OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Messages - Arkhan Asylum

Quote from: NecroPhile on 12/01/2017, 03:14 PMNobody is allowed to enjoy anything on the N64.  Arkhan hath spoken.  :roll:
That's ...not what I, or Zeta, or anyone else of the same sentiment has actually said.

People can enjoy their Nintendo's Version of the SuperGrafx or PCFX all they want.  It doesn't mean it's a great machine with a powerhouse library lol.

Everyone's basically confirmed that it has about 10 games tops that are fun and it's only good because it's all so cheap now.


everyone else watches shows and I'm over here watching cartoon bitches flailing
Quote from: nopepper on 12/01/2017, 02:14 PMDude, I was complimenting Atlantean. The point of bringing it up was not to compare systems, but to focus on the fact that a game might have some technical flaws (either due to system limitations, 1 man development teams, etc.) but still be fun to play.

The Saturn JP library is amazing, if you like shooters and fighters, and/or are fluent in japanese. And even with those items checked, the library does not have the breadth of the PSX.

In any case, you don't like the N64, cool. I think you are underrating it. To each their own.
Yeah I get the Atlantean complement, I just don't see the point of bringing it up for this lol.   I guess mostly because comparing a goony game I made to stuff made by pros back in the day just seems weird in general to me.

N64 might have had a better time if they allowed some 2D stuff to exist instead of just being hardcore 3D pushing idiots with everything.

Quote from: nopepper on 12/01/2017, 10:44 AMSo you honestly don't feel games like Mario, FZero, Waverace, Starfox, heck, even stuff like Wipeout, make up for frame rate issues?!? I think those (and the ones I've mentioned before) are still excellent, fun, well designed games, even with the shortcomings of the hardware. Kinda like how I feel about Atlantean; another game with frame rate issues (might not be the technical term), but well designed and fun. ;)
I don't like Mario64 at all.  It doesn't let me play Mario how I want to, which is running the entire time without stopping basically.   

Starfox 64 is too easy and was a giant disappointment.

A few racing games doesn't make up for a goony console when there's also no other options.

As for Atlantean, well, it was made by one person in a basement over the course of ...3(?) years in spare time, for fun.   Using the term loosely there because it often wasn't exactly fun to work on when you consider the amount of freetime I spent doing it instead of playing my own backlog of stuff for enjoyment, or doing other things.

I don't even see the point of using it in this comparison since the PCE isn't a lackluster machine that had an onslaught of mediocrity, lol.

If I was getting paid hourly to make Atlantean, and was working at an actual software company on it with an entire team, it would've turned out way better.   I tried sorting out framerate issues but gave up when I realized some commercial games like LDis and crap have some slowdown.  I just said screw it.

QuoteIf we are going to compare PSX's library to N64, then of course the N64 will look like shit. But the same can be said of the Saturn. That doesn't mean the Saturn sucks. Or the N64.
The Saturn's JP library is amazing.  The N64s is more of the same garbage.  So, you can't say the same about the Saturn...

QuoteLike I said before, to each their own. It just always seems that when it comes to talking about 16-bit and PSX/N64 eras, the 15 year old in the majority of us comes out in these debates.
Its not the 15 year old in us.  It's the common sense in us.   It's a piece of crap.   When you can only excuse it because it's cheap and has a few racing games that make you feel good, it's even more apparent that it's basically a piece of crap.

its landed on the tip of my peener
Take the Man Train.
Street Fisting

a missed opportunity.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 11/30/2017, 11:29 AMYou haven't lived until you've played Amiga Dragon's Lair on floppy. They only get one or two levels on a disc and you're swapping the things out like mad. It helped a lot to have a HD. I think it's seven discs.
I played through Ultima V on the Commodore 64.


*accidentally walk back out of town*


*enter dungeon*


They are lucky that game was so good, because that shit sucked.
They had a commercial like that with the dated PCs actually.

Dude gets a new PC, drives by a billboard on the way home and sees the next model is for sale and hes like WTF.

N64's framerate on so many games was just shit, and the games themselves didn't make up for it.

Honestly, nothing on N64 comes close to the enjoyment I had from Metal Gear Solid or Tenchu

It's just not there.   
Quote from: gilbert on 12/01/2017, 12:49 AMI am always a fan of the original Terra Cresta, and the PCE sequel is great too, especially when a remixed version of the original theme tune comes up. I've heard that the Saturn 3D sequel isn't very good though.

