The Analogue Turbo Duo clone shipped in time for Christmas 2023. Are you happy with yours ?? Find firmware updates here.
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Messages - NecroPhile

There's nothing wrong with a cue card to make sure you cover everything (though a "genius" should be able to remember a mere five points), but it's not normal to have to be reminded to act like a normal human being.  Empathy isn't a talking point.

I had a good chuckle at the liar in chief saying he never said to "give teachers guns" and that he said he'd only arm trained teachers.  "Give teachers guns" is not equivalent to "give EVERY teacher a gun"; learn English, you embarrassing piece of shit.
They should've given 'em the SGX goodies to justify the pac's cost compared to a Duo.
At least it's still here.
Quote from: NightWolve on 02/20/2018, 08:00 PMAnybody remember the old chat mod being better, what it looked like ?? I wasn't active back then, never saw it.
Other than it scrolling properly (this one doesn't autoscroll on chrome) and being larger (maybe resizeable?), I don't remember it being much different.  If anything this one is more advanced, as I don't recall the old one having buttons for font, colors, smileys, etc. though they'd work if appropriate code was typed.
So are those empty spots only on the TG-16 (and maybe PAL TG) or are they on all the PCEs, Duos, Shuttles, etc. too?
They're just school kids.  They're not old enough to have opinions yet.  :roll:

Even better is the conspiracy nuts again claiming it's all a hoax by the goverrats to take away our guns.  Reynolds's revenue has gotta be through the roof!  :lol:
Heh, that's pretty neat.  Looks like a relatively clean install and I'm surprised you can fit all those kangaroos in.
I've never owned any mini-pc stuff, but it always seems expensive and with limited upgrade paths and more expensive parts replacement if something wears out or dies.

Googlerins says that linked system with a i7-8705G would give performance somewhere around a 1050Ti, which is pretty good for a portable but rather low end for $1000+ on a desktop.
Cute.  I especially like the tunes and sound effects.
Off-Topic / Re: Print is Forever
02/20/2018, 09:28 AM
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
02/19/2018, 06:28 PM
Three weeks and counting now.  I want Munch's Oddysee this Friday, so they might as well combine shipping and save me the five bucks.
Off-Topic / Re: Net Neutrality
02/19/2018, 10:10 AM
Nice!  I like their end run around the FCC trying to stop states from enacting their own rules (because Trump and the rest of the DC GOP scum love state's rights... except when they don't) by making it a rule of government contracts and not a law for all ISPs.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB Supergrafx PSU
02/19/2018, 09:54 AM
If you have no luck finding an original, you could try these:

I have no personal experience with 'em, but others here have good things to say about their PSUs.
Woot!  Shoutbox lives!

Thanks, NW.  :mrgreen:
He's hawking an updated book made from a 96 page fan magazine put out by Richard Gibbs in 1993.  It was filled with game reviews, tips and codes, and short blurbs on games, hardware, and accessories;'twas very much a fan production with hand lettering, fan art, and collage compositing (note the yellowed cellophane tape in the above scan) and printed via xerox copying.

Though quite rough around the edges, the original is pretty interesting (it's in the turbob archives).  Depending on price and quality of revisions, I'd be interested in buying an updated version, but only if Gibbs is involved and getting the lion's share of profits.
I've never seen any factual information that it's subsidized, but it just about has to be.  I can buy usb or av cables from China shipped to my door for less than what I could ship it 1st class in the US, and surely the USPS doesn't deliver stuff for free (or almost free) just because it originated outside the US.

Not that it'd surprise me if they did though.  The goverrats do a lot of stuff that doesn't make sense.
True.  Nobody would want to mail it back to China for replacement either, as our mail (USA) isn't subsidized and it'd probably cost as much in postage as the laser is worth.
Not because of mod action.  You've already deleted any "sensitive" content and you can lock the thread; that's all you get.
If it's the original (black) Duo and hasn't been recapped, that's where you should start.  If it's been recapped or is a Duo-R or RX, then it probably needs some pot adjustments.
What's with all the dead lasers?  Cutting corners to keep costs down isn't surprising, but you'd think they'd want at least half to actually work.  They must be selling them to retailers as-is, meaning the retailer has to eat any returned stock and the problem doesn't immediately come home to roost.
Looks nice, especially for a guy just learning the ropes.  :mrgreen:
Santa Bartre made it for him.
Off-Topic / Re: Net Neutrality
02/16/2018, 09:40 AM
It's a dumb article that misses the point.  Facebook, Google, Netflix, and Amazon do indeed dominate the internet, but there's nothing stopping me from using one of their many competitors; the point of net neutrality is that for many people there is only viable option for an ISP.

As for the intranet thing, what's the point?  I don't hear anyone clamoring for a tiny local internet that only has things provided by and relevant to the local community; the greatest thing about the internet is that it gives you access to stuff you couldn't get before, not easily anyway.  If I want to shop at the local store, I stop in and shop; if I want to know what my friends, family, and neighbors are up to, I talk to them.
Off-Topic / Re: Hey it's Lent
02/16/2018, 09:11 AM
Quote from: TheClash603 on 02/15/2018, 06:35 PMI just do the no meat on ash Wednesday and for all Fridays through lent.  I'm not a church going type, but being born and raised in a predominantly Roman Catholic city has rubbed off on me this much.
Priests rubbed off on a lot of boys over the years.
Off-Topic / Re: Hey it's Lent
02/15/2018, 05:35 PM
I wouldn't want to give it up, but it wouldn't be that much of a sacrifice for only 40 days.  Harder would be to give up gaming altogether.
That's when you bust out Strip Fighter 2.
Not that I know of but maybe one day it will be.
Off-Topic / Re: Hey it's Lent
02/15/2018, 01:51 PM
Xele is a good Catholic.  Lent ends on Holy Thursday with the Mass of the Last Supper.

