Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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Messages - BlueBMW

There are people here who can probably repair the board you have.  With as expensive as they are getting now, its worth repairing them.
Is it possible the unit experienced some sort of a physical shock?  Supergrafx are notorious for the mainboard cracking in the middle by one of the support posts.  Cracked traces can cause any number of not working conditions.
Off-Topic / Re: Weight Loss Challenge
11/03/2016, 02:03 PM
And the next day I dropped to 193.0 Oh well hehe.  Maybe a new years second day round go would be good?
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: Coryoon
10/31/2016, 06:17 PM
Quote from: MisterCrash on 10/31/2016, 06:11 PMIn my case, my daughter's school was doing some fundraising for new playground equipment, and I think the money I would have spent on this could be better served going towards that. I don't have any repros, but this is a case where they make a lot of financial sense. $400+ for an original or $50 repro + $250 to charity + $100 left over...
You have made an excellent choice.  Personally, I've owned lots of rare games, had a near full set of US TG games and you know what?  Its fun when you first get something, but after a bit the novelty wears off and it just sits on a shelf.  Your money is gone, the novelty is gone, and whatever you got turns into shelf candy.  The only way to get more enjoyment out of it is to either play it (which many simply do not) or to take pictures of it and show it off on Facebook/Forum/whatever.  That's kind of what this hobby has become.  People spend huge amounts of money for basically some perceived recognition.  Its like that scene from Jurassic Park.  "See? No one cares!"

Recognizing and valuing the other important things in life and keeping a balance is key.
Bloufo, I believe I have a copy of Manhattan Reqiuem if you're interested.  It is the US version if I remember, but I think that game has a language option in it so it doesnt matter.  Most games are language selectable and the region of the PAC doesn't matter.  The only game I know of that had language specific versions was Don Quixote.  A few games will show a different title screen depending on the PAC used.  Road Blaster/Prosecutor comes to mind.
Off-Topic / Re: Weight Loss Challenge
10/31/2016, 01:32 PM
Cant remember what I started at...

Weigh in today was 194.4 lbs though.
Possible but consider this:

Before the motor will attempt to spin a disc the laser has to basically see a reflection.  The laser should jog to center and activate.  If it sees a reflection (ie a disc) then it will try and spin the disc and then move to read the TOC.  If its not even seeing the disc, it wont run the motor.
Off-Topic / Re: Secret Santa 2016
10/17/2016, 05:37 PM
Its getting tough to find much under $40 these days....
^^^ That video made me hurt from laughing so hard.
Surprisingly good article.   And at the end it all comes down to the same issue basically.   People just want to work and support themselves and it's becoming harder and harder to do that.
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
10/12/2016, 02:29 PM
Hahaha.  The comment by the guy who's like "we buy limited run games because they're LIMITED"  My exact problem with Limited Run Games.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: Coryoon
10/12/2016, 12:02 PM
Just to make sure, Coryoon is a PC Engine game so if you've only got a US system that might be a problem.  Nothing worse than spending a few hundo on a game only to find it not working in your system.

BTW Coryoon is excellent, though for its price I'd probably just pick up an everdrive instead lol.
Haha well played sir.  Well played indeed.
Quote from: Emerald Rocker on 10/11/2016, 06:58 PMAn observation....

Progressive Christians don't understand how Conservative Christians could support someone who is not virtuous.

Meanwhile, Conservative Christians say the exact same thing about Progressive Christians.  They just don't understand.

Reality is that neither candidate is virtuous.  People who vote on virtue will abstain or vote third-party.  Whereas people who set aside virtue and instead vote on policy will pick either Trump or Clinton.

And both sides will tell the other that they should vote based on virtue.
Most election cycles I can accept why conservative Christians vote the way they do.  They are voting on the issues that are most important to them.  Its just my feeling that economic issues cause far more harm than any of the social issues that most Christians champion.  This cycle just seems so different and I can't reconcile Christians supporting Trump in good conscience.
Really if the GOP has picked a reasonable candidate to run they probably could have easily swept this election and possibly grabbed some down ballot contests too.  Both parties so royally fumbled this cycle is scary.
My opinion... I think Hillary will win this cycle but she will only be a one term president.  She's about the worst candidate the Democrats could have picked and I think ultimately it will cost their party.  They really alienated a lot of new younger voters with the whole Bernie Sanders affair.  I know so many young people who really connected with Sanders over economic issues like income inequality, prohibitive cost of health care and higher education.  These young people aren't stupid.  The ones I know are mostly engineering students and are surprisingly informed about all these issues.  The feeling now is that the system really is rigged and that we really dont have power.  The Democrats had the chance to basically get a large swathe of new voters into their fold which would not only effect the presidency but countless down ballot contests.  Truly the Democrats fumbled this one... BAD.

