@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Messages - runinruder

Quote from: pixeljunkie on 02/27/2014, 10:25 PMCratermaze.

...ended up being a very addictive game.
This is a pretty good call.  I don't think the game is amazing, but I found it surprisingly enjoyable and addictive for what it is.

Some other titles that qualify for me...

Tenshi no Uta -- Really tiny sprites, small-window cinemas, goofy-looking characters, yet it's one of my favorite RPGs.

Batman -- Somehow it's a lot of fun to scurry around little mazes and wipe puke off paintings.
It's telling you how to access the Visual Debug screen.  At the title screen, press down, down, left, 2, 1, left, right.
Quote from: Mishran on 06/08/2013, 12:44 PMThe slipping off ledges seems more like a feature than a flaw, adding extra challenge to the game.
Yes, the programmers of the game intended for it to play the way it does so that it would be a true challenge.  I love how it plays.  Interestingly enough, the producer of the game didn't.

Here's an article that contains interviews with a couple of guys involved in the making of the game and some info on the SS design doc: http://www.thebrothersduomazov.com/2010/03/lords-of-turbo-pantheon-icoms-dave.html .
Quote from: Bardoly on 05/28/2013, 07:11 PMHere's an atrociously interestingly spelled opening screen for a game.  Can anyone guess which game it is?
Rock On.
Double Dungeons is full of them.  "WHAT'S WAPPENING?"

Riot Zone has one of my favorites: "Whear's that warrant..."
Quote from: soop on 04/03/2013, 06:15 AM
Quote from: Tatsujin on 04/03/2013, 05:56 AMI think that does not exist.
ORLY? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-RALLY-CHAMPIONSHIP-PC-ENGINE-SCD-/290529624634?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item43a4ea423a

I've seen a few pictures, but it's never been on PCEngine.co.uk or PCEdaisakusen
It's listed on both sites as Championship Rally, which is also how the title is written in katakana on the cover.
the grass and path are from veigues tactical gladiator
fox holding up peace sign is from hana taka daka

green running guy is from lords of thunder

guy with sword is from auleria

skeleton is from bikkuriman world
The part at the top under the Gate of Thunder BG is from Super Darius (or Darius Plus or Darius Alpha, as the case may be).
The blue clouds in the background are from Godzilla.
Can't remember...  probably Castlevania or Tyson's Punch-out or Tecmo Super Bowl.
Full-power blow in The Legendary Axe.
Quote from: tpivette on 02/20/2013, 08:20 PMNoticed in the anime they called the main character "Yuu"... however, in the US version of CF2, they name him "Cobra". Is that just a rename done by Working Designs, or does the guy change names throughout the series?
His name is Yuu in the Japanese games.  "Cobra" is a name Working Designs came up with.
The ESP abilities have generic names (Burn, Ice Wave, Thunder, etc.), but almost all of the spell names in the top chart are nonsense.

This page describes what all the spells do: http://rko.jp/cosmic_fantasy-bouken_shounen_yuu/magic.html.  Just run it through a translator.
crazy hospital?
Quote from: Keith Courage on 01/25/2013, 02:51 PMThe helmeted racer? As long as that means he has Helmet cranked up on his car stereo while racing then that's fine by me.
Yeah, "Ironhead" going full-blast makes any goofy-looking racing helmet forgivable.
Well, if you're going to translate Tenshi no Uta II, you'll want to translate the first one first.  A lot of things in part 2 will make more sense and carry more weight if the player has experienced part 1. 

Full walkthroughs and lots of screens for them can be found here:

Tenshi no Uta walkthrough

Tenshi no Uta II walkthrough
Quote from: shubibiman on 12/23/2012, 09:24 AMSuper Schwarzschild II
No, but some of the people who worked on that game also worked on this one.
Quote from: shubibiman on 12/22/2012, 07:28 PMKisou Louga II ! It was published by NEC HE !
No, but some of the people who worked on that game also worked on this one.
Quote from: guest on 12/22/2012, 12:28 PM3x3 Eyes?
Nope.  It's not a digital comic.
No one has guessed mine yet, so here it is again:

Did you go back to see the elder in ヤークー after you passed the three trials?  You probably did.  I think I can remember what that ruins part looks like, but I don't remember having any real trouble there.  Are you sure you're not just overlooking a path you can take?  That Japanese guide seems to be suggesting that you work your way from the right to the upper left.  I'm sure you've tried doing that, but it might be worth looking around really carefully for a path you didn't see before. 

