RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - cjameslv

Quote from: esteban on 08/31/2015, 06:21 PMPERSONALLY 
After 10-15 years, I myself and getting close to getting some RGB mods...just because I am damn curious...but clearly, I am happy with my current s-video/component level of quality on CRT.
Since most of the older systems output rbg natively (although or obey needs a slight boost to these signals) it is amazing to see what difference it makes. Nothing beats obeying in rgb!

I personally don't like the idea of nes on a lcd, how retro can the experience be if its in hd? At that point i feel you might as well go emulation (xbox, mame, ect) and play it. I experimented quite a long time with lcds and retro gaming and imo they don't mix. So crt for me!
Quote from: Game-Tech.US on 08/31/2015, 10:45 AMI know it's not a nintendo forum, but I love this forum, been coming here for 12 plus years, but I did post this in » Non-NEC Console Related Discussion » Console Chat...
Plus it's more of a review of the Hi-Def kit so I didn't see a problem posting about it.
Yep this would be the right area to post, i don't see any issues.
Quote from: gheebee on 08/31/2015, 07:37 AMI'm just glad I have something I can use to hook the system up. When first dug out all the old consoles I only had RF and it stopped working after not very long. I was looking for a booster when I found that but the booster would have cost a lot more and I didn't want to spend any money on another RF adapter. My only complaint about the device is that with it I can't put the back of the system on when using it.
Ya ill agree there, anything is better than rf!
Quote from: gheebee on 08/29/2015, 12:40 PMI got this one, it's probably the same thing as the link mickcris posted but just in an enclosure. Thought for sure this wasn't going to work but so far so good and it is just about time to play with it some more. :]
LOL!! i love how the auction states "NEW COLORS AVAILABLE!! NO EXTRA CHARGE! RED/WHITE/GREEN/BLUE/YELLOW and BLACK!!" Wahahahahahahaha thank god he figured out they make other color electrical tape besides black and he wont even charge extra to wrap it in a different color.  :lol:
Well at least his *Rare* in title is accurate i think. Ive seen these for other systems like super famicom but not for the pc engine. Hell of an contraption too.
General Gaming / Re: Never Played NES
08/28/2015, 01:54 PM
0:58 "ahh i've got crabs!" game doesnt seem that bad either. I never played Jaws but its something i think i will look for now.
Well game arrived at HercTNT's house today. I hope he tries to at least play it before he gives it to prof... I'm sure every person who entered would be pretty upset otherwise, as i'm very sure everyone else that entered actually wanted this game. Not sure why he would enter a contest where he didn't want the game or tried to win it for someone not in the raffle?... All i ask of Herc is to give it a try, it is a really fun game!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Items for Trade
08/26/2015, 12:45 PM
Quote from: GalfordEX on 08/26/2015, 02:54 AMHi there,

Games I have to trade are:

...Super Star Soldier   New/Sealed   VGA Graded 90...
I stopped reading this post when i got to that point.
I like that you did this to the best version of genesis. I run that version as well since they boot the games faster with no license info crap.
Heh esteban im not sure what you and prof are arguing about (im way to lazy to uncheck ignore) but im sure its something lame as prof never has anything actually good to talk about. Thanks for saying something though glad to see we still have some level headed members!

Herc, I don't know you at all or even have spoke to you in a post before this raffle, so not sure how you come up with you don't trust me? Just cause i fucking hate your friend prof doesnt mean anything except i fucking hate prof. That has no bearing on anything else forum related though, not sure why you would see more into it than that. I appreciate your apology though and sorry but your stuck getting this horrible game  :wink: It went out late and i wanted to send it monday but plans went awry. Anyways be sure to post a pic of you playing it when you get it!
Quote from: HercTNT on 08/20/2015, 12:28 AMHate to bump my own post, but its for a good cause. I provided Cjames shipping info late sunday night i believe. As of this moment I have not received so much as a peep from him. No pm to say "got your info" or "congrats" or "here's the tracking number".  I'm not suggesting anything other than its common courtesy to at least contact me and give me some kind of heads up.
You got your "congrats" on the first post, so why would i pm you to repeat the same thing? I'm doing you the favor not the other way around lol. Common courtesy would be correct if i sold you something. Being patient and waiting would be common courtesy for something im giving you. Shit i waited a month or 2 for a raffle i won before. Granted he did hook me up by sending extra items but i didn't ask for anything, just sent a simple: hey its been almost 2 months did you get a chance to send it yet? Anyways it's on the way to you, now be fucking patient!
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Quote from: wildfruit on 08/14/2015, 08:12 PMIf this is P C エンジン version you can go ahead and sent it to me now . If tg16 some other punk is welcome to it.
Its TG-16 version. Fixed pic it too.
Quote from: grolt on 08/14/2015, 07:54 PMI entered earlier but didn't make the list.  Not sure if I need to PM nudes or something, but I'd probably do it for a little piece of Mr. Higgins.
Get your entries in tonight! No more accepted after midnight. I'll pull a name when i wake up tomorrow. Good luck to all!
Updated entries!

Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 08/09/2015, 01:32 PMYou've won one of my raffles before, so I see no reason I couldn't get in on this...

I plan on having a few raffles of my own here soon, anyways.

Plus the drawing's close to my birthday. ^-^
Of course you can enter, why wouldn't i allow you to enter? I've never seen you say anything negative about me. I added you to list!
Damn im gone for one day and i miss some real man sh_t! Wow this is a shame to see.  What a pair of f_cking losers. Glad you brought this to light Nulltard!
Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 07/20/2015, 04:16 PMHi, Can someone please post the link(s) to the Turbo Express mod for Pad or Stick? I couldn't find it in the stickies. Thanks!
As with my NES Advantage mod i posted, i am currently doing the same mod to the Turbo Stick (micro switch buttons and arcade joystick). When finished i can post it up and ill send you a link.

Edit: Whoops i saw turbografx for some reason not turbo express lol!
All entries updated!
This thread is pure win!
Quote from: guest on 08/05/2015, 01:47 AMCjames you went too far already. How exactly did this shit start anyway? You went from modding turbo shit to being a second tier NG forums user and I didn't notice the transition until now. WTF.
Well the drama died out months ago but prof decided to start is again for no apparent reason by bringing me into a thread. No worries though i can't even chat to him anymore as he's the only person on the forums i put on ignore, so no more drama.
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 08/05/2015, 01:09 AM
Quote from: guest on 08/05/2015, 12:31 AMHey, cjames, maybe you should MS paint a penis on the face of one of his kids... Oh wait, only one person in this thread is that much of a degenerate and hypocrite...
Someone told me you had something smart ass to say about something you know very little about. Why am I not surprised. A long time ago my kids were joked about on here by other members. I retaliated in kind. It was a extremely heated situation that had been building for years, not days, and was not taken lightly by either party.  Apologies were issued and BOTH parties made what amends could be made, and that is that, and I don't think the other party would appreciate you using their situation as a tool assist for your circle jerk buddy.

cjameslv can go that route all he wants. I'm not going to let myself be dragged into that kind of muck again by anyone, especially a 1 year noob. My side of this is simple. cjameslv needed to mind his own fucking business. He didn't. He smarted off, and had his ass handed to him.

I didnt need to drag his family situation into it to make a point, and if he doesn't fucking understand that I prioritize my kids over this forum, then he clearly has issues I would rather not elaborate on.  It would be really sweet if you could stick to what you fucking know DK, but then again, you don't know anything, which is why I gotta have people drop me messages on FB about your stupid comments so they can be corrected.
There is no excuse for that...sorry man i wont be chatting with you anymore. You on a whole new level of demented psycho perversion. There's no fucking excuses that will save you from that!!
Too late prof, read up the edit i added to my last post...fuck man sorry, no point in this convo anymore dude, bomb was dropped.
Quote from: guest on 08/05/2015, 12:31 AMHey, cjames, maybe you should MS paint a penis on the face of one of his kids... Oh wait, only one person in this thread is that much of a degenerate and hypocrite...
Yeah i wasn't gonna bring that up. I think most people know about that already and are plain scared to even deal with such a fucked up issue. I was content letting him play the good guy to save some face and keep his forum clout... I doubt anyone will donate now. But hey badass auction still on!! :dance:
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 08/04/2015, 11:53 PMFine then, continue to be a dick about it. It just makes it all the more clear you have no good will towards the translators or Nightwolve here. Whatever justification you think you have to attack myself and my family, you still have ZERO reason to bullshit about Nightwolve and crew, and you will be expected to honor your raffle. If I have to I will contact Nanto to see what can be done to be sure you do, lest there be consequences. Because honestly, I wouldn't trust your stupid ass to follow through with anything at this point. I dont care if this is FS, honor your fucking raffle/bribe or wtf ever you want to call it..
I see your getting worked up again, take a breath and calm down. This is only about you, not your kids, game devs or anyone else or anything else. This is about your situation you made public and brought up yourself. Don't try to change the subject because you are uncomfortable, it's too late. I want to help you out in your time of need, stop being so stubborn and just accept good will when it comes your way.

