RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - ParanoiaDragon

Now that my wife has beat the game, & I'm getting near the end!  Oh well, maybe someyear I'll play thru it again, it's a looooong game, especially for Ys.  Really stinkin' fun, wife didn't want the game to end!
Quote from: CrackTiger on 11/08/2017, 04:14 PM
Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 11/07/2017, 04:27 AM
Quote from: CrackTiger on 11/06/2017, 02:41 PMEven when dev teams have a name, they are often staffed by random people who often are known for working on major dev teams.

Companies like RED seemed to be more responsible for the creative side of things, but may very well have also been big into game design, but not the under the hood coding. Many of Hudson's PCE games were worked on by multiple companies teams, but even when its unknown which aspects they each handled, secret subcontracting was the norm back then.

For what it's worth, Gate of Thunder is supposed to have been "made" by members of the dev team that worked on Thunder Force III.
I thought it was done by some members of the team responsible for Aeroblasters/Air Buster?  That was in one of the Turbo Play's IIRC.
That's the thing about trying to match companies instead of individual people to game development. They may very well have worked on shooters "developed" or publushed by a dozen different companies that generation.
That's true, makes it confusing that way unfortunately.
Quote from: CrackTiger on 11/06/2017, 02:41 PMEven when dev teams have a name, they are often staffed by random people who often are known for working on major dev teams.

Companies like RED seemed to be more responsible for the creative side of things, but may very well have also been big into game design, but not the under the hood coding. Many of Hudson's PCE games were worked on by multiple companies teams, but even when its unknown which aspects they each handled, secret subcontracting was the norm back then.

For what it's worth, Gate of Thunder is supposed to have been "made" by members of the dev team that worked on Thunder Force III.
I thought it was done by some members of the team responsible for Aeroblasters/Air Buster?  That was in one of the Turbo Play's IIRC.
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 11/05/2017, 04:05 PM
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 11/05/2017, 09:39 AMBesides Westerners lack of familiarity with Wataru, If they kept it as is there may have been licensing issues from Sunrise. So at least from a packaging perspective they tried to adapt it.
Right but how did we arrive at 40 year old with a mullet in hockey pads?

They basically turned him into a super hero you see at the dentist or some shit, lol.
Quote from: Gypsy on 11/04/2017, 07:24 PM
Quote from: Digi.k on 11/04/2017, 03:15 PMI like this but then when you enter those levels where you fly around and avoid the spikes.... *powers off console*
Yeah, spikes are frustrating.  Also, those skulls that suck you in & insta death.  I rarely could get the timing right!
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 11/04/2017, 01:40 AM
Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 11/04/2017, 01:23 AM
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 11/03/2017, 12:33 PMI wish Skate or Die had been ported to the turbob.

That should be Tom's next hackup with new art.   

Or I could finally get around to doing it myself, but that sounds like work.

The SOD2 ramp had too much animation for our sanity.
Man, I'd kill for a tweaked Skate or Die 2 on the Turbob.  I've said that before, but it must be emphasized!
The ramp part, or the adventure-game part?

I would make the adventure game part before the ramp part, myself.

That ramp has too many frames of animation and shit lol.    The McTwist animation, and the footplant especially.

Skate or Die 2 as a whole is another one of those rarely mentioned games for the NES that was surprisingly good.
The adventure part, I love both, but yeah, the adventure.  My only complaint would be that the adventure maybe needs some slight tweaking on the controls, but, maybe I'm wrong on that.  Love the music & the sound in that game in general!
It's gotta be.  For instance, I've played the tunes back to back that are in both games, I just can't tell a difference.  Plus, a lot of the sound effects sound the same to me, like when you get hit, or the bonking noise.
Quote from: Gypsy on 11/03/2017, 05:10 PMI have a love/hate relationship with this one. FUGGIN HARD MAN.
This!  I definitely think it kills the arcade version.  I like the music.  It was one of my first games, came with the bundle I bought from a friend back in Feb of 91 with Vigilante, Ninja Spirit, Splatterhouse & ......dun dun DUUUUUNN Keith Courage of coarse!
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 11/03/2017, 12:33 PMI wish Skate or Die had been ported to the turbob.

