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Messages - darkon

guys i come back just to say that our game is finished and i hope you can help us on greenlight ;)
New extended trailer for you, enjoy ;D
Hi guys, just want let you know that there is a playable demo available ;)
Follow this link if you want try and leave a feedback
Quote from: OldRover on 09/26/2016, 02:45 PMIt definitely needs a better campaign, for sure. The KS page looks like every other project that never gains much ground. Y'all need some marketing experts on board to help it get the shot in the arm it so desperately needs. The game itself lacks the kind of mass appeal that most truly successful games have; in its own niche, it looks sick af and I'd certainly buy it, but it will have problems reaching a wider audience.

Here's my main critiques, and how they can be resolved:
-The writing. You need a proofreader, as the writing comes off as rather amateurish. Get someone to rewrite your KS text to not only get rid of the numerous English errors but also make it sound more interesting.
-The main character. This is where the game should shine the most. There is little about the main character that makes me want to play the game. Flesh out the character a LOT; give the potential player a real reason for why they'd want to play as your main character. The Hellish theme isn't enough; there are literally thousands of games with a Hellish theme but the ones that stand out are the ones with characters that one can relate to.
-The overall scheme is tedious. Everyone and their grandmother is making "retro for retro's sake" games these days. You need to give the potential players a reason as to why your game is better than all the others of its kind and why it should find a home in someone's game library. Right now, it just looks like yet another platformer trying to ride the retro cash cow coattails.
-There is little to no chance of tie-in merchandising. Nowadays, the most successful games are the ones that go beyond just being games; they have tie-in products that can go along with them. Action figures, plush animals, etc... that kind of stuff boosts consumer interest.

You have a good start but you need to step up your game a lot if you want to have success in game development. I'll undoubtedly back this game because I think it looks pretty good overall, though not nearly as retro-looking as you are making it out to be; it actually looks fairly modern.
Thx for your suggestions ;) I will discuss with my team and hope we can do better :D
Quote from: blueraven on 09/19/2016, 03:48 AM
Quote from: darkon on 09/19/2016, 03:39 AM
Quote from: crazydean on 09/18/2016, 05:49 PMWhat platforms will you be making this for? DOS? C64? MSX?
it will be for windows pc ;)
Oh. Could you give us the plot? It looks cool but it was just screenshots and a youtube link I cant watch at work.
you can check our kickstarter link, where you will find all info:
Quote from: crazydean on 09/18/2016, 05:49 PMWhat platforms will you be making this for? DOS? C64? MSX?
it will be for windows pc ;)
We are happy to announce our new project, Mastema out of hell!

If you love oldstyle platform games, easy to play and hard to complete ;)

Here some pics:

And here the trailer:
If you want help us on our project, support us on kickstarter: