RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - ParanoiaDragon

Quote from: esteban on 04/16/2017, 07:23 AMCity = very nice, but it is such an upbeat, cheerful song—I prefer Cave :)

Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 04/16/2017, 02:15 AMAnd, another one!

CAVE is a friggin' great track and currently my favorite. I can listen to it over and over...your track is elegant and sweepingly majestic.


Fourth listen...commencing...
Thanks man!  I always felt like the City tune was meant to be wacky, but was lacking, so I upped the wackiness on it(and added bongo's, as all Bonk music should have).  As for Cave, always felt like it had the right mood, but was a bit boring.  Gave it bongo's(of coarse) & made it work with the bassline from Bonk's Revenge Cave tune!

Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 04/18/2017, 04:21 PM
Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 04/16/2017, 02:15 AMAnd, another one!

Cave:SNES Version:
I actually dig the SNES Super Bonk game and welcome these awesome remasters/remixes of these tracks!!  WOW!  To think someday we could play these on a TRUE Turbo system!?  :D

Amaze!  Thank you PD!!
Thanks!  Yeah, the key word here would be "could" play these on a TRUE Turbo System!  It'd be nice someday to complete the soundtrack & motivate someone to work on this coding side of things!
Grabbed it this morning before heading to work & played it for a few minutes, seems dope!
Off-Topic / Re: Star Wars: The last Jedi
04/19/2017, 01:16 AM
I didn't get into the trailer the first 2 times I watched it, for some reason.  But then on the 3rd time I showed it to my dad, & I did get some great goosebumps! :D
You can change the crystals you picked up in DE2 however, so you can up your agility stats.  I played thru the game with most characters, adjusting where need be.  I don't recall being able to do that in the first game, but, then again, I only beat it via DEBDE DEBDA.......
Awe, new Badonk's Adventure pics, nice!  Looking forward to seeing it in motion, as well as hearing the tune for it, can't wait!!!!
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
04/15/2017, 04:19 AM
Picked up both Ray Gigant & Flinthook.
Hmm, that reminds me, someone REALLY needs to upload Gunhed Special, Twin Bee Returns, & Cycho Rider at the very least(Force Gear already being made available).  Put a cramp in their style!
Wow, definitely didn't know about the cd audio patching being done on the SNES!  I'd maybe consider doing that for Super Bonk, but the game belongs on the Turbo.   

I do feel like the music & sound would add quite a bit to the aesthetic of the game & make it more fun.  However, we did want to modify the levels along with the graphics.  I recall that I wanted to hide a lot of the bonus levels, as I feel there were way too many & that it slowed the game down.  Basically wanted to make it so they were hidden.  I wanted to use the original sound engine from the 1st 2 games for the sounds.  The sounds in Super Bonk are pretty bleh for the most part.  Possibly speed up the spin closer to Bonk 1, & maybe make his walker a lil faster.  I don't have the document in front of me, so that's all I recall ATM.

With that, here's the tune for the City:Original SNES version:
Quote from: Michirin9801 on 04/12/2017, 02:07 AM
Quote from: guest on 04/12/2017, 01:50 AM... and Contra, but the MSX Contra wouldn't be that fantastic on PCE.
Just imagine NES Contra on PCE, but with better graphics and music...

I've always imagined the Famicom version(for the extra animation), but with the arcade Contra's graphics on the Turbob.  IIRC, either Black Tiger or Keranu did some sprite ripping & color adjusting as a test.
Yup, I think you heard some of them, not sure if all.  The dates I was on these files were from 2010, so I assumed it had been 7 years.

Here's the Intro Cinema:Original SNES version:
Played it on my Wii, didn't notice any problems, really well done.  Wish Yoshi could do a dash spin, but, aw well.
I'm still curious about Pit Fighter.  Supposedly there were Hu & CD versions.  Also, it'd be nice, if we ever get access to these games, if we also got source code incase anybody ever wanted to finish them.
Thanks!  Yeah, besides the music, we planned on tweaking the game as well.  Thought about making the spin faster, as an example.  Graphics would all be tweaked, including brighter colors, since they seemed to use a fairly dark palette for a Bonk game.
I can't believe it's been 7 years since I started this project!  I want to eventually do a modified version of Super Bonk for Turbo CD.  Some here are already aware of this, but I decided to start releasing the tracks I did years ago. 

I hope to start up on this project again some day, as well as remixing music for Super Bonk 2, the GB Bonks, & the arcade Bonk(or maybe a new featuring gfx from the arcade game). 

Black Tiger was working with me to figure out how the game would work on the Turbo along with Tom/Bonknuts.  BT did some gfx experiments with the first level & the first boss, & Keranu did some ripping & color adjusting for examples of how some colors would be converted.  If I'm forgetting anyone else that got involved in this, I apologize!

I made the tunes to sound more like typical Bonk music(which I also plan on doing for Bonk 3 CD).  Essentially, these sound like the chip tunes from the Bonk's Adventure & Revenge, but enhance. 
Anyways, for starters, here's the Title Screen:here's the original SNES version for reference:
Quote from: fragmare on 04/05/2017, 12:50 PMMarble Madness looks amazing on the PCE.  Peter Pack Rat has some really nice sprite animation!  Looks like it had promise.  The others... eh... kinda glad they didn't see the light of day.
I think Off the Wall looks good.  Popils I think would be much better with enhanced gfx, as those gfx are pretty basic.
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
04/05/2017, 12:04 AM
I thought about getting Pang.  I even noticed it was available hours later after the 2nd run on friday.  If it was on Vita, I would've gotten it.  I think part of my reasoning is to save space, as I have a severe space problem with collecting games.
Hmmmm, it does look similar!
PCE/TG-16|CD/SGX Discussion / Re: Ys IV
04/03/2017, 02:31 AM
Gah, they spelled Ys wrong!!!@)$iq3p9rje[worginvw[eoahoei  Man, Van Nuys, forgot all about that.  That's like a 20 minute drive from me.  I can't recall if I ever went by the old TZD building.  I feel like somebody did at one point & took pics.
Off-Topic / Re: Japs & Fat Gay Niggers
04/01/2017, 01:17 AM
Wow.....very strange.......
PCE/TG-16|CD/SGX Discussion / Re: Ys IV
03/31/2017, 01:55 AM
I love Ys 6.  It's not Oath, which is my favorite, but it's a great game.  Deffinitely better then the current versions of Ys 5.
Quote from: F.L on 03/22/2017, 09:02 AMthanks all
no pressed disc but maybe hucards  8)

i dont know what will be my next project, but nothing for the moment !

exodus, yes the pce version is finished, you can find the link of the 7 roms on page 1
When he says a PCE version.  I think he means a version with brand new graphics that take advantage of the PCE's graphic & sound capabilities.  I also hope you will do this someday!
CF2 holds a special place in my heart.  It was my first turn based RPG.  Closest thing to an RPG I had played previously was the Zelda & Ys games.  I remember seeing teh cinemas in EGM & falling in love.  It was also the first game to make me cry, but I won't say why, just incase anyone isn't spoiled that's reading this.

As for Rayearth.  I wonder if any stat changes were actually done by the original creators of the game?  Didn't most of the code have to get rebuilt because they lost all the data?
I actually understand what spenoza's saying though.  It is hard to find the right balance.  Sometimes songs just sounded too empty, but I know it's possible to overload the songs as well.  All I can do is keep learning.  I hope someday I have time to work on more songs.  Still haven't been able to.  However, I have 2 songs left, so, here they are:

EpilogueGame Over
i recall buying Beyond the Beyond, & being frustrated that I could't save.  Has enough money for the game, but not for the memory card.  I don't recall how long I sat on the game before getting a card.  Maybe I figured it'd have a password system for people who didn't have the card yet??
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 03/11/2017, 12:42 AMI've always said it like the word vague. Vaygz.
Same here.
Heh, as far as i can tell, you totally responded to the Netflix Castlevania thread in this thread! :D
Quote from: Gredler on 03/07/2017, 02:40 PMWhile looking at IMDB for various star trek cast members to see what other stuff they did, I saw something very surprising... The actor who played Word on Next Generation was also in a 2012 production of Castlevania! Wtf?!