Edit: Well shit man you had to get all crazy now darkkobold dropped a bomb in my raffle thread. No one will donate now...Why did you fuck it up for? Was it that bad, you could of made a few extra bucks and been a hero charity case. Now if anyone didn't know about what you did back then, they do now...No saving face from that, your forum clout is gone...fuck man, even i wouldn't dare bring that fucked up perverted thing you did, even on fighting street and i knew since i joined, as im sure alot of others are trying to forget about it but now its back.
Were so alike! I'm lazy too! See my post at bottom of this link:
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 08/05/2015, 12:04 AM
Quote from: cjameslv on 08/04/2015, 11:56 PM
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 08/04/2015, 11:53 PM...I'm fine on cash...
Well we know this isn't true now don't we? Need need to be embarrased about it. After your very serious crying about no child support and can barely afford Christmas for 2 kids i actually thought damn that sucks for you and am 100% real on getting donations to you in your time of need!
As stated prior, if you'd actually like to stop being a total dick for once, and be serious about some kind of donation drive, then please direct them towards the fan translators or Nightwolve. If you insist on being all personal about this and persist in attacking my family for no damn good reason other then you cant handle your shit in a basic argument, then its just going to end you here eventually because you are destroying any credibility you have left.

I guess you missed the memo, it wasn't received well by others in the Tobias thread. It's totally on you either way. I'm just calling you out on your bullshit. I think its hilarious that you cant handle it and have to stoop so fucking low to try to gain what you feel is a foothold in this. And honestly, trying to bribe people to make fun of me in your thread? Has that how sad and desperate it has come to for you? Either way it goes, you will be expected to honor your raffle.
You poor soul, you've been paranoid so long you can't even accept good will. Bribe, umm you realize im asking people to donate money to you right? I'm not paying them anything, but i am paying for shipping, hmm so i guess you could misconstrue that as a bribe, i forgot the power of free shipping! Thank you for helping me see the error of my ways. And we know you need this way more then the developers, like i said no need to be embarrassed cause of needing charity.
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 08/04/2015, 11:29 PMIf you have to bribe people to make fun of me...
No ones making fun of you prof. No need to be paranoid or embarrased. I'm just putting a lil humor on a very serious matter and putting a face to this atrocity, bringing women's child support to light! Together we can fight this as a community! Stop making it about me, this is all for you and your clout, May it live on forever!
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 08/04/2015, 11:53 PM...I'm fine on cash...
Well we know this isn't true now don't we? No need to be embarrased about it. After your very serious crying about no child support and can barely afford Christmas for 2 kids i actually thought damn that sucks for you and am 100% real on getting donations to you in your time of need!
Oh prof my beloved, you did add me to this raffle right  :wink: I mean you did convince me to run this fundraiser for you and all!
Off-Topic / Re: Late Night Thread
08/04/2015, 11:28 PM
Quote from: Warbucks on 08/04/2015, 11:24 PMHere is a meaningless post at 11:24pm just to show I am here  :-k
Damn man it's 8:28pm here!
Real men enter others raffles on the daily then thread jack and promote their raffles...
Winner: Grats HercTNT whoever the hell you are! Pm me your info and it will be on its way monday. Thanks to all for entering and now please go look for more of profs shitty bootleg raffles so he can earn more forum clout as a respected long time vet! Woot!

Peace i'm out!

List Randomizer

There were 12 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

8. HercTNT
5. lukester
9. o.pwuaioc
4. PunkCryborg
12. Gentlegamer
10. VenomMacbeth
11. Grolt
3. Nulltard make up your mind!
2. sirhcman
7. Dicer
1. Punch
6. EvilEvoIX
Timestamp: 2015-08-15 14:18:53 UTC

LAST CHANCE TO ENTER!! Shit or get off the pot  :oops:

So on a new lighter note everyone can just enter if they want and we will run this like a regular raffle!
Entry Rules:

Drawing will be held August 15th. Not sure why pic disappeared but its back now!



1. Punch
2. sirhcman
3. Nulltard make up your mind!
4. PunkCryborg
5. lukester
6. EvilEvoIX
7. Dicer
8. HercTNT
9. o.pwuaioc
10. VenomMacbeth
11. Grolt
12. Gentlegamer
Quote from: guest on 08/03/2015, 08:50 PMCjames did seem to take it a bit far. My guess is that it was booze fueled or intentionally hyperbolic. To be fair, prof prof takes things pretty far, too.

In closing, my popcorn grows cold. Back to flamewars and tobias bashing, please.
Meh some dvx was involved on my last one but glad to see this thread back on track!
Pm sent!
Quote from: WoodyXP on 08/02/2015, 12:22 AM
Quote from: cjameslv on 08/01/2015, 10:35 PMYa sad to hear. Did anyone else see how ronda rousey was dedicating her next fight in his memory?
She better not lose.
Knockout 34 seconds, she got the 50k bonus for knockout too!
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 08/01/2015, 10:59 PMNo, I was busy being a single parent of two older kids who doesn't get fucking child support. GJ there moron. My kids come first at Xmas, not the PCE forums. You should really think these things through before you open your fucking cunt mouth.
Ok, so your a broke loser, grats! No real man needs child support, your f_cking failure at life, and before you can even spout any more nonsense i have 4 kids i raise so suck my left one. Man up and quit crying your raising 2 kids, what a poor f_cking baby you are.

It's so sad you seem to think your something but in reality your a broke piece of worthless sh!t that only has excuses about every thing and no real answers to anything. If im such a nobody to you, feel free to stop responding to prove it (we know you won't)... Good game, but i'll leave you some advice: stop being a lil b!tch crying because you don't get child support and get a real fucking job collecting cash not and forum "clout".

And please don't reply with some lame ass excuse why you have no money or about your job or any other lame ass excuse you can think of (cancer, family issues, hemorrhoids, peg leg, kid issues etc. Your obviously delusional  thinking anybody would be jealous of a broke piece of sh!t with no life and only forum rep to brag about.

Get real, your comments are probably one of the saddest things i have read and i almost, just almost, feel sad about rubbing your sad state of affairs into the ground farther, but since your a piece of sh!t, i mean you must be used to getting stepped on, wiped away and forgotten. BUT don't worry, you wont be forgotten if you keep replying, i'm here for you and the entertainment you provide this forum brings joy to many (especially during slow drama times), keep it up and earn that "clout"! :lol:

Quote from: guest on 08/02/2015, 12:50 AMLol... the thread that keeps on giving. :lol:
Oh yes my jo bro, i am a giver! The best thing is how angry he gets (must be super angry, he called me a cunt wahahaha..oh sides hurting again) well i'm sure i will have another novel to read about how i'm a nobody and how great he is. If i run out of things to say i apologize but he's basically just repeating himself now sigh.
Ya sad to hear. Did anyone else see how ronda rousey was dedicating her next fight in his memory?
I feel your obsessed with me by the way you post about me, don't you have family or a girl? Whats really funny is the only reason i found this post of yours was because i got a txt from a member while at work lol but i appreciate you claiming you had to look up my name for your post. In terms of giving...hmm that weird..i sure didn't see your self righteous giving to all ass for secret santa 2014. Guess you were to busy being "generous" with the community.

