RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - Sinistron

Off-Topic / Re: Sinistron relief fund
11/05/2012, 02:59 PM
Soaked and trashed- plus so much fell on top of shit- for example the dressers wound up under the bed, entertainment center under one of the sofas, refridgerator under a table- it looked like Neptune, Poseidon and the Tazmanian Devil partied with an eightball in there- had to break down the studio room door just to get in so much shit was piled behind it- but yeah we were being pressured to empty the apartment- and I have no place to let stuff dry out- and it was nasty bay water- salty and filthy.  I was gagging during cleanup- the smell was horrific.
Off-Topic / Re: Sinistron relief fund
11/05/2012, 01:28 PM
I really don't know what much to say other than thank you- and I'll do my best to thank each of you in turn when I'm able.  It was the second time in about 14 months we were displaced by a flood- this time it was at least five times worse and so many friends of mine lost so much- from Grandmothers' houses burning down and pets dying and all possessions lost and a shit ton of cars wiped out.  So many without power. My mom has no power and is running a fever, she had to throw out most of her memories of my dad the other day as most of that stuff was in the basement and the basement is a total disaster.

Drummer in my band in Rockaway lost the rehearsal studio he built over the last few years, his drums, the band PA, his entire basement, his two trucks- and he sent his wife and kids off to Florida because of the looting and lack of power.  The gas situation is worse than what you've been hearing even though we've heard relief is on the way.  My sister dropped me off gas thankfully- but the lines I've been seeing run at least ten blocks long and then you realize that you're only looking at one line of several connecting lines. I'm talking 16 hour waits in some places.  Of my own situation- what I was able to salvage myself, a few trinkets on the very top shelves of closets, some clothes that we were able to wash immediately in ammonia, the car (which got a giant crack in the side last night by some moron catching a football), and a few handfuls of turbo/pc-engine CD games which my fucking Saint of a wife started stuffing in baggies right before we left. Alas she didn't finish them all, not all the bags were sealed, and most of the ones that were submerged littered the floor out of case during cleanup.  I didn't look to see which ones were saved yet- it's too aggravating to think about which ones I lost and I've really got my hands full. What I did manage to do last night at the house of the friend who so graciously is putting us up for the time being- as Mike suggested to me- was to wipe down the hucards and turbochips with rubbing alcohol and set them aside in a box to dry. I'd have put them on paper towels but I don't have the space for that.

As Mike said all the systems and controllers, power packs etc. are gone. My music recording studio that was the second bedroom is gone- all my equipment, video equipment (cameras, greenscreen, etc) gone, all the furniture is gone, virtually all my books, comics, video cassettes, players, dv tapes (including the footage of my wedding which I never got to editing and which contained the last video images of my father), television, bluray player, photographs, my wife's dolls (except for a few teddy bears she took to a friend's house the night of the storm for comfort), comics I made as a kid, posters, frames, treadmill, pots and pans, collectibles, etc. etc. etc. all gone. As for flood insurance- we didn't have it. It's not easy to get in that area- especially since after the last time.  I obviously won't be going back to the area- we finished gutting the apartment out last night- and of all that I've lost and all the depression doing this again has caused me- for some reason it was the anguished look on my wife's face as she dragged her wedding gown- something she'd never wear again anyway- out to the hulking heap of trash on the sidewalk that broke my fucking heart the most and I had to steal away to choke back tears.

We talked to FEMA. They helped us out a bit last time- This time they didn't bother looking at my photos and they didn't ask for receipts for anything. They looked around quickly and declared it a total loss- hopefully they'll help us out but who knows how much considering how busy they are and because so many in other neighborhoods like Rockaway, Breezy Point, Broad Channel, and Coney Island lost much more.  Fucking Manhattan was hit bad. Friends of mine lost their businesses.  I've talked to people who've lived here for forty plus years who've never seen something this bad in NY.

