10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Messages - kenomac78

i think dragon slayer is still  on tzd.com  the rest are gona cost you, though vasteel is reasonable
General Gaming / Re: Atari's Best Console
05/12/2007, 08:19 AM
well actually what i meant by home computer line  is the 400 800 XL  TT falcon, or 'jackintosh'  but i can see the confusion as the line between pc and game system arent well defined when they share each others chips and have near identical games for it.

but the atari 16 bit home PC line has way too many models to list in a poll so i put that there.

tramiel never wanted atari to get back into games, but saw some money to be made after '86 and  put out as little as possible. shame they didnt try to  go full throat on apple, they might still be around, the TOS in atari computers beat  the old macs hands down! and they always offered a cheap and powerful computer. shame they stopped  computers altogether for the jaguar,  an area they were ill prepared for.

theoretically if atari was still around* and stuck to computers, an area  the tramiels knew well, we could see  the atari version of OSX or vista, firefox or even atari's version of the ipod. its fun to dream !

*atari does still exist  but many atari die hards dont fully acknowlegde this due to a few years of defunction and being passed around then being used to renamed infogrames. tought if you want to debate what qualifies a company continuing after change of ownership, atari home division traded hands in  78, 84, 96, 98, 03! and the arcade division traded hands on a few occasions but i dont even know what years those are.
its a bit more recent but i think  all the final fantasy box arts of the last 10 years  are better in the us than japan. simply because in japan, its a white box. it might be more minimalist for a reason there, but at least in the usa you can see a slice of the game right from the top.

maybe when you have a automatic 5 million seller, the box art can take a backseat.
yes true!!

perhaps someday hudson will release a PS2-PS3- PSP collection of its hits like konami, capcom, midway, etc.   with bonk et al, and some rarer stuff like sapphire.

i mean they (konami, not hudson, but arent they the same anymore?) are doing it by finally putting rondo of blood out on PSP, this eliminating the need to buy it for PCE , save for completists. so hopefully we see it down the pipline
but millions of people buy gas everyday, to keep surviving. but only a few hundred look for tg16 stuff, just for entertainment. 

the wii will have bonk 3, infact at this rate ALL the hu cards will be on the wii by the summer of 08,  then we can see what long  term effects this has. now if only the PS3 store, or wii if possible, would offer the cd rom games!
so do you think the cost of sapphire would go up or down if everyone had a copied  cd of it?

and speaking of copied games, since it has no real protection, how come we dont see all kinds of bootlegs for it? i see lots of HK famicom carts but you woudl think with a cd it would be super duper easy to  churn out endless copies.  it must be the low user base.

so if buyers set the market, we should all agree to NOT buy anything from ePay for a set amount of time and bring the prices down
what makes me mad  is that they choose to  keep it listed at X amount of dollars, sort of  creating a standard value along side other games which are started at a straight auction , often at 1 penny or 1 buck.  at least then i feel competitive when i bid. so even if i bid 25$ on bonk 3 and lose, at least i feel like for a while i had a chance at it.

it then inturn newbies to turbo  get wind of the super rares and either buy these games at jacked up prices, or try to get in on it by selling their own. but all they can get is commons and jack those up too. its true these games are for sale anymore so the value floats, but to set these at X then allow it to not float.  and theres no point to the collecting scene anymore if the games just trade hands between people trying to make money on ebay. when i am guessing, more than half on ebay anymore are not bidders but people looking to make a fast buck on ebay anymore. and if you tok out everyone who bid on stuff  because they didnt really want to keep it, but recycle it, then stuff would be alot cheaper!

i seriously hope that classic games go thru a re-adjusting that baseball cards did were the bottom falls out and the real prices start to come out, and every guy from hongkong with an ebay store winds up broke.

as for the 1000$ duo-r  the seller is stupid and anyone who actually buys it is stupidER!
i think it just insane because these can be found online and  read for free.

also i do expect  a continual drop in prices for games.  dynastic hero was 400. the last one i saw went for 250. beyondshadowgate used to sell for well over 100, now its under 100. the last cotton i saw only went for 41!