That should be Tom's next hackup with new art.   

Or I could finally get around to doing it myself, but that sounds like work.

The SOD2 ramp had too much animation for our sanity.
Man, I'd kill for a tweaked Skate or Die 2 on the Turbob.  I've said that before, but it must be emphasized!
Quote from: guest on 11/02/2017, 11:19 AMBonk 2 definitely has a different sound engine. Completely different from 1. Composition style sounds quite a bit different to my ears as well.

I like Kyukyoku Tiger, but I prefer Raiden. It was such a high-class graphical presentation in the arcade. For home versions I'd say they're a lot more similar, but in the arcade Raiden was the distinct winner in my book.
Did you mean Bonk 3?  That's a completely new engine, & I always wished they stuck with the original.  The first 2 use the same sound engine, & Bonk 2 even reuses several songs.  One of the projects I aim to working on is a remix of Bonk 3 CD, to make it sound like a souped up version of the Bonk 1/2 sound engine.....if i ever get any time to do it that is!
IIRC, the music in this was done by the same guy who did DE, Legedary Axe 2, Bonk 1 & 2, & I think Maniac Pro Wrestling if I remember right.  At the very least, it's all the same sound engine.  I think Shubibiman is the one that originally pointed it out to me.
Atari 2600
Turbob Grafx
Neo Geo

Game & Watch
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 10/29/2017, 01:47 AM
Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 10/29/2017, 01:14 AMDang it, I want to try it right now, but I know I'll get sucked in & I don't have time for that!  Thanks a bunch Ark, you're wasting my time!?!  Seriously though, thanks Ark, you & Paul rock!
I don't know how much time you really need.  It's just astrosmash, lol.

Pretty fun for a little time wasting diversion once in awhile, or just leave the title screen on because the music is dope.
True dat, I ended up firing it up for awhile!
Dang it, I want to try it right now, but I know I'll get sucked in & I don't have time for that!  Thanks a bunch Ark, you're wasting my time!?!  Seriously though, thanks Ark, you & Paul rock!
Bummer, why isn't the warning stage going to make it? Lack of time for the development?
I remember as a kid, somebody telling me they made it Run, & the I & II buttons so they didn't get sued by Nintendo.  Otherwise it'd be too close to the NES pad.  By that logic, I guess the MD pad was different enough with having A B & C buttons, & no select button.
Yeah, the game is unfinished, at least for now.  Fragmare was working on sprites & tiles, & I was working on my own rendition of the soundtrack, including a few extra tracks, like different songs for each Wily level, & a Wily boss tune.  I really only have maybe 4 songs left to do, but I just haven't had time or enough motivation.  Haven't worked on any music since last July!

I hosted the songs that are basically finished here:
Nevermind, I'm super tired.  It's not in english, just emulated in general. Feel free to delete this thread!  ](*,)
Fantastic game, haven't finished it yet though.  The translation just doesn't seem bad enough to warrant the outcry.  My wife decided to play this as her next game, & is super addicted!  Infact, I've been playing it for a month, & she's only been playing it for a couple weeks, & she passed my progress on it a couple nights ago!
Hah, Zapman, awesome, love it!
Quote from: Michirin9801 on 10/08/2017, 07:07 PM
Quote from: OldRover on 10/08/2017, 05:23 PMThe stage has layered parallax.
And there was much rejoicing! :)

First thing I actually thought of, was Shockman.  For whatever wierd reason, I didn't even think of Mega Man.
Thanks, yeah, I prefer the music in the GBA version of Mega Man & Bass rather than the SNES version.

Harmony of Dissonance does sound like it uses more instruments, though, that makes me think of Impossamole, which also seemed to use more instruments somehow.  I don't know if whoever did the music on that one somehow overlapped multiple sounds on one channel or what, or maybe it's just my imagination.
I won't hold you to it.  Another soundtrack that I love, that most people complain about, is Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance.  That also has more of a PCE sound to it, some great tunes in that game!  Quite frankly, the Turbo can probably do a much better job at the Harmony of Dissonance tunes.

