Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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Messages - Gao

I would like in on this.
Been meaning to try the PCE version of this.  Count me in if you'll have me.
I just played through Bakushou Yoshimoto Shinkigeki, and I think it deserves a place in this thread.  It's a platformer that focuses on humor.  While there are a lot of jokes that require Japanese knowledge, there are enough visual gags to keep it funny even if your Japanese skills are lacking.  The boss battles are all different minigames, and while the instructions are in Japanese, one can figure out how they work pretty quickly.  The only part that's a real pain is the last boss battle, which is a quiz game where you have to jump up to the answer buttons before your oponent.  You can beat it by picking random answers until you get three right, but it takes a little while.  It isn't that long of a game, but at the fairly cheap prices you can get it (my copy was 290 yen), I'd say it's worth picking up.
I suppose I could give it a shot with that walkthrough.  I'm in.
I took it for a year and a half in college (one semester was intensive), and I spent about a month in Sapporo on this mini exchange thing my college offered, but I felt like I was hitting my limit with the thing.  Basically, I could do tests and homework and the like well enough, but I had a lot of trouble actually conversing with anyone, and it was a bit frustrating to see the one person who went over knowing virtually nothing being able to have a conversation better than I could by the end of our time in Sapporo.  Around that point, I was able to get the gist of what was going on when I played of Dragon Quest III and Fire Emblem Gaiden with a dictionary, but it was really slow.  It's been over five years since then, and I've atrophied a bit, but I can get around menus in games pretty easily.
Well I rather enjoyed Shubibinman 3, at least for the half hour that game lasts.  It's a shame it wasn't fleshed out more, but what's there is still worth playing.
I've been meaning to try this, so I'm in.
I'm in.
Totally want in on this.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: RAFFLE: Victory Run!
03/04/2012, 04:05 PM
I'm in if you'll have me.
If the issue is that the CD audio is too quiet, a short term solution might be to use headphones or to plug some computer speakers into the headphones jack.  For some reason, at least in my Duo, the audio comes out fine there.
Quote from: bartre on 12/13/2011, 09:49 PMyeah, later on the enemy encounter rates are insane, i couldn't get myself to finish it.
the box art on that game is epic though.
Jesus, the random encounters gets worse?  I guess I'll keep playing for a bit, but I have a feeling that I'm not going to be finishing this one, either.
Playing Cosmic Fantasy 2 right now.  It's got a certain charm to it, but I'm not entirely sure I like the underlying gameplay that much.
Got CF2 the other day.  Thanks!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: RAFFLE: Bomberman '93
12/09/2011, 10:19 PM
I'm in.
Quote from: CGQuarterly on 11/27/2011, 09:38 PMPeople should have an 8 hour time limit to respond.

It should be a bit longer than that.  After all, if he did this and my turn came up when I was on my way to work, I wouldn't even be able to check this forum until after my turn was over.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Lynx freebie!
11/27/2011, 07:26 PM
I'm quite willing to take it.  Barely have anything for my Lynx.
The little bit of text that's in Final Soldier is all in English, and I think that's the case for the other Soldier games as well.
I'm in.  Been meaning to try Klax.
I'm in.
I'm in.
General Gaming / Re: The 3DS!
09/12/2011, 08:37 PM
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 09/12/2011, 12:48 PM
Quote from: guyjin on 09/12/2011, 12:29 PMumm, you ever heard of a little thing called Tetris?
I mentioned Tetris in the previous post. "Yes, the Game Boy came with Tetris but Tetris had been out on PCs and NES by that point."

It wasn't a new game by any stretch of the imagination.
I don't think a game necessarily has to be completely new to be a killer ap.  Tetris lent itself extremely well to a portable system, and the fact that you could go head to head, unlike the standard NES version, made it a social thing where kids would be able to play against each other at recess or whatever.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Raffle: Klax
09/11/2011, 07:47 PM
Been meaning to try Klax, so I'm in.
I'd be interested in Pomping World.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/07/2011, 01:34 AMMatch of the Millenium 2 for Neo Geo Pocket.
This.  I'd also like to see Garou 2 for the Neo Geo.  And it probably would barely be playable, but I'd like to see how far they got with Mario FX for the SNES.
Quote from: guest on 08/06/2011, 09:35 PMThey did more experimenting during the 80's.
I have to ask, what the hell is that "Telecon Pack" thing?
General Gaming / Re: The 3DS!
07/30/2011, 11:31 AM
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 07/30/2011, 12:51 AMMy DS I (and basically everyone on the friggin planet) already owned, can play DS games.

