RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - SignOfZeta

WTF, this is still being debated?

Everyone who ever used a computer in the 80s knew the term RUN, including Japanese since  BASIC only exists in English. NEC is a computer company...end of fucking story, sheesh.
The entire Streamline catalog, in other words. TBS and SciFi did the same thing.
Delete? This ain't Facebook, flapjack.
I've had Street Fighter II' and a six button pad for ages and I never play it. Rather than spend/build I'd rather just play a better version on a system with a better controller selection.

Six button compatibility for PCE is massively overrated, especially by noobs who want the technical ability to play as much PCE soft as possible before they've really played hardly any of it. Nobody is sitting around going "Dang! If I only had a six button pad for my PCE!" That situation almost never comes up and when it does it's usually because people like the D-pad better. I'd rather spend money on the pachi controller or PCE mouse as I'm far more likely to use them. If I had a good stick I'd need two and then when people came over they'd just be like "WTF are we playing this version? It was relevant for literally 8 months. The Saturn has all five versions of SFII and it can play two samples at the same time. You're a fucking idiot." and I get enough disrespectful comments like that about my Laserdisc collection as it is.
What a sad sad existence.
Quote from: kisaku on 02/07/2018, 10:19 AMPlaying times are gone, only collection now.
You're being a moron. What you're saying is stupid. Listen to yourself. Think of the people you've met in your life that you really respect, maybe they aren't around anymore, do you think those people would be happy that you went on in life to blow $90,000 on useless plastic? Do you already own a race car and a giant stereo and have a revolving top floor in your house and all the other things his amount of money can get you that are way way way cooler? Do you have a pilots license? Can you play an instrument and if so do you own reference versions of every instrument you know?
Off-Topic / Re: streaming services
02/12/2018, 11:02 AM
Netflix quality is crazy good on the right device. It runs better on major platforms like iOS or Windows than it does on cut rate smart TVs or the DSi. They must port the shit to like 70 platforms at this point. On my new Bravia it will play 4K at about 30mbs which is...a joke, frankly, barely even normal BR bandwidth used for double the res, but more than I thought possible over the same cable that's been in my house for decades.
Off-Topic / Re: streaming services
02/11/2018, 05:07 PM
Oh, I get the idea. I can also see a few ways it could blow up in their face.
Off-Topic / Re: streaming services
02/11/2018, 01:53 PM
Netflix also had an incredibly shitty year. The original programming arms race is expensive as hell.

I read this article and the figures being thrown around blow my mind...and yet the tone of the article is somehow overall positive. It seems like incredibly high stakes shit to me.
Quote from: guest on 02/08/2018, 09:26 AMEveryone bitches about the Ram ad but I don't hear enough bitching about the King family whoring out the man's legacy to anyone with a buck.
True story: they sent me a takedown notice for using a sample of his in a song I made in like 1998. They want you to buy the whole address on CD.
Anything is possible know that terrible Dodge ad with the MLK speech in it that's in the news because everyone hates it? That's a copyrighted speech. They paid for that. They didn't do enough research to know that the end product would work as an anti-ad, something obvious to anyone, but even they knew to pay for the tape.
Quote from: OldTurboBastard on 02/07/2018, 03:45 PMMy wild guess: Whoever put together this tune for use in ads, youtube, etc, ripped it off from shapeshifter, knowing full well whoever wrote the tune for the game probably wants to forget that portion of his life working on one of the final handful of games of a failing system, therefore will never bother to take action against anyone using it. In fact, he might be happy more than 1000 people are actually hearing the music if he ever finds out. So the rip off artist knows this, liked the tune and used it for his generic ad music.

Again, wild guess......
Anyone doing that could be in serious trouble. These are ads that cost millions and millions of dollars to make. It's not standard practice to just steal shit from whatever you can get it. You get sued that way. It happens, sure, but it's not correct professional behavior. "Don't rip off union musicians to save $1800." is sort of a rule.

I like Gilbert's theory, that it was always clip art music, and that Shapeshifter just used it first. I wonder how many times...
Off-Topic / Re: streaming services
02/07/2018, 03:38 PM
You pay to get rid of the commercials. There are no ads on my Hulu. There may be some mid-grade service but I don't know what the point of that would be. You have to be a complete tool to watch ads in 2018.

