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Messages - Gentlegamer

Start with Blazing Lazers / Gunhed
Off-Topic / Re: What happened to Nullity?
04/02/2018, 08:56 PM
I've been away for a bit, but it sounds like Nulltard had his 'when shitposting goes wrong' moment.
I needed a trigger warning.
I've bought all my flash carts from Stone Age Gamer. They gave me a free SD2SNES for creating SNES bitbox covers. I "purchased" it for free through the site, which also earned a bunch of tickets, which I've been rolling forward ever since.

Edit: SAG has given me great customer service and warranties everything, I plan on waiting to buy SSD3 when they carry it as a US retailer, rather than deal with international payment problems.
Terraonion should have sent CrackTiger one to review for free.
As I noted at, now I have a legit reason to get a PCE (despite already owning a Duo-R) other than being a collectard.
Quote from: VestCunt on 11/27/2017, 09:52 PMMy main nerd activity continues to be D&D. It's easier to do with friends. Combining a hobby and socializing makes the frivolous hours easier to justify. Unlike the TG16, a lot of publishers and fans still support classic D&D, so there's always new material to discuss.

Unfortunately, D&D is mainstream now and collectors are doing what they did to vintage video games ten years ago. Fortunately, I had a twenty-five-year headstart on the posers.
I hope this means you're playing real D&D or AD&D, by Gary Gygax.
May need to acquire 650 MB discs to make sure my Duo-R lives a long life.
Off-Topic / Re: Fuck Photobucket
07/15/2017, 08:31 PM
Guess where my signature is hosted. *moving to imgur*
Quote from: Gredler on 06/16/2017, 11:47 AM
Quote from: seieienbu on 06/16/2017, 01:46 AM
Quote from: Gredler on 06/15/2017, 11:53 PMThe games are still prohibitively expensive though, all ~$30+, most are in the hundreds if not thousands.
Yeah, if $30+ is prohibitively expensive then AES is likely not the right console for you...

That being said, if any amount of money is prohibitively expensive, I'd likely recommend against trying to get into AES.  Pretty much, unless you're a Saudi prince with infinite money or something along those lines, I'd recommend you go the route I went and get an MVS.
Haha yeah hence the ambition to eventually get a SD card reader :)

Quote from: TelcoSurveyor on 06/16/2017, 01:14 AMThe cartridges contain every region the game was programmed for. AES, MVS. Europe, Japan, America. The BIOS chip tells the cartridge where you are. Get a UNIBIOS chip and you can unlock the full potential of your carts.
Oh word I do want to get this mod done, I wonder if it's something I can do? I will research it thanks!
Also, Jap games have bouncing boobies and more blood than American region versions.
I'm probably done at NA.

Message I sent to a mod below:

Re: Collectard... since not a single moderator bothered to PM me and I had to dig through a now closed thread for my "warning:"

If the comical term "collectard" is offensive, it is because the behavior and effects of the modern "collecting mindset" are offensive and comical, and it is better to get a response out of the viewer than some milquetoast, mod-approved term.

If this the stance of NA, go ahead and permaban me because I will not stop criticizing/clowning-on the modern collecting mindset best comically refered to as "collectard" especially to bow to politically correct considerations.

Political correctness is a black hole; every single "non offensive, more compassionate/sensative" euphemism that is used will in turn be banned for being "insensative" in time because there is no satiating the politically correct crowd or their never ending list of emotional and irrational grievances.
Merchandise is also destroyed to prevent fraudulent returns.
It better have Galaga/Ms. Pac-Man cocktail table!
Topic at NA trying to figure out why the site is mostly disliked outside their forum.

A mod posts a perfect example why:

Meh, just consider the source when you hear that stuff. A lot of it stems from butthurt that they don't have the awesome stuff some of the peeps here have.

PCEFX: why you hatin' cos  you dont' have all their kewl stuff?
I think I still have a giant case full of 80s Legos.