Again though- thank you all so much. I've seen money sent to me from members here that I don't even know- and I know that the newer members here may not have the best impression of me from what they've seen.  I've contributed more to this forum from my early time here, and of late I've either been nonexistent or poking my head back in to add my two cents to some fighting street stupidity or other- so yeah I'm pretty floored that some of you cats give a fuck and it really means a lot. This whole thing was weird to me at first because I'm the type who's usually too proud to ask for anything- so a big thank you to Mike and to Rove for really getting this underway- and again- I mean to repay you all in some fashion when I'm able.

Thank you all so much.
Quote from: Firebomber7 on 08/14/2012, 02:46 PM
Quote from: Tatsujin on 08/13/2012, 04:02 PMbest read sinec lomg :D

lol am laos le drunken

thksy sinise :D
Too many Kirins?
too much of teh Ardbeg 10
Quote from: soop on 08/13/2012, 04:01 PMThere's the door.
Don't let it hit you on the ass on your way out there, Soups
"Like fucking ZOINKS Soops!  There's a mean ol' Bully trying to steal your soopy snacks!
This smells like HELGESON'S DOING!"


"Well hold the fuck on Shag- We've just unmasked this sour bully and it turns out it's not Helgeson at all!
It's actually that "fucking master of power metal shooting" Sign of Zeke!"


"Well fucking ZOINKS again Soops!"

Quote from: soop on 08/13/2012, 02:47 PM:D

Nah, your opinion doesn't matter to me, but I worry about how much energy you put into this.  I appreciate that you like to play the bad guy, but you started by being actively butthurt about what amounts to nothing.

I respect the large majority of people here, even if I disagree with their opinion (which I have on occasion), but tbh, not only do I not see you contributing very much (apart from vitrol), but your arguments just disolve into shit slinging.

You may care as little for my opinion as I do yours, but personaly I feel a little embarrassed on your behalf at the quality of your argument given the practice you've had.

But I have to admit, I am starting to enjoy this, and I'm not sure that's something I'm proud of.
Soops is a complex dude.  In one post- he manages to feel indifference, worry, appreciation, respect, disclosure, embarrassment, and enjoyment.

Smells like catpiss.

Just another day on Crying Street- liddle Jowshua Turrbo comes swooping down for Soopy with his liddle cry-cry napkins in hand.  lol.  Ha-aaang onnn Soopy, Soopy ha-aaang onnn....


Liddle Mongoloid Jowshie play HERO TONMA! Come save day! One good turn deserves another- Soopy and Jowsh play reach-reach tug-tug! lol- fucking homos.
Quote from: alexsduo on 06/13/2012, 03:03 PMOh, I am not actually a woman,
I find it quite understandable that the esteemed Prof. took you for a woman.  You stink of whore's perfume, and you talk like one riding the upside of a plunger as we speak.  I was fooled as well- up until recent when I suggested that Gomez Addams look into the matter.  His tape told the tale that you were not, in fact, a woman.

Quote from: Charles MacDonald on 04/02/2012, 02:24 PM
Quote from: SinistronBeing timidly polite through a long string of nonsense isn't "all getting along"- it's just being timidly polite.  Speaking your mind isn't "causing drama"- it's just speaking your mind.  You suckling noobs and frail older cats here really gotta start manning up.  The vaginas here trying to pass themselves off as actual people have turned into a punchless punch-line ran long and dying.  No one's abusing anyone's mom- no one's threatening anyone.  There is no "drama".
Go fuck yourself. I don't need a forum troll giving me the definition of drama.