I've had Netflix for about 12 years I think. I'm less happy with it every year. They blew all their cash starting a network war and now they have 100 shows of their own I don't care about (78 of which are about standup or are standup) and almost nothing else. Their selection of classics, foreign language, silent, anime, etc, the majority of what I want, is terrible, and by "terrible" I mean I can only find four black and white movies at any time, that kind of thing. All the great DVDs they had from that boom era have all been scratched so even with a disc plan you are pretty much limited to newer releases.

Which is why I still buy most of the stuff I actually want to see on disc. As paid shill Nulity has pointed out you generally can't buy a lot of steaming shows. You need Netflix to get that 4K fireplace video, that thing is really good. I also enjoyed Lady Dynamite a lot.
Off-Topic / Re: streaming services
02/06/2018, 10:29 PM
Well, when one of the shows you're watching leaves one of the services as you are watching it for one you don't subscribe to you may want more services.

I have Amazon, Netflix, and Hulu and I still watch more discs, pirated shit, and YouTube.
Quote from: Koa Zo on 01/29/2018, 11:43 PM
Quote from: Keith Courage on 01/27/2018, 02:27 PMI don't see why he even bothered making a repo of spriggan one or two. both of these games usually sell for maybe only a little over the cost of the Repro making it silly to get the Repro instead of just getting the real thing.
I naively thought he must have been secretly working with a team of translators and voice actors and was releasing definitive English versions of Spriggan and Mark II.
When I found out they were just straight bootlegs I was just huh?
You gamer kids need to learn what a retail release looks like. Not just physically, but in concept. And not just games, like...anything. It should take no time at all to authenticate. Things that are real generally look very real because real rights holders do all sorts of things to make the thing look real. Being born after Napster really does seem to have eroded a skill once common in the 1st world. It's like we're all living in India or The Philippines or someplace where they litterally are as ignorant of copyright as they are of the NFL. "They're real if I can touch 'em!" seems like the current level of understanding.

I'm not aware of any for-profit transitions being sold as illegal re-releases except for when the translation is just jacked from a community effort (like this guy). Maybe someone can name some who didn't, I've never seen any. I'm not aware of any official PCE games released since Dead of the Brain 1&2 almost 20 years ago. Therefore, when I see a "new" PCE game it's boot. It's always always boot. You don't have to look close at it or anything. No thought is required. If it's a Japanese game in English it isn't "real".  If he has a game that was never released, it's fake. If it's a fan port, it's fake. If it comes with non-expired food, it's fake. If it has Optimus Prime fucking Wonder Woman on the cover, it's fake. If it's on the PCE Works site, it's fake.

For some reason when people see his stuff they say, "Wow, I can't believe I'm able to afford this, it hardly seems real!" when it should be "That's the fakest looking shit I've ever seen."


At some point the rights for Klax or something will pop up for sale cheap and he'll finally have his first semi-legit releases. The noobs of that future time will be even more confused and I'm already pissed off about it.

The previously mentioned Sapphire. Mine was from that "I don't know if they are real or not era" and cost $38 and he made every effort to pass it off as legit. It sounds like he "found more" of those.
Having to take your sled to Korea is inconvinent but nobody is going to believe your Olympic records at home. If you want to be the best in the world then I guess you'll have to do the unthinkable and buy a ticket to Florida. I can't think of any sufficiently good reason to go to Florida ever but then I don't own a Tron machine and play it six hours a day either.
Didn't they have a rule at one point where you had to go to the place and set the record on their machine? It seems like going back to that would help a lot.
The more the better. That thing's probably pretty hungry.
Does your friend know you're bringing him into this? To me it seems rude the way you're speaking so casually of his finances.
OG? No. The OEM one was hard enough to sell.

New? Not that I'm aware of but give it 30 seconds and I'm sure all the noobs will have Kickstarted three of them.
Quote from: exodus on 01/29/2018, 02:24 AMThanks, yeah! unfortunately some other sites just... couldn't figure out how the puzzle system worked and gave us lower scores because of it ;_;
Do you have any "pro level game play tutorials" or anything? I've never really understood this game for shit and just kind of bumble through it, I have to admit. :( I probably just need some VS time.
Are all your imaginary friends cooler than you?
Quote from: Johnpv on 02/04/2018, 12:51 AMA bunch of Billy Mitchell's recent scores got taken down too.  Seems he was playing the game in Mame when he was claiming it to be done on original hardware.
Weird. He did that in the movie they made about those guys and that was like 15 years ago.

