RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - nectarsis

VERY cool can't wait to see more
Quote from: Mathius on 02/16/2016, 10:12 PM
Quote from: johnnykonami on 02/16/2016, 09:32 PM
Quote from: Mathius on 02/16/2016, 09:28 PMByron, what system is that DariusBurst on? Where did you get it? I want one. :)
It's on Steam but that version in the picture might be a boxed PC copy.
Yeah we're going to be running the Steam version at this year's MGC. Hopefully we'll have the dual monitor config up and running smoothly. I was just unaware there was a physical release of ANY kind.
Japanese Vita Limted Edition.
splatter with the hook up  :dance: :dance:

*jams athe work over PA*
Son Son II
followed VERY closely by Genji
Thanks to jtuuc for the sweet raffle win+ extras ;)

Star Ocean 2
Tales of Eternia
Off-Topic / Re: Black Falcon Games
10/18/2015, 07:04 PM
Saturn and PS1/2 so low vs sooo much crap above :lol:
Without cheating by including emulators one dedicated system I would definitely go PCE followed by a tie between Neo Geo and the PSP
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: City Hunter Raffle
10/16/2015, 06:55 AM
Add me please
Much maligned but I miss it...enter me please
Superb game...good damn pretty.
Please add me :)
Interesting.... just found out about this about a week ago might have to back it if I can
Quote from: esteban on 09/25/2015, 05:52 PM
Quote from: nectarsis on 09/25/2015, 02:26 PMUnderrated gem with a superb cast.

I hope you are talking about Kabuki Itoryodan and not Bloody Roar

Indeed lol
Underrated gem with a superb cast.
I won't lie I'm not big on SNEADS  (Mode 7 and laderhosen).... it has some great games and have some decent games but all in all I'll take PCE even Genesis over it any day
One of the best cheapies out there
Black sgfx please
Oooooh count me in Sparkles
Macross game is damn fun
I believe I PM'd everyone that requested info.

Matt is still in good spirits....considering.   Ash is back home untilate mid tomorrow.

They are overwhelmed with the donations, and everyone's thoughts and prayers
I've  been at the hospital for about an hour.  Matts sleeping on and off, but coherent
I just talked to Ashley Matt is able to get up with help.  I didn't have long to talk so I'm checking back in a little bit

Matt is out of surgery he has rods pins and screws in his back and he is sleeping right now.
Yesterday member Mathius and his wife Ashley were in a accident on a moped. They were thrown from the moped and hit the ground Ashley blacked out and is banged up pretty good...Matt has a shoulder broken in two places and a back injury....he's going in for surgery tomorrow (no other details yet).

I am starting a fundraiser to help them cover missed time from work and medical bills as we don't know the severity yet, but with back surgery (plus a previous back injury) you know he'll be out for a while.

Anyone interested, please hit me up for more info and I'm taking donations through my paypal and I'mactually driving down to Indiana Sunday night to help them out.
Quote from: jeffhlewis on 04/24/2015, 12:52 AMNectarsis: I need those flava flav chains back for MGC next year, haha. I totally forgot those were still attached to the boards.
Lmao my bad man they're safe
My new toy (waited until the custom plates showed up)  :dance: :dance:

MGC haulie:

CPS2 goodness from barter (including RAREZ Flavor Flav edition)


Thanks to roflmao for the comic  =D>


Thanks to Ope for the "BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger - LE (PS3)" :mrgreen:


Nulltard with the DildoPhile swag  :lol:

6 (ish) hours a hellluva jump on tomorrow
if anyone needs to pick up from the airport or anywhere else to get to the show in milwaukee hit me up
Quote from: blueraven on 03/01/2015, 11:45 PMDefinitely not the first two but the rest, yeah :D
agreed....though not often enough
beer storage looked a mite small in that diagram....
It  starts with the cliff hanger from the first game.....PARTS of 2 (with ots of liberties).  Solid fun, but flawed.
General Gaming / Re: Best 16-bit Console
10/30/2014, 11:27 AM
Neo Geo dead last :\
NEC Console Resource / Re: Hey from Vegas
09/09/2014, 03:36 PM
Welcome :)
more gift card goodness   :dance: :dance:

LOVING gift cards (Planet of the Apes et is BluRay as well)  :dance: :dance:

12 Years a Slave...seriously she dot an Oscar for 10+ lines and MAYBE 15 minutes of screen time??

Frozen....SOOO vastly overrated
Off-Topic / Re: Your Favorite Sitcom Dads
06/19/2014, 11:40 AM
Archie Bunker, Al Bundy, Brian Cranston (Malcolm in the Middle), George Jefferson