RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - MotoRoaderMike

Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 01/18/2010, 09:57 PMseeing that you hate AVGN and other vulgarities, despite being vulgar yourself, what are YOU a fan of comedy wise?
People who are actually funny.

Steve Martin
Bill Murray
Dan Aykroyd
John Belushi
Chris Farley (R.I.P.)
Beavis & Butt-head
King Of The Hill
Office Space
Mad About You
Bill Cosby
George Carlin
Chris Rock

That's the stuff that's real comic genius.
I said most of them, not ALL of them. And anybody who thinks AVGN's funny would also most likely be a fan of ASS:THE MOVIE, produced by Frito Freeman and Beef Supreme Johnson. Brought to you by Brawndo (It's got what plants crave! It's got electrolytes!) and Carl's Jr. (Fuck you, I'm eating! XP )
Also, I love how he thinks almost any game sucks unless it's Mario Bros., Contra, Zelda, Mega Man, Sonic, etc., and anything that's not part of franchises like that ultimately sucks to him. Wow....just, wow....
I'm getting tired of that "He's just an act" or "He's just a parody" crap. Where's the parody here? I don't see any parody. I just see somebody acting like a jackass and just doing a bunch of stuff that's not funny. Plus he just says the same thing:"This game's a bunch of bullfuck", yatta yatta yatta, etc., acting like a wimpy little bitch, relies on the same thing every episode, and I've seen him review alot of games, not just Fighting Street, that are NOT bad at all.
At least Armake21 and UrinatingTree review games that really do suck, and are actually funny, unlike AVGN. Christ, what the fuck was I on when I said most if not all of the people here are cool people and all? Because I was wrong. There should be more forums like the forums and the NES World forums, because those are REAL retro gamers, and they think the AVGN sucks, unlike the majority of everyone here who are just a bunch of wannabe retro gamers and think AVGN's funny.
At least I don't find no-talent losers like James Rolfe funny, because I don't allow him to brainwash me with his stupidity and his LIES. And at least I'm not amused by garbage like Rick Rolling and YouTube Poop either.
You make me sick!!!!!! Fucking posers.

P.S. You should look up The Furious Famicom Faggot, because he's what the AVGN amounts too.
You people think you're funny, don't you?
Quote from: NecroPhile on 01/18/2010, 03:21 PM
Quote from: MotoRoaderMike on 01/18/2010, 02:04 PMWho gives a fuck? He's stupid and not funny. That asshole's popularity should've been long gone by now! Makes me sick that not only are there people on here who find that jackass funny or cool, but there are people who still think he's funny period. BURN IN FUCKING HELL, AVGN. If anybody really finds crap such as the stuff that JACKASS makes, then Devo was right about what they said about human beings de-evolving. Idiocracy is turning into a GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING REALITY, I SWEAR. The people who think he's funny also remind me of those idiots who are over the age of 15 and still watch wrestling (Wrestling sucks too!). I hate you, James Rolfe, and I hope you FUCKING DIE IN A HORRIBLE ACCIDENT!

P.S.Fighting Street is a GOOD GAME.
Your post is proof positive that some people are indeed devolving.  [-(

A 'good game', eh?  I suppose you also believe it features smooth controls, non-primitive game play, inspired artwork, and great voice quality.
It was fucking 1989, for God's sake! And yeah, for 1989, those were impressive graphics for a home system. The only people who think it sucks just suck at playing it. There are games I'm not good at, but you don't see me ranting and raving about how much they suck! And how is that post proving that some people are devolving? Because I'm fed up with so many people thinking that talentless hack is funny or amusing in any way shape or form? And on top of that, sick of the direction the US of A and any other english-speaking country is heading overall?

