10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Messages - Astronaut_79

Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: Splatterhouse
06/02/2016, 09:32 PM
Yeah, as a collector I have a hard time opening sealed things. That sounds like a great price for a brand new copy though!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: Splatterhouse
06/01/2016, 10:46 PM
$65 shipped from UK to US. Complete. Had the sleeve and sponge even. Minor wear to the manual, no writing. Copies have been routinely selling for $90 (or more) in worse/less complete condition on eBay for the past couple of months. Though I see a new listing from Japan just popped up for $60 shipped.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: Splatterhouse
06/01/2016, 07:36 PM
Got a complete copy in the mail today from Console Passion UK. Fast shipping and good packaging. As described. No longer looking, excited to try this one out for the first time!
For sale is a SCART cable for RGB modded PC Engine Duo consoles. It measures 69 inches in length, or just under 6 feet. In like new condition. Tested and working without any audio buzzing, video interference, or any other issues. Tested on both an XRGB Mini and a $30 generic scaler. Asking $13 which includes first class USPS shipping with tracking within the United States. Message me for payment details. Paypal only please.

Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: Splatterhouse
05/18/2016, 07:08 PM
Splatterhouse 2 arrived in the mail today! :twisted: Still looking for a complete copy of the original for my Duo.
My RGB modded Duo arrived from Keith on Friday. It was very clean, quiet and works great! It was an absolute pleasure to deal with such a knowledgeable and honest seller. He even refunded part of my shipping cost, as it was less than expected. All of my questions and concerns were quickly addressed. I could not be more pleased. Thanks for an excellent buying experience, I am extremely grateful. =D>
Quote from: guest on 05/10/2016, 08:59 PMIf you have a spare copy of the Dracula X celophane, I'll trade it for the Dracula X sticker set. The celophane is the only piece I need to super complete my second copy of Rondo.
CIC is very rare! You used to be able to get the sticker from PCE works, but they're all sold out! (dripping sarcasm).
I have no idea whether a request like this is relatively common, or odd. I also have no idea what they're worth. I just saw that several members considered them worthless and thought that they might want to make a few bucks off of, "bookmarks, kindling and trash." I am a Castlevania nut and am working on "super completing" all of the releases.

The ridiculous pricing for this game makes it difficult to find the spine in particular.

It wasn't my intent to be insulting by offering $15. Please feel free to counter my offer.
Quote from: guest on 03/13/2015, 01:16 AMSpine cards make excellent kindling.
I am interested in purchasing a Dracula X spine card and registration card. If anyone is willing to sell, please message me.
I saw in the, "Current Price of Dracula X?" thread that there are several members who don't really care about the spine and registration cards. I'm trying to "super complete" my copy of Dracula X, so if anyone is interested in selling theirs, I would like to buy them.

To make it worth your while, I will offer $15 (including shipping) for both the obi and registration card.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: Splatterhouse
05/10/2016, 07:07 AM
Sorry for continuing to post in the TG-16 forums. I saw the "Duo" on "TurboDuo" and just went to town. Total PCE noob here, thanks for bearing with my stupidity.

Also- I know the above picture is from the Genesis, but I like the "splatter" factor in that shot.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: Splatterhouse
05/09/2016, 07:00 PM
[splat]  ](*,)
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB: Splatterhouse
05/08/2016, 09:16 PM
I'm looking for a PC Engine copy of Splatterhouse with case, manual and sleeve. Please message me if you are interested in selling. Thanks!
"and they cannot see anything weird about it." Very official! :lol:
Quote from: guest on 05/03/2016, 07:34 PMTop end selling prices are for flippers. Game buyers should be more interested in the fact that Drac X regularly sells for $160 on eBay. People not understanding the difference between asking and selling prices or how to shop in general is drives high end price spikes and raising prices in general.

Even when Tobias' clueless edition was still available directly from PCEWorks, crooks were listing it on eBay for $700 as the long lost limited edition variant or unreleased TTi prototype. Because they know how uninformed and gullible most collectards are.

So there's now multiple tiers of gouging happening, but instead of naturally driving down prices of the real Dracula X, too many idiots are now looking at it as being worth more, since a bootleg "sells" for so much.
I agree completely. I know that a small number of copies sell for $160-$170, but the majority of them are $180+ and well into the mid, and even high, $200's. Just look at what has happened to the SNES Dracula X, a game that really wasn't that good (even if you have never played Rondo). On average, it'll run you close to $400 for a good condition CIB. Several have gone for close to, or above, $500. Not new, not sealed. Cart only repros. are selling for $55 on average. It's insane! But people pay it, and thus, it perpetuates.

I certainly did not pay $200 for my copy of the PCE Drac, or anywhere near $400 for my SNES one. I thought the repros. would cause prices to dip as well, but demand continues to increase. The market is there and apparently no shortage of fools with too much money. I guess you could say the same for me and my $70 bootleg though.
Quote from: guest on 05/03/2016, 06:30 PMThis new value-priced edition bootleg of Dracula X is still half the price of the real deal. In the meantime, this crap is happening: http://m.ebay.com/itm/PC-Engine-Dracula-X-Energy-Drink-Limited-Edition-New-Akumajo-Memories-/262394039564?nav=SEARCH
This too: http://www.ebay.com/itm/PC-Engine-Turbografx-2-CD-Akumajo-Dracula-X-Castlevania-Rondo-of-Blood-Reprint-/272210917979?hash=item3f6108fa5b:g:6boAAOSwKtlWqUVx

Cheapest price on eBay is $250+ for the "deluxe" edition. I see them sell for $235-$260. A used complete one went for $150 a little while ago.