For use, I would dump them out onto a Superfriends bed sheet on the floor.
Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 06/01/2017, 09:15 PM
Quote from: NecroPhile on 05/26/2017, 09:31 AM
Quote from: CrackTiger on 05/25/2017, 10:41 PMAlso worth noting: there aren't any auctions for WCT in eBay's history which ended for more than $20. So Karl must be spelling the title wrong or talking out his ass (or gets his world perspective from spending all of his time only on here and Game Gavel).
Being a lying troll POS is his modus operandi.
worst moderator. one of reasons this forum is dead. The fuck just harasses people. World Court has many listings ended at over 20 dollars. Go fuck yourself!!!!
He's only the worst because he hasn't banned and doxxed you yet.
When I was a kid, I made the Transformers I couldn't have out of Legos.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 05/31/2017, 05:01 PMThere isn't any in between. To most collectors in most scenes nothing bootleg is worth even the sum of its parts...dollar-wise, that is. In scenes where some kind of media or art is what's being collected then bootlegs are ESSENTIAL to that scene. There aren't enough copies of Sapphire or whatever to go around. However, all of these essential boots are basically worthless...
This is true, but there is one gaming exception I know of: gamers from the former communist eastern bloc actually collect the Famicom bootlegs that were smuggled in and circulated from that era because that is authentic to their nostalgia. And as far as I know, only the actual bootlegs from the era are considered authentic, which makes sense in a weird way.
Quote from: ChuChu Flamingo on 05/30/2017, 12:03 PMI really don't see the point in owning a reproduction of something physical that cost this much just because it is tangible. I can understand brand new games that are made for retro consoles or maybe romhacks (which most are overpriced anyhow).
It stems from a mental disorder called collectardation.
Quote from: Nulltard on 05/30/2017, 11:35 PM
Quote from: esteban on 05/30/2017, 06:58 PMYou dirty bastard.
A seat has been reserved for Esteban.  Anyone else?  Isn't Jibbajaba somewheres in that part of Californialand?
CGQuarterly™ is NorCal.
Road Rash
Quote from: elmer on 05/25/2017, 08:24 PM
Quote from: Dicer on 05/25/2017, 05:25 PMIt sure as fuck is... The Moore era is why we have Austin powers after all..
Sounds like you probably haven't seen "Our Man Flint" or "In like Flint".  :wink:
In The Spy Who Shagged Me, AP literally wears the same jump suit as Lazenby in On Her Majesty's Secret Service.

Austin Powers was more of a spoof and celebration of 60s era spy genre and culture than any Moore Bond stuff. And Roger Moore was a very handsome man (no homo) compared to Powers.

Fun fact: Sir Roger was friends with Michael Caine, they were both from poor working class "cockney" backgrounds, and Caine used to raz Roger over how he adopted a posh accent to cover up his background.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 05/25/2017, 09:14 PM
Quote from: Gentlegamer on 05/25/2017, 06:39 PMI had wanted an AES and a handful of cheap games, then I decided Omega MVS conversion would be better, now that there's a flash cart, I thought about going AES... then I realized I'm sick of the whole collectard scene and don't really care any more. I can just play my PS2 compilations or emulate.
You're smart. People who don't actually really want a Neo of some kind REALLY shouldn't bother. There are so many thousands of people who used to own one, you'd think it would work as noob repellent.

"You're the 18th person since 1992 to own this AES and these copies of Master of Monsters and 3 Count Bout. Good luck affording more than these two games, the previous 17 assholes never could."

"I'll take it!"

Six weeks later it's for sale again...what are they thinking? That they will someone become the sort of person to pays $1000 a game? How's that going to happen? Did you also double your income on the same day?

Many times it's really low end collectors who end up with the shit too. Guys with 3DOs, you know. Guys with US Saturn collections of nothing but sports games and the Netlink pack-ins. I don't know WTF they are thinking buying such a machine.
Full disclosure: I have a NG CD so I can play bootlegs. It works ok, but really emulation or the compilations are better.
Dalton was the most like the authentic Fleming Bond.
My Zelda II cart still has my completed save game from 1989.
I had wanted an AES and a handful of cheap games, then I decided Omega MVS conversion would be better, now that there's a flash cart, I thought about going AES... then I realized I'm sick of the whole collectard scene and don't really care any more. I can just play my PS2 compilations or emulate.
God bless Sir Roger!

