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Off-Topic / Re: Let's see some mugs
12/07/2006, 09:11 PM
Quote from: Ninja Spirit on 12/07/2006, 03:06 PMDOMO! HAADO GEI DESU!! FUUUUUUU!!!
I couldn't resist..
:lol: :lol: That's genius man.  That's the first celebrity figures I learned about when I was stayin' over in Japan.  When I first saw the guy, I was like, "Who the hell is this guy?"  (But I suppose that's the reaction you're supposed to have when you first see him...)  Certainly the most memorable Japanese entertainer, anyway.

Anyway, I'll jump in.  If you understood out my avatar/user id, then that means you figured out that I'm a big into motorbikes.

So here I am!  :---)

Actually, yeah right.... it's actually more like this...   ](*,)

What?  Faces?  Oh, okay.  Right after I binned the bike from above.  My hair quite isn't as long now.
General Gaming / Re: Sega Saturn
12/07/2006, 01:00 AM
Changing the topic to Saturns for a bit, but...

Is there a good forum for Sega saturns, (like this one for TG16/PCE's)?  If you know any, please share!
It was done by Taito, but you're right.  They do look mighty similar.  Not to mention the whole armor pieces chunking away...
I had some crappy CD-R's flake away so that you could see right through them, but those were just disposable music CDs - (I make copies of my music CDs for the car and whatnot... Cause they take a beating being handled by various people and while in motion, and sorts...).

And those were only a few years old.

But true, I haven't yet had a pressed CD that I took care of go bad on me.
Off-Topic / Re: Canadians: Is this normal?
12/06/2006, 12:46 AM
Quote from: guest on 12/05/2006, 04:35 PM(this is part of my epic SFIICE story).
Now you gotta finish! (if you haven't posted it elsewhere, that is...)
Quote from: from Japanese version ("Ohgon no Siro") and the prototype ("Golden Castle") have a nudity feature not present in Gladiator. The female warrior Irene is shown with bare breasts when defeated by removing all layers of her chest armor (In Gladiator she still wears a bikini top when defeated this way).
I actually do remember this as I played the Japanese version before.  I never knew this wasn't doable in the US version.
Off-Topic / Re: Canadians: Is this normal?
12/05/2006, 03:08 PM
Okay, now I see the picture.  Thanks for clearing that up.

Does UPS actually expect repeat customers with these kinds of extortionate fees?  That's the last fucking time I use those motherfuckers.
Off-Topic / Canadians: Is this normal?
12/05/2006, 01:21 PM
Bear with me - I'm new to the great white north.

So I just ordered 4 8PDT switches for modifying my Duo/PCE systems from the US, cause I couldn't really find a switch like that readily available here (in Calgary), for a total of US$22 + $10 Shipping.

The UPS man comes today, and I had to pay NINETEEN FUCKING DOLLARS for GST + brokerage fees?  Even with the exchange rates adjusted, that's like 75% of the item value! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ABOUT?  I call UPS and those fees are what it is for anything above CDN$20.  She claims it's essentially the same thing no matter where you lived - BULLSHIT.  I've lived in 4 different countries for a year or more, and this is the first time I had to pay retarded fees like that for a small shipment from overseas.

So if you guys order anything from anything out of the border, and the sending party fills in more than CDN$20 for an item, you guys always pay this?

Sorry for the language, I'm pretty damn annoyed.  I mean, I can understand a few bucks for duty for a $22 shipment, but come on...
Though I can't help out with any suggestions for the replacement, capacitor, I wish you luck.  Let us all know how it went...
Gladiator is a friggin' awesome game.  I had a good time with that one in my local circle-K or whatever convenience store it was that had it.

Anyone who played it can probably admit to trying to take off all the chunks of armor of the female boss  :-"  (And don't even deny it!) 

...Hey, I was an elementary school student.  Of course I'm gonna do stuff like that back then... Now that I've hit my 30's... Oh wait, I'd still do that, even more so, probably...  #-o
General Gaming / Re: Sega Saturn
12/04/2006, 12:43 AM
Heh, I recently won a lot of 12 defective Saturns on ebay for $15  (though I had to pay $44 for shipping).  Of the 12, I got 7 of them working nicely now - simply mixing and matching CD laser assembly unit and power supplies.  :dance:

I think I can maybe save 1 or 2 more, but it's time to bust out the soldering iron now, and actually start ripping out the good CD motors...

Can't say I've ever seen it...  But interesting title.  Aurora Quest: Otaku's Constellation in Another World?
Saved another duo from eventually hitting the dumpster in some corner of the world.  Good on you.
So I have an extra duo system, but no cover for the TurboChip/HuCard port.