And then there's the Donald Trump phenomenon.  I think the Donald Trump campaign "success" has revealed a side of America that is quite honestly appalling.  I really cant see how anyone can justify this guy.  Its extremely clear that he is a narcissist who has no problem demeaning women and minorities.  I mean really he is the epitome of the white male superiority paradigm.  His popularity brings into the open the fact that there are a lot of Americans who align with his values.  That is the appalling part.  I really had hoped that this country had moved beyond racism and sexism but I can see that both issues are alive and well.  Few admit that they're racist or sexist but this campaign has given many an opportunity to be comfortable in their beliefs and show them publicly.  When I lived in Tennessee I discovered that racism was very much still a thing but I thought it was a local issue.  Now with the Trump campaign I see that the problem is widespread.  This isn't to say all of Trumps supporters are racist or women-demeaning but his campaign has appealed to those that are.  They've come out of the woodwork in numbers far greater than I would have ever imagined.

Here's the part that really gets me.  The evangelical vote.  I am a church goer myself but I find myself in the minority amongst Christians being a progressive.  How the evangelicals can justify a president trump confounds me.  Usually the answer is that he's not Hillary.  That's no answer.  The attempts to justify Trump are offensive.  Evangelicals on the whole seem to be stuck in the Conservative camp over a few issues:  gay marriage, abortion etc.  Issues that rarely are legislated on and only have a small impact on society.  Economic issues harm and kill far more people than abortion or gay marriage ever will.  I saw this comic a while back and to me it really rings true.


The rest of the world is watching all of this.  I don't know the exact reactions but I'm guessing its a mix between laughter, sadness and disgust.  Really America, this is the best we could do?  Of the 280 million or so people we have living here these two individuals are what rose to the top?  I want to believe we are better, rather I have to believe we are better.
General Gaming / Re: Inferno for MSX2
10/06/2016, 01:28 AM
Its a pretty slick game guys.  First time I played it was like Bonk's Adenture in platforming hell, but now its just straight hellawesome.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: FS: EVGA GTX 970 FTW
10/05/2016, 06:32 PM
Tempting since its about a 40 to 50% upgrade from my GTX 960...  Could put it in my dad's PC and take his 960 and pair it with mine...  Ahh who knows lol
Off-Topic / Re: Weight Loss Challenge
10/03/2016, 06:15 PM
Seems like I am stagnated at 195 lbs.  Frustrating because I need to be about 178 to have a BMI that is considered "normal"
Cant say that I have... and I dont think I've ever been asked that question before.

Interesting... should be fun.  Maybe watch Wizard of Oz for some pro-tips?
Innie or outie?
What is your cleaning method?

It sounds extreme, but I wash the boards in a dishwasher to get all the leaked fluid out from under chips and out from vias.  I have fixed many many many boards that had recaps but still had problems with a good wash.

Otherwise yes, you're going to have to trace through the circuits until you find the offending connection/chip/via causing your trouble.
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
09/19/2016, 02:17 PM
Theres only one game out there that is digital only that I'd love to see a physical release of...

Nights HD (PS3/Steam)

Make that a physical release and you can have my moneys.
Trade ya a hitachi saturn for em ;)
If only it was Time Gal for Laseractive... :(
With Nightwolve, he has a "name" for just about everyone out there.  And if they're left of center they're immediately a "far left hack".  It truly gets tiresome to read because you know there just isn't any rational discussion to be found.  But I guess that's part of what makes America America...
Off-Topic / Re: The truth is out there...
09/17/2016, 12:40 AM
So wait... Nulltard = RegalSin now?
The Japanese Dracula X is no trouble to play through not knowing Japanese.  Some may even prefer it for that more authentic feel.
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 09/11/2016, 01:22 PMWhich is what it should have been in the first place.  Obama care is falling under its own weight, and it's taxing poor people who cannot afford it.
Its failiing because of the lack of a public option which the insurance companies made sure was taken out.  Again they knew it would work and cost them money hence why the correct business decision was to spend enormous amounts of money to rewrite the law to their liking.

The one major plus so far with the ACA is the no pre-existing conditions part.  People who were never able to get insurance are insured now.  That alone was worth it.
Quote from: Emerald Rocker on 09/10/2016, 09:42 PMBlueBMW, will Amendment 69 eliminate "insurance" in Colorado entirely?  Like, does it mean that healthcare is directly paid for by the state government (and thus the insurance companies cease operations)?
All medical and dental related expenses will be paid directly by the state run program.  The exception is Medicare, VA and Tricare recipients in which case the state will supplement those plans.  There is no provision forcing insurance companies to cease operations.  I suspect there would still be a small market for premium insurance plans but I don't know what they would cover or if they would even be viable.  The way the plan states it is that any resident of any employment status or age would be covered.  That tells me that no matter who you are, working or not, young or old you are covered by the plan.

It sounds like the only ones who lose are insurance companies, since while they can still operate may find they don't have nearly as many customers, and employers who currently do not contribute towards employee health insurance.  Though it is also my understanding that it is expected that the IRS will allow the employer paid portion to be tax deductible.  An extension of this is that the plan will also cover the medical portion of workers compensation which further reduces employer expenses.

Self employed may stand to see some change in costs as every non-employer income is also taxed at the 10%.  This includes self employment, estate, etc.  The tax is expected to deductible by the IRS however so the actual impact will be less than 10% and could very likely end up costing less than paying for conventional insurance.

