OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Messages - Travelman32

Ok, I think I just ran into some odd glitch.  I have advanced now after restarting the game.
UPDATE: So I restarted the game from scratch, even got another rom (at least from another site) and re-patched the game.  Thank goodness for fastforward by the way, but I quickly got back to rainbow tower.  You know what I think happened?  This will sound dumb, but I think I left the tower, without knowing, without talking to the girl after the two headed wolf thing.  When I went back to the tower, I now realize that she was not there...some odd glitch I think.  So when I saw this video
I realized that was probably the issue.  Replayed and made sure to talk to her and everything was totally different after, I got the sword, the guy in the cave poof disappeared and I went on to the next area.  Odd, eh?

BTW, Thanks a ton for your effort.
Quote from: NightWolve on 03/24/2017, 01:39 PMNope, no problems to report after the first insertion of a text block. I haven't resumed ever since, left it on the back burner. Sam was busy with you on Legend of Xanadu I and II anyway so I didn't see a rush to continue. I had worked on TurboRip and Zwei! instead for a bit when I could make the time, but I'm busy now with offline life. If I mess with it this year, I'll make a beta patch with the 60% translation I have from Sam.

Nightcrawler continues his bullying with me, so who knows what he's writing over there now. It's not actually the result of contacting any project manager to report "news." I don't have anything to do with them, never did, and also since extortion threats originated out of the forums when I did the Felghana patch in 2007 so I told them to f#ck off and delete my hosted patches.

They actually changed their main rule about removing the hosting of patches per creator's request cause of me, and forced all my patches back up, heh. Then NightCrawler made a profile hate post of me to write attacks, he worked in XXXSEED some time ago as well. Jeff DeuceBag said he caught a death threat there for not sharing SSRPG tools, so he quit their forums eventually. Recently, some enemy of theirs created a fake account on Twitter to fool the public for a while, and then turned it into NightCrawler Alt Racist political commentary, funny as heck, heh. Can't help but feel glee right now.

Anyway, I think if you're able to think about another project, Anearth Fantasy Stories or Gulliver Boy could use your expert attention. Your talent can't be around forever, so if you did extract / insert work, any needed font job, and left it around, others can get to it in the future.
Never knew about all this drama, what is the deal?

As for this version of Emerald Dragon.  It looks nice, but the issue with the snes version is it was far too easy.  It was stupidly easy.  I tried to handicap myself, to a great extent, to make it harder and still beat it with ease.  So, is this version, for some reason, in any way harder?  Otherwise, there is no point IMO in playing another very easy game.
Quote from: guest on 03/24/2017, 11:57 AM

It looks like you can watch a complete playthrough.

PS - you can use mmcafe to watch nico stuff without having to log in.
Wooh sweet!  I can not view it now, at work (access denied) but as soon as I get home, I am takng a look at that! 

Thanks a ton!
Ya, I am playing Cabbages patched version.  But as for walkthroughs, there are no english ones, just the two Japanese ones I found. The funny thing is, the forest part was easy for me too.  But I am still without a clue as to what to do in this second town after beating that two headed wolf.  Surely I must be missing something.  Got the mirror, got the three magic spells (fire ball, lightning, heal), got that statue thing that shows in the top right corner of the menu, got a number of keys, got two scrolls or something (those two blue balls).  hmmmm.

I have been talking back and forth with him on a youtube comment section of one of his videos.  But things are stalled now.  He said he would have to start playing again soon.  But he is probably too busy.

I wanted to ask because I am stuck in this game, here are the details: the guy in the cave near the 2nd town asks for the Murasame.  Where can I find it?  I beat that two headed wolf thing on floor 3 of the dungeon (rainbow tower?) and got the healing magic.  But I am not sure how to advance the game now.

Someone in town mentions that some other character was killed, another mentions staring at foxes, another mentions a landslide to the northeast, yet another mentions a town in the valley...another guy in the northeast of town gave me a sword of some sort but it is not a Murasame..  I have a mirror but can not find anything to do with that.  I am puzzled as to how to get to the next part of the game.

Really not sure what to do.
If anyone knows, please help!

edit: I even found not one but two Japanese walkthrought but they make no sense.  This first one, for instance, translates to "I got a conversation with my hair.

Give a conversation with the head of the ninja"

Quote from: Gypsy on 03/23/2017, 08:11 PMThey are the same console essentially but the forum has sections for US stuff and Japanese stuff separated.
Ok, so I should just wait for a mod to move this?  Or delete this (if possible) and post again there?  Hope I can find help.
Quote from: Gypsy on 03/23/2017, 06:53 PMIt's a pc engine game and there is a pc engine section. A mod can move it for you.

Also isn't this a kusoge cheapy? I think the biggest issue might be finding someone that gutted through finishing it. If all else fails, maybe there is a longplay of it up on youtube and you could check against that?
Ok, my bad I guess.  I thought pce = tg16 and that the pce was just the Japanese version of tg16 (usa) and vis versa.

No long play on youtube.  Just a few short intro videos.
Quote from: gynt on 03/23/2017, 06:11 PMthe first thing i can help with is telling you to put this in the right forum section.
It is a TurboGrafx-16 (TG 16) game, no?

So why not say what forum section to put this in??
Quote from: shubibiman on 07/18/2015, 02:55 AMToo difficult ? The script was not that long. There were just a few lines including riddles but when you play the game before translating it, it helps a lot :)
Not too difficult but the game is not always very clear on what to do or where to go next.  Artificial difficulty IMO.  I accidentally found out how to go through the forest, luckily, by going south by holding down the down button south of the sign.

But now I have just finished the rainbow tower, beat the two headed wolf (found that boss very easy), got the heal magic and mirror and talked to everyone in the second town including the guy in the cave asking about the marsamune and have no clue what to do next.

Good translation, but a bad Ys/Xak clone.  I loved and have beaten all the Ys games up until 6 and a few of the Xak games, those games are good because, you know, they are clear on what to do.
I posted in the "correct" place, so this one can be deleted.  Thanks.