If anyone has an extra cover sitting around somewhere, I'd love to take it off your hands (for a fair fee, of course)!
Quote from: Ninja Spirit on 12/03/2006, 10:27 AMIn general, is JP impossibly hard to learn with no professional instruction?
Well, I only took 2 semesters of it in school, (1 regular, 1 summer session), so all that did was just get my feet wet.

Then about 3 years after that, I ended up working in Japan for a year, and so while I was there, I studied the hell out of the thing on my own time.  So I can hold a conversation now, but I'm still no where near fluent.  So in all, even though I did most of the learning on my own, bear in mind that I had the huge advantage of complete immersion.  Plus I'm a freelance Korean->English translator (I do some Tokyopop stuff, if anyone's into that manga stuff), and since Korean and Japanese language has similar grammar points and words, that also helped me out tons learning Japanese.

To make the long story short, I guess it's possible, but you definitely need interaction with native speakers.  Do some language exchanges.  That's what I'm doing now to keep my Japanese from deteriorating too much.
:lol:  I'd love to have all my shipments include a tasty sandwich!
Quote from: guitarmas on 12/03/2006, 10:12 AMThanks, I'll definitely try this out. 

Anyone know where I can get those special screwdriver tips?

I believe it's the 4.5mm tip, and not the 3.8mm tip.  Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but you might as well get 'em both.  I bought them from this guy below recently for cheaper, but he doesn't have any listed up right now, nor have I received it yet, so I can't vouch for it just yet.  You might want to contact him and see if he has any more for sale if you want the cheaper price.
Sweet.  The game sounds pretty cool.  I gotta check it now.

m1savage, I might have a modded saturn for sale sometime relatively soon.  I got a lot of defective saturns recently, and I'm going to try to mix and match several of them and see if I can get a few working saturns out of 'em.  And I like to throw the region mod switches in there just for the hell of it, cause it's a relatively easy mod, only costs me like <$1 for parts, and maybe an hour to solder and drill and all that...

I'll let ya know!
For your handwritten sheet,
roZEzu, like how you had it in the beginning.  actually, ローゼズ, with the stretched out "ro", probably... 
And I'm not sure how you'd pronounce メタッリカ in Japanese.  Shoulda just been メタリカ if I'm not mistaken... 
And STP should've been <テンプル・パイロッツ>.

"Katakanizing" an English word is tricky at best.  The long-sounds throw me off quite a bit.  メタリカ or メタ-リカ? Beats me.

Hey, sorry for being annoying - I know I get annoyed when I see spelling/grammar nazis on the net, but correcting someone's non-native language is okay, right? 

Yeah, I do agree that the ACD FF games were probably the best ones other than the NG originals.   As far as WH2 goes, it doesn't seem to lack all that much, but to be honest, I don't clearly recall the NG version myself, nor have I played the other versions.

Quote from: Keranu on 12/03/2006, 12:36 AMI haven't played Art of Fighting for PCE, though I have been really curious about it. I agree that the original game wasn't that great in the first place, I just enjoyed it for it's sweet 70's storyline. I have heard a few music tracks for the PCE version and they sound great.
Compared to the other NG fighter ports, this one was basically impossible to do faithfully on the PCE.  With the character sprites that almost filled half the screen and with all the zooming and all that going on in the NG version, I don't see how that could've been done on the PCE.  Other than those two points, it seems to play just as well as the original, which is to say not all that great.  And the loading time is pretty horrible on this game too.  Though I had an okay time in the arcade with this game, it just didn't stand the test of time.
Sounds like some of the usual duo sound problems.  Try

Though I never done this fix myself, it sounds like a rather easy fix if you've ever soldered things before...
General Gaming / Re: Sega Saturn
11/29/2006, 06:09 PM
+1 for Saturn fan.  Probably one of my favorite systems along with the Duo and the DC.  Actually, those 3 are the ones that are hooked up to my livingroom TV.  They were all the "underdog" systems during it's lifespan... Hmm....  There's just something to supporting the underdogs, eh?

Being a sega fan, I just liked the Saturn for its Sega-exclusive titles.  VF2, Virtual On, Dragon Force, etc...
Yeah, PC Engines won't play US Turbochips without an internal modification, even if you get a converter.  And if you're gonna make an internal modification, you might as well get a region switch installed instead of getting a converter, because the converters are super-expensive and not all are reliable.
Quote from: jmwalsh on 11/25/2006, 09:25 AMOne last question: how do these translated games that I keep reading about work? I'm assuming you buy the CD, download the translation and burn a CD-R with the original game files replaced by the translated ones. Or am I completely wrong?