not that these games will be 10 bucks soon, but it looks like its cooling down, as the most rabid, or should i say rich, people have what they want, and a fair market value is starting to come out.  its also especially nice to see the gougers, YES this guy IS a gouger, have their stuff sit on ebay  for ages making no money because we refuse to pay so much for it. and that at somepoint in time these guys will have to bite the bullet and relist these games for what they are really worth and incur great losses, which they deserve for being gougers.

at least this guy uses his own photos, unlike every jagoff from hongkong who steals from pcecp.com

if only there was a way to reaplpy the DUO RX logo!
i looked at his list, and as for commons, yet, not so bad. but the rares, oh god.

its why i hate ebay
i hate sniping too!!

also who is to say that a millionaire who can afford everything on ebay isntmore devoted to whatever they are buying that the person who makes 16000 a year and cant afford to buy things on a whim.

plus it leads to the end of things left in the wild. it encourages people to buy everything up at flea markets, etc. at first site then recycle them on ebay for a higher price. and discourages people to sell or donate to fleas, goodwill, or giving to a good home, since for almost the same effort it can sit on ebay for 10 days and make some more money. it means nothing of value is left in the wild, and everything on ebay is over inflated.  just look at the common complete games for ANY system selling  for much more than they are worth. simply because they arent found in the wild anymore. being sold by rubes who think  these games are worth a fortune, because maybe 25 games in all the world are  really worth over $500. then inturn being bought by even bigger rubes who think that it is the  only copy left in existance and therefore must be a good deal.
your planning a game auction site? thats cool!  i hope you bury ePay
Quote from: guest on 05/05/2007, 04:09 PMDo you think that the cool kids at school would be bragging about 256 color Pac Man and Burger Time while the losers were stuck with Super Mario Bros 3 and Mega Man 2? If it was all about the graphics, no kid back in the day would've been caught dead touching an NES, they'd all be playing the Sega Master System.

Not only that, but they knew that the NES also had gameplay as good as 16-bit games, so they had to use graphics to convince you to blow money on new consoles.
I stand by my original statement! the knee-jerk reaction of "blah-blah good graphics" from every 7-13 year old kid from that time period drove me insane!
because there were more games which handled great and didnt look so great compared to those like megaman and mario 3.but there were piles of junk which tried to look good and fell short on gameplay. yet every stupid brainwashed nintendo kid stood by saying 'got good graphics' it made you feel like  complete 'mo if you didnt agree and get on the graphics bandwagon. of course anymore about that and i will spiral into my rants about nintendo's attempts to rewrite history in their own image.

perhaps from a developers standpoint the whole game is what mattered. but from a sales standpoint, and in the opinions of 95% of all kids from that time, graphics are the only thing that ever mattered!

it is a bit contradictory when these same kids have now grown up, and are espousing the new nintendo philosophy 'gameplay over graphics'
i dont care what anybody says, graphics were the ONLY thing that mattered in those days.

maybe looking back we all start to spout off this  'game play over graphics' like looking back at the NES like a normal rockell painting or something. but its not true.

EVERY kid in school only talked about grpahics. 'hey man did you see zelda 2? yea it had awesome graphics!" or "you play atari? that sucks because it doesnt have good graphics, nintendo has good graphics" also this can account for why 75% of NES games were garbage, but sold well, because of the 12 year old's mantr of  'good graphics',

and look to the 16 bit era, the game system we all adore is called turbo GRAFX! i dont think theres a bigger sign. 

look to the SNES vs genesis ads. it was never why one or the others games were more fun, it was mode 7 vs blast processing. culminating with sega CD being the 'first' to bring real life 'cd graphics' the greatest graphics of all time(sic) 'like they gotta be 64 or 128 bit  man!!'

its a battle that will always go on forever, until in some theoretical futire theres only one game system, like its a vcr or dvd player.

