10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Messages - jlued686

Oh holy shit...that was a giant load, right there. It's hard to know where to begin...

WalMart, McDonalds provide millions of jobs, sure. Millions of jobs that don't pay a living wage and give horseshit benefits, if any at all. You sure you want to hold up the Waltons as your example of how "trickle down economics" works? Are you positive, man? McDonald's? Really?

I'll help you out here: next time you make this argument, maybe use Costco as an example. You know, a company who has a CEO who makes a decent and reasonable living and pays its employees well and gives them good benefits. Don't use two of the most notorious corporations in the country.

Then we move on to the "fuck those poor people and illegal immigrants stealing our jobs" argument. Are there people who abuse the system? Sure as hell there are. Are they to blame for your job losses while those poor, abused CEOs and wealthy are over-taxed, demonized, and forced to send low-paying jobs overseas? Come on, man. Give me a break. They don't send those jobs overseas because they're overtaxed. They send them overseas because they can pay some Chinese kid pennies on the dollar to make their products. Those jobs aren't coming back unless our minimum wage goes away, despite what our Dipshit in Chief says. He's just scapegoating.

The tax rate for corporations are statutory and a really good bit of red herring to dangle in front of suckers willing to believe that the poor and immigrants are to blame for their woes. Corporations use deductions and credits, and wind up paying waaaaay less than 38%. They're not getting their taxes done by an intern at H&R Block, my friend.

Poor, abused corporations. They wanna give jobs to the poor. But the evil government won't let them. And the Walton family are just soooo upset about not being able to pay their employees a living wage. But the evil government won't let them.

Now let's be fair, I've whipped hard to the left to respond to your hard right assertions. But the answer, as always, lies somewhere in the middle. Again, Costco is a great example of capitalism and "trickle down" done right. But you've gotta be reasonable about it. Corporate greed is real, just as entitlement abuse is real. The only difference is that corporate greed costs our country far more than a handful - or even "millions" - of poor people cashing $500 welfare checks every month.

Quote from: guest on 09/05/2017, 08:48 PMGod damn! Ha-dou-ken!!!
Ha! Of course...hook, line, and sinker.
Jesus, can you fucking read at all?

I said: I'm right here, pal. Ready to talk with you. God knows why, but here I am. Despite the fact that you said I'm going to "tuck my tail" or stomp my feet and cry. (EDIT: If you were referring to Nulltard, you should have addressed him, not me). I'm here to respond to you, and I feel as though - despite the "go fuck yourself" - I've been fairly patient.

What would you like me to say? What other questions do you want answered? I'm here. Let's do this.
Wow. Such an angry and insulting little man.

Again, your reading comprehension is absolutely lousy.

1) I never said Trump loves the KKK. In fact, I don't think he does. What I said was that he was not clear in his condemnation and that as president you need to make that shit crystal clear; especially when these people claim to support you, the president.

2) I never said racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic were only Trump voters. I'm sure there are plenty of those people who didn't vote for Trump. I was merely clarifying Hillary's quote for you.

3) Not once did I imply that you are a nazi. Not one single time. That is another figment of your imagination.

And here I am, pal, standing by my convictions. Not "tucking my tail". Not stomping my feet or crying really loudly. Here I am, simply responding to your fucking nonsense with fact and reason.

Except this part: Go fuck yourself.
Well, it was a nice try. I could respond by saying that any racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic person is in fact deplorable, and the fact that they pay their taxes doesn't get them a free pass. Or that yes, Treyvon was a high profile case that opened many wounds about race in America, which is precisely why a conversation was necessary. I could say that you're still using your newfound hatred of this nebulous "antifa" faction to overlook the fact that a nazi killed a woman or that your so-called "free speech" rally was nothing more than a shield for racists to spout their bullshit. I could also say that words matter; especially when they come from the so-called "leader" of the free world. And when nazis are parading around in your silly red hats or posting on their websites about how they're very happy that you didn't rebuke them for their actions, your words were not clear enough and you failed in your mission to clearly and definitively shut them down.

I could say all that, but it would be pointless. As Esteban said, we are speaking past one another. So here's to the PC Engine. Cheers.
General Gaming / Re: NES classic
08/22/2017, 07:41 PM
I'm at my cabin this week, so managed to nab a preorder at a rural GameStop. Online preordering was a fucking disaster. Walmart sold out, literally, in thirty seconds. Target was nearly as absurd. And GameStop crashed and never went back up.

