10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Messages - Arkhan Asylum

its been fixed, hah.

I did that once and pid 1200$ instead of 120...
I once opted for Doom 95 on a LAN instead of golden eye on n64.    N64 = epic fail.
leave it to a bunch of Wii totin kan00bies to complain about a retro game's combat system -_-

It reminds me of that time IGN said the remake of FF3 on DS sucked because it played like a 1990's RPG.

imaaaagineee that
so, did he finish?
General Gaming / Re: One NES per child?
08/17/2008, 02:51 PM
Quote from: WoodyXP on 08/14/2008, 07:54 AMI'd imagine surfing the net on a VIC-20 is better than nothing.  That's good stuff.. IMO.
I would rather imagine what the internet is like.
Quote from: Dark Fact on 08/12/2008, 10:11 PM
Quote from: ArkhanThat and it's annoying to constantly read about all the Turbo bashing in magazines and on sites because the reviewers are dopey and grew up playing Mario Kart and Sonic only because they weren't cool enough to have a TG back in the day.
Gamer's loyalty was a thing that the TG-16 really had going against it back in the day.  I can't even begin to describe the number of Nintendo and Sega loyalists who were gung-ho about their consoles and proceeded at every opportunity to slam the TG.  You look at it in retrospect and you could see how pathetically sad it really was. :(
yep yep.

Back then I had all 3.  I played the Sega and Turbo more.  but i didnt care.   It was about the games not the label. :)

............Mario is still a tool though! :-D
General Gaming / Re: One NES per child?
08/14/2008, 04:36 AM
Quote from: turbo D on 08/14/2008, 03:36 AMI would like to surf the net on a turbo duo or supergrafx+Cdromrom! But I'm the kinda dude who still surfs the net with his dreamcast!
i surfed the net on my c64.

shortly after, I sold the hardware required to do so..  :)
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 08/12/2008, 08:45 PMArkhan I assume you dyed your hair blonde at one point and the pics show the result of letting it grow out?  Kind of looks like you're wearing one of those fuzzy Russian hats.  Also, that pic of you sitting on a rock... I really hope that's not your purse!
no thats my girlfriends purse, lol.  I picked it out though.

My hair is normally brown.  I dyed the underparts red, which faded to orangeish yellowish.  the black faded too.  dye blows weener.

Hrm. I just relocated my stuff to a new room.  I will have to bust out some camera/photo destruction in a bit.

I have a knack for ghetto ass mods, so I would probably put whatever lightswitch, or flashlight switch I can find in there

add duct tape, and some gorilla glue, and a bit of sharpee to cover up my lack of skill, and voila, modified stuff....!

I'll have to try this mod out once I find out where all my solder went.  I thought I had some.  Turns out its just galvanized wire.  Totally doesn't work.
Quote from: Tatsujin on 08/11/2008, 01:15 PMyuna is teh hotty!!
Yeah, if I were a video game character, I'd nail her.  I don't care if she beats my ass afterwards.  It would be worth it.

and then I can move on to another game!  Like CAL.  Theres hotties afoot all over the Super CD-Rom world.

Me.  Bowling.  Not so good. 

Me drinking a cherry icee thing.

Vacation in Mayberry.  Barney arrested my ass.

me posing with my Commodore 64.  And my turbo express, and a bunch of other crap.

Me sitting on a rock, in Rock City.  Not the Jefferson Starship one.

No comment
Quote from: Golgo13 on 08/11/2008, 09:19 AMI am strangely drawn to the ghettoness of this product.
that explains your vanilla ice avatar.


 :lol:   heh.

That dude is as high as a m' effin kite.
I still play my oldstuff on an RCA ColorTrak (1983)

It's got an awesome keypad, and sweet volume knob, AND, red LED channel display.

LCD tvs are satan.
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 08/06/2008, 08:30 PMLooks like I remembered it a bit wrong, but the gist is the same.  Here is the scanned page:
*pic removed*

This was from Electronic Game Player #4... the issue BEFORE EGM #1.
Why is that man dressed up like a Wico controller.  Why.

anyway, you have Bubble Bobble.  You're done finding good multiplayer stuff :)

there is Altered Beast, but I don't know if you will think its that good on the SMS.   I like playing it on there, even though I know its horrid.....
Quote from: turbo D on 08/10/2008, 08:20 PMgrabbed another Yuna vhs today. heh.


...Yuna.  Not you!
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/11/2008, 02:42 AM
Quote from: Psycho Arkhanits not like theyre very complex inside.
I hope that's a joke.
by complex I mean, hard to locate stuff, touch (break) stuff, and work inside of it.  I took one apart once to see inside it.