Megaman got cancelled.  Is the lousy really going to get better?

I hope it does get better but things look bad
Yeah, what good original games are coming out anytime soon?  The only ones off the top of my head are Kid Icarus and Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright.  Everything else I've seen either is a port or doesn't look that interesting.  Compare this to the Virtual Boy.  14 games in the US, and only 1 of them was a port.  And stuff like Virtual Boy Wario Land, Red Alarm, and Vertical Force were really strong titles.  I haven't seen any original 3DS games near the quality of those three titles.
Quote from: guest on 07/21/2011, 03:02 PMI disagree.  The Virtual Console was a reactionary development to curb piracy because interest in the NES wasn't fading.  Youtube, AVGN, and the ease with which modern systems can be hacked to run emulators probably played a greater role than in the retro craze.
You're probably right about AVGN and Youtube helping, though I'm not sure if console hacking really did much given how much easier it already was to just emulate on a PC.  As for the Virtual Console, it's creation was indeed reactionary, but I agree with Thrush that it still helped bring people into retrogaming.

QuoteWhile all consoles will experience a second wind as children grow into their twenties, the 8- and 16-bit generations will endure.  Maybe the short-attention-span crowd will fall off, but there's an attraction to a time when the market was dominated by companies that specialized in video games instead of computer and media giants, publishers took risks, games didn't have budgets the size of Summer movies, and a little imagination on the part of the player was helpful.
Honestly, you could make a similar case just about any era you want, from the Atari days ("those games were all about skill, not about graphics, story, or 'beating' it"), to the 32 bit era ("there will always be appeal for those games that finally had the freedom of three dimensions, but weren't yet bogged down by giant budgets or established ideas of how a 3d game should work"), to the modern days ("with games like Portal, Infamous, and Uncharted 2, we finally had games were story and gameplay were integrated in such a way that each element enhanced the other to create an experience that you truly couldn't have in any other medium, and there will always be appeal for that").

Don't get me wrong, I love 8 and 16 bit stuff, and I probably play more from that era than anything else, but every generation has its strengths and weaknesses, and which strengths and weaknesses appeal to the public at large varies over time.  I really don't know how to tell how long these particular generations will remain popular aside from just waiting it out to see what happens.
Quote from: guest on 07/18/2011, 04:52 PM
Quote from: Marll on 07/18/2011, 04:14 PMEven at 12 in 1989 I could have made better decisions about what art to use on the game boxes and covers, and bemoaned it constantly even as a kid.
Same here. I never understood why Japanese art for many systems was disregarded. The Japanese art was exotic and exciting and made me want games more. Suits never thought that way.
My understanding is that it's often focus groups.  A while back, I read a post on another forum who managed to get on one that dealt with the cover art for I think one of the Street Fighter compilations.  He was all for the Japanese art, but most of the people actually said that they preferred the art that most gamers didn't like as much.  This wasn't as extreme, with I think the issue being a shot of Ryu alone vs. a group shot, neither of them being terrible, but it was still interesting.  And this sort of stuff isn't only used for box art.  The most insane example of focus groups leading a gaming company astray that I'm aware of happened with the Atari Lynx.  The focus groups said that the Lynx, a rather large portable system, wasn't big enough.  I shit you not.  They honestly said that they'd feel they got their money's worth more with a larger console, and this information was used to create the butt-ugly monstrosity that was the first model of the Lynx.
Quote from: Lilgrafx on 07/18/2011, 03:25 PM
Quote from: Gao on 07/17/2011, 05:18 PM
Quote from: guest on 07/17/2011, 01:50 PMIn recent years I've started hearing people say that they can't bring themselves to play 8-bit games - stuff like youtube reviewers saying "who even plays this crap anymore!"