Fucking Nintendo...
It's cool, Nully, I'll tag in on this one...

Quote from: itsatarp on 08/21/2017, 11:07 PMSo I imagined being called deplorable?
Here's what she said:

"You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?" Clinton said. "The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up."
She said the other half of Trump's supporters "feel that the government has let them down" and are "desperate for change."

So, which half do you fall into? If it's the first, yes, she called you "deplorable". And rightly so. If you don't fall into that half, you may not have "imagined" it, but you sure need to work on your reading comprehension.

Quote from: itsatarp on 08/21/2017, 11:07 PM"If I had a son......" treyvons parents weren't invited to the White House?
I suppose there's a problem with inviting the parents of a kid who was murdered to the White House in order to have a conversation that's critical to what's going on in the nation, but I'm having a hard time thinking of it. You've implied that he was a criminal, yet Treyvon had no real criminal record; only school suspension. But I suppose that was worth the death sentence. And, after all in the years since the incident, Zimmerman has proven himself to be a real solid citizen, worthy of your passionate support.

Quote from: itsatarp on 08/21/2017, 11:07 PMI imagined Obama telling illegals they can't be deported or punished for voting in the presidential election?
I'm afraid you did imagine this one, pal. Debunked

Quote from: itsatarp on 08/21/2017, 11:07 PMI did not really see antifa and leftist protesters in masks with whatever they could find in their hands shutting down conservative speakers?
Am I the only one who'd never heard the term "antifa" until last weekend? And now it's like the new buzzword for every blubbering idiot trying to defend what went on in VA last weekend. "But what about antifa? Huh? Antifa! Antifa!" It's like the new "Snowflake" or "Cuck".

Anyway, "But what about ____?" is a lazy, 2nd grade argument.The Nazi dude killed someone, my friend. But what about that? I'll choose the side without the nazis every god damned time.

Quote from: itsatarp on 08/21/2017, 11:07 PMOr my favorite, this past weekends, ready for it?! PROTEST at the conservative FREE SPEECH rally in Boston? That was fake, correct?
Hey, your boy was totally down with the protest. So what exactly is the problem?

Quote from: itsatarp on 08/21/2017, 11:07 PMDemocrats and the left have not claimed I am racists because I side with trump? Dean today did not say if you vote republican, you are voting for racists?
Once again, your reading comprehension needs some work.

"If you want to vote for a racist in the White House, then you better vote for Republicans," the former governor of Vermont said on MSNBC on Saturday.

Read it slowly. Carefully. It's okay. I'll wait.

Quote from: itsatarp on 08/21/2017, 11:07 PMThe left is not calling dead people racist?
Uh...what? Once you die does that erase your past racism? What are you even talking about? Like, "My Uncle Teddy was super racist and lynched a bunch of people. But it's all cool now. He's dead." WTF?

I admire your dedication and your love of the orange cool-aid. And I also really enjoy how Trump and his followers are all of a sudden preaching unity and peace. As though all that crazy shit that happened and was said - on film - during the election never happened.

We truly live in wondrous times.
Quote from: Emerald Rocker on 08/18/2017, 12:06 AMHey guys, I just got back from a long road trip.  Anything new going on around here?

I listened to Trump's press conference on the radio while driving back, it really fired me up.  That's the kind of President I want -- a real genuine *person* who tells us what we need to hear, not a phony politician who tells us what we want to hear.

It's obvious that there really is a lot of hate in the country on many sides, and I hope we all (including me) have the wisdom to heed his fatherly lecture and start loving -- or at least respecting -- each other.
That, my friend, is bait.
Seems to be fine on my iPhone.
Alright, I wanna hear from some supporters. Where are y'all at? How're you feeling these days?
Sadly, Nintendo hasn't announced jack shit about VC on Switch. I hope they do, though.
A couple more out today.

- SOLDIER BLADE (Virtual Console for Wii U)
- Final Soldier (Virtual Console for Wii U)
Good news, guys!

QuoteMy first order as President was to renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal. It is now far stronger and more powerful than ever before....
In just six months, Trump has completely modernized our nuclear arsenal! Nothing to fear!


...the absolutely staggering amount of bullshit...
Though I'm not sure why...

Quote- VICTORY RUN (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
- Air Zonk (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
- Ninja Spirit (Nintendo eShop on Wii U)
Also, though it's not the Turbo version, Splatterhouse is included in the Namco Museum for Switch out today.