I'm so glad you have forum "clout", holy sh!t..oh god... wow, my sides hurt, i was laughing so hard when i just read that! What a f_cking psycho loser you are! Isn't it time for you to disapear again for another 2 years? That way when you come back you will have even more "clout" cause you been an cough (active) giving member for so long! Thank god your giving away shit you got for free from others, what a f_cking hero you are!

Well i know i'm keeping you from earning more "clout" so i'll let you get back to it.
Wow, I love you too prof. This "nobody" sure has you worked up, you need to calm down man and relax. Lol your way too serious, but hey its good reads and enjoyment for the community!

As for my work towards the community: i believe my first raffle was splatterhouse then followed by many other games, created a the first write up of its kind creating a 2 port tg-16, designed some cd inserts for esteban's site, helped out quite a few with different tech issues, test over 120+ pce games to help contribute for the pce games that you dont need moon runes to play, modded alot of duos/tg-16s/even a few non obey goodies, drove 1/2 across the USA and drank margaritas with another member, sold a ton of good games for cheap until i ran out of duplicates then yeah cheapies were all that was left, and chatted up with a handful about 3d printing & design, man...

whew this list is looong! well guess main thing is im a pretty normal guy and your a f_ckin nut case so yeah, there's that BUT that is what makes our lil chats so intriguing!
Lol prof glad to see you still think of me  :oops:  i told you in the  first place and give the games away...took you long enough. Charging shipping is normal so not sure why you would think otherwise? So cry all you want about me dictating to you and you not doing it....then going ahead and doing exactly that lol. Good game!
Well so far no issues, tested it on my modded tg-16, us duo & pc duo. Same rom set i had for v1.1 besides adding the new folder to core, rest is the same and everything is working properly.
Quote from: MotherGunner on 07/15/2015, 10:26 PM
Quote from: guestwhereas Krikkz is willing to help you out if anything is faulty.
Kind of like when he helped properly ship some V2 TEDs recently?  :-"
Ya we dropped alot of money with that order and they didn't give a sh!t about us and how they messed up the shipping... Not happy with krikkz at all. His support was non existent.
Quote from: PunkCryborg on 07/12/2015, 08:24 AM
Quote from: NightWolve on 07/12/2015, 02:49 AM
Quote from: Nulltard on 07/11/2015, 11:50 PMHe may currently be catching flack for the assault on Bigus, but if one takes a step back... is that assault any different than what happened to oghugo, bowsersbasement, or countless others? For fuck's sake, willis and wmac (while quite douchey) were attacked for selling authentic items for sub-ebay prices. And in the case of wmac, the taunting went beyond that to the point of derision of his person on account of his handicap (being deaf and sucking at communication).

I've always felt a kinship with bigus (I sympathize about working with incompetent dumbasses), so I'm not trying to throw him under a bus... but for fucking real. DildoKKKobold is being blasted for exhibiting the exact same behavior (albeit scaled down tenfold) of the pcefx sentries. The only difference is that he is "him" and bigus is "them"

change one identity or circumstance and his shitposting would be applauded.
There are several key differences here and it speaks to something about Darkko's intent with what he's doing.

First off, he's hated by many here, myself included. He's made lots of enemies on this forum, so what do you expect is gonna happen when he tries to rally us at a target ? We'll likely turn it around on him as well! Duh. We can walk and chew bubblegum at the same time. Why not ? He's an all around hated trollbag. Really, why would you ask/expect us to treat him the same as respected members/veterans ?

just wanted to requote those massive chunks of text
Who needs a library with thousands of books when we have our very own author NightWolve, who writes novels on the daily!
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
07/12/2015, 01:07 AM
Quote from: Digi.k on 07/11/2015, 06:04 PM
Quote from: guest on 07/06/2015, 09:07 PM
Quote from: Digi.k on 07/02/2015, 08:06
Bazzy bread!!!  Was it delicious ?
banana cake basically..  I wasn't sure if it was the bread or the soya bean coconut milk that gave me stomach upset for a few days tho...
You sure that was bread...
Mine showed up in mail today, thanks. I'll put it through a workout tonight!
Thanks for the updates.
Well lets hope Monday brings us some news!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Free games - Gone!
07/06/2015, 12:55 AM
Hey, doing good! I'll actually be down there tomorrow hangin out a bit.