From Mega Man & Bass, one's I'd love to hear Turbo-ized are:
From Harmony of Dissonance(some of them give me a Legendary Axe 2 feel, though, not as much bass:
Actually, the entirety of the GBA version of Mega Man & Bass sounds a lot like the Turbo.  I wouldn't mind hearing some PCE renditions of some of those songs!
I'm really leaning on getting it.
Yeah, that's true, I enjoy the trophies that require skill!
Good grief, I'm just not hip enough for the sexiness of those dance moves, I mean seriously, DA-YUM! :D
I grew to enjoy trophies.  While I don't try to get 100% on most games, I do get what's reasonable, & it's ended up giving various games extra replay value for me.
Equifax.  I've read so many opinions of what to do, or not do......that I just don't know who to trust on the best coarse of action with that whole mess, so that my wife n' I have at least some protection from us being screwed over by some thieves somewhere down the road.
Quote from: guest on 09/19/2017, 04:43 PM
Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 09/17/2017, 01:07 AMIs there anyone else that'd be willing to do all the frames of animation of the SoDII Ramp clone?  Black Tiger?
Probably, and then you can find someone to program it, too.

lol.   We have other stuff going on now and I'd rather not add stuff to the list.   We've sort of always operated on a 1(ish) thing at a time sort of setup.

I'd almost rather clone one of the gameboy skate or die games.   tour de thrash had the fun sewer ditch skating, and bad n' rad was basically castlevania with a skateboard.

Those games all don't really get enough attention for whatever reason.

They were all really great. 
I gotta play the GB ones again, I never have given them much time.
Is there anyone else that'd be willing to do all the frames of animation of the SoDII Ramp clone?  Black Tiger?

As for Jungle Bros. & Spriggan Mark II, I believe Tom/Bonknuts was up on both of those.  I'm pretty sure I remember him thinking about tackling JB, but that was a couple years ago.  The soundtrack & grafx were near to completion  IIRC.  I havn't looked at my music files on that in a while, so I forget how many songs were left to do, 3 or 4?

I think Bonknuts had RL stuff catch up with him, as it's caught up with me as well.  I haven't made any kind of tunes in over a year!  Sometime in July of last year was the last time I did anything.  I have been working on a project where I'm replacing tracks for a couple of cd games. Namely, Double Dragon II & Super Darius.  I've been finding various remakes of the tunes for them, remixing them a bit, & making them the exact length as the original tracks so that when it doesn't mess up the timing on the cinemas & levels & such.  I'm pretty close to done with Double Dragon II, but I'm stuck on finding a replacement for the Helicopter scene.  This is the only one I've found

It's maybe slightly less repetitive than the NES original, but, still....  If anyone knows of anyother remakes of that song....that would rock my world! :D  I plan on releasing DDII & Super Darius remix ost's to everybody via Esteban who seemed excited about it months & months ago when I first told him about it.
Dope dope dope!
General Gaming / Re: Secret of Mana Remake
08/30/2017, 01:04 AM
Man I could go for an HD version of Bubsy 3D, I'd KILL!  Don't fix the controls, just give me 1080 on that bad boy!  Actually yeah, Giana Sisters is cool, I have it.  Haven't beaten it yet.  I do wonder if the if the new Bubsy will turn out ok.  I recal the first game being alright.  I never played the 2nd one.  I have the Jag game.....uh huh.  And I got Bubsy 3D cuz it was cheaper than dirt on's pretty bad.  I would like to enjoy it, but I don't.

Which reminds me, I must be the only person who actually likes Sword of Mana! *runs for the hills*  I never really played Final Fantasy Adventure, so SoM came first for me, than I played Adventures of Mana recently.  It'd been eons, but the only thing I remember not liking about SoM was the glitchiness......which may have been a feature come to think of it!
Speaking of great anime, I just discovered this!  I wish it was real!
I haven't played thru it yet. I've been wanting to play it in english, but have had trouble patching it.  In any case, I did listen to the soundtrack repeatedly in my car to & from work a few months ago, & at the very least, I love the soundtrack.
Quote from: guest on 08/15/2017, 08:09 PMPrince Rupert Gaming Expo
Quote from: Gredler on 08/15/2017, 08:25 PM
Quote from: haightc on 08/15/2017, 06:34 PMOut of curiosity what is the PGRE?
I believe it's the portland retro gaming expo
Quote from: guest on 08/15/2017, 08:45 PM
Quote from: haightc on 08/15/2017, 06:34 PM
Quote from: guest on 08/15/2017, 01:20 PM
Quote from: guest on 08/15/2017, 01:10 PMBlack Tiger didn't go for the big reveal?
It was in Arizona. :P