Really, if you got Lucia in your party and you got the elders to allow you to take those three tests, you've already done some of the hardest parts of the game for people who can't read Japanese, so this shouldn't stump you for long.  Obtaining the tank for the snowy area can also be a real nuisance, but if my (admittedly hazy) memories are at all accurate, you do need to have a conversation in that scrap shop once you've completed a few other tasks (among which might be getting through that ruins area).
Quote from: guest on 12/16/2012, 11:51 AMKisou Louga?
Good guess, but it's actually from a game that wasn't published by Kogado.
I'll try to help, but my memories are hazy.

Quoteand then i have found those ship on the ice planet but i cannot enter it and also nothing happens in tsutoku town. i cannot come up with what google translates..this part makes no sense to me at all:

Tsutokku town

■ to the scrap shop
→ appeared baht! Snow obtain tank!
"My house is me free time because there was a drop in the northwest corner of the town"
Once you obtain the tank, you'll be able to drive around the icy area without taking damage, and as I recall, you'll be able to enter that ship.  I believe you need to go to the shop in that "tsutokku" town where scraps can be exchanged for credits, and a guy will show up.  Speak with him and exit the town and the tank should be there.  But you need to do a few other things first before that can happen.

Did you pass the three trials on the planet "ステア"?  There are three villages there in which, if you've done all the stuff you're supposed to do up to that point, the elders should let you into these underground areas where you need to get through the mazes.

The stuff about ruins and water vaguely rings a bell for me, but I don't remember exactly what you're supposed to do there.  That guide seems to be directing you to a green stone on ステア before that part. 
That would make sense, but no.   :wink:
Here's one:

Ha, sorry about that.  Has anyone here played it besides us?  Maybe shubibiman.

Anyway, if you'd like to post another, go for it.  :)
Private eye dol.
Has Lucia joined your party yet?  If not, you need to find her before worrying about this stuff.
Quote from: guest on 11/15/2012, 01:49 PMits mostly uncharted territory, and we already had enough CD issues with one homebrew RPG. 

Its also work/time investments on the artists who have to do all the doodlin' for it.   Lots of effort.
Those might all be fine points, but they're not what's specifically being asked about here.  Certainly, it's up to Rover and the people he'll be working with to decide if they're willing to take the risks and devote the time.  If they are, I'd hate to see the issue asked about in this thread get in the way of them trying to achieve their goals.
Are there really all that many people out there who not only don't own an Arcade Card at this point, but also would be unwilling to spend a mere twenty or so dollars on one or simply play the game on an emulator?  Maybe there are a lot of people like that...  but if there are, then they're a bunch of tools.

From a player's perspective, I think Rover proved with Mysterious Song that he really knows what he's doing when it comes to programming RPGs, and if he has a vision for something lengthy and magnificent, I'd like to see him follow through on it.  I don't think he should compromise his vision or ditch the idea entirely just because a few people out there who don't own an Arcade Card are unwilling to take advantage of some very convenient solutions.

Someone mentioned the possibility that the project would take an extremely long time, but it's not like there aren't a few hundred other PC Engine games people can play in the meantime.  Mysterious Song took like seven years.  Everyone managed to survive, and everyone is happy to have the game.  The amount of time it would take is more a concern for Rover than for the people waiting: if he feels this project would be just as or even more fulfilling than a couple of "normal" ones that could be completed during the same span, I don't see why he shouldn't go for it.
VG&CE.  The guys who worked on it were real champs.
Quote from: guest on 11/06/2012, 10:33 AMWhat are you considered if you beat every Ultima, Wizardry and Might and Magic?
A beloved customer of stores that sell graph paper.