You know, when I joined this forum back in 2007, I really felt like I fit right in. Everybody welcomed me with open arms, and I felt like there were some serious retro game fans here, but because of the fact that there are people who are fans of James Rolfe and his crap here, I'm having second thoughts now, because I'm convinced that most people on this forum are just a bunch of stupid kids who are wanna-be retro game fans, just like almost every single other gaming-related forum I go to.
And things like these too!:

YouTube Poop
I heard you like Mudkips
OVER 9,000!!! (Seriously, what the fuck is so funny about this? Answer:NOTHING)
Chris Crocker

a bunch of other crap. If you don't agree than fuck you, because human beings ARE de-evolving, and Mike Judge's film, Idiocracy is turning into a reality if people really find garbage like this funny.
Who gives a fuck? He's stupid and not funny. That asshole's popularity should've been long gone by now! Makes me sick that not only are there people on here who find that jackass funny or cool, but there are people who still think he's funny period. BURN IN FUCKING HELL, AVGN. If anybody really finds crap such as the stuff that JACKASS makes, then Devo was right about what they said about human beings de-evolving. Idiocracy is turning into a GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING REALITY, I SWEAR. The people who think he's funny also remind me of those idiots who are over the age of 15 and still watch wrestling (Wrestling sucks too!). I hate you, James Rolfe, and I hope you FUCKING DIE IN A HORRIBLE ACCIDENT!

P.S.Fighting Street is a GOOD GAME.
Quote from: TheClash603 on 01/18/2010, 09:31 AMAs I recall, didn't Heavy Barrel have that awesome joystick that you could also spin in the arcade?  That thing was awesome!

Throw in Burger Time, Bad Dudes (because fighting Freddy's twin on the back of a truck rules), and Magical Drop, and I'm sold!
BurgerTime and Bad Dudes are already on there, along with Magical Drop III.
It's about damn time! I stumbled across this when looking to see how much SNK Arcade Classics for the PSP cost. These are the games I know are on it from looking at the cover:

Magical Drop III
Street Hoop
Crude Buster
Wizard Fire
Bad Dudes
Side Pocket
Lock 'n' Chase
Caveman Ninja
Express Raider
Burnin' Rubber
Peter Pepper's Ice Cream Factory
Heavy Barrel
and Secret Agent

I'm not sure if there are any others on it other than those. However, it seems that they decided to use the japanese and/or european titles for some of the games in the US version. That's strange. Anyway, it's coming out February 9th, 2010. Preordering NOW!

Quote from: TR0N on 12/22/2009, 12:45 AMBtw moto phantasy star 1,2,3 and 4 are in the ultimate sonic genesis collection for the PS3&360 all ready.
They're not on the DS though.
Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 12/21/2009, 10:06 PMThat looks like the cover art, just like the goofy cover art for Mega Man 9.......& 1-6!
I'm finding it hard to believe that that so-called "Cover Art" for Mega Man 9 was the real official cover art. Probably just some guy being a wise ass I'll bet.
Please tell me this is NOT the cover art, and it's just somebody being a dumbass again:
It's coming out in March! I'm so excited! The collection consists of Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic 3, and Sonic and Knuckles. If I'm not mistaken, this will be the first time Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles are available on a handheld system, since neither one of the two were on Sega Genesis Collection for the PSP. I can't wait! Maybe they'll even have the lock-on games for S&K included too as hidden bonuses! Now, next we need Phantasy Star Collection (as in Phantasy Star I, II, III and IV) for the DS!
Quote from: nectarsis on 11/18/2009, 01:02 AM
What does Jim Carrey have to do with any of this? And FYI, there are other male SM fans, not just myself. And I mean ALOT more.
You guys are acting like this thread is about Miley Cyrus or something. What's so bad about this show?
I'm such a big Sailor Moon fan, and I have been ever since 2005. The series is the stuff of legend. And the Sailor Scouts are hot too (except for Mini Moon and Saturn for obvious reasons). I'm also a big fan of the relationship between Serena and Darien. Jupiter and Venus are my favorites, because I think they're the hottest of the 8. I'm also lucky enough to have two Sailor Moon video games! One for the Super Famicom, and one for the MegaDrive. Both games are beat 'em ups, and they're very good! Wish I had a 3D0 so I could hunt down the Sailor Moon game for that!
Off-Topic / Re: Lego yourself!
11/13/2009, 09:33 PM
I tried it just now. There are alot of flaws in it.
Off-Topic / Re: OBEY TEH MUZIK!!
11/13/2009, 01:39 PM
Pink Floyd
The Beatles
Phil Collins
Laura Branigan
Sonic & Knuckles with Sonic 2 locked on, and Sonic & Knuckles with Sonic 3 locked on
I'm watching a record player playing a Beatles song.
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 10/20/2009, 12:50 AMYou just found out about the PSP Go?  Hasn't this been on the market for months already?  I figured the world had already forgotten about the PSP Go.  But I agree, it is lame.