PCEngineHell is bitching, complaining, and brown-nosing like mad and he didn't even pre-order the game. He has absolutely no stake in this yet is carrying on like he was greatly wronged and needs to tell everyone just how terribly he was shamed and screwed by an April Fool's joke, of all things. That's drama. He's being a dick.
I see nowhere him saying he himself was shamed and screwed.  Try again buddy.  Seems on this end that the drama's coming from your end.  Our points were quite finished- and here you are hitching up your skirt waiting for the attention dildo to come plunging your way.  Well now it's jamming in you- and how does it feel?  Is this your show now?
Being timidly polite through a long string of nonsense isn't "all getting along"- it's just being timidly polite.  Speaking your mind isn't "causing drama"- it's just speaking your mind.  You suckling noobs and frail older cats here really gotta start manning up.  The vaginas here trying to pass themselves off as actual people have turned into a punchless punch-line ran long and dying.  No one's abusing anyone's mom- no one's threatening anyone.  There is no "drama".
Being that this "MSR is finished!" thread is eight months old already- it's pretty much one big April Fool's gag from the start.  To heap a joke on top of a joke when you have people waiting like Pavlov's Dog- people that have pre-ordered- to fuck with their patience even more- it's really in bad taste.  Agree with Mike here that the energy being wasted on jokes- and honestly even updates at this point- should be used in putting the money you've received for preorders where your mouth is.  Finish the fucking thing- it's past old.  I can't believe there was even a real recent discussion about a Neutopia III- as if that's ever gonna happen with or without a possible lawsuit.  Reality check time.
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/11/2012, 08:16 PM
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/11/2012, 10:16 AM
Quote from: elabit on 02/11/2012, 09:28 AMWhat gives, I'm not in the club any more? I was at 2 members ignoring me yesterday and now I'm back down to 1. Add me back bro!
I too dropped down 1- from ignored by 4 to ignored by 3.  Very unhappy about this.
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/11/2012, 07:33 AM
I think someone not in "the club" should kindly explain to this moron who swears he has never insulted anyone first that he has for the umpteenth time on several threads insulted Guyjin.  He saw a photo of Guyjin that he assumed is Mike- and keeps saying how ugly Mike is.  This really isn't something he can even apologize for- you either think someone is ugly or you don't.  I'm not trying to defend Guyjin here- just want to point out to this idiot that he has in fact broken his own rules.
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/10/2012, 11:22 PM
You're both nutballs.  THAT is what makes this so epic- not just one fruitcake but two- arguing with everyone and then arguing/even threatening yourselves.  It was a double meltdown, a banana split, a hall of mirrors, a Jean Von Dong- the man with two dicks.  I'm telling you- all we needed was Nin on this- and all of our heads would have exploded.
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/10/2012, 10:59 PM
"and i know what bipolar people are like. I helped a good friend of mine who is Bipolar."

Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/10/2012, 09:00 PM
Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 02/10/2012, 08:56 PMI wont hesitate to ignore anyone that directly insults me.

I still have yet to insult anyone first. Never have I will never have I need.
Actually- due to your inability to read posts correctly- you've already insulted the shit out of Guyjin several times.

Not that I'm complaining- just saying.
Fighting Street / Re: S.I.C
02/10/2012, 08:57 PM
Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 02/10/2012, 08:54 PMyeah, but the founding member gets to be the leader on this one

sorry guys
Thanks Bozo.


Founding Father Sinistron crossing the River of Tears
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/10/2012, 08:53 PM
Proud to be the Founding Father of this esteemed club.

gotta love how froze is inadvertently abusing guyjin here- the laughs keep coming
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/10/2012, 03:15 PM
Quote from: nectarsis on 02/10/2012, 03:06 PM
Quote from: Shrapnoid on 02/10/2012, 03:04 PMI'm calmly telling you that I want what I payed $35.00 for. If you can't give it to me, then, refund my money.
Breathe deep Daniel, they will on the way on Monday as I already told you.
Yes.  Breathe deep Schrappy.  Breathe deep.


