10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Messages - blueraven

Never played it but I love this thread  :lol:
Off-Topic / Re: Secret Santa 2017
11/04/2017, 01:54 PM
...and brave little toasters are running around the apartment...
JAPJAC LE BAQ?  :lol: :lol: :lol:

Didn't we run you off the forum years ago for doing something so ridiculous I can't even remember? The mirth... the mirth is as thick as a pea soup fog. It must not have been important. Oh, and it looks like you're still a n00B after all of these years. Welcome back n00B.

The shitstorm will be unrelenting. Hope you brought a raincoat.

And acting important will only bring you a flamewar... You know this. Might be a good time to fade into the pixels unless you want to argue with everyone and get that post count up.
I don't have an MSX, but I heard the MSX2 is pretty cool.  And people still make games for it right?
I've only played like 4 of the games on this list. so voting on them would be kind of ridiculous. If you send me the Hucards I will play them.

Having a boat would be pretty sweet but then you would have to have a lake
You know the drill.

I will update and make a banner. And update this post soon when I'm not on a broken phone.

SUBMIT GO!  :mrgreen: :lol:

673,655 - NecroPhile
339,140 - roflmao
193,375 - Phase
118,250 - MNKyDeth
103,770 - Opethian
80,315 - turboswimbz
71,640 - Psycho Punch
42,720 - SignOfZeta
NEC Console Resource / Re: Uh...Hey
10/30/2017, 04:34 PM
Welcome, I'm sure there will be plenty of people here who can help you get that Duo recapped an back on the road.
General Gaming / Re: Got a 32x...
10/30/2017, 04:26 PM
I totally forgot about the 32x. Doom sucked on it.
Try stuffing flapjacks into the dashboard of your car. They will give you Quadrophonic sound.
This is what makes pcefx awesome. This is the real shit. The shit that happened.
Cassettes. The new 8-Track.

They're "oldschool"
Off-Topic / Re: Secret Santa 2017
10/30/2017, 04:11 PM
Santa CAWs is drawing in his workshop right now... Did I mention that I'm down for crafty stuff? I'm worried someone is going to ask for some wierdly odd game that is like $100 shipped. Like Toilet Kids.  I mean if you want me to send you a loose copy of JJ and jeff for your $40 gift then why not, right? But I'd rather spend a few hours making a custom piece for one of you turbros. Plus art is cool people like art right?
Gosh I hope not. We've lost too many members.
Quote from: guest on 10/19/2017, 05:00 PM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 10/19/2017, 03:24 PMI did Warhammer for maybe a year or two because I knew some guys that were into it. I eventually got sick of the incessant bloodthirsty vibe of the thing. Also, while we didn't have Gamergate back in the 90s we had basically the same dudes and you get tired of them.
Warhammer's rules have gotten progressively more busted.  It's skewed to promote you having to buy more shit .   They tweak points/units/army rules so every edition requires 400$+ in shit you need to buy to not suck.

Fuck that.

and yeah, the majority of players are insufferable manchildren.

but maaaan


The models are sweet.
This is one of the most true posts on the fucking forum. Holy shit.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: PCE Games for sale
10/20/2017, 05:05 PM
Sell me Magical Chase I heard there's a rare download-only version that's going up in price
Quote from: esteban on 10/18/2017, 03:21 PMMany moons ago, I kept Master System Shinobi in console for months and months (I had to beat the bastard, and it was tough for me).
Epic. The only master system game I really remember was Ninja Kid or something... the mechanics were really broken.
*Charges Energy to blast through the wall*
Off-Topic / Re: Tom Petty
10/20/2017, 04:46 PM
Quote from: jperryss on 10/07/2017, 06:48 PM
Quote from: blueraven on 10/07/2017, 06:38 PMTravelling Wilburys was pretty dope. Who knew Bob Dylan would be the last man standing.
Jeff Lynne would like a word...
Ohhhhhhhh yeahhhhh that dude. *corrected
I KNEW this was just an ad for Cougarlyfe

*waits to see images
Quote from: Johnpv on 10/18/2017, 08:17 AMWhy not just contact customer service and have them replace the cable?  I've gotten almost all my cables from them and have only had issues with 1, and when I contacted them about it they quickly just sent out a replacement. 
I had the level of knowledge to switch the two wires, and while having a second cable would have been nice it was just heating up the iron and a swap... about 5 minutes of total work.

This is true, they are really good about getting back with you on restocking, cables, etc. Digi K, don't worry about them as a seller, they do a good job. This is just me as a persistent technogeek bitching about how I had to swap a single wire. But seriously, it should have been correct when it arrived.

But yeah, they're good sellers.
That's actually... kind of rad.
Off-Topic / Re: Word association thread
10/20/2017, 04:35 PM
You saw RATT before they all OD'd or became irrelevant?
Vestcoat for the win, again.

Cutting through like a scalpel.

Also please bring back your Avatar.

Great to have you back.

I don't remember anything other than the hook.
Unrelated note:

I know the guy who worked on building the movie sets back in the 1970's for Battlestar Galactica... And he still has the original painting that became the movie poster...
It included 8 releases by RATT, 3 of which never made it to CD. And other such bilge.
Off-Topic / Re: AOL DIED.
10/20/2017, 03:27 PM
Quote from: turboswimbz on 10/18/2017, 06:31 PM
Quote from: blueraven on 10/18/2017, 01:46 PMAlso when was the last time you heard "wanna cyber"

I think for me it was like 1998
2004 ish. basically, just before "sexting" photos and video became easy enough for everyone. but I feel like even then I was like huh? people still use that? 
Yeah, that's basically identical to my experience.
I sold 200 cassettes to a local shop about a week before Guardians 1 came out.

that was ledumb

Quote from: TR0N on 10/18/2017, 02:47 AMRidley Scott track record has been blah as of late.Id rather have,neill blomkamp have a shot at the alien series since he wanted to make a movie taking place after aliens.
That's really the saddest thing, is that it was Ridley Scott, and it felt more like "Signs" or "The Happening" by M. Night Shyamalan. Actually, I think they should just let him do the next movie because Ridley Scott has lost it.
I'm playing a shitload of PCE Shinobi because I won it in Bob's raffle, and I haven't taken it out of the system in like 6 months, true story.
Off-Topic / Re: AOL DIED.
10/18/2017, 01:46 PM
Also when was the last time you heard "wanna cyber"

I think for me it was like 1998
Off-Topic / Re: Word association thread
10/18/2017, 01:44 PM
Big Brother
Quote from: Gredler on 10/17/2017, 04:08 PMDanm raven, that's a hell of an idea. I wish someone would've thought about that before, as I entirely agree with you now that you mention it! We should start a thread about putting a chat box at the top, as long as it's not IRC or discord it will be great.
I'm full of original Ideas.

Also Puzznic by Tim Follin
Saw, and hated, Alien Covenant.

That was a waste of two hours.

And I say this with Alien as one of my all-time favorite Sci-Fi Franchises.
This is obviously a bullshit but BofA sent an email saying it was "Pay Your Friend Back Day"

Thanks Keith and MickCris.. This info helped me out the last go-round so just seconding all of your reccomendations :D
Off-Topic / Re: Secret Santa 2017
10/17/2017, 03:42 PM