The Analogue Turbo Duo clone shipped in time for Christmas 2023. Are you happy with yours ?? Find firmware updates here.
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Messages - clackattack

footbawl?? FOOTBAWL!!!
Room for one more in that there thingy dingy?
Yup, got mine ordered up just before his prices went back up, solid deal for sure. I was really surprised to see a black friday deal on such a site, pretty sweet tho!
Yeaya! found what I want as a stocking stuffer!
Binged for 8 hours straight yesterday on D.E.II with a good friend I rarely get to hang with. Both our wives happened to be out of town and we were off work... full dude on dude action all night long, SuperCD style!
Whoa bro, a rare batch of defects... could be valuable eventually  :twisted: :twisted:
Quote from: cjameslv on 11/27/2014, 10:07 AMMan, i wish you could cash those in today!
Thanks to the wonder of Ebay, apparently you can... Or at least thats what this dude is trying to attempt
Drum roll...............

**Cymbals chime**, **Batman chomps**

And we have a winner!
Its Grache !!! Pulling in the win with his Cherry! Great job Grache, and good eating for Bruce Wayne! I just hope you are as happy as Batman is right now  8)
Ready...set...and GO!!!
The Batman
The contestants....

Sorry but ya gotta click it to see it
I call dibbs on all copies of Magical Chase! ........if there are any :)
I know what ya'll are thinking, but I swear im not starving my pet you guys. I just realized at around midnite last nite when I went to do this that I needed to go grocery shopping to have all necessary items   ](*,)   Sent a list with the wifey this morning tho, so we should be able to get this show on the road here as soon as im off work
Room for one more?
looks laquered to me... take the card cover off and hit it with a hair dryer, if it starts to get a little sticky or gooey from the heat, its definitely laquer. Never heard of a glossy-finished NEC console
Sorry im a day late, that damn moving truck end up being a bigger PITA than I had anticipated. Ok, decided to go full fruit since I know the bugs he likes and for the most part he doesnt dig nuts. Check original post for fruit assignments... the feast shall comence once Im off work tonite with pics to follow!
LAST CALL!!!! Last call for entry into this raffle of epic proportions! The box closes at 4pm EST. gotta unload a moving truck once im off work, but THEN i will be doing the roll. Batman had a light breakfast this morning so I know he will be hungry for somethin yummy this evening! gonna unload that truck and go gather goodies for him to choose from afterwards... stay tuned for snack assignments!  8)
Quote from: albatross on 11/17/2014, 11:14 AMokay so where can i get the roms? and how does it work exactly?  do i need 2 sd cards for the us and jap games?  how big should the sd cards be?  i messaged bernie about roms but have not heard back.
i imagine google would be a better place to go with such questions
I dunno there Mad, Id say just call it at 20 entrants. No one else really seems to be very interested :(
I just wove waffles! Just now realizing that I dont have any racing/driving games at all for my tg16... anyway I can get in on this one? Also, is final lap worth picking up? I think i have a local lead on a copy of it
just a little cleanup and re-grease may get u back up and running
Aaaaaaalrightythan, lets see Handy, Evilevo, and Grache... Dandy like candy mis amigios! Ill try to snag sum good video of his flying antics. I always seem to have upload issues with youtube, but ill give it another shot
Awesome looking end-product there Pcefx! Glad someone was finally able to pull this off now! Weve been teased with talk and speculation of these for far too long. Count me in for a batch once you start taking orders
But the squeekiest wheel gets oil first
But yea, in all seriousness, i told my wife this was the ONLY thing i want for Christmas... now we wait to see how good of a listener she is
Quote from: esteban on 11/15/2014, 06:41 PMI thought Sugar Glider was a toy, or something.
Haha, not quite. hes more like a flying chipmunk looking guy, but hes totally a marsupial. They're really cool. Hypoalergenic, dont shed or produce dander. Damn things can live for 10-15 years. You will have a chance for a proper introduction soon enough though, hes been busting at the seems to be able to contribute to our Turbo-community :)

Oh yea, your in Gentle. How bout u Este? I know U want in on this Glider/Footbawl waffle action
Damn Choi, if your feeliong generous enuf, i could use some of that stuff! i actually have a 3do that could benefit from one of those... my cd-rom2 is doing good for now, but also to have some as a spare. Or hell, if you dont have plans for your whole sheet wolfman, maybe you would be interested in splitting it with me?  :-k
Null, Mitsu, & Spenoza... yall are in like Flynn. I know The Bat will enjoy this little experiment. Im curious myself as to whether hes gonna go after something fruity or something sweet. I may even throw a bug or two in the mix just for research purposes... ya know, he has a very sophisticated palate.
I hear that moon nazis make a majority of the bootleg discs around on the market today. I would imagine thier moon base has a pretty large production facility, hard to compete with that
Finally getting around to doing a raffle of my own. First time doing this, so bare with me! Will try my best to draw on the 21st (may b a day late).

