wanted to avoid the negative feedback you should have replied to my message.  Either of them.  I guess now you'll know for next time?

BTW if you would like to pay me the postage you claimed was "free" (plus my own $4 I guess?) it would be appreciated.
I don't leave feedback for Devil's Crush.  Maybe I should have?  I get an unsolicited message from them:
Quotewhy dont you go ahead and rate the other box? its because your an ignorant prick burn in hell loser 3 dollars your a broke joke clearly wow that is so pathetic. realizing you admitted you got great prices yet 3 dollars matters so much all of a sudden. Get a life and stop acting like your doing someone a favor by being a prick. you got shit for a collection considering you ate up two common game boxes like they were candy.
I leave more negative feedback and report them to ebay.  Fin.  (Or is it?)

Just found this whole thing pretty hilarious and wanted to share with y'all that this person is a nut in case they post some juicy turbobs on the bay.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Raffle: Spines
03/22/2014, 06:45 PM
Please enter me into your awesome raffle.  Thank you!

Congratulations to NightWolve!  PM me with your address and I'll send this thing your way!

Ok, this raffle ends tomorrow.  Last call!
Thanks for the reply!  How do you "fold the corners in," exactly?  Can you do this in a way that makes them lie flat?
Quote from: esteban on 03/14/2014, 05:50 PMYou guys are making it difficult and cumbersome to get the damn game out when you want to play it.
Opening bags: not cumbersome ;)  I see where you're coming from with the sentiment, but I don't think resealable bags seriously inhibit your ability to access the game media.

Anyway, I bought some of the side-sealing bags for both single and double jewel cases.  (Many thanks to MotherGunner!) Only the doubles have arrived, and so far I'm liking them--but the corners make some very silly looking points on the ends of the jewel case.  @MotherGunner and anybody else who's gone down this road: do you guys what do you do about those?  I guess I can tape the non-flap end, is that the best option?
Anybody else interested in entering, or should I just spin the wheel?
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB: SuperGrafx console
03/15/2014, 03:28 PM
Mainly interested in the console only (I don't need any controllers or hook-ups), but I'll entertain any offers.  Cosmetic condition is not too important.

This is still available!  $40 shipped seems like a nice price, c'mon people!  Also taking offers but I guess I'm mainly interested in trades over "will you take $X less?"
Quote from: guest on 03/13/2014, 08:35 PMNot sure if I would keep crest of wolf on the list. Its a generic mediocre beat'em up. There are many other games which are better.
I disagree.

First of all I think Crest of Wolf/Riot Zone is actually a pretty decent game.  I admit that it's unremarkable, and the lack of co-op is lame, but overall it's an enjoyable and high-quality title (although too-easy).

As for there being "many other games which are better", well: there are very few belt-scrollers on the PCE, and frankly I don't think any of them are great.  Even Double Dragon II is only "pretty good", and I don't think holds its own compared to some of the superb titles on Genesis or SNES.  Now maybe you meant "many other [non-belt-scrolling] games" but it's pretty hard to compare across genres.  (I mean, sure, I liked Dracula X more or whatever.)
This thread turned out way better than I expected!

Quote from: guest on 03/13/2014, 05:07 PMA penitent man