but at least now, some of the gamers out there realize the quality of individual games rather that the 'got good graphics' brainwash crap. but most of them just troll endlessly on fanboy boards.
Off-Topic / Re: What's your blood type?
05/04/2007, 06:58 PM

though i think living in japan, people are insane about the superstition that comes with blood types
General Gaming / Re: Atari's Best Console
05/03/2007, 02:48 AM
i thought that for the time, and the hardware capability, pac-man was good game, as was ET and a few other games that people who are NOT old enough to rememeber the games as they were new continue to pass on some 'worst game ever story' so that they seem to be 'in the know' about gaming from that time period.  yes maybe some people did not enjoy pacman but i know that i for one did like having it at home and played it endlessly.

it just seems that now with the internet, suddenly EVERYONE opened up that pac man box in 1982 to utter dissapointment. as its all you hear from people. where as before i ever got on the world wide web, only one person out of everyone i ever knew said they did not like 2600 pacman. then suddenly in (pick a year) some kids get wind of  the pacman overproduction fiasco and they try it out on stella or something and, yeah, i bet if you gew up woth a PS! the 2600 is going to 'suck' as a comparison.

the power of myth will take you far

also i knew without even looking at a box or anything that activision meant quality. i dont think they put out ONE bad game from 1980-84. the only one i thought wasnt that good to me was dragster, but once you  learn the controls its fun too.  and everytime i ever saw an activision game in the store i got it immediately.  i hope people agree with me that games like pitfall, pressure cooker (especially) and kaboom are still awesome today
General Gaming / Re: Atari's Best Console
05/02/2007, 11:42 AM

you must be younger than i thought! theres alot of decent 2600 games. and actually a large number of 5200 games were good, but were hampered by a shoddy controller. the 800 computer, was the  exact same hardware and those games rocked!

as for 7800, so much potential, including over 100 sprites on screen with no flicker, but had only a handful of games comepared to NES, or even SMS.
Lynx was great! it was extremly powerful and had some real orginal games, it just the nintendo mind-control machine that kept anyone from buying it.

ah the jag! again same thing as the lynx, i say. plus by getting a head start meant that  developers learning how to do 'next-gen' had cranked out duds in 93 94 and 95 but by the time the PS1 took off,and the jaguar dead, 3-d had been perfected.

anyways i made this thread as, next to the TG16, atari has a dear place in my heart, is not talked about much these days and i wanted to see what people thought.

here's some did you know's:

the 2600 only had 128 bytes of ram! everything was run out of the software. despite this massive games like pitfall 1 and 2, solaris and secret quest some how came to be.
the 2600 first launched in october 1977, and atari formally pulled the plug in january 1992, spanning 3 decades!
the atari 5200 was designed in 79 but to compete with the apple IIc was made into a home computer first, and many 5200 games were ports.
after the 5200 atari never formally developed any hardware in house, 7800, lynx and jaguar were works  developed by outside companies.

atari actually fared well in europe with its PC sales, and while the 2600 may have been seen as old news to ever kid with an NES they remained  profitable until the very end.

the NES rights (in america only) were offered to atari first, we all know this story. but also atari owned a large portion of sega after 1994 and  had talks of crosslicensing sega and atari games, of course club drive for saturn never happened, as we also never saw phantasy star collection on jaguar.

atari's fate came when they merged with a disk drive manufacturer named JTS, which was run by someone i recall being college aged, and JTS itself was out of business soon after, hasbro picked up the ashes, made jaguar developement public domain (awesome) and started the retro bandwagon, only to sell it to infrogrammes who continues to shill crap.
General Gaming / Atari's Best Console
05/02/2007, 07:37 AM
Since Nintendo and Sega have polls up. Well, what the hell!
Off-Topic / Re: CDR speeds
05/02/2007, 06:40 AM
i got  some TDK with the blue bottom, much better, but not quite there,

they load, and get into the game, but some have  sound issues or still hang up later on..
Off-Topic / Re: CDR speeds
05/01/2007, 08:20 PM
thats my mistake! i was trying to put these in an atari XE!   ](*,)
Off-Topic / Re: CDR speeds
05/01/2007, 07:59 PM
get out!  well, i dont think finding a replacment ps2 IF that ever happens will  a problem. but someday the scant number of duos that were mad will run dry, ill be careful
Off-Topic / Re: CDR speeds
05/01/2007, 07:29 PM
well the mall opens up in a few hours s il give a detailed look. i used to just buy anything cheap  coz i used them only for music.