Loose HuCard only... i kinda sorta hadta cannabalize the case for my naked Neutopia. Sorry guys, trying to keep this here in the 48 so i can afford to ship it for free to the winner.

Im putting my own little spin on things, this is how the decision will be made: Each entrant, at random, will be assigned a particular shape/flavor of a sugar glider snack... on the day of the drawing I will lay out all snacks and let Bruce Wayne a.k.a. Batman (my sugar glider) take his pick of the bunch. Whichever yummy little morsel he chomps into first will dictate the winner! Photo evidence will be posted along with results... he just loves his picture taken :)

Whether you like football or sugar gliders, this raffle is sure to make someone happy!

1. Nulltard - Apple
2. Mitsuman - Banana
3. Spenoza - Blueberry
4. Gentlegamer - Pear
5. HandyMan907 - Pineapple
6. EvilEvoIX - Grape
7. Grache - Cherry
cant believe no one else is lacking this from thier collection and doesn't want a shot at winning!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: RAFFLE: Final Zone II
11/15/2014, 02:01 PM
Room for one more? waffle waffle!
I think im doing this right...
Old news there, no copies of it are available anymore
Sounds to me like you are getting something oit of this, otherwise why would you be going through so much work? I mean, i know he's your friend and all but damn, does he not not how to use a computer? Or maybe he has no hands...?
I would surely think that Beyond Shadowgate would make an appearance.
aww man, dead last :( ... Congrats to CJames!
Totally radical, it showed up in the mail today! Stuck at work for another hour and a half, but you better believe its going in the console as soon as I walk in the door! ;)  Thanks again CJames!
Quote from: ngagne on 11/12/2014, 12:56 PMMy first post, count me in!
Tsk tsk, shouldve made a better first post than a raffle roffle for Keither Courageland
That thing usually does run pretty hot, but without a heatsink it will die. Radioshack has a few different 220 heatsinks, go check those out
Welcome to the forums! I look foward to passing on my Turbo-love to my next generation at some point. I may have a dupe or two... lemme look for em, ill PM you.
Good luck to all the entrants! Look foward to many hours of cultist kicking and bird slapping :P
Cant believe I won!!!  :dance:  Yay!  :dance:  Stoked to get this in my system and crank up the surround and kill the lights... nothing like a good creepy game in the dark.  Super-duper thanx to CJames for holding this badass raffle and for drawing my winning ticket  :wink:  I too hope to hold a raffle of my own sooner than later, it may not be as cool as this one but itll be a raffle none the less. O yea, and happy belated Halloween to all u guyz!
Definintly a nice looking peice of cardboard ya got there. I really only have 2 or 3 TG16 game boxes... that one would by far be the coolest one as for artwork. Could I possibly get a ticket for this one?
its pretty good, im about 9-10 hours in and im definitely enjoying it. Ive been switching out between it and Mysterious Song
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB Mysterious Song
10/27/2014, 03:52 PM
Awesome news on the reprint! I ended up scoring a copy from our good friend KeithCourage for a good deal I couldnt refuse. Hell, I may still end up pre-ordering a second print copy just to have the 2 versions...
Quote from: Gentlegamer on 10/25/2014, 04:27 PMI was making a joke, and ended up with two entries. Please delete one.
I will gladly tell a good joke if it will earn me a second entry into the hat  :3
Yea man i feel for ya, about 7 years ago I had my apartment broke into and had pretty much everything electronic stolen... Except my 56" TV. Lets seeeeeee my Ps3, Xbox360, Wii, all games and accessories for said systems, my 1K$ video camera, SLR camera, PSP, Nin.DS, both my laptops (school & work), and about 700$ in cash. Pretty much everything that was in my living room minus the cash, which was in my bedside night stand. My entire retro collection was setup im my room, and thank god none of that was touched. Thanks to my renters insurance, i was able to replace everything for considerably less than what I had originally paid, and about a year later that police dept. called and told me they had recovered my video camera! It was trying to be pawned in a shop about an hour and a half from where I lived. Come to find out, I had been robbed by a couple of fucking kids! Seriously! 2 teenagers, and neither one of them was even 16!!! Unfortunatly for the camera, it had been dropped and the lens had come off the track, so it was junk... at least I got to recover the tape in it :\

In my case, i feel like it was a blessing in disguise since nothing of any real sentimental value or rare/collectable was taken. Thanksfully because of this, I was actually able to pocket a little bit of my settlement since I was able to buy preowned.

In short, my condolences so go out to you sir, I am super sorry for your loss. I know exactly how you felt when you came home to find your shit in disarray. Be thorough with looking thru everything. I was finding out that other things were stolen an entire month after the fact, I just didnt think to check EVERYWHERE at the time. Get yourself some insurance. I know hindsight is 20/20 and all that mess and im sure your sick to your stomach hearing everyone repeatedly tell you this, but renters insurance is pretty damn cheap and I can attest personally to the fact that it is WELL worth it. I will definitely be on the look out for anything that sounds like it could be from your collection, I tend to frequent Feebay and the Zon for "good deals" so ill make sure to keep my eyes peeled.