Is this a trend?  Is the title of this thread a reflection of that mentality?  Hucards have a little more of an 8-bit vibe than CDs.
It could simply be due to a new generation of retrogamers coming onto the scene.  People tend to focus on the sorts of games that they grew up with, so the retro scene is moving away from NES era stuff just like it moved away from Atari 2600 era stuff over this last decade.

Unless you mean that it's the exact same guys who used to obsess over 8-bit stuff all of the sudden hating it.  Then I don't know what the fuck.
Maybe I'm just an Isolated incident but I'm 15 and My two favorite consoles are the Sega Master System  and the Turbo. I don't think the NES, SMS, or Turbo will be abandoned like the 2600 because we have things like the Wii Virtual Console and Xbox Live arcade to spark younger gamers interest in Classic games. Another thing NES era consoles have going for them is an abundance of good games. Once you play Space invaders, Adventure, and Pitfall does the 2600 have too many games worth playing? 
Good point about Virtual Console.  That probably will keep the NES and the like from fading as much.  However, a shift is definitely happening.  10 years ago, you really didn't see that many collectors of things like the SNES, but now it's become one of the most popular systems to collect for, and we're already seeing more and more N64 collectors out there.  The most popular areas in retrogaming will probably always be whatever the current 20-30 year olds grew up with, since they are the ones who now have the disposable income to acquire all the games they want, often don't have their time sucked up by children yet, and haven't yet gotten all the games they want for the consoled they're interested in.

As for the 2600, while the majority of the library is indeed crap (like most dominant consoles), there are in fact plenty of great games, as long as you don't mind the sorts of things they made in that era.  Off the top of my head, there's Combat,  Ms. Pac-Man, Jr. Pac-Man, Asteroids, Solaris (which is worth trying just to see what they managed to pull off with the hardware), River Raid, Stargate, Cosmic Ark, Yar's Revenge, and Pitfall 2.  There's a reason why it was the dominant console for so long.
Quote from: guest on 07/17/2011, 01:50 PMIn recent years I've started hearing people say that they can't bring themselves to play 8-bit games - stuff like youtube reviewers saying "who even plays this crap anymore!"

Is this a trend?  Is the title of this thread a reflection of that mentality?  Hucards have a little more of an 8-bit vibe than CDs.
It could simply be due to a new generation of retrogamers coming onto the scene.  People tend to focus on the sorts of games that they grew up with, so the retro scene is moving away from NES era stuff just like it moved away from Atari 2600 era stuff over this last decade.

Unless you mean that it's the exact same guys who used to obsess over 8-bit stuff all of the sudden hating it.  Then I don't know what the fuck.
Honestly, I hardly have a huge collection, but I've generally been preferring the HuCard games.  There are certainly great games on CD like Gate of Thunder and Rondo, and to a lesser extent the Ys games, but I've been finding that a lot of the supposedly classic CD games seemed to mostly rely on the novelty of having cinemas, CD music, and the like more than gameplay.  Valis 2 and 3 were pretty much just bland Castlevania knockoffs.  Exile was a bit better, but the boss battles suck, and the gameplay isn't all that tight.  And while I quite enjoyed Shubibinman 3, it's only a half hour long and can easily be beaten the first time.  It felt more like the demo of a great game than a complete game, and I wished they used the time, money, and space to do more levels rather than cinemas.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: SuperGrafx for trade
06/23/2011, 12:59 PM
Quote from: SuperDeadite on 06/23/2011, 12:47 PMSorry, I want cart, box, and overlay at least.  I'm not too picky about manuals though. 