IMO the Famicom version is already a fantastic conversion of the original given the hardware limitation. Among the games in Nichibutsu's combining mecha "series", I'd rather see MagMax on the PCE and I think it could make a very good conversion, at least it won't sacrifice the parallax ground like the Famicom version. (Don't get me wrong, a port of the original game on the PCE would be great too.)
MagMax would fucking RULE.

I love that game.

We used to get excited and go AW YEAH WE GOT THE ROBO BONER POWERUP because that's basically what it looks like.
naked women?

Quote from: SignOfZeta on 11/30/2017, 11:47 PMI once got completely owned in MvC2 by a guy who's weapon of choice was the standard Dreamcast pad.

Yeah, no kidding. I don't even...
The standard dreamcast pad's D-Pad is so weird.

For awhile I was super-good at using it but going back to it I am like "why is this thing so floaty"
speaking of superplay, I made this observation years ago that people who excel at N64 controllers basically suck at any other controller.

I watch these Smash Bros. Savants fucking suck at basic use of a dual shock controller, and it cracks me up.

They must have brain damage that only allows them to comprehend the N64.
It's a great game.

That ice level was really fun, and the music in it is pretty fuckin cool.  It doesn't have soldier blade caliber instrumentation but it's still good.     The powerup system is also interesting and different enough that it's worth playing for that.   

I wish the NES one would've made it to PCE too. 

Off-Topic / Re: Instant Regrets
11/30/2017, 10:12 PM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 11/30/2017, 09:31 PM
Quote from: Bornist on 11/30/2017, 11:05 AMI think I've had more seller's remorse than buyer's remorse.

Every time I sell a Duo, I regret, only to be back a little later looking to get another one.
Congratulations, you're the Morrissey of gaming.

I find it funny that the N64 is only "OK" years later after it has become cheap and you just grab throwaway games for it and go "this is OK I guess"

Mischief Makers is the only thing I really feel the need to play ever.

and that could've been an SNES game basically.

I don't get why it was even on N64.  It feels like a PSX game.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 11/30/2017, 04:37 PMBack then code alone was valuable. Look at how many games were completely redone graphically back then just to get some 17 year old programmer's perfect game. :)

Street Smart for SNES is a great example. Being originally a Ranma 1/2 fighting game the only thing good about it was the art and it was all completely replaced for Street Smart.
Sometimes it just sucks.

like Wanwan Panic --> Chubby Cherub.

What a mess.

N64 failed to push the 3D envelope as hard as people seem to think it did, and failed to capture what games were expected to be there at the time.

The 3D experience N64 provided basically sucked.

Mario 64 is like the only great one, and it isn't even that great.   The rest are mediocre.

I liked Chameleon Twist a bit, but it basically sucks too.  Every 3D game on N64 had a better equivalent on PS1.

Anyone who thinks N64 had a great FPS library has never touched a computer, and has never played the PS1 FPS games.   

Quake II on N64 had a lame soundtrack.  PS1 Quake II peed all over it.

Doom 64 was alright, but Final Doom on PS1?   Way better.    and you didn't have to fuck off with that N64 controller.

It had Hexen, Descent, Disruptor, JUMPING FLASH COUNTS TOO.   

PSX had a much better variety of FPS games that all played better.   It's only downside was the lack of 4 player multiplayer.

Everyone's memories of Goldeneye are always "me and my 3 friends at a sleepover on a 13" TV"

its never "man that single player Goldeneye was awesome"

They're talking about how much fun they had fucking off with paintball mode, donkey kong big headed stupid shit while planning what they were going to do to that friend who wouldn't stop being cheap with Oddjob after he goes to sleep.

"Matts an asshole wait til he goes to sleep"

and then he wakes up with dicks drawn all over his face with sharpee.

That's Goldeneye. 

People who really love the N64 had to have basically grew up with it in the same way that some of us grew up on an SNES or NES.    They don't know what they missed out on.  Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

lol, I had this one friend that was an N64 fanboy through and through.  He didn't get/touch a Playstation until ~2006.

So he didn't play PS1 for what, a decade after launch?   He outright REFUSED to touch it. 