"Mommy, mommy, baby wants to fuck!"
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/10/2012, 02:59 PM
Quote from: Shrapnoid on 02/10/2012, 01:51 PMYou just messed with a multiple.
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/10/2012, 02:54 PM
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/10/2012, 02:49 PM
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/10/2012, 02:05 PM
Quote from: guest on 02/10/2012, 02:02 PMahhahahaha... this better than HBO
ehhhh now Sparkles old buddy, ain't nothing better than HBO!  Eastbound and Down next weekend!
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/10/2012, 01:57 PM
You can't help but feel like this is some traveling circus that pitched up tent overnight while all us kiddies were asleep- then we wake to such wondrous sights.

Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/10/2012, 01:46 PM
Best thread ever.
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/10/2012, 12:46 PM
Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 02/10/2012, 12:39 PM
Quote from: Shrapnoid on 02/10/2012, 12:12 PMWasn't aware that I was *quoting* anyone.
Nice detective work, Mike. I was wondering when someone would see that.
What's this about froze, following me? Man, froze, were you playing me from the start? I'm hurt, man.

I knew something wasn't right about you but, I couldn't put my finger on it.
Is it true after all? Are you this Nintega character that everyone keeps going on about?
I'm sorry but, these things are beginning to upset me.
Unstable persons like myself do not enjoy being manipulated although I do suppose I should give you points for being somewhat clever enough to gain a certain degree of my trust.

I think you have some explaining to do. I can take screenshots of the messages you've sent me.
I don't know if that will be proof enough to get you canned but, at least it's a start.

You should have just been honest with me from the beginning...
I would have listened to your side of the story as I have my own online, crappy trolling past.

I thought we had a bit in common but, I see now that there is just no reaching you.
You can forget about that TTI reprint too, 'cause it AINT gonna happen!
Fuck this shit!
lol!!! you are epic!!! Truly incredible!!!

where did you pull all of this out from?


Keep listening to what the SCUM on my ignore list tell you. Keep believing them.

and to the 7 members of the club - Nice job losers. Using a poor bipolar person and manipulating him into getting to me?

haha....I'm sorry, you are not allowed to leave the club. Once you are in, there is no way out.

hahaha. Nintegra....go on
Doesn't much matter if you're him, or if he's shrapnoid, or if you're shrapnoid, or if you're all the same person or if you're all separate.  You're all retarded- you're all good for lulz.  That's the important thing.
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/10/2012, 12:16 PM
we should almost allow Nintenga back in for this- he can join them.  The Sinister Seven versus the Mongoloid Three.  Retards gotta eat too.
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/10/2012, 12:08 PM
Any "moose munch" in that snack sack Tats?
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/10/2012, 11:45 AM
shrapnoid quoting others so that frozen can respond to them...  seems mighty convenient.  Mighty convenient indeed. 
Personally, I'd like to have a member card for being in The Scum Inore List.  The Scum Ignore List: it's everywhere you want to be.
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/10/2012, 11:19 AM
This is in reality a group hallucination we're having- because- remember guys- Frozenintears in NOT actually in Fighting Street- WE are!
Hey hey It's the thread of the scum ignore list!  I make it official!  The Furious Five!  Where's Grandmaster Flash when you need him?
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/08/2012, 03:17 PM
Quote from: nectarsis on 02/08/2012, 03:15 PMAnd Ark some kind of "forum leader" LOL?  Man the shit that runs thru this twats head.
Well don't you remember when me you and Mike constituted the whole forum in his mind?
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/08/2012, 03:08 PM
Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 02/08/2012, 03:02 PMI can be here forever.
Not really.  I have a good inkling you won't be here (at least under this guise) much longer.
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/08/2012, 02:54 PM
elabit save your breath man- you're just playing this creep's game without even knowing it.  It's Nintega- PCFX's most notorious lecherous cock smoke, looking in real life every bit the hideous troll he's purported to be.  Right now his hand is quavering and rattling his mouse, his eyes are a' blinking (goooooo Blinky!) and a thin line of drool is hanging from his lower lip- already redolent with the scent of cock and balls.
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/08/2012, 02:48 PM
frozenintears  11:45:33 AM Viewing frozenintears's profile.