Quote- NAMCO MUSEUM – Play some of the most popular Namco games, anytime, anywhere! Enjoy classics such as PAC-MAN™, GALAGA™, SPLATTERHOUSE™ and TOWER OF DRUAGA™, or play games including ROLLING THUNDER™, SKYKID™ or TANK FORCE™ with friends and family.
Been awfully quiet in here lately. Y'all must be tired of all this winning.
His buddy owns it, so The Enquirer is now pretty much a propaganda rag for Trump. It's crazy. Every time I'm in a grocery store, instead of "Alien Baby Born in Kentucky!", I see headlines like these (though they're equally outlandish):

And I wonder what Mike Huckabee, supposed "Man of God", thinks about his daughter rolling out the "fight fire with fire" defense. What would Jesus do? More like, "hit 'em back harder!"

But nothing surprises me anymore. We're living in the dumbest timeline, where ignorance and bullying equals strength.

Nice job, dumb shits.
There's a lot of good footage in there, but one of my personal favorite moments is when Ed's lining up a photo with his camera and a Japanese dude bumps into him and almost takes out his eye. Just a funny, random, WTF moment.
I just saw these YouTube videos of EGM's Ed Semrad at Tokyo Toy Show and the Consumer Soft Group trade show.

Part 1: https://youtu.be/7jcmx3trH0g
Consumer Soft Trade Show, March 24, 1991

Part 2: https://youtu.be/dje-I2c5sbE
Tokyo Toy Show - Part 1, June 7, 1991

Part 3: https://youtu.be/cQWrAG5wdrE
Tokyo Toy Show - Part 2 (PC Engine footage around 7:30-16:50, 22:10-49:00)


Necro, I just want to say that it's truly an honor and a blessing to be able to post on these forums and advance your mod agenda.
You say "alpha", the rest of the world says "asshole".

Po-tay-to Po-tah-to.
Fucking lamestream liberal media elite cuck hack snowflake had it comin'!

Crazy that they're still putting these out.
QuoteVirtual Console on Wii U

- Blazing Lazers – Players control the extraordinary firepower of their Gunhed Star Fighter in this classic TurboGrafx-16 shooter. Collect power-ups to increase your ship's battle strength so it can cut through enemies and defeat the bosses in all nine action-filled areas. Of course, as part of the "Soldier" series, the game contains a good combination of fast-paced speed with catchy, drum-propelled background music.
My favorite was "Trump is a genius." I mean...I know there are some deluded people out there, but...genius?
In an attempt to find some sort of understanding in a civilized manner, I had a conversation with a Trump Disciple on Twitter. Here's her response when I asked her if anything would convince her that this wasn't a "mainstream media" creation and he really was incompetent:

Quote"My eyes are wide open. I don't get news from MSM. They are as crooked as Hillary. It is amazing to me that anyone could watch, read, or listen to them. They are owned by foreign operatives not interested in this nation but in globalism. Globalism is the exact opposite of nationalism. Trump is a genius. He is in a sea of sharks in DC. He is NOT a globalist. Did you ever why so many are against him? The dems, republicans, the media, globalists, CIA, RINOs, etc., are against him because he will NOT give into globalism/NWO system. That (NWO/globalism) is what removes our sovereignty and makes America weak & vulnerable. GOD bless & strengthen Trump & help him to defeat that system! I hope you will awake & get on the right side of history. So many like you are seeing the truth about this. So many have become aware of what is really going on. Trump is on the right side...the side of this nation and it's people. #MAGA."
So yeah, this is what we're dealing with. My simple response was, "Whoo Boy. Good luck."
Hey, spray tans are cool. Especially when you can see the white ring around the eyes. Very classy.

If this were any other president, I would predict that impeachment is on its way; or at least impeachment hearings. But this clown is somehow Teflon. And with all the bullshit we've seen in the past year, plus all the examples we have of "principled" Republicans willing to look the other way for a whiff of power (Paul fucking Ryan, I'm looking at you), I wouldn't be surprised if Trump gets away with all this shit.

Now I wait for Emerald Rocker to respond with, "He didn't do anything wrong! It's the lamestream media witch hunt and the establishment trying to take him down. #MAGA!"
Everybody else having fun watching this trainwreck? Trainwreck. Have you heard that before? Because I haven't. I just came up with that the other day and I think it works out pretty well in this case.