You could previously always tell the asshole in any conversation about KoK because they always stuck up for this guy. "You only hate him because of that unfair movie!" they'd say. No, I only know who he is because of the unfair movie. I know he's an asshole because I know 100 guys that look and act and talk exactly like him. I've lived life, met lots of assholes, he's a specific archetype that wasn't new to me when I saw the movie. String tie, hot sauce, family values, loves Florida, cheating liar, it fits. Be glad we haven't been a part of the other lies he's told. I feel sorry for those people.
Quote from: Ex_Mosquito on 02/04/2018, 07:58 AMWith a soldering iron you can make any controller you want with a padhack. The Hori Fighting Commander is pretty nice, though. The PCE pads are pretty bad imo, especially for shooters.
Bad compared to what?
Cool find!

I'd imagine it's just part of a huge pile of easily licensed tracks that the ad company Bud hired put in there. I'd be surprised if anyone involved even knew the game.

Don't let it give you "respect" for fucking Budweiser, sheesh.

I once heard The Death of Optimus Prime used as BGM for a news article about a member of royalty dying under mysterious circumstances. Not Diana, who ever it was before that. This was in like 1991 so it wasn't even that old at the time and you didn't have anywhere near as many adult TF maniacs at that time so I doubt too many people besides me detected it.
Quote from: guest on 01/09/2018, 01:00 PMIt sounds generic, like it could be used as sitcom theme music.
So it sounds like Nirvana then, or smells like them or whatever.

I went to a show last night. Nobody seemed to feel that Shredders is a thing and basically treated it as 4/7 of Doomtree. I've seen these guys more than any other act and they are never not great. This is the first show I've seen with two DJs and no TTs.
If you live on campus from year one you're living a life %99.9 of humanity will never know. You should be giving us advice. You've clearly got it made.

I waited a decade to go to 2.5 years of community college for exactly what I knew I wanted to learn and now I make at least as much as most of the people I know, work 40 hour weeks, have a month plus holidays off every year, and I never borrowed a cent. My advice for most kids would be to not throw a hundred grand away on a "college experience" and instead learn how to grow the fuck up on your own. To me meeting friends "in college" was never a thing. Some of my friends were in my college, some weren't. We all had jobs and drove our shitty cars 35 miles to class. We had no clue what any part of the school looked like except where our classes were. I have no "old school ties" but then we also had no hazing deaths. For every Carl Sagan there is a Toshio Okada. Fuck top dollar education, IMHO, at least when it comes to the vast majority of people.

Unless you're some dynastic richie in which case you should absolutely go to school to meet all the other richies you'll be interacting with once you take over GE or receive your peerage or whatever.
Quote from: tbone3969 on 01/30/2018, 02:16 PMYes I know there is one on ebay.  Trying to save on shipping and the last game I ordered from Japan got lost in the mail.  Can you believe I won an auction for a Brand New and Sealed Aldynes for $190 shipped?  Can't believe it got lost in the mail.  Dam you USPS.
Who cares if it got lost? You can't play a sealed game anyway. You're better just throwing your money into a hole in the ground.
I will try to see this in the theater but nobody wants to see it with me so I don't know.
Off-Topic / Re: I'm bald.
01/30/2018, 11:47 AM
Well, you know what to do. You have shotgun, right?
I'm assuming this is fake fakery. So few people are cool enough to do this...
Yeah, Prince of Persia. That's about it.
Seriously you can't pretend that football players aren't exponentially more likely to be associated with antisocial behavior.  You're living a lie, that's all I can say. Remember Michael Vick? Joe Paterno? Have you not seen coverage of hazing deaths in colleges in the US? Where do you think the idea for Revenge of the Nerds came from, straight out of some guy's misanthropic butthurt ass? No, the actual life experiences of  innumerable butthurt asses. Haven't you had Papa John's before?

Football fans are famous for knowing stats (since there are so few memorable plays I'd assume) but you seem to be oblivious of anything off the field. Again, sports fans will forgive anyone who can throw a dumb ball through a thing. They are completely amoral in this regard because they outright worship and covet the dumb ball throwing skill so that they could be worshiped like the meathead they are worshiping. This is why all these coverups happen, because one after another through several chains of command they all forgive results. Sure, it does happen with all sports but since the NFL is the dumbest most violent sport played by the hugest most highly paid assholes our terrible high schools can produce who literally become more brain damaged and dumb and violent as they play (something even the NFL has now admitted) and they have the most hardcore and amoral fans who will forgive anything, most of the shit happens there. I mean, I have heard of track team gang rapes before but not as many.
I don't like Akira very much but you're right, it has the exact same spirit.
It doesn't look like "anime". There are lots of labor saving long shots but when the action happens it's animated on 1s. Instead of 2s or 3s. (That is, 24fps instead of 12 or 8 like anime usually is). The character designs are difficult to draw and they knew this and didn't care. I'd bet the sloppiest cel in this entire production is cleaner than the cleanest Dragonball cel ever.

Here was a time when anime's most hardcore were so hardcore that the creators and the fandom thought of it as a limitless art form that could do anything. You can see that here.
It's only on Crackle, somehow.

But seriously,

HD ver
SD ver with subs (not needed, film is almost totally without dialogue, don't watch this, watch the HD version. Yes, stupid, I know you can't understand Japanese. No, I'm not saying you're stupid for not knowing Japanese, you're stupid for thinking that being able to understand Japanese would somehow make it easier to understand this movie. Don't watch this. Watch the HD version.):
Every show on Netflix is season one, even if there is one season only.

Now, can we talk about Angel's Egg you fucking retards?
Quote from: turboswimbz on 01/23/2018, 11:28 AM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 01/22/2018, 08:43 PM
Quote from: turboswimbz on 01/22/2018, 04:54 PMSport   Clock Duration   Amt of Action   % of Action   
Soccer   1hr 55mins   57.6mins   50.09%   

Table Article link:  - studies for each linked at bottom of article.
Because I actually hate all sports I don't really know what I'm talking about but having played soccer video games and watched them on TV I have trouble understanding that stat. Soccer is 45 each way plus stoppage and shootouts. Doesn't that mean it more or less has to have 90+ minutes every time?
The clock runs constantly in the highest levels, and time is not always added to stoppage for all the throw in's, when the goalie holds the ball etc. in fact the referees just add whatever the heck they want to the end and just call the end when the action stops.  Most of those stats for all the sports get real specific about these things.  like when you watch baseball, seeing the pitcher get signs and what not is part of the game, but not included in the "action time"  same thing with huddles, audibles, etc.
Interesting. I guess maybe we need a different system for assigning boredom levels. My issue with football is when the clock is definetly running and literally the ref is holding the damned ball. That is %100 sure not "action" and is actually the sport almost totally with some guys falling down over and over and over again having only moved the ball less distance than even a pussy like me could just throw because of a rules system designed for pure violence and a glacial pace. One side only scores once and the other twice (same as soccer) and then somehow $150M has been spent. I don't know how anyone could enjoy this without a lot of booze and DVR unless their asshole dads just beat them over the head indoctrinating them from birth to think every other sport was "for fags".

Oh yeah...
Quote from: guest on 01/23/2018, 09:26 AMHeh, lots of butthurt anti-football whiners here.
Given that football and rape are famous for going hand in hand I'm not surprised. It's too bad you think that ass rape is funny though. I hope an NFL-er accidentally drives his Lexus through your fucking TV, you alpha worshiping toadie.

[edit] You probably like cops.
Quote from: Gypsy on 01/21/2018, 09:27 AMYeah I couldn't find anything but the blu on eBay. Didn't look on yaj yet though. The blu was a bit more than I'd want to pay for a single movie.

There is an LD Oshii set on eBay but it does not include Angel's Egg. It was 4/6 movies I already have too, so not much interest in that.
I watched the original LD again the other night. It's not as bad as I remember, very good image for 1985. I guess that HD version on YT just blew my mind a little too much for a minute. Full disclosure, I have a CLD-99 and an XBR-960 which, in period, was one of the best LD viewing setups available. Your mileage may vary.
Quote from: turboswimbz on 01/22/2018, 04:54 PMNah can't say that I do, Not to say what they've done isn't impressive, but I just am not a fan

Also I quite like football, and I'm okay with the 11-15 minutes of actual play. 

that being said I still think golf is worse to watch in that regard, even the action is slow paced.  here's a fun table though.  notice that the two most popular are also devoid of the most action.