After he got a PS1 and some games, I literally did not see or hear from him for a month.   He binged on PS1.   When I finally heard from him the first thing he says is "holyfuck I was wrong."

the dude tried to make up for 10 years of lost time in the course of a month and basically PS1'd himself stupid.

now, he only likes N64 for Jet Force Gemini, and the wrestling games.
Quote from: nopepper on 11/30/2017, 01:38 PMIn general, millenials overrate it and the rest underrate it.
The overrating is true, but there's no underrating.   The thing sucked, and still sucks. 

When you have to say things like "if you like racing/one FPS/some quirky games", it shows that it was a failure.

It's like the PC-FX.

"If you like dating sims, its great!"---> It was a failure.

I like the PCFX for it's charming nonsense, but it's a POS failure. 

Saturn/PSX load times aren't that bad though.   I'd take that over muddy ass textures and crappy games.
Quote from: ginoscope on 11/30/2017, 01:20 PMI always wondered why they localized it as well.  Only thing I can think of was that they wanted more platform games since they were popular at the time.
And at the time, there were limited options.

Doing a larger re-do of art/etc. probably was out of the realms of possibility because of the games setting.

What else are you going to put in alleyways/buildings/streets?

The names could've been less stupid maybe.

JJ and Jeff sounds like some characters that appear in a comic hanging on a dentist's wall.
This is a fun game, despite the fact our version just features two random dumbasses.

It's still odd to me that they localized the game but I am glad they did, because it was great.

This was a cool video.   I like the background music usage, facts, and the fact you don't sound like you are deepthroating the mic while talking.  Thank you for that.

OG BigDick PS1 boxes are awesome what are you talking about.

They don't fit good, get in the way, and break easily.

Its the best.
Off-Topic / Re: MacOS
11/30/2017, 12:18 PM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 11/28/2017, 11:06 PMThat's a pretty big fuckup. They only fire you for leaks though so I except that guy will be promoted to head of product design.
They already ordered the person responsible a slew of black turtlenecks.

Quote from: guest on 11/30/2017, 12:11 PMYou should have used a hairdryer instead.
I said burn it, not Bernie it.
Quote from: guest on 11/30/2017, 11:48 AMHow do you mod the US N64 to play Japanese games? Is it just by removing some plastic tabs, similar to the SNES?
slightly harder

You have to dremmel plastic square things that are too thick to bust out with pliers like the SNES

but other than that, its the same basic idea.

I was too lazy to do that and used one of those long lighters for grills and stuff, and melted the plastic and flattened it with a spoon.

Fuck the N64. BURN IT
Quote from: turboswimbz on 11/30/2017, 08:27 AM
Quote from: SamIAm on 11/29/2017, 11:26 PMWith power cords, there is probably ten or twenty cents worth of copper in the lines.
About 5 - 8 years ago if you lived in the northeast USA that price was almost tripled that.  The guys here would still bits from everything, break into houses for the lines, and strip every bit from demolitions.  If they could get a 30 gallon garbage can filled they were selling it  for multiple hundreds of dollars at a time.
Yeah, lol houses around here in the jankier areas had the aluminum siding ripped off, and inside, people ripped the copper pipes out of the walls.

Like someone who was on vacation came home to a house with no pipes.

Off-Topic / Re: Instant Regrets
11/29/2017, 09:54 PM
yea and I can play PSO by myself and send Dreamcast Emojis to all the NPCs
Off-Topic / Re: Instant Regrets
11/29/2017, 07:34 PM

I traded BOF3 in to get a goddamn Dreamcast keyboard to play PSO .

Fuck was that stupid of me.

I lucked out and found a copy of it again for about 15$, which is what I paid for my used copy years ago, so it's a wash.

but holy shit, that almost could've sucked.
Off-Topic / Re: Instant Regrets
11/29/2017, 07:33 PM
I have a strange love for Beyond the Beyond I think mainly because of a few of the songs being stuck in my head forever, and I liked Lorele, and the overall presentation of the battle segments.   

but yeah the rest of that game is pretty stupid.  the character portraits were like deviantart hall of fame looking, and some of the dungeons were shit.

but I liked this song!:

I didn't play it until like 1998 or so, after I had played FF7, and I kept expecting 3D but it never happened.