Me. I invented that word. I need some Coke...I mean a Coke.
You know...in case anyone cares. It's out today.

QuoteVirtual Console on Wii U

- Bonk's Revenge – Bonk is back in this TurboGrafx-16 sequel! Bonk's Revenge is a side-scrolling action game in which you Jump and "Bonk" (headbutt) your enemies while you make your way to the goal at the end of each stage. Double – even triple! – your attack power by eating the meat that appears in a stage. There are eight different hidden bonus stages, and the Dinosaur Train that appears after you defeat a boss will change depending on how many Smileys you've collected.
I often cite Bonk's Adventure as my favorite game of all time, but I'm the first to admit that it's almost completely out of nostalgia. But that doesn't mean it's not a good game in its own right, and it definitely stands above most of the other me-too games that were part of the platform/mascot craze of the era. I loved the setting, but I mostly loved the cartoon enemy designs and the music. I loved the little bits of dialog from the freed bosses at the end of every round, and that during the end credits, they listed all the enemies and their names. It really helped it seem like a cast of characters in a cohesive world.

So, no, it doesn't have the depth or length of games like Mario 3 or Super Mario Land, but it's still a really fun game with gorgeous graphics and great sound.
All jokes aside, I'd like to clarify one thing: Me referring to Trump supporters as "suckers" was not a potshot. No sir, that is truly how I feel, so "potshot" doesn't do it justice. Simply put: anyone who enthusiastically backs this self-serving carnival barker and believes him to be sincere is a sucker, at best. In fact, I feel I'm being generous by using such a mild term.

Back to the shenanigans.
But man, come on: what "Trump says" changes from day to day, sometimes from minute to minute. I know I'm trying to reason with a true believer here, but seriously...
Quote from: guest on 04/26/2017, 10:52 AMIt's moot.
You've used this word twice now in this discussion and it's given me an idea...

What if, instead of a wall, we dug a moat! "But they'll just swim across", you say. We'll fill the moat with piranhas! BOOM!

King Drool for president! Make stupid ideas great again!

Ah, this guy. He's a guy who thinks a wall is a practical solution! THIS GUY! Poor little fella!

And I AM a video game super villain. It's right there in my name, sucka!
Man, you suckers really tie yourselves in knots to defend this dipshit, don't you?
"Eventually, but at a later date so we can get started early, Mexico will be paying, in some form, for the badly needed border wall." -Donald Trump

Translation: my supporters are fucking suckers!
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 04/19/2017, 08:26 PMWhere is the secret door in the piranha area? I found something as Bird Man or Hawk Man all the way to the right in the Desert stage. Really hard because you keep getting juggled by everything on screen.
If I remember correctly, there is a platform in the water with an open clam on it. Just go there and push up and a secret door will open.
Quote from: technozombie on 04/19/2017, 12:07 PM
Quote from: KingDrool on 04/18/2017, 11:57 PMPlayed it up through the merman part. I absolutely love it. I found a secret area, which was crazy hard, but everything else plays just like the original.
Was the secret area something that was in the original or something they added?
I do not think it was in the original game, but I could be wrong. It was a secret door that I found by complete accident.
They're both being audited. Plus, no one cares anyway.
Played it up through the merman part. I absolutely love it. I found a secret area, which was crazy hard, but everything else plays just like the original.
I just bought it on the eShop website and will play it as soon as I get home. I've seen a lot of positive reviews and impressions this morning, so I'm pretty excited to play it.
Oh goody. One of these threads. Here we go!

Short answer: this place is great. Don't be a jerkoff and you'll be fine.
Quote from: NecroPhile on 04/07/2017, 09:56 AMOn the plus side, Trump notified Russia well in advance of the attack, so I'm sure Russia and Syria had plenty of time to move everything of value.
This is true and has been reported. It was an empty, bullshit move.
What about Blaster Master 0? I've heard nothing but good things. Lego City Undercover was great fun on WiiU, so if you haven't played that, it might be a good option.
Off-Topic / Re: Japs & Fat Gay Niggers
04/01/2017, 02:01 PM
Holy shit! Another nut job come and gone.

These meltdowns are always good for a head scratch and a laugh.
Come on, I'm on FIRE with those sick burns!
Would you say we're...Fake Trolls? Eh? Eh?

He'll tell us as soon as the audit's done.