Just pray that they keep releasing new games on UMD and not go digital-only!
Yes, I did just find out about it actually. A couple of days ago when my friend told me. And I don't pay much attention to the modern day gaming scene. But I pay some attention to it though. I didn't know the DSi was out either until like a month or two ago.
General Gaming / Re: Phantasy Star III
10/19/2009, 10:31 PM
Quote from: nectarsis on 10/19/2009, 10:30 PMDragon Quest V (among others) did the mutli generational thing a few years earlier ;)   I to like PS III, which seems like a minority.
Oh? What others besides those two?
Yesterday, my female friend (she's not my girlfriend, just a friend that's a girl) told me that they were making a new PSP called the PSP Go! It's got like 24 GB of internal memory, but it has NO UMD slot, and you have to download the games through WiFi or something. That sucks! And they most likely won't let you buy import only titles probably too, such as Salamander Portable, Twinbee Portable and Space Invaders Pocket (those are also the only import UMDs I have, so it's not like it's that big a deal). I do not like this. I think I'm fine ith just my regular PSP. Besides, the only thing the PSP is really good for is retro game collections such as the three I just mentioned, and the Capcom and Genesis collections. Sony is digging their own grave....well in the world of video games at least.
General Gaming / Phantasy Star III
10/19/2009, 10:24 PM
I think that this is one of the best Phantasy Star games, and it's also one of the most innovative adventure games of all time. The game spans 3 generations, and the character you play in the next generation depends on who you marry in the previous generation. That's cool, I thought that was great. I don't think I've seen any other games that have a feature like that. The characters are really awesome too. My favorite character in the game is Mieu. Somebody in an extra on the Sega Genesis Collection for the PSP (I don't really know if this person actually worked on the game or not though) said that Mieu was his favorite character in the game as well. :D Her, Rhys and Rolf are 3 of my all-time favorite Sega characters, not just my favorite Phantasy Star characters.
Phantasy Star IV
Phantasy Star III
Sonic The Hedgehog 2
Quote from: guest on 10/11/2009, 01:05 PMI've never played an iso before, but did you convert the mp3 (or whatever format) tracks into wav files first?
Yes, and it's STILL not working. What am I doing wrong?
Quote from: guest on 10/10/2009, 06:17 AM
Quote from: MotoRoaderMike on 10/09/2009, 11:43 PM
Quote from: guest on 10/09/2009, 11:20 PMyou using the Japanese BIOS file for Sega CD in the emulatortron9000?
No, I'm using KEGA.
yes but what BIOS file are you using for the Sega CD emulation...

if youre playing Japanese games you have to have a Japanese BIOS file setup in the config
I have a japanese bios file. The games play, but they don't play the music.
Quote from: guest on 10/09/2009, 11:20 PMyou using the Japanese BIOS file for Sega CD in the emulatortron9000?
No, I'm using KEGA.
I got some new ISO files of japanese Mega CD titles to try out, and NONE OF THE MUSIC WILL PLAY ON ANY OF THEM. WHY IS THIS? And how do I fix it?

EDIT:Oh yeah, another thing:Some games like Devastator and Earnest Evans wont even LOAD past the screen that says Produced by or under license from something something Sega Enterprises, and the Sega logo under it.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 10/08/2009, 01:39 PMI don't know. The NBA is pretty fucking cartoonish to me.
Hmmm, well there was a cartoon based on the Harlem Globe Trotters. Maybe if there was a game developed by a japanese company based on that cartoon, it would count in a way. :)
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 10/05/2009, 03:40 AMI have Tecmo Super Basketball for Super Famicom. Does that count?
No, because that game isn't based on an american-originated cartoon or movie or anything. :) Oh yeah, I also have the Famicom versions of Ghostbusters, Robocop and Top Gun. I'd love to get my hands on the Famicom version of Batman also.
General Gaming / Game Boy Contra games.
10/08/2009, 01:23 PM
I think Contra is great, however the only Contra games I have are the two for the original Game Boy, Operation C, and the port of Contra:The Alien Wars which was originally an SNES game. Actually, I do own the SNES original of that on the Virtual Console, but I'm not sure that counts. Both games are good, but overall, I think Operation C is the best of the two. Operation C I think is also the easiest of all the Contra games I've played in my entire life (I can beat the first level without dying! I haven't been able to do that in other Contra titles!) The Game Boy port of Alien Wars is also very good, but it's also flawed a little bit. One thing in particular that annoys me is the lack of Super Game Boy enhancements. The only major enhancements are color at the title screen, and the 5 in the Factor 5 logo is red. There's also some 16 bit sound effects when played on SGB, but why couldn't they make the music SGB enhanced too? It doesn't even have a custom border like other SGB enhanced Game Boy games! I never played the GBA port of Alien Wars, so I can't comment on that, however I did hear that the overhead stages were removed, and there were also some levels from Super C added.
This is so good. There's a chance that maybe they'll add some of the other TwinBee games to the Virtual Console in North America, so I'd like to encourage my fellow forum members to buy this game the next time you get some Wii Points and show your support for one of the greatest japanese franchises that most people outside Japan have never heard of!
Just a soda and milk so far.
Some groceries, two Starbucks Double Shot Mocha Drinks, and 1000 Wii Points so I could buy Space Invaders for the Virtual Console.
YESTERDAY, I bought Kirby Superstar Ultra for the DS and the remastered versions of A Hard Day's Night and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Today, I bought:

3 slices of pizza
A Starbucks Double Shot Coffee Drink
A candy bar (for my mother)
Disney Princess and Frogger Adventures both for the GBA.
I have these:


Wanpaku Duck Yume Bouken (japanese version of DuckTales)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (japanese version of TMNT2 The Arcade Game)

Game Boy:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Super Famicom:

Tiny Toon Adventures (japanese version of Tiny Toon Adventures:Buster Busts Loose)
Well, nvm, I found another one. Anyway, in addition to the Game Boy Micro, I also bought:

Contra:The Alien Wars for Game Boy
Mortal Kombat I & II (2 games in 1 cart) for Game Boy (this is an official release, not a pirate!)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (japanese version) for Game Boy
Nemesis (japanese version) for Game Boy (why is it called Nemesis instead of Gradius, which is what it is?)
Space Invaders for PlayStation One
Detana TwinBee and Blades of Steel for the Wii Virtual Console
And the remastered versions of Past Masters, The White Album and Abbey Road.
God dammit, now the guy I bought that Game Boy Micro from is saying he can't send it to me, because PayPal says my address is unverified, and I can't get it verified, because my mom will get pissed. AGH! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!
Ho ho ho, check out the scores I made today!

Quote from: Tatsujin on 09/29/2009, 11:15 PM
Quote from: MotoRoaderMike on 09/29/2009, 10:13 PMThe NES uses RF, the SNES uses RF, hell even the Turbo uses RF. Is RF really that bad?
in technical terms, it's considered as the baddest you just can get.
Well I do admit, my RF cables must be showing their age, because I see a little bit of fuzziness on the screen alot.... Hmmm....
The NES uses RF, the SNES uses RF, hell even the Turbo uses RF. Is RF really that bad?
Well okay, it's not quite on par with DuckTales, TaleSpin and Darkwing Duck, but it's still a fun little game. I was a fan of the movie when I was a kid, but I don't really watch it that much anymore. I still think Ariel's hot though. Her and Jasmine are the sexiest Disney Princesses if you ask me. Anyway, it's another Capcom game like I said, and it's quite interesting. The way you kill enemies is unique. You hit one enemy with a bunch of small bubbles to trap him in a big bubble, and then you pick up the bubble with the enemy, and you throw it at another enemy. I only have the Game Boy version at the moment (which I just bought today on eBay), but I HAVE played the NES version too. Another good job, Capcom!
Today I bought this: /58572146675front.jpg

This: /56327528962front.jpg

This: /58578938645front.jpg






I said write, I don't know how to draw in the anime style, so I can't design any characters or anything, but I still know how to write. I've come up with two protagonists. One is male, the other is female. I guess they're in their late teens or early 20's. And I have voice actors picked out too. The male character will be played by Eric Stuart, and the female will be played by Rachael Lillis. Now all I need is a decent and innovative story and try and be faithful to the video game. I came up with this idea from realizing that apparently, in Japan, Space Invaders is just as popular as Mega Man, Mario, Sonic, Pokemon or any franchise in that vein.