Dave- rechecking his proflile: "They can't tell it's me can they?  I put that I live in Antarctica!  Totally believable!"
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/08/2012, 02:39 PM
lol, luls 4 daze, is this not the image of the most malignant assnut to grace us with his presence ad nauseum?


Nice rooster cut Dave, cutting edge styles going on there.  Jack Daniels, eh?  Doesn't that throw your medication off?

Nin- 11/23/08- always gold, always relevant:

"Dude. I just want to say that I am sorry for being such a fool. I mindlessly took my anger out on everyone. I don't really hate you, mike, or nec, I just hate the way I live. I have a broken family and I hardly have any trustyworth contacts outside of my home. I started take meds again last week. I hope you understand what I have been going through"

Nin- 10/06/09-

"How about a truce? I been realizing I have been foolish for the longest by blaming you and your buddies for my ban at PCEFX. I wasn't being myself and tried to hard to impress you guys. You make think I am bullshitting you but this time I am very serious. I am done with the nonsense and negativity."

always gold-
Off-Topic / Re: PCEFX Hall of Shame
02/08/2012, 02:15 PM

quite the entertaining thread as a whole
Off-Topic / Re: PCEFX Hall of Shame
02/08/2012, 02:07 PM
If Dave didn't already have his own thread- we'd obviously be adding "frozenintears" to the hall of shame.
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/08/2012, 01:34 PM
N00b christened on February 4th- jumps on making rules, greenest guy on the block yet seems to know the content of 99% of my posts (pretty impressive as I have over 1,800), talks about how "weak" the fighting street is, then proceeds to show us just how strong he is in comparison by crying like a toddler who just banged his knee and putting me on insta-ignore because I called him an idiot :cry: which clearly he is.  And all this whimpering about "gangbanging"- makes you wonder if he walked in on his mom getting dug out by four of his friends.  Whatever the case is- this assnut just made my day- Chuckles galore.  Enough for everyone.

Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/08/2012, 12:56 PM
Quote from: NecroPhile on 02/08/2012, 12:52 PMThat works great... until some asshole goes and quotes the message.  :twisted:
I love it when a plan comes together!

Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/08/2012, 12:43 PM
Be careful Nectar- you may be placed on his scum-ignore list.  It's cold here in skullfuckery hell!
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/08/2012, 12:39 PM
Well I have the high honor of being ignored by 4 members- so it's likely he isn't lying with me -- which is all the more to my liking.  Now I can say anything I want- to the tune of frozenintears is a testicle lapping faggot, his mother is a sperm burping whore with a mine shaft for an asshole, and his father is his grandfather, all without having to hear him shedding tears.  Members here should put me on ignore more often- more laughs, less whimpering.
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/08/2012, 11:20 AM
Has there ever been such an aptly titled member as frozenintears?  What a whimpering little bitch, lol.  It's all too weak for him- so weak that he needs put you on ignore the second you respond to him.

I'd also point out that NecroPhile was by no means defending me, but I guess being that I'm on his ignore list any effort to tell him so will go wasted.
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/08/2012, 09:34 AM
Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 02/08/2012, 09:28 AM
Quote from: Sinistron on 02/08/2012, 09:16 AMyou fucking idiot.
congratulations! you are the oficially the 1st member of my scum ignored list. Your weak attempt to insult me has just resulted in my steel toe boot being shoved up your ass and coming out of your socket.
Is that what it feels like for me to be ignored by someone I never even knew existed?  Ouch.  Nurse, please stanch these wounds.
Fighting Street / Re: Shrapnoid
02/08/2012, 09:32 AM
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 02/08/2012, 08:52 AMNat did a pretty impartial review of Insanity, and even Emerald Rocker did.  They recognized the effort involved and the impressiveness of it being a first time thing, mentioned the PSG milestone, and told it like it is:
For the sake of honesty- if it's worth anything or not- I respect that you did what you set out to do- regardless of my opