10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Messages - jelloslug

Might as well swap out the power switch with this:

Quote from: mickcris on 07/03/2015, 05:46 AMCustom painted duo is back.  the buyer must have come to their senses and backed out
I should buy it.  I actually have dye the correct color for the system.
Quote from: bozo55 on 07/05/2015, 11:35 PM
Quote from: CrackTiger on 07/05/2015, 05:01 PMThe story goes that before launch, NEC manufactured way more than they would ever sell. So it is unlikely.
I see. I'm a bit disappointed that NEC used Taicon caps in the US Turbos.  Didn't the PCE's use Rubycons?
Why would you be concerned about the caps on the Turbo? I have never seen an instance of bad caps on them.
Once everyone get's theirs I will test fit one of my everdrive covers and see how well it fits.
I don't believe the story about him buying it in 1990 though.  The box has a 39.99 sticker on it.
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 06/22/2015, 05:41 AMWhile not directly Turbo related this goes over the problem with the way ebay works
I have done the same experiment except the opposite way. I had several sealed copies of Sidearms. I put one on ebay and the bidding with quite high (to my surprise). I then noticed that other were just buying them cheap on Amazon and trying to resell them. I then sold off the rest of mine at lower and lower prices and now that has seem to have stuck to the point that it rarely sells for more than what you can get it on Amazon for.
Now I don't feel so bad about shipping someone's printed parts to the wrong address in another country once....
Quote from: wildfruit on 06/16/2015, 06:30 PMHmm. Just had a thought. Would replacement briefcase hinges be possible?
Are they a removable part?
Got my box of goodies! Everything is great!
I would be interested in the full case of Power Golfs.  I'm assuming that you have the case box, correct?
I sent it pony express...
Now I will be able to see if my covers will work with the new version.
Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 05/20/2015, 11:05 PMDon't let this deal get away!!! This seller lowered the price of Galaga 90 from $200 to $120. Hurry before this deal ends!!!

That's the same guy that had a turbo for sale for $600
Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 05/21/2015, 08:28 PM
Quote from: NecroPhile on 05/21/2015, 05:14 PMIf you want a TurboStick, you're better off with the PCE version and its weighted bottom.
BOOM!!!! You just struck gold idea!!!

Fabricated weighted plate that screws into the bottom of the US TurboStick, possibly using longer screws/bolts to compensate for the extra added space. Should screw into the existing factory screw/bolt holes.

I would definitely use this controller if it was more weighted. I know, I know, I can superglue it to my floor, but all fun aside, I think that US sticks could be really weighted with a solid plate, even more so than the PCE ones.
I think it would be possible to put the plate on the inside.
I used my turbostick exclusively back in the day.
You use the TG-16 AC adapter. The Turbobooster Plus has a jack on the rear of the unit.
I have a Turbo that has a problem with the video memory. It had garbled graphics when I first got it and tapping on the left video ram chip made the graphics change. I reflowed the chip and the problem went away (or so I though). After playing the system for half a hour or so the garbled graphics slowly started to come back to the point that they were at when I first go the system. If I reflow the chip again the whole process starts over. Any thoughts?
I have another batch ready to go!
How about I just forward it to Mr. Jeremy and let him open it for you?
I have an extra sealed copy that I'll part with.
Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 05/08/2015, 03:22 PM=D> thanks for posting that!!! so cool to see retro store like that. Samurai Ghost was the lowest priced game there lol.

Hey what do you think happened to all the unsold stock once TZD pulled the plug? Could it be that they just junked or incinerated it all?
Where do you think all the sealed games on ebay came from?
Nulltard will chime in soon.  Be very cautious of that guy, he has friends in very low places....
Quote from: guest on 05/02/2015, 09:48 PMSo jello do you keep the boxes separate from the games then? 
I do have some sealed games (duplicats only) but yes, I keep the boxes seperate. I made (make) ridgid foam box inserts to go in the empty boxes to help them hold their shape.

Welcome! Don't let Nulltard get his goo on you.
You can get Sonic Spike new for $10 on amazon.
I'm in!
Quote from: Duo_R on 04/03/2015, 05:47 AMCan you post a picture of one on a TE? These look great!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: TED Covers for Sale
04/29/2015, 10:37 PM
Quote from: cjameslv on 04/29/2015, 07:28 PM
Quote from: jelloslug on 04/29/2015, 07:12 PMMine are better  :P
Pfft! Mine include extra OBEY love sauce!
I send all of mine to Nulltard first for a covering in the True Obey Love Sauceā„¢
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: TED Covers for Sale
04/29/2015, 07:12 PM
Mine are better  :P
Quote from: cjameslv on 04/21/2015, 11:24 AM
Quote from: Warbucks on 04/20/2015, 09:09 PMI would like to get into 3d printing...

Any recommendations on a good printer and a good read?
Yes, i would recommend Makerbot as it seems to have the best customer support currently. I was actually interested in the Craftbot but with ship times taking months and really bad support from Hungary, i deemed ill pass even though the printer looked like it was a great build. If you want to save a few bucks you could get the FlashForge series which is basically a clone of the Makerbot Dual/Replicator 2 (depending which model you get) and it will run Makerware software/upgrades etc and they provide descent customer service from what i was reading as well.

It's hard to recommend a site to read as my quest took me a couple months of reading across the web, youtube & discussions with people before i made a decision. Best to try and read on forums from printers you may wish to get to see how the owners are loving/hating there printers.
I've had nothing but trouble out of the Makerbot that we have at work. Their customer support depends on if you buy the optional MakerCare warranty. With it, it's OK; without it you are basically on your own.
I always try and keep the serial numbers together when repairing CD-rom systems. And yes, the box does have the serial number on it.  There is also a smaller box inside the huge box that just holds the CD-ROM drive itself and it has the serial number on it also.
Can I enter many times?
Go away for a few days and look at what happens!
The pcimca cases work perfectly:

I can print it in optically clear plastic for $120.  :shock:
Quote from: SmokeMonster on 03/17/2015, 07:31 AMCould these be made transparent?
They can be made "clearish" I can print it in "frosted ultra detail" and then it could be polished to get a more transparent finish.  It would cost more for that though.  I do know that there are printers that can print optically clear plastic but I don't know of any printing services that offer it right now or even how much something like that would cost. I will look into it though.
Quote from: NecroPhile on 03/16/2015, 12:10 PMThe SN sticker sure looks like it's be applied atop another sticker.
It sure does. 
Here is how this thread makes me feel:

Quote from: csgx1 on 03/09/2015, 07:34 PMMarble Madness, Fantasy Star Soldier, Bonk's Quest.
I must have ten copies of TV Sports Baseball.
That one is better than mine.  If I win I will raffle my box.
My monies have been paid and my cardboard shall be shipped!
I will only accept an entry from Nulltard if the dad is Ron Jeremy.
Quote from: poponon on 02/27/2015, 03:22 PM
Quote from: jelloslug on 02/27/2015, 01:14 PM
Quote from: poponon on 02/27/2015, 02:57 AMThat pic is making me mad jelly.
Why be jelly when you can covet your own door!
you drive a hard bargain!!!
It can all be yours for $25
Quote from: poponon on 02/27/2015, 02:57 AMThat pic is making me mad jelly.
Why be jelly when you can covet your own door!
Dragon Spirit!