but what i hate is what i call the 'death click'  when after the laser looks for the data, cantfind it, then you hear that loud click when it resets , to look again but you know its not going to find anything
Off-Topic / Re: CDR speeds
05/01/2007, 05:57 PM
i think the laser in my PC is pretty good. i really only  dig it up sporadically, so i dont really use it all day everyday. the burner in my  comp is from 06, no problems there. it is a straight copy, so i think that the problem is the  disc themselves, ill try a better brand even if it means to shell out more moolah. 

i had my 4-in-1 disc kind of going, but it took about 10 minutes to load, but then right after the orig. booted right up.  but thanks for all the help.
Off-Topic / Re: CDR speeds
05/01/2007, 08:54 AM
trying to copy some of my games, but they arent playing after i burn at 12 , 8 or 4X so i thought 1x might work.

it might be that those cdrs are junk
Off-Topic / CDR speeds
05/01/2007, 06:58 AM
so is it the disc it self that has to be for a certain speed , or my burner, that has to be set at a certain speed?

i set my computer to burn at 1x yet my version of alcohol 120 only goes down to 4x! its making my cdrs into crap!   the cdr i was using, which now i have ran out, only say 52x, do i need to find a certain brand to get a 1x?

anyone got some help for me?
anyone interested, send me a message. not looking to make a killing here..
Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 04/27/2007, 03:02 AMI love special editions, & as for the contents, I take the extra stuff & store it away safely, like with my Lunar's.

BTW, the shower scene, actually was unedited.  I have the Japanese version, it looks the same.  However, I also have the Cosmic Fantasy Visual Collection.  On there, for some reason, it's shows her pepperoni's, kind of odd.
youre right! it was the middle finger scene that was changed. but name a system and you can name an altered game for it.

but ill o'pine that none of WD's games were 'special editions' in the respect that they all had only one standard version. you couldnt buy lunar without the extras and only the game. unless of course you bought it off the used rack at gamestop in 2005
well, we could ask the guy who runs TZD. since he is a die hard turbo fan as well, maybe he saved a copy of each one for historical purposes.
we should be able to place together the order of these by looking at which games dissapeared from the catalogs. if we knew how frequent they were issued. quarterly? bi monthly?

and 30 for a kisado! wow! well alot of them are quite a steal compare to e-pay standards of today
ok i cant type. so sue me  =D>

and some  games borederline on being so awful that they might not be called games anymore.
i know this topic is a bit old but its still important, and seeing as since nothing has still not come out of Gaijinworks, i thought id give my opinion too

FIRST! any company who increases the number of titles for the TG16 is/was tops in my book. second add that the were all great games regardless of translation!

secondly after the end of the saturn, the playstation was the only game in town, honestly. it was it or nothing. the fact that they put anything out is amazing, but it is understandable after the fact why so many games were delayed.

as for the translations, i liked them. i hated the 100 or so poor translations which had to make you guess what they were trying to say in the first place. it was cool to see american references and humor, especially in RPGs! I'm in favor of taking something 'sacred' and shaking it up. The only changes i am against are for censorship purposes. a la the shower scene in Cosmic Fantasy 2

they also proved that box sets with extras could be accepted here, even though very few have come out since.
if you were a TTI teser maybe you could leak us a little info on everything you know . about probable releases and why they never came to be

i ask this quesion mainly as a general curiosity, but sing as  lode runner came out on wii, and its the first impot game etc, etc, it jus has me wondering all the time wht we missed out on in 93-94  (were game games put out in 94?)
thats a pretty good start. i remember the bonk rpg articles very well
so is there a definitate source of games that were planned to come to the US but werent? listing the reasons, amount of translation progess and dates of the projects.  all i seem to find is different pages, talking baout certain things without any real list.

i would just like to know how close we were to some games, how many there were, and why we never saw them, including the heart break that was the cancelation of Cosmic Fantasy 3 (though i knew that one already)
i remember that article! oh the halycon days of 1993!

