OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Messages - MrFlutterPie

Whoa back the trolley up here.  Who says Growl is a "bad" game?

I always herd it was decent and different.  I played it and the first screen you pick up a rocket launcher and start blasting bad guys only to pick up a AK-47 the next screen and mow some more bad guys down.

The game is great.  It's a solid beat em up that uses a ton of weapons including guns (not seen as often in traditional beat em ups) I love when I run out of ammo you still use your gun as a club so it's still helpful. 

I know the story is a bit silly but the gameplay is great!

Tis was a good day.  Everything was $8 and under  :D
Quote from: ifkz on 06/26/2014, 10:31 PMI feel your pain, Dead Moon was (is?) hard to find.  And fun.  And a shooter.
The intro to Dead Moon is one of the best:  atmospheric, dark, scary.

EDIT:  Did the card never boot, or did it just have bad graphics?  Just curious.
Would not boot at all.

I tired cleaning the contacts with alcohol, an eraser and even tired sticking some paper under it as a wedge.  Nothing worked :(

To this day it has been my only non working HuCard.
I have a Dead Moon card that is:

*Puts on Sunglasses*

^ Nice score on Infinite Space :D

That game rocks!  I picked up a U.S copy for $15 CIB locally a few months ago. 

I like the ship battles the best.
I would like to enter for a chance to win a 9 eyes game with accompanying Very Happy System tape.

Thanks! :)
Fighting Street / Re: Vagical Chase
06/23/2014, 07:26 PM
I do enjoy chasing vagina...
Quote from: Opethian on 06/20/2014, 09:17 AMIMG
am I doing this right?
Holy crap where was this pic taken?

That looks like a Mississauga Transit bus.
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
06/23/2014, 07:22 PM

What a world we live in :(
I haven't got crazy good luck so my deals are a bit weak.

I got a CIB Turbografx system with all of the paperwork with a CIC Splatterhouse and a loose Bonk's Revenge for $85. 

I picked up my CIC of Cadash for $20.  The manual was pretty worn but still.  I had been searching for the name of that game for years after playing the arcade machine at my local Zellers. 

I am pretty happy with my purchase of Last Alert for $23 a few weeks ago considering the current pricing trends.
General Gaming / Re: Star Wars games
06/18/2014, 10:44 AM
I like all of the N64 titles.  Shadows of the Empire is a favorite of mine.  Even Episode 1 Racer is really good.  The sense of speed is crazy!

I also agree about the rogue squadron titles on the Gamecube.
I love the old Marvel Transformers comics!

Here is my favorite issue: 

Quote from: esteban on 06/18/2014, 08:08 AMYou folks have convinced me to give Bucky O'Hare a second chance (in all it's forms, although NES game might be my starting point).
Works for me :D

The NES game is really good.   The game is large and has great graphics, sound, music, gameplay and control.  Just make sure the first crew member you rescue is Blinky.  His ability to break blocks is vital.
Quote from: esteban on 06/17/2014, 05:35 PM
Quote from: MrFlutterPie on 06/17/2014, 10:38 AM
Quote from: esteban on 06/17/2014, 03:45 AMSTATUS: way too much Bucky O Hare discussion.
COUNTERPOINT: You're wrong.
Bucky O Hare = I was too old to watch it when it aired, therefore it is permanently in the "kiddie" category. FOREVER.
I guess prevalent  themes of

Government apathy
Over commercialism 
Ethnic cleansing
The common use of slave labour  complete with full depiction of the actual camps

Went over our head and was a bit too kiddie ;)

Seriously it is messed up at times.  The main bad guy Komplex is basically Skynet and Hitler combined.
Congratz to the winner!
Quote from: esteban on 06/17/2014, 03:45 AMSTATUS: way too much Bucky O Hare discussion.
COUNTERPOINT: You're wrong.
When I first played Trauma Center 1 I actually  froze and chocked lol. It was so intense.  I heard that the sequel eases some of the difficulty.  The first one gives you a really quick simple tutorial and then your off.  This why I am not surgeon lol

I have a large DS collection and I pretty much only pay $5 or less for all of my games.
Quote from: Medic_wheat on 06/16/2014, 04:46 PM^^^  thats a shit tone of turbo!!!

Nice G1 megs and optimus. Masters release??

Nice genesis library and gems you care to sibgle out?

How about that sexy AES. What game you sporting??