I have a US saturn.   This mod works the same??
Quote from: nat on 01/23/2008, 10:28 PMAt some point I want to play through this copy of Ys for the Apple IIGS I've had sitting here forever, untouched.

It just seems like it'll be odd to play Ys on a computer.
I have it for the PC!  Adol looks like Chewbacca.  The DOS music is epic!  *boopboopableepdoop*

Personally I think the virtual console blows anyways.  You get no book/case, and you end up with a downloaded file for X amount of $$ that you can't even let your friends borrow because it's tied to your Wii system which has limited memory, and could also fail at any moment. 

Not to mention, playing old games on a battery powered remote is idiotic! 

That and it's annoying to constantly read about all the Turbo bashing in magazines and on sites because the reviewers are dopey and grew up playing Mario Kart and Sonic only because they weren't cool enough to have a TG back in the day. 
ooo.  You saturn mods?

where!? How do i do!?

I was going to bust it open and resolder the power jack, so maybe I can do that too...  its not like theyre very complex inside.

I changed the batteries and its fine.  Haha!   Good to know...

Now I can play Shockman on the go again!
General Gaming / Re: Shogo anyone?
08/10/2008, 08:14 PM
I set up a server at

I'll leave it up, but if I'm afk try not to shoot me, lol
Is there anything that can be done to a Turbo Express screen to make it not so damn bright?  Even on the lowest brightness, it often goes all crazy and i have to tilt it strange ways to make the screen visible.!
Just got a copy of Tricky Kick for 5$, and Panzer Dragoon for 6$


General Gaming / Re: Shogo anyone?
08/10/2008, 02:16 AM
is the server down or somethin? 

Its not showing any games for me atm.
Yeah.  a program that takes advantage of programming the PSG and lets you track like a normal tracker, would be excellent.

and then the files could be exported and reused in HuC projects... !
General Gaming / Re: Shogo anyone?
08/06/2008, 11:27 PM
oh.  yeeah.   Windows.  Had to reboot. problem solved -_- .   

Im all set!  cant wait to play with people.
General Gaming / Re: Shogo anyone?
08/06/2008, 02:11 AM
ok so how come Shogo wont install with WinXP?

I click the setup file and it literally does nothing.

what the crap.
nice nice nice!


I should bug my friend. hes beaten a ton of turbo games and put em on tape.

Heh.  totally didnt see the link.

General Gaming / Re: Shogo anyone?
08/05/2008, 10:07 PM
Installing now. 

When do you guys do MP? I would love to play this with you guys.  Its such a nice game
I hope not.

I'm getting tired of all the newbie Turbo Grafx talk from all the Wii fans around here.

"Guys did you play the latest Bonk?! LOL HE SO PWNS TEH N00Biez" <<<< eeeeeeee. nooooooo!!!!!

or ones where they, being Nintendo fans, start Neutopia vs. Zelda debates and talk about how lame Neutopia is, and how Jazeta is a wussy.

and I especially dislike the youtube reviews.

I hope this doesn't offend anyone.

I won a copy of Shining Force CD, mint for like, 10$

General Gaming / Re: Shogo anyone?
08/05/2008, 08:43 AM
is it safe to say we all got Shogo from the septerra core double pack?

hey wait.   I loaned it to my friend WITH septerra core.

.....time to make a phonecall.
pics or it didnt happen!

Yeah, I would be interested in a more step by step sorta thing, with the right details for which pins are to be switched and all.

I had an idea of taking the HuCard slot out of a broken TG16, and then you plug the game to be converted into that, some wires run along it, flipped where needed, and then reconnect them on a spare hucard (I know! trashing a HuCard! ><), so you could then stick that into the system and play away.

Or rather then trash a hucard, just use something the same size, and make solder traces where it connects to the system.
Hey! that converter is basically what I envisioned!.


I may have to take a spare turbo and try the region mod switch thing instead though.  That would be cooler.
Are there any programs for Linux/Windows/MSX that are designed to compose tunes for PCE? 

I heard there is a .mod converter coming?
Died at the last boss, didn't feel like continuing.


This is an epic game.
Lets say I want to make my own card converter, because I'm broke.

I have a few spare HUCards, and a few broken Turbos.  Is it possible to just take the reader out of the turbo, wire up the trace flips, and put any ol' hucard on the end?
man, there is some other nice stuff too.

might grab a stepdown transformer ,heh
General Gaming / Re: Shogo anyone?
08/03/2008, 04:37 PM
Man I wish I could find my CD for this game.  I used to have alot of fun playing it on my piece of crap 266mhz P2