was there a SNES equivalent to this game? or am i just thinking of 100% cotton?
akamichi thats a great story! was your family military? or how else did you get to live in japan as a kid!?  i live here now but to do as a kid i would have loved it (at least so i thought from my 'japan gets the best games first' mindset)

but i have also been told the famicom (or any RF) does not work with USA tv sets by a few people. that the picture will show up on channel 96 and the sound on 95, if your lucky. did your PCE  work on a USA tv set?
your right carbon tiger! it had a ton of potential and it is a shame it didnt catch on.  i think its a combination of these things: 1- most importantly it came out at a time when nintendo still had a monopoly going, and all 3rd partis were tied into nintendo on contracts that were locked in for years, and even high courts didnt do much to undo the strangle hold. 2- games were still not at the point of maturation where they are today, where its considered mainstream enterainment, not toys. it would have allowed games to come out here in their non-dumbed down state, jj and jeff being a prime tg16 example. 3- also anime had yet to make much of an imapct in america (though i was a fan of it back then!)  had adult swim existed in 1990 then  many of the game based on amine tv shows an movies would create a demand to bring them out here and increase demand for the system.  then of course theres just the  big mishandling that NEC did the entire time. its hard to say if the things i mention above not being in place would have changed how they did business.  but i think some might agree with me.
i dont know how they got that spelling,  considering no word in japanese ever ends in r
of course it was. why did no one else take it up? hmm... :-k
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: PCE Hardware
04/20/2007, 04:15 AM
shipped for under 200 yes.   200 plus shipping, it might be possible with alot of hunting around,  pm me for more
i got into it after the TG16 was being price cut  to stay cheaper than intendo and sega, i had always wanted one before then, but it was  difficult to not go out and buy what you want when you are still a kid. of course that year it was the vote of my brother wanting a sega cd or me wanting a tg 16 , of course'n my mom took the cheap route. i bought as many 9.99 games as i could and got into used ones as well. all in all it was fun experience that no one else in town could claim as they were nintendo or sega diehards, i liked sega too, but it was an overload of jock type games, and nintendo's (still to this day) frustrating policies, despite that they made some decent 1st party games, that drove me to the love of the turbo

years later in college i had a talk once about the insane prices of somethings compared to what the same monet gets you today ( like a ps2's price now vs the NES then, etc.)  of course i mentioned my turbo fandom which was met with looks of shock and/or confusion. since no one had actually ever played one and only went by word of mouth, which of course that word was 'sucks' but i disagree of course
well the secret is of course looking for mis-spelled ebay auctions!! i was almost sniped out at the end, if i had not been it would have been only 30!! i saw another one recently for a briefcase system, but he must have noticed the mistake, my bid was cancelled when he realized he was going to make no money

i also found star parodia for dirt cheap bcause the person coulnd turn katakana to useable english haha

ya the cheapest pce duo i saw was about 120 the duo r 180 and rx 250 and up!  ive actually never seen a cdrom by itself but pce engines bare, (bare s in no cd, no box, no tv ord, no power cord) are only 15. thats a good deal in comparison and are plentiful.

now if only i could find auction listings for  bkon3,  ctoton, dienastic hoer, i would be a happy pappy
i had BSG, cotton, vasteel, godzilla,  bonk 3, those were my super rares.  then i had som medium rares and commons, but i sold it all off, bills you know! for about $1500, not so bad.

but to ever try to get them all back in the era of ePay, is something i just cant do, unless someone starts making  sapphire-style repros on most of those games to drie down the value,  of please god let someone do that!
youcan always import or mod.

tzd is out of 3.0 cards?
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: PCE Hardware
04/19/2007, 05:55 PM
i live in japan, i can go huntin for  a cheap system for you
$65 eh? well ill tell ya what, since you got a nice face ill give ya it for $64
i managed to find a mint in the box pce duo r for only $70! good deal? 

its a good feeling to not succumb to the ebay overcharge
i know thatmany companies made card  games. thats why i said 'they' meaning hudson
this kind of stuff made me so jealous of the japanese, for usurping the game market, releasing  to us only half (or less) of what they made , and  keeping us years behind their curve.