Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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Messages - airzonkrulz

well - it is "TESTED AND HIGHLY FUNCTIONAL!!" -   :dance:
Played some Terra Cresta Caravan today (40 minutes or so) - hard/fun/challenging/rewarding - AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH! - LOL  - All the Best - Ron :twisted:
yeah - random heart fills - always a bummer - lol - congrats on getting thru the game though! Ron
I have been having a lot of fun playing both of the 5 minute caravan levels for Soldier Blade and Gunhed - right amount of tension/fun/timing for quick pick up and play sessions - Best wishes - Ron
actually - a complete copy with cd, case and manual just sold for $450 30 days ago -

amazing the value some sellers put on their items
that is one nasty looking  HuCard
Spent 1 hour today playing  Ordyne - I had forgotten many of the level designs/enemies for this game - An hour well spent - Ron
Free shipping in USA. So...

oh - I missed that - Perhaps I should reconsider?  LOL!!
I could easily fake all of the items in that auction. I am not saying that the items are fake, but without knowing their provenance, there is *no way in hell* I would offer more than a few bucks for each of them.

I was thinking similar thoughts - a good few hours with Paint/Photoshop and a few nice high quality runs at Kinko's - you would have very similar "collectibles" - I had only heard of the HuCard holders in the past (in a magazine article I beleive) --
Got in 3 hours of Gunhed this weekend - about 2 hours of caravan play (split 25% 2 minute and 75% 5 minute stages) + 1 hour of full gameplay - these are 2 of my most treasured HuCards - so much gameplay value for me - Best wishes - Ron
I continually am amazed (not judging - they have earned their money and can spend as they like) at the value some folks put on items..............

As the latest example with regard to our love of all things TG-16 - Not sure if anyone on this forum was following this auction that just ended on ebay tonight - but in summary - an AirZonk plastic lunch case and some freebies (Frisbee, HuCard holder, sunglasses, stickers) - just sold for over $1100 US -- ironically - it was only 2 bidders after $380 - (by definition the true market value) - they just rode each other's bids til the end --  wow -- that is a lot of money for some plastic -- best wishes - ron

link to the auction description:
i'll give it a try - thanks
I enjoy Bonk's Revenge Music- Relax (Level Theme One)
Fun thread! - Best wishes - Ron
ok - I have gotten the first 4 stages down cold - here are my "friends", scores and lives remaining after the level as of my last play this week:

Stage 1 - Toxy Land - Scud - 131,640   (5)  [I also use Power Dump here with same success]
Stage 2 - Cyber City - MooMoo - 382,470   (6)  [By Far My Most Powerful Friend]
Stage 3 - Rockin' Stadium - Tojo - 613,040  (7) [I also use Bubblican here with same success]
Stage 4 - Deep Blue - Bob - 989,410 (eight)
Stage 5 - Land of Drool - Astra - 1,866,000  (0) -- DID NOT FINISH - Made it to Final Boss Stage

Stage 5 - correct - I lost all 8 lives that were earned - this stage continues to own me - LOL -- I cannot navigate through the stage without losing lives at every section - so frustrating ... yet so fun!!!  Such a great shooter   --- oh well, I will keep on trying  - any advice for 5th stage success is welcomed -

Best wishes -= Ron
Yes JC was defeated - according to the records:  (Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu - lukester)
Have you ever tried going it alone?

Only a few time - I always assumed the 3-5 seconds of immortality you gain from the "friend" pick up was a strong bonus not to be overlooked when attacking the enemies on screen - I will be sure to give this option a more vetted play - Thanks for for thoughts - Ron
Hello Community - I really enjoy AirZonk - certainly in my Top 5 games for the TG/PCE -- my question is if there has ever been a thread or list posted about the most "optimized" friends list to use when selecting the manual option for the game -- I have played the game 100's - perhaps over a 1000 times since it was released in 1992 - I remember playing it dozens of times at the local Toy's R Us that had it running in the TG16 demo cabinet when it was first released -- but I digress................

My optimized list has changed somewhat over the years - but I feel my strongest "lineup" is as follows:

Stage 1 - MooMoo or Scud
Stage 2 - Power Dump
Stage 3 - Bob or Mumbles
Stage 4 - Bubblician
Stage 5 - Astra

I have yet to figure out best Stages to use Spike Lee, Ripp or Tojo

I would appreciate your thoughts and feedback - and thank you for your time and considerations - Ron
Thanksgiving eve - spent 1+ hours playing Air Zonk (US HuCard) - I am able to get to Stage 5 Land of Drool pretty easily (perhaps lose 1 life in the first 4 stages) - but have a difficult time with that level (lose all remaining 4 or 5 lives - LOL!!!) - still trying to figure out the most optimized "friends/stage" list -- It is a great game to play thou - even after all these years -- such a classic design - best wishes - ron
Welcome - may you find happiness in whatever you collect and play for this great system
Although a "sports" game in theme - Hit The Ice is far from traditional hockey video gaming - I find the game a blast to play and you can get a game played (three 5 minute periods) within 15 minutes -- the additional benefit is that you have 4 goalies and 8 players with differing attributes (you choose 2 for each game) to choose from - so lots of replay value in this HuCard game - best wishes - ron
Spent an hour and fifteen minutes with Terra Cresta II last evening - such a challenging game - but a lot of fun --best wishes
45 minutes playing US Raiden HuCard today + 30 minutes playing US Bomberman 93 HuCard - had a blast!
Any of the Bomberman games - very fun "short" blasts of entertainment - best wishes -
nice offering of games - good luck with the sale!
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: A few HuCards
11/18/2016, 04:21 AM
Good luck in your search!
he has a very cool "Bonk" storage case creation video up for view now - he is a talented craftsman/artist - air
I have been playing Hit the Ice, Air Zonk and Devil's Crush this week - best wishes -