Over all nice. Very organized.
All three of the Transformers are part of the MP line.  I have more but I keep them in a different case (I have the whole MP 1984 Decepticon line up) 

I love my Turbo rack :D  I went out looking for a CD case for them and I found this super sexy thing at a thrift store for $12.  The insides are padded so they don't scratch the cases.  It is also heavy and very sturdy.

Some Genesis gems I would recommend would be Punisher, Task Force Harrier,  Robocop vs the Terminator, Battle Squadron, Batman 89, Blades of Vengeance,   Desert Demolition Starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote, Gargoyles and The Terminator (the first one)

Don't laugh but the game currently in my AES is Ninja Combat lol. 

I have a loose complete Foot Solider to play with so no worries about the plastic coffin :)

Thanks for the comments guys :)

More cheap DS games.

Currently hooked up:

PCE Duo recapped, region mod and S-Video.
Neo Geo AES
Sega Genesis Model 1, region mod NSTC-J, Pal, over clocked,A/V, S-Video, cart slot mod, additional LEDS including cart slot.
I wish Bucky O'Hare got ported to a console...any console :(

I freaking LOVE that game!

I'm a huge Bucky O'Hare fan and have a large collection of Bucky O'Hare stuff.
His current stuff hasn't been as good lately because he has been putting all of his effort into the movie.  The stuff he has been making lately has been quick cheaper filler because he has been working hard on finishing up the movie.
It just strikes me as lazy when people try selling things like Magical Chase, Little Sampson, Aero Fighters etc. and use stock photo's.  Is anybody really going to pay that much for a game that might come in crap condition?

I'm not saying that the Bonk 3 isn't a rip off, it is.  I'm just using that lazy seller as example of douchebag sellers who want maximum profit without any of the effort.
I hate when sellers sell high value games without putting pics of the actual item.  If you are going to be charging that much you should damn well take time to take proper pics instead of using stock photo's.
Quote from: guest on 06/13/2014, 11:37 AM
Quote from: MrFlutterPie on 06/13/2014, 08:31 AMI laughed when he had such difficulty with Cadash.  It's like one of two or three Turbo games I can beat lol.

However, with video games it's so subjective. For example I don't like Mega Man 2 (or any NES Mega Men) Thar series is super popular but there will always be somebody who doesn't like it even though the general consensus is that it is good.

On the flip side people often talk trash about Bad Street Brawler and Clatfighters 63 1/3.  These games often come up on worst games lists and discussion but I love them.  Another example of such differing from general opinion. 

In the end it all comes down to personal opinion.  Technically nobody is right or wrong as there will never be 100% agreement on any one game.
Working Designs games weren't sold in Canada, but a rental chain opened up with several Turbo games which were only available in the U.S.

I finished Cadash my first time through.
I bought my copy of Cadash in 2012.

I played it as a kid on the arcade machine At a local Zellers.  I have searched for the name of that game for years before stumbling onto a Youtube video of the arcade. Once I had the name I realized that a great port was available for the Turbo.  I then remembered seeing a CIC at a local store and went down and picked it up.  I was so happy :D

Ninja FTW!!!!!!

*Haha I just found my old post another forum asking for help lol. 

Quote"Hey guys I want to figure out the name of an arcade game I played in the early 90's.  I believe it is pre 95.
All I can remember was you had 2 characters to choose from.  One was a ninja who threw little triangle darts and a guy who had a crossbow that fired a chain with a ball on the end.
One of the early bosses is a giant octopus and you fight him on docks with the octopus being in the water.
If anybody has a clue about what I'm talking about please post here.  I have been searching for the name for a couple of years now.
Thanks so much!"
I laughed when he had such difficulty with Cadash.  It's like one of two or three Turbo games I can beat lol.

However, with video games it's so subjective. For example I don't like Mega Man 2 (or any NES Mega Men) Thar series is super popular but there will always be somebody who doesn't like it even though the general consensus is that it is good.

On the flip side people often talk trash about Bad Street Brawler and Clatfighters 63 1/3.  These games often come up on worst games lists and discussion but I love them.  Another example of such differing from general opinion. 

In the end it all comes down to personal opinion.  Technically nobody is right or wrong as there will never be 100% agreement on any one game.
I'm feeling all 50 Shades of Grey so hurt me plenty :P

I would like to be entered please.
I use a early 90's Sony Trinitron CRT with my S-Video modded PCE Duo.  I try to use S-Video for all of my systems where possible.  I am particularly well pleased with my super tricked out heavily modded Model 1 Sega Genesis (I think it has pretty much every mod on that thing)

Ironically I think only my AES is only hooked up with composite lol.
I bought the version of Truxton that Mark himself endorses :P

I got lucky finding it for $25.00 CIB.
I think the turbo switch was up on the jump button causing problems.  It was nice to see some Turbo love from the AVGN especially since Splatterhouse is my favorite Turbo game ever.