That's pretty much it.  Not too much to it.  You can just rip the whole game using Nightwolve's TurboRip, then apply the patch running a simple command.  A piece of cake...

-shameless plug below:
Or... I do have a couple games for sale right now where I'll just throw in the English patch in there with the original game so you don't even have to bother doing the above.. :mrgreen:
Xak III (along with part I/II that has no patch)
#1476 should be good enough to get you through most RPGs...

Though I must say, knowing even a little bit helps (like being able to read item names, etc...)   Hey, do both!  Play a crude old school console-style RPG while learning how to read the Japanese script!   :dance:

Don't kid yourself though, the above game won't teach you much, other than being able to read item names, and maybe things like North, East, South, West kanji that *might* be useful in an RPG.
Everything's starting at 99 cents, no reserve - I'll let the market decide what I get for 'em  [-o&lt;

I also have some Sega Saturn goodies there...

I'll be throwing more things on there as time goes - happy bidding  :mrgreen:
I was only able to hear Phantasy Star I FM sound emulated recently, and it just blew me away right from the title screen.  To me, at least, it clearly sounded hell of a lot better than the US version I played back in the day.  (And I would've thought 100% of the people would've agreed, but maybe not... hmmm)

I can't comment on the other games, though.
The price is quite a bit steeper than electronix, though... I suppose if you're in a hurry...  I ordered mine from electronix around mid-September (I think...), and I was able to get two of them  :)

Now my previously non-working Japanese Duo (which I got as a freebe when I bought my SuperGrafx) is working and hummin'.  Sweeeet  :D
nice - just finished the game not so long ago, but I haven't gone back to try out any of the separate paths.

So this is perfect.  Thanks for sharing -
Or you could just buy it for $10 + shipping on ebay  :?
I just posted this in, but I figured someone else might find it useful here - so here it is:

Here's something you might be able to use to make a proper stereo AV cable.  (been meaning to do it myself also, as I have 3 systems, but only 1 good a/v cable).

It's in Japanese, but pictures do most of the talking.  Basically, all you need is a regular Stereo AV cable, and a DIN5 plug.  And it says to be careful and use a AV cable that's on the thinner side, or else it won't fit into the DIN5 plug later.

Cut one end of the AV cable, and connect each of the video, r audio and l audio to the diagram you see (VIDEO, Rch, Lch, respectively).

You don't need to do anything with the +5V pin, and you use the ground pin against the frame of the DIN5 plug, but the manual says that's optional (only if your signal isn't stable) - most people shouldn't need it.

Just for proper credit, I grabbed this info from Yahoo Japan auction website here, and threw it on a geocities website - hopefully people can use it in the future.

And the disclaimer - My Japanese no where near perfect, so if anyone reads differently - let us know.  And if you blow up your system, don't come crying to me!
Eh...  I thought it was okay.  True there are better ports, and disappointing considering that this coulda/shoulda been a killer ACD port, but I had my fun for a few days with this one.  I haven't touched it too much since, but I do give it quick go once in awhile.  

The thing that saves this port is the fact that like many other PCECD games, music is ROCKIN' compared to other versions
Quote-The gravity bosses take about 4 times as many hits as in the arcade/Genesis, and you get knocked out of your rotations by invisible things (I still have no idea what does it, but every 2 rotations you just get hit for no reason no matter what).
I recall that was true in other versions too? (getting knocked out by centrifugal force or whatever it is).
Quote from: "Bonknuts"Even in the US (atleast were I live), the SGX plug size/tip is not easy to find. I did manage to find two and used them to make the pass through for the SUPERCROM2/SGX and to attach to another PS for standalone use (in case my CD unit dies).

Hmm... I guess it's time to whip out the soldering iron!

Thanks for the tip.  I'll go and try that out.
So, for those of you that have the "ultimate" PCE system hookup of Supergrafx + Super CDROM2 (not the white one, but the grey piggy-back CD-ROM system), I have a question.

Notice that you have to have a individual power adapters for BOTH the Super CD-ROM2 unit AND the Supergrafx unit?  This is opposed to where if you connected a regular PCE system or a Coregrafx to the SCD-ROM2 unit, you can use the connector that's supplied with the SCD-ROM2 system to connect the the SCD-ROM2 system to the Coregrafx/White PCE system, and have the single power supply that goes into the SCD-ROM2 system powers BOTH of your systems.  Yeah, it sounds confusing, but I'm sure those of you that are Supergrafx owners know exactly what I'm talking about.

Annnnyway, is there a workaround like a custom wire that connects a SCD-ROM2 system and the Supergrafx system so that the single power adapter can power up both systems?

Geez... I'm reading the above and I'm getting confused...   :(

But if any of you know a workout for the above problem, share!