If Solar Quest is all you've got, we might be able to work out a different trade though. 
I've got a bunch of NeoGeo AES carts and some PC-Engine games that I haven't played in
a long time.  Let me know if you're interested.
Yeah, I'd be willing to see what you have to offer.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: SuperGrafx for trade
06/23/2011, 12:38 PM
Quote from: SuperDeadite on 06/23/2011, 12:28 PM
Quote from: Gao on 06/23/2011, 12:19 PMDon't suppose you'd be willing to do a straight trade for a boxed Solar Quest, would you?
Not by itself, but a few more of the cheaper titles with it would be fine.  I'm in Japan and the
titles I listed are very expensive here sadly, so I'm mostly after those.
Any wavering on the box issue?  I'm pretty sure I have a spare Hyperchase with overlay around, and I think I had another couple common loose games.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: SuperGrafx for trade
06/23/2011, 12:19 PM
Don't suppose you'd be willing to do a straight trade for a boxed Solar Quest, would you?
Quote from: JohnnyBlaze on 06/15/2011, 04:54 PM
Quote from: Gao on 06/15/2011, 04:37 PM
Quote from: JohnnyBlaze on 06/15/2011, 04:28 PM

I hope this will help you people to see that this is only this guy.
There's no selling feedback at all.  And pretending you contacted an attorney over a botched video game trade isn't helping you look like an honest guy.  I really would like some of this, but there's no chance I'm doing it without Paypal, and I doubt I'm alone in this.
I DID contact an attorney. You want their number so you can see?

If you people want to use caution with me because of a few screws loose here then go ahead. I've got nothing to hide. Besides, the two main people stirring the pot one you know if the troublemaker and the other only has four posts. Granted, I'm no better either on the posts but still.

If you want the items, great I'll deal with you. If not, then it's your loss.
If you're still only taking cash and checks, then the only way we can use caution is to not buy from you.
Quote from: JohnnyBlaze on 06/15/2011, 04:28 PM

I hope this will help you people to see that this is only this guy.
There's no selling feedback at all.  And pretending you contacted an attorney over a botched video game trade isn't helping you look like an honest guy.  I really would like some of this, but there's no chance I'm doing it without Paypal, and I doubt I'm alone in this.
Quote from: tggodfrey on 06/15/2011, 03:33 PMI will take a couple games from you but there is no way I am going to send cash to a member with 20 posts.
JB, take note of this.  I, too, am interested in some of these games, but I'm rather hesitant to send cash or a check to random guy on the internet, particularly when the only thing I know about his history in such transactions is that one went very poorly.  If you want to sell these, you're really going to need to accept Paypal or something.
Quote from: soop on 06/13/2011, 06:26 AM
Quote from: Gao on 06/11/2011, 01:36 PMWe definitely need more people who've actually played the PC Engine ranking games for it.  The list as it currently stands looks like it's been heavily influenced by those who have barely played the PCE and just ranked games they played on other consoles that had PCE ports.  I can't think of another reason why Golden Axe would be at number 3 right now.  People use this site as a tool for figuring out what games are worth trying when they get a new system, and I don't think any of us want someone dismissing the console because one of the supposedly best games for it is a shitty port, so I we really should try to get some more members on board to fix up this list, even if they don't want to mess with the site otherwise.
I think the problem is, it doesn't always distinguish between different platforms.
So if "golden Axe" is popular on the megadrive, and "golden axe" is a PC Engine game, then "golden axe" is a popular game which is on the PCE, not a popular PCE game.  If you will.
The way it works is that there's a main top games list, which indeed generally doesn't distinguish between consoles, but this main list does not feed into the other list.  The PC Engine list, like the other console lists, is the combination of all of the individual lists specifically made for that console.  I rather like this system, as it does generally get around the issue of varying quality of ports, but that only happens when it's dominated by those users who actually know the console well, and that doesn't seem to be the case with the PC Engine list at the moment.
We definitely need more people who've actually played the PC Engine ranking games for it.  The list as it currently stands looks like it's been heavily influenced by those who have barely played the PCE and just ranked games they played on other consoles that had PCE ports.  I can't think of another reason why Golden Axe would be at number 3 right now.  People use this site as a tool for figuring out what games are worth trying when they get a new system, and I don't think any of us want someone dismissing the console because one of the supposedly best games for it is a shitty port, so I we really should try to get some more members on board to fix up this list, even if they don't want to mess with the site otherwise.