Wild Arms and Azure Dreams were better times for sure.

and Breath of Fire 3 jesusfuckthatgamewasawesome
Fuckin bastardssssssss

Its ok, my Sanyo still rocks on.
Off-Topic / Re: Instant Regrets
11/29/2017, 04:47 PM
Quote from: Psycho Punch on 11/28/2017, 04:44 PMNothing really, just want to tell how surprised I am to learn that there's a 16GB flash PS3, when 90% of the games just dump the entire disc to the HDD to be playable.
I got me one of those and took the panel off and put a 600gb HDD in it for like 20$.

They say you need a harness to hold it in, but what you really need is a folded up piece of cardboard to keep the drive level since the connector is on top, so without it, you end up with a drive like  \   , and it breaks the connector.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 11/29/2017, 03:50 PMIt's OK, I went to bed early last night anyway.
I dragged a TV down a flight of steps and THEN realized the power cord was missing.  lol.

it was a great night
I went to do this and had a bunch of issues that I think aren't me going insane, it's just Windows 10 being stupid.

I need to get my XP VM going again and see wtfsup
Nantettatte Anal.


I got a brand-new looking copy of Jumping Flash in a bigdickPSX box for 18$

it looks like whoever owned it never actually touched it.

The case has like no doofy nicks or dents.

Fuck N64.
Quote from: crazydean on 11/29/2017, 02:47 AM

Ha. That made me laugh. Mostly because of how many posts you made about this TV. Anyway, it's an easy fix. 

The real question is: Who would cut the cord off an old TV and why? We may never know...
I got it all in spliced wires and it looks like the TV was dead.

SO maybe they cut it as a warning.

but they rested the TV remote so nicely on top of it, I didn't even think.

Sad times.  Those theater view TVs look fucking awesome.   


lol is everyone too good for emulators

(except Zeta who is shafted with a Turboless emulator)

Whoever wrote an emulator that doesn't support autofire needs to get punched in the nads, anyway
Quote from: exodus on 11/28/2017, 04:57 PMI'm having trouble remembering the song this is based on!
Please see post #1.  lol
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 11/28/2017, 03:43 PMIt died. Nothing works anymore. QUICK, rewrite it as a SuperCD. I'll be out of work by 11:00 tonight.
lol, I honestly might be able to fudge stuff around in memory and build it as a SuperCD so you can waste an entire CD-R on it.
Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 11/28/2017, 02:48 PM
Quote from: Dicer on 10/31/2017, 12:56 AM
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 10/31/2017, 12:08 AMsweet.

It's be cool if we could fiddledick with the panning and mix the tunes more than they ever dreamed they could back then.
Fiddledick is a term I'm gonna shoehorn into as much conversation as I can...
Shoehorn is a term I'm gonna acclimate into as much chunter as I can...
Shoehorn your fiddledick into my chunt.

MC Cthulhu sounds like a rap artist.   lol  wtf
Off-Topic / Re: Instant Regrets
11/28/2017, 01:46 PM
I regret nothing.

2018:  Sell real copies of games for repros "because they look nicer on shelf"

I was talking about her titties.  lol
Quote from: Vimtoman on 11/28/2017, 10:59 AMI use to use Deluxe paint 26 years ago :) making gfx for a few amiga groups.

Just found this online. Juki was me Ha Ha.

God someones done a good job cataloguing this lot .
Amiga/C64 stuff seems to be some of the best documented stuff for any old computer scene.  It amazes me some of the obscure stuff I've run across like "who saved this, lolwtf"

but, that's a good thing really.

I'll add this to the main post too.   Here's a slightly echo'd capture of the game tune!

I will probably be adding Insanity's soundtrack to here soon-ish.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 11/28/2017, 02:52 AMSell me a real copy of your game so I can use it on my real machines with rapid fire and get better scores.
lol there is no real copy.

I can't even sell a real copy because it's got a sweet cover of an actual pop song, so I don't know how that works exactly.

don't you own a flashthing besides that tototek that never worked right?  :D
Yeah, I bet she's got curved tubes.

Oh right, I forgot you can't just chuck a TV on the sidewalk in Japan.

that's how I got this stupid TV that I can't physically lift out of my car.   I was driving and just saw it on the sidewalk and went HEY A TOSHIBA! and probably looked like an idiot trying to lug it to my trunk.

My friend's house over there still has tiny TVs everywhere because of space concerns. 

With heavy lunky ass TVs comes the need for a piece of furniture that can support the thing.   I am currently wondering where I will put this TV I just found.

I have one stand that might work, otherwise it's going to go on the floor.