It's funny, I haven't bought a single game because of the AVGN but I have bought several games after watching Classic Game Room including Truxton.
I agree 100%

It's such a pain in the ass to look at the "what did you buy thread" because nobody bothers to resize their images.  I always resize my pics to 600X450 pixels before I post them to make viewing them easier.
I would say congratz to the winner but you really didn't win... :P :lol:
I beat the Daze before Christmas SNES.  It was weird playing Christmas games in June lol.
I set a budget and when I'm out I'm out.  At that point I stop looking at ebay/sales threads/game stores etc So I don't get tempted by a impulse good deal type of thing.

I would never go into debt over video games.  However, I grew up in a single parent home and things were tough so I learned how to spend wisely and get deals.  I was also taught that not paying off your cc bill in full every month was THE WORST POSSIBLE THING EVER!!!!  Ten years of owning a cc I have never paid interest.  In fact they pay me $150-200 a year to use their services for free because I have a cash rebate card.
Quote from: csgx1 on 06/03/2014, 10:27 PM
Quote from: MrFlutterPie on 06/03/2014, 05:45 PM

Somebody better jump on this rare turbo graphix 16 for the low price of $350.  I mean they go for $899-1500 on ebay so you know you are getting a deal.
Well, it doesn't say what the one game that's included is.  It must be Magical Chase. :lol:
Or the ultra rare Kieth Courage WITH comic book!!!!  I see them sell on ebay for $150-$200.  :-"
Congratz to the winner.

It's similar to the Turbographics-16 but more rarez.  :P

Somebody better jump on this rare turbo graphix 16 for the low price of $350.  I mean they go for $899-1500 on ebay so you know you are getting a deal.
I picked up my Final Zone II for $20 sometime in the last few months.
Off-Topic / Re: What do you drive?
05/31/2014, 09:33 PM
Quote from: galam on 05/31/2014, 08:21 PM
Quote from: MrFlutterPie on 05/31/2014, 08:17 PMI drive a 1999 Grand Marquis (Last of the of the V8's).  It has a digital display, 6 disc CD player in the trunk and makes a sweet beeping noise when I back up :D
Haha.  I love it.
Thank you :)

It was my grandfather's and when he passed it became mine.
Off-Topic / Re: What do you drive?
05/31/2014, 08:17 PM
I drive a 1999 Grand Marquis (Last of the of the V8's).  It has a digital display, 6 disc CD player in the trunk and makes a sweet beeping noise when I back up :D
Last Alert!!!

I like how the guy you save in level one sounds like a Muppet.  It's true the voice acting is so good lol.
Did a little garage sailing today. Nothing big but it has been awhile since I go something.  The Wii games were a buck a piece and the 3 Gamecube games were a buck for all 3.

The Scart cable was free :D  The bag of Star Wars Miniatures was $7


I also bought a new shelf for my games.  The person wanted $10 but I talked her down to $5.


Been on a OBEY drought for a long time now.  Finally found Last Alert for a non stupid price.  When the hell did this this game go up to $50?? I've been wanting it for sometime now so it's great to finally get it and not overpay :D The sports games were only a few bucks I added in to make the shipping costs worthwhile. 


I had a 25% coupon so I bought THE BEST BOOK IN THE WORLD EVER!!!!!11111ONE :dance:
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
05/30/2014, 03:04 PM
Quote from: galam on 05/30/2014, 01:30 PM/games/fan.jpg
That would make a great poster.
In no particular order:

Gate of Thunder
Soldier Blade
Air Zonk
Blazing Lazers
Aero Blasters
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Raffle: Deep Blue
05/30/2014, 10:28 AM
I need a case for my copy so please add me in.
I bought a PCE copy of Cotton for $50 and every time I play it I just switch the language to English.

Problem solved :D
I own 2 promotional  modern Splatterhouse T-shirts.  I got them when I worked at Blockbuster :)
I've been playing some Buster Brothers lately. 

It can seem hit or miss.  If you get the right item drops at the right time you can blast through it without and any issues.
"Tonight I dine on Turtle soup Ha Ha Ha"