Sport   Clock Duration   Amt of Action   % of Action   
Baseball   2hrs 56mins   17mins, 58secs   10.21%      
Football   3hrs 10mins   11mins   5.79%   
Soccer   1hr 55mins   57.6mins   50.09%   
Basketball   2hrs 18mins   48mins   34.78%   
Hockey   2hrs 20mins   60mins   42.86%   

Table Article link:  - studies for each linked at bottom of article.
Because I actually hate all sports I don't really know what I'm talking about but having played soccer video games and watched them on TV I have trouble understanding that stat. Soccer is 45 each way plus stoppage and shootouts. Doesn't that mean it more or less has to have 90+ minutes every time?
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 01/22/2018, 05:14 PM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 01/22/2018, 03:49 PMMan, football is the worst. All of it. From concussed 8 year olds to Greek Life, to OJ Simson to fat angry dudes walking around in sweatshop gear with another grown ass man's name on the back. It sucks to high heaven and is a blight on American society. The players, the owners, the stadium owners, NFL management, fuck all of them.

Also, if there is a slower sport I'd like to hear what it is. Your first three guesses are wrong so please try harder. We're looking for a sport where "action" is less than %10 of a TV broadcast to even come close and I'm pretty fucking sure the NFL is alone on this.
Golf.. oh wait you said sport.
Nope. PGA beats [edit] NFL handily as far as the "ball in motion" goes. You won't find another sport. Curling, chess, nothing with as much downtime as an NFL game. Watching normal NFL is like watching any other sport when it's rained out. The Wall Street Journal's analysis came up with an average of 11 minutes of action per game. You're watching at least three times that in commercials. These guys are making $1000 per footprint to beat their families and run over homeless people in their SUVs without realizing it. Disgusting.
Man, football is the worst. All of it. From concussed 8 year olds to Greek Life, to OJ Simson to fat angry dudes walking around in sweatshop gear with another grown ass man's name on the back. It sucks to high heaven and is a blight on American society. The players, the owners, the stadium owners, NFL management, fuck all of them.

Also, if there is a slower sport I'd like to hear what it is. Your first three guesses are wrong so please try harder. We're looking for a sport where "action" is less than %10 of a TV broadcast to even come close and I'm pretty fucking sure the NFL is alone on this.
That part really should't be hard. :)
You can't afford a multitap but you can build mutiple six button arcade panels? Isn't a multitap like $20?
Quote from: Gypsy on 01/20/2018, 12:10 PM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 01/19/2018, 09:39 PM
I'd be interested in discussing this, the OVA itself or the analysis. The guy himself...his voice is annoying and every pro podcaster looks like Jake Paul to me now but in my opinion it's well worth watching.

This is the kind of anime that I love and almost nobody else will even watch let alone watch dozens of times, largely because a lot of it is impossible to find (in this case there is a perfect HD ver on YouTube) or its untranslated (in this case there is so little dialogue and so many ways to interpret the thing that language is not that important) so I'm glad to see this.
Fantastic movie, highly symbolic so there is a lot to think about. I wonder if I could find a Japanese LD or DVD of it. Preferably LD just for the artwork if anything.
The LD is the cheapest by far now, but it still hard to find. I have the original release and while I'll never part with it I honestly have to say that nobody really saw this thing until the HD transfer. You lose a LOT on the LD.

There is a reprint that I'm pretty sure just adds Digital Sound and I think here is an Oshii box set that has this in it. If the box is a remaster I'd recommend it over the earlier LD.
I agree with everyone else.
I'd be interested in discussing this, the OVA itself or the analysis. The guy himself...his voice is annoying and every pro podcaster looks like Jake Paul to me now but in my opinion it's well worth watching.

This is the kind of anime that I love and almost nobody else will even watch let alone watch dozens of times, largely because a lot of it is impossible to find (in this case there is a perfect HD ver on YouTube) or its untranslated (in this case there is so little dialogue and so many ways to interpret the thing that language is not that important) so I'm glad to see this.
Quote from: toaks on 01/18/2018, 06:19 PMAny chance we might get another chance to get this?
This is too obviously a troll, right? This is just button pushing, right?
Quote from: seieienbu on 01/18/2018, 04:58 PMIs that tide thing a real thing?  Are people actually doing that?  If so I think that I hate Americans.
The thing I read (actual news, not Facebook) said that the national poison hotline has taken 1-2 calls a day in 2018 from idiots feeling like shit after eating something that couldn't be more clearly marked "Tide". So, sadly, it's real. Not 1000s of people real, but more like 38 people real, which is still too many since some are actual adults and not month old puppies.

All I can say is, I hope Nintega is OK.