At $70, it's almost 1/3 of what a complete original goes for nowadays. $200+ is very common.
Thanks for the background on this guy, I (obviously) had no idea he was so loathed. Though I'm new to NEC, I've been playing since the Atari days. So not a gaming noob, just PCE. This is the only repro. I own, though I wouldn't belittle someone for buying knock-offs (like that "other" Dracula X game on SNES). Some of the game prices today are beyond ridiculous! I totally understand the need for fan made stuff. I thought it would be OK after seeing the repro. Hu cards posted for sale, at a much more reasonable price. I would have loved to split some of those loosies you all got.

As a hardcore Castlevania fan, getting a physical English language copy of Dracula X is worth the dough. With the extras, even though they're just printed BS, I think they look awesome (I am a CIB guy). That all said, at $70 a pop, he is clearly making a killing off of someone else's artistic license. I did think, "How the hell can he get away with this?" when I first found out about "that" company. I know Konami and some of the other developers have fallen on hard times, but WTF?! Still, I am supporting piracy. Maybe they don't give a crap about this in Deutschland?
I am definitely a PC Engine noob and am also new to these forums. I wanted nothing more than to share this info with those who might want a copy. There is supposed to be an English translated disc which accompanies this set, but it is a "limited" supply. I own an original copy of Dracula X, but thought it would be nice to have an English manual and artwork, even if it is a bootleg. From what I have heard, the quality is very good.

$70 may sound like a lot, but considering an original copy of Drac X sells "cheap" for $175, I'd say it's a reasonable price for two discs. Not trying to stir the pot, I'd rather, "share the love."
For anyone who missed out on the PCE Works "deluxe" edition reproduction last year and doesn't want to shell out $230+ for a copy on eBay, they now have a two disc (one is in English) "standard" edition for sale. I bought mine for just under $70 shipped to the US.

This version is very similar to the deluxe edition. The packaging is different and you miss out on a sticker, but still get the bookmark and mini poster. Personally. I think this edition looks a little nicer.

I am in no way affiliated with the company, just thought I would share with anyone else who is a Dracula X fan.

I have been dreaming of playing Dracula X on an actual console for decades! I've played the emulated version on PSP, Wii and PC. Castlevania is my favorite game series and I own them all, and have beaten each one, other than Mirror of Fate and Lords of Shadow 2. The first game I asked my parents to get for the NES in '87  was Castlevania. I am in the process of buying a Duo to play my copy of Dracula X for the first time. It's the only CV game I don't have a console for.

For me, DX is the main reason I am getting into the PC Engine. The reason so many CV fans freak out about this game is because it is undoubtedly the finest of the 16-bit era. That's saying a lot considering Bloodlines and CVIV, two very good adventures. I read about this coming out in a magazine and was blown away by the graphics and first impressions. Two or three years later I played Dracula X on the SNES and was kind of disappointed. I played the real deal for the first time emulated many years later and was amazed! I don't consider it the best title in the series, but it's definitely up there. In some small part due to serving as the true prequel to Symphony of the Night.

I never really had a chance to play the TG-16, save for a time at a Toys 'R Us with a few minutes of Bonk. There were a couple of kids in school that had them. But most people had SNES, so I got to play the two CV titles on there when we would switches consoles for a week or so. At home I was enjoying bloody Mortal Kombat and Dragon's Fury on my Genesis. I knew Sega had a CD add-on, but had never heard of TG-16 CD.

So while I'm not a noob to gaming and I grew up in the 16-bit era, you can absolutely include me in the group of those whose primary reason for owning a PCE is Dracula X. There are other games I am looking to play, like Splatterhouse, and of course Bonk. Faussette Armour and Renny Blaster look cool too. Can you tell I like platformers and brawlers?

I certainly can't speak to how Richter stacks up to the rest of the library. Still, I have to imagine with the number of "Top PC Engine Games" lists that I have seen which rank it at #1, it has introduced a good deal of hardcore CV fans like myself to that (all due respect), "other" 16-bit console from the 90's.

I will be sure and let you know my impressions once I get my new Duo and play a few levels.
Off-Topic / Re: Introductions
04/09/2016, 09:10 AM
Great points, thank you!
Off-Topic / Re: Introductions
04/08/2016, 11:15 AM
@Necromancer- Thank you very much, I will absolutely get in touch with one (or both) of those members!

@TDIRunner- I'm glad to hear you think it's worth it! I have heard much of the same from others. It might sound silly to buy a whole system for the purpose of playing just one game (at least to start) but I really want to have the console experience after years of dreaming about it!

I am looking for advice on composite vs S-video quality. I plan to hook up to an older 25" Sharp CRT which has an S-video input and I was wondering if it is worth the extra expense to have a console modded/upgraded to S-video. I know that S-video is better, but how noticeable is the difference when playing?

Also, any significant difference in audio quality when running 3.5mm to RCA splitter vs normal composite output?
Off-Topic / Introductions
04/08/2016, 10:19 AM

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for accepting my request and introduce myself. I live near Lansing, the capital city of Michigan and am new to PC Engine/Turbogfx gaming.

I could never afford a Turbogfx 16 growing up, but I do have a few other "retro" systems like first gen. NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, Saturn and a bunch of Nintendo handhelds.

I am a HUGE Castlevania fan and after playing Dracula X: Rondo of Blood for years on emulators (more recently on the PSP and Wii re-releases) I am thinking of finally purchasing an original copy, as it's the only Castlevania title I don't already own a complete physical copy of. 

I have done some research and concluded that a Japanese Duo, or Duo-R, is the way to go for playing Dracula X. I would like to find a system that has been recapped and possibly had the lens recalibrated. Looking to play on an older CRT TV, so I don't think I will need any mods, but I'm not totally sure about that.

I am weary of buying direct from Japan, so I thought I would come here and seek some expert advice.