Castlevania: Hymn of Blood

Anyone have any info on this? Looks like a failed pilot or something?
Who is Word?  I don't recall his character on Next Generation.  Maybe he was on Deep Space Nine, still haven't seen that one yet.  Seriously though, I think you meant Worf?  I was confused at first, thinking it was    some minor character that I didn't remember! :D  Maybe a rapping alien? :)
And ye verdict is......?
Quote from: CrackTiger on 03/08/2017, 10:17 AMI had a TurboPad ruined bitd because someone walked through the cord while I was playing and the plug stayed in the TG-16 while the cord and plug casing ripped off.  A PCE pad would have just pulled out.
Same here, though I don't recall the exact incident.  Might've even been me in frustration pulling on the cord, but I don't recall having a habit of doing that, so maybe one of my friends, the type that like to throw controllers when they're pissed off at losing in Bomberman! :D  I had a few of those.  One of whom, that didn't seem to understand that the point of Bomberman was to kill the other players!  He'd get pissed off at me for playing the game the way it was meant to be played! :P
Quote from: nectarsis on 03/07/2017, 04:21 PMWhile the subject is up what's everybody's thoughts on the PSP version
I enjoyed it a lot, but prefer the PS1 version most.  I'd really like them to do another actual sequel.  I bought a DS specifically for Dragon Song even though reviews gave it a mixed bag.  I still have yet to finish it.
One thing I noticed while playing is that some names are spelled differently thruout the game.  Basically, the ingame story boxes show one spelling, but then the character/monster files are sometimes spelled differently.,  I'm not sure if this is how the Steam release was?
I didn't have a Sega CD when it first came out, got one much later.  So I ended up playing the PS1 versions of both first, & prefer those.  Haven't played too far into the Sega Cd or Saturn versions.  I don't care at all for the GBA version, but the PSP game was fun.
I'll do another, here's what I worked up for the final battle with Wily which happens to be my favorite of all the tracks I did, & strangely, it's one of the ones I did earlier on in creating this soundtrack!

Dr. Wily's Final Battlecontaints elements from:
Wily Battle from Mega Man
Wily Machine from Mega Man 9
Incidnent Occurance! from MM Battle Network 2
Wily Machine from Mega Man & Bass
Wily Bosses from Mega Man NES
Wily Bosses from MM Wily Wars
Wily Bosses from MM Powered Up
Wily Stage 3 from Mega Man: The Puzzle Battle
Final Victory
Quote from: fragmare on 03/02/2017, 02:41 PM
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 03/02/2017, 01:10 PMWhy not port over TMNT from the NES?  Upgrade the colors?
Screw that.  Why port a port.  Just rip the sprites/tiles straight from MAME and port the original arcade game...  something like this >>
If we ever did that, I'd require the snow level from the NES game, I love that level.  Could maybe turn it on & off like with Striders extra level, which I also enjoy.  Only bummer would be any extra work for unique tiles/sprites that were in the snow level.
I feel that this next one needs more variety to it, so I'll be tweaking it in the future.

Dr. Wily's Castle Stage 3contains elements from;

Wily's Castle 3 & 4 from Mega Man NES - Invalid ID
Wily's Castle 3 & 4 from MM Wily Wars - Invalid ID
Wily's Final Stage from MM Wily's Revenge - Invalid ID
Endless Struggle from Mega Man 10 - Invalid ID
Wily Castle 1 from Mega Man: The Puzzle Battle - Invalid ID
Wily Stage 3 & 4 from MM Powered Up
Ok, I guess not quite as exciting as I thought, however, I know the PS4 has an improved frame rate, some claim it's pretty significant.