I don't do anything for lent.  I don't really have any luxuries or vices that I could give up that would really be a sacrifice.
Sweet!  I can't wait for that PC-FX port.  :mrgreen:
For peeps that missed the original post, that crappy drawing was made by tracing a printed screen shot from the Gotzendiener and then printing the result, using Artist Tool, an IllustBooster, and a PrintBooster.
Quote from: Mathius on 02/14/2018, 07:00 PM^^I need to get with it and start playing this series. I've had a loose copy of the 2nd game for eons but haven't played it much since my OCD demands I play the 1st one, um, first. A cheap copy will come my way one day.
Dooo eeeet! :mrgreen:

Quote from: CrackTiger on 02/14/2018, 08:38 PMThe Sega-CD version is a great port with an amazing localization.
That's the second game, which is next up to bat.  I'm thinking of playing both versions and seeing how they compare.
Clear #89 - Space Adventure Cobra


This is one weird game.  Ever been chased by a t-rex, hatched a baby dragon, and been eaten by a giant shark shaped spaceship and pooped back out in an escape pod?  It's all in a day's work for our hero.

The Good:  it's filled with crazy scenarios and freaky people, all of which are nicely drawn, detailed, and colorful; the scenes are mostly static, but they change regularly so you're not stuck looking at the same pic for long; lots of scantily clad ladies, some even topless; mostly good tunes, particularly the end credits track (it coulda been an Exile tune); 'tis fairly linear and easy to make progress in even if you don't read moonrunes, though I had to hit up Duomazov for the one numeric code sequence; and it's impossible to get a game over, letting you get through each clinch point using trial and error.

The Bad:  a few tunes are bland and/or grating; the pictures don't do as good of a job telling the story as some other digi-comics, so I didn't follow the story very well; and there's a couple seizure inducing flicker shit screens right near the end.

The Ugly:  some of the scary peeps you meet.
Yep, nully.   You remember seeing it before or did you recognize Princess Misa?
Here's one to tide you over 'til someone posts something good:


It's not new and it's not MS Paint, but it's from a similarly primitive utility.  :mrgreen:
Quote from: Trenton_net on 02/14/2018, 10:40 AMI can sympathise with peoples feelings, but if collecting makes him happy I can't really argue with that. He has just as much a right to disagree with us, as we have a right to disagree with him.

Side topic: I assume collecting sealed Hu Cards is a terribly risky proposition. The vinyl sleeves would almost certainly be melted on the plastic. In addition, I've found that removing the sleeve sometimes takes part of the artwork/paint with it. :/ You'd probably want to open the games and remove the sleeves as soon as possible. But that's just me.
Translation: it's okay to collect sealed games.... but don't keep them sealed.  :lol:
It's the same word today as it was when asked long ago: I have zero control over such things; for a shoutbox to be added, it'd have to be done by Aaron or Nightwolve.
Off-Topic / Re: I'm bald.
02/14/2018, 09:24 AM
Try Dimoxinil.  :)
I coulda posted any old score.  Nobody has even tried to beat it.  :|
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
02/12/2018, 03:23 PM
Dammit, Munch's Odyssey.  I want to be done with these fuckers but they keep suckering me back in!
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
02/12/2018, 02:02 PM
Wise fwum yer gwave!

Just over two weeks and I'm still waiting for shipping notice on Sky Force.  It'd be nice if they shipped quicker or admit that it's a pre-order if you don't have 'em yet.
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 02/10/2018, 01:48 AMSo how do you cheat the score anyways?  Slowmo?
Yep..... it's almost like we discussed this in chat weeks ago.  :P

Where's the rest of you fuckers' scores?  Can't you handle my 673k?!?  :mrgreen:
Off-Topic / Re: M.I.A.
02/12/2018, 10:26 AM
We love you, este!

Why can't we all win the lottery and spend our time OBEYing, screwing around with friends and family, and watching porn?
Off-Topic / Re: streaming services
02/12/2018, 10:21 AM
I've been using a borrowed Netflix account on my phone lately.  It works better than I was expecting, with decent quality, no excessive buffering, and reasonable data use (~250mb per hour); the only thing I don't like is that it'll go back to the default home page after a while, making me hunt down the show I was catching up on again.
85% New Bloody Wolf!
I'd love to play it in English (it's got neat art), but I think it's sadly been abandoned.  :cry:
Quote from: geise on 02/12/2018, 02:27 AMI now take into question NecroPhile's high score of Chiki Chiki Boys.
You bastard!
Neato cab, but you'd really have to have a hard-on for Time Gal to want a dedicated box for a console game.
Nice one, rofl.  Is that the translated patch referencing the first game or is it ass backwards in the original too?
Quote from: CZroe on 02/09/2018, 01:41 PMI'd agree except that most of us already have a Turbo ED that functions as a Super System Card.
Most of us already have a Duo or IFU, TED, Arcade Card, and/or RGB mod and upscaler too, so what's your point?  I seriously doubt that most people buying these things are new to PCE or have been using only a base system for years.

Quote from: CZroe on 02/09/2018, 01:41 PMThe SNK fighters and Majong games constitute more than half of the Arcade Card exclusives and there are superior platforms for that stuff anyway.
The SNK games are just under half of the Arcade Card library (5 out of 12, and 1 of those 5 is the sole mahjong game), and there's no such thing as a "superior platform" to the PCE.  :P