As an side, the limits for income taxed for this are 350k for single filers and 450k for joint filers.

The system is exempt from the Colorado TABOR (Taxpayer Bill of Rights) laws which control how much tax can be collected and when tax can be increased.   That said, any increase in the taxes for this system must be approved by a vote by registered Colorado votors.

This site does a pretty good job explaining it all without all the spin from proponents and opponents of the amendment:

EDIT:  Apparently as far as what the system will pay providers... 

"Medicare reimbursement rates will not be affected by ColoradoCare. Therefore, reimbursement for ColoradoCare patients is expected to be around 141% of the Medicare rate so that the average reimbursement rate to providers (of Medicare patients plus ColoradoCare patients) will be around 133% of the Medicare reimbursement rate."

133% was a target rate that is sustainable by the program and expected to be sufficient to attract and retain quality providers.
NEC Console Resource / Re: New guy
09/11/2016, 12:29 PM
Quote from: Medic_wheat on 09/06/2016, 12:37 PMA "new guy" post who didn't start with "sell me your shit at a discount"?!?!?

Oh we might just get along.

Provided no goverats get involved.
No, but 3 of the first 5 posts have been links to his/her ebay sales at pretty high prices.
Well if things get too dicey my uncle did offer to sponsor me moving to Australia.  Only trouble there is the serious lack of snow down under.
I have to agree that both candidates are pathetic.  If Clinton loses, the DNC can only blame themselves.  They had a shoe in candidate in their hands and they intentionally forced it the other way.  The Republicans have no idea what to do.  They let their mess get so far out of hand that now they dont have a frickin clue what to do.  Half of the GOP doesn't want to support Trump, the other half know's hes terrible.  But its what they have to work with now.

I will be voting this year, but I suspect I wont be marking anyone for the presidency.  I'll be focussed on down ballot candidates and local issues.  Colorado Amendment 69 is the one I'll be watching the closest.

The quick and dirty on Amendment 69...  statewide healthcare for all paid for by a 10% payroll tax (3.33% employee 6.66% employer)  Every analysis done on the proposal says it will work great and save plenty of money both for consumers and businesses.  The only people it will hurt are insurance companies and employers who dont already provide or subsidize healthcare for their employees (ie: cheapasses)  You know its a good idea when the insurance companies are dumping MILLIONS to fight it.  They know that if it passes, it will work and then other states will follow suit.  Kind of like the marijuana thing.  We pioneered it now other states are looking at it and starting to come around on the issue.
He's pretty busy so expect a few days between replies.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 09/09/2016, 08:55 PMWhat's fun is fun.
This.  Which is why I still say the Wii U was the best (ie: most fun) console of the most recent generation.
Bummer its apple only to start... looks pretty fun
Honestly Virtual Boy has one of the best ratios of Good/Crap as far as games go.  Many VB games are quite awesome.  I really enjoyed Vertical Force and the Wario game (its a lot like Warioland on GB)

Bound High is excellent too... though I dont know how easy it is to find.  I think it was an unreleased game that later some repros were sold of.
I take it there are two hard drive slots in the laptop?

Personally, I'd create windows 10 install media on a USB flash drive and just do a clean install on the new hard drive... but then you'll probably be missing drivers etc and it will be a big pain if you're not too computer savvy.

As it is, it sounds like the computer is changing the boot priority and trying to boot the SSD first.  Because it didn't successfully clone its not going to boot right since data is missing. 

Its been a while since I've cloned a drive so I'm not really sure what the best cloning software is right now.  Maybe someone else will chime in on that one.
I suppose I should update the original post of this huh....
PCFX-U... sounds like a Nintendo product
You mean you gave up the peace and quiet a broken Dreamcast offered you in favor of the wonderful grinding and seeking noises a working unit makes??
Off-Topic / Re: Weight Loss Challenge
08/30/2016, 06:55 PM
Agreed on the Lacroix water.  Stuff's pretty good.  Never was much for beer so I dont have that to kick but man the soda addiction is real!
Off-Topic / Re: Weight Loss Challenge
08/30/2016, 04:17 PM
I'm cutting back / eliminating soda.  That worked for me last time I lost weight.  Trying it again but it's a challenge.
Off-Topic / Re: Weight Loss Challenge
08/29/2016, 11:24 PM
I think for me to not be considered "overweight" I need to be like 173 or something...
Off-Topic / Re: Weight Loss Challenge
08/29/2016, 05:28 PM
194 this morning.  Not really going anywhere it seems
Snow on the summit of Pikes Peak here...  Winter is coming!
Off-Topic / Re: Disney Land
08/24/2016, 11:47 AM
Caught me!  Yes on the whole Florida is not all that great.  Though it's my understanding that there are a lot of British retirees living there now.
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
08/23/2016, 11:46 PM
If they did pre-orders it takes away from the ZOMG RARE LIMITED! L@@K! factor that they are relying upon right now.  The resellers would be salty indeed if they just started selling to meet demand.
Expensive overpriced textbooks that suck and are barely used!  As if high tuition wasn't enough... good grief!