Found this on Tokyo Xanadu differences:

With Tokyo Xanadu eX+, you'll find new modes (Time Attack and Boss Rush), new scenarios that weren't depicted in the main story, an all new quest accessible after beating the game, a new playable character (White Shroud, a mysterious knight), and new monsters, dungeons, and bosses.
Quote from: Gypsy on 02/26/2017, 12:34 PMTokyo Xanadu is a game I want to play, but I'm wondering... Has it been said the differences in the PS4 version? Seemingly everything I clicked on just said it's "enhanced". Not sure if that's worth $20 more...
From memory, I recall that the PS4 version is expanded, much like the PS4 version of Ys VIII.  More dungeons, more story elements, etc.  I'm gonna buy both of each game to support Falcom games, but probably will skip all the LE stuff.
That is a good point, how often really will I look at the extra stuff.  Makes me think more about getting the regular editions of this & Tokyo Xanadu(another Falcom game coming this year), as the PS4 version of that is SUPER expensive & hard to justify.
BITD I had an extra copy of Altered Beast for Genny, & I actually tried to mess with the pins & what not to see if  I could get the graphics to be jacked up.  Even gave it the name Altered Yeast!
Anyone know if the LE versions will only be available thru NIS, or is there a chance to get them on Amazon at some point?
It's that time again!

Dr. Wily Bosses 1 & 3(thinking of doing a special track for Boss 2, & already made a track for Dr. Wily)contains elements from:

Wily Bosses from Mega Man NES
Wily Bosses from MM Wily Wars
Wily Bosses from MM Powered Up
Void from MM Battle Network
Wily Stage 3 from Mega Man: The Puzzle Battle
Wily Bosses from Mm 10
Really?  I remember seeing ads & reviews BITD in EGM or whatever.  I didn't play it back then though.
Ah crap, you're right!  I'm not as familiar with MM's4-7(didn't play them as a kid, played them maybe 10 years ago or so), so that tune never struck me dang it!  I was trying to avoid using tunes from 2-6(I didn't go thru their ost's when building this soundtrack) just in case Bonknuts ever wanted to do CD versions of those, oh well!
Quote from: esteban on 02/19/2017, 08:49 AM
Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 02/19/2017, 02:14 AMIt's been 6 days since I uploaded the last track, so, I'll upload another!

Dr. Wily Stage 1
And the verdict is...


Magnificent. :)
Sweet, glad you like!  Hopefully I'll finish Wily Stages 2 & 4 alternate tunes.  I started on Stage 2, but am only half done.

Quote from: vacantplanets on 02/19/2017, 07:51 PM
Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 02/19/2017, 02:14 AMIt's been 6 days since I uploaded the last track, so, I'll upload another!

Dr. Wily Stage 1
Yeah this is good stuff man. I like the Mega Man 5 in the stage select, Mega Man X mixes, etc. Glad to finally hear it because I remember how you were always talking about it, haha. Are you selling it? When it's all released, I definitely need to make me a copy of Mega Man CD with it.

P.S. check out this Genesis sounding remix for Mega Man 5 into/title:
Glad you're enjoying them!  I'm just making this for the Turbo CD version, not selling it or anything.  Btw, the part in the Stage Select that sounds like MM 5's Title screen, is actually the Stage/Field Select from Mega Man Soccer! :)
Since you're doing so many different versions, it'd be awesome if you finished them all off with a fullblown remake taking advantage of the PCE CD's capabilities!
It's been 6 days since I uploaded the last track, so, I'll upload another!

Dr. Wily's Castle Stage 1contains elements from:

Wily's Castle 1 from Mega Man NES
Wily's Castle 1 from MM Wily Wars
Wily's Castle 2 from MM Puzzle Battle
Wily's Castle 1 from MM Powered Up
Wily's Castle 1 from MM Gameboy
Sigma's Stage 1 from MM X
Sigma's Stage 1 from MM X Maverick Hunter
Wily Stage 1 from MM 8
Mars from MM V for Gameboy
Quote from: deubeul on 02/17/2017, 05:35 AMIMO the voice is the only good thing in this game  :D
Heh, you're probably right!  Although, a lot of the tunes have grown on me lately.  It's amazing how much of a turd that game is.
The Beez Kneez.  Knees support the rest of the body, you support the Turbo!
I've never used TocFixer, will have to check that out.  Maybe that'll save my Legion project.....not that the game is all that great, but, having boosted tunes & no voice acting during the action might make it better......maybe.