If I can swing it at the time, I'll be at the PGRE.
Out of curiosity what is the PGRE?
PRGE (Portland Retro Gaming Expo)
Quote from: Gredler on 08/15/2017, 08:59 PMPGRE Is portland retro gaming expo, I think.
I want to say it's maybe the Portland Retro Gaming Expo......but it's also possible that it's the Prince Rupert Gaming Expo......just not sure.
Unless I missed it in the thread, there were reportedly finished versions of World Heroes 1 & King of the Monsters 2.  Who knows if they'll ever make it into the wild.  I've said it before on these forums, but years ago, when talking to one of WD's Shirley Bros.  He said that they weren't going to release World Heroes, since they were convinced TTI was going to release the Arcade Card & World Heroes 2 in NA, & WD was afraid World Heroes 1 wouldn't sell because of the 2nd game better I guess.  Ironically, King of the Monsters 2 wasn't release, but it turned out it would require the Arcade Card, since as is, it had to load several times within a level with the limitations of the Super CD.

 Wish I had a recording of the conversation, incase there's anything I'm forgetting about the conversation.
My main ringtone right now, is the main overworld theme from Dungeon Explorer 1.  For when my dad calls, since I work for him, I have the boss theme from Bonk 1 & 2.  My notification noise is currently the tune that plays in Neutopia when you acquire an item.  However, I haven't found a way to make notifications have different tunes, such as 1 for text messages, 1 for voice mails, etc.
Probably yeah.  I try not to leave even my backpack in my car(or at least showing) even though it just contains bottle water, deoderant, & some El Pollo Loco coupons.  I can totally see someone saying HEY, there must be something worth something in there!  So they break into my car just to get it.
Yeah, Orange is not missable.  Maybe a slow blinking white/orange arrow as mentioned by Michirin!
Quote from: guestIMG
Nice....some Last Resort lookin' Henshin stuff me thinks!
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
08/05/2017, 11:25 PM
Quote from: Gypsy on 08/05/2017, 02:22 PMI was going to go for a Wonder Boy in the 2nd wave if anything just to sell at cost to someone that missed out, but I was playing Yakuza 0 and forgot about it, so no big deal.

Apparently the PA version doesn't have a manual, but it sure beats paying flipper rates.
I am glad it comes with a manual.  I really wanted one, the only thing I'm really missing out on from the CE is the 2CD's.  I do however have to find a way to sell Lawbreakers, since the only way I was able to get Wonderboy, was in the bundle! :P  Anyone here want Lawbreakers, $40, that means I make a penny profit off of it LOL!
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
08/04/2017, 10:12 AM
Yup, from here, it looked like 2 minutes & it was gone like a fart in the wind!  I tried for the special edition first....gone, so hurriedly went for the regular edition.....gone!  Gonna try again on my phone later when I'm at work, but I should NOT get my hopes up!  2 per customer....that really knocks the wind out of me! :P  I really want the special edition, but, I want the game regardless, so, not sure if I should just try to nab the regular while others fight for the special edition? Decisions, decisions......
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
07/31/2017, 01:14 AM
If anyone has an Oceanhorn they don't want, maybe swap with my Plague Road?  Let me know!
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
07/30/2017, 01:39 AM
Man, Oceanhorn flew off the handle!  Within 3 minutes, it was gone!  Barely got Plague Road as it is, though I'd much prefer Oceanhorn over Plague Road.  I might've nabbed Oceanhorn had it not been for me inputting something wrong in one of the fields for the credit card info.  I'm quite bummed about it!
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
07/25/2017, 02:06 AM
Next friday I believe.
As am I, if I've never said it before, thank you Elmer & Sam!
Indeeed, thank you thank you thank you!  I wonder if this might get Jun to go ahead & release the others.  Wasn't there some talk of him possibly doing that down the road??