Roger Moore performed the most dangerous stunt in Bond history in A View to a Kill:
I can't comment on this particular transaction, but cjameslv sold me cic Bonk's Revenge two years ago with no issues.
Quote from: Groover on 05/18/2017, 01:34 PMI'm trying to figure out what next after Babylon 5. I haven't seen Stargate tv show or Farscape or Enterprise. After that great recommendation of Babylon5 what next. I have seen all the other Star Trek and BattleStar and Buck Rodgers as well as Space 1999 and V.
Now it's time for Quantum Leap.

bonus gif

Quote from: soop on 05/16/2017, 04:27 AM
Quote from: esteban on 05/15/2017, 04:34 PM
Quote from: soop on 05/15/2017, 11:41 AMPersonally, I was tempted to get it for the Virtual Console, but I always knew I'd get it one day.  It just happened that one popped up in my price range and I had the money.  But I have to say, I think waiting so long makes it all the sweeter!
Yes, this is how I have been with a bunch of games...I know I'll eventually play them, it just might be a few years.

At this point...I've waited 20-30 years, so I think I'll survive.

Flash carts + console will be my savior for all the impossible to afford NES/Famicom/SNES/Genesis/etc.

I have tons of games, but 99% of the time they were the ones that were cheap and affordable.

So I will eventually get a bunch of flash carts.
I've noticed recently that there's a lot of good quality repros coming out of China.  I recently bought a repro of Wild Guns for a decent price, considering I'd never pay £100+ for an original.  I might go the same way for Little Sampson or Mr Gimmick.
The word is bootleg.
And ASSEMBLer is hacked, and down right now
The forum is up, but there's about 10 members who still post, including me occasionally.
Oh no, I better check my games to see if they have caught mildew from the Duo-R you modded for me!
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
05/12/2017, 11:52 AM
Quote from: Gypsy on 05/11/2017, 10:56 AMI love that this forum isn't a damn LRG safe space like a few others are, as well as twitter typically is too with a bunch of random defendos that would rush to LRG's aid if they ate a human baby live on stream.
LRG has been completely off my radar. When I first heard of it, I though it was great that download games are getting physical releases... then I saw that it's just another element that caters to collectards.
General Gaming / Re: Limited Run Games
05/11/2017, 10:25 AM
I'm keeping my play-asia pre-order for Wonder Boy.
Quote from: guest on 05/10/2017, 02:37 AMI like Ootake, but then it is the only PCE emulator I've tried so far. Was this the one that refused to read CD images and insisted on having CD-ROMs being read from a physical drive?
I use Ootake, and yes, you have to at least mount the CD image on a virtual drive first, but then Ootake has the option to import the image so that you don't need to have it mounted.
NESticle can still be enjoyed today via emuception.

Quote from: SignOfZeta on 05/03/2017, 09:54 PMFerengi are absolutely not cool. They are a fucking terrible invention and one of the worst things in the history of Star Trek. Like some crazy secret marginalia from Middle Ages Catholic Church designed to keep mothers from letting their children be eaten by Jews...except with two great big round boners on each side of their head. I have a seriously difficult time watching anything with these ridiculous living plot devices in them.
Did your rabbi warn you not to watch DS9?
nulllity + Canada shipping = 10,000 years for delivery
The only episode of Voyager that must be watched is Tuvix.
Quote from: guest on 04/30/2017, 05:55 PM
Quote from: guest on 04/30/2017, 04:25 PM
Quote from: guest on 04/30/2017, 03:47 PMPeople watch me play Mario 2 and go "jesus christ are you on cocaine"
What a compliment
lol, in the ice-part (I'm talking about SMB 2 USA), I just run the whole time while sliding and ducking under stuff.   Most of the time, I get to the end without stopping.
That's how you're supposed to play those levels, I use the Princess to slide and float without stopping.
Quote from: guest on 04/21/2017, 09:30 PM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 04/21/2017, 08:43 PM
Quote from: jonebone on 04/21/2017, 08:24 AMI buy and sell a lot, and have done so for about 8+ years now.  From $10-$15 carts to $1000+ sealed across many platforms.  And believe me, when you talk about people buying things on credit, you are talking about a very miniscule amount of collectors.  I get more people saying "Hey can I pay on payday" (maybe ~5-10% of people I've dealt with) than people just financing it on credit.  So all of those assumptions regarding the crash are flat out wrong.

What you do get are life priorities that take place over collecting.  You get married, want to fund a honeymoon.  You have kids, need to convert game room to nursery.  You buy a house / sports car and need  a down payment etc.

Or, as we age, your kid goes to college and you see a $20K+ a year bill coming your way.  Or you have to pay for funerals of loved ones.  Etc.  But those are longer term impacts that shouldn't even be addressed now.

Since the overwhelming majority of this stuff is NOT bought on credit, you won't see an tremendous collapse of people selling stuff for pennies on the dollar.  Besides, not sure if you noticed, but if you list a bunch of like items at 0.99 auctions (which firesellers would have to do), they tend to do well and come damn near (or beat) BIN prices anyway.

I do think prices will taper off at some point as our generation ages and collecting shifts behind other life priorities, but expecting a full on collapse is wishful thinking.
Are you administrating their PayPal accounts? How the hell do you know if they using credit? This is a serious question because you refer to it as a certainty and I don't see any way you would know at all. Do you have a storefront? You're making some pretty positive claims here.
In "collector" dominant circles like nintendoage, everyone bragging about being the biggest baller actually believes each other's ego-inflating/insecurity-masking stories. They're all rich and love to post the nerd gamer equivalent of pics of hundred dollar bills and gold jewellery and guns and stupid crap.

This is basically the mentality of omega level collectards:


They always have the same reaction when that stuff doesn't fly here: "you're all just jealous because you can't afford to hang with us true collectors!".

People like Goldenpp who post a short list of games they're looking for and then pay $3600 at once for a handful of them are not the vast majority of regular North Americans if it's not paid for by going into debt. He even admitted to not being familiar with Turbo games, yet buying ones he hasn't played based only on whims and videos.

Quote from: guest on 06/07/2016, 10:24 AMI like how he spent $3,600 in one pop and still needs most of the rares.
Goldenpp offered some insight into the mindset of those driving the market irrationally:

QuoteWhen I first began, things were cheaper, sellers were looser and in general it was a lot easier to deal with, it only took about 5 years for me to begin regretting going for complete titles because of the way pricing was jacking up so much, but when you get that far into something, it becomes difficult for some of us to back away and call it quits, even if it takes out a lot more money than expected. However, the urge for me to complete my various system collections comes from the desire to get it over with in the event the cost continue to rise, I do not want even more games to reach a prohibitive point that I can no longer ever afford to purchase them (as many have)

It's true I spend a lot of time collecting which is a lot less time I can use for the playing aspect, but if I spend too much time playing and not buying, suddenly that game I thought was 30 bucks is now 100 bucks, and that creates a lot of issues for me as i'm not a rich guy, this stuff takes a long time for me to save money for.
That is a vicious cycle that you cannot keep up with.
If there was a like button, I'd break my mouse clicking it for this post.

The great thing about collecting isn't buying the games, it's showing everyone online that I did.
Quote from: guest on 04/30/2017, 03:47 PM
Quote from: crazydean on 04/30/2017, 03:16 PM
Quote from: guest on 04/30/2017, 12:55 PMI loved that stuff because it was spastic.   

Sonic is basically what hyper kids played because Mario and shit was too slow.

I'm one of those people that plays mario with the run button held in the whole time.   

Sonic is just like that by default, lol.
As for Mario, do you actually do well holding the run button the whole time? I've beaten SMB, but it wasn't until I stopped holding the run button that I was able to do so. Obviously with practice, you can beat it with the run button down, but I suck.
I almost never walk in those games.

I only stop if there's like, a hammer brother being a dick, or something where you have to wait for a platform to come back.

People watch me play Mario 2 and go "jesus christ are you on cocaine"
This is the correct way to play Mario games. Do you use Toad in SMB 2?
Quote from: guest on 04/30/2017, 12:55 PMI loved that stuff because it was spastic.   

Sonic is basically what hyper kids played because Mario and shit was too slow.

I'm one of those people that plays mario with the run button held in the whole time.   

Sonic is just like that by default, lol.
Sonic is actually super slow until you build up momentum, and then you hit a loop or pipes and the game just auto-scrolls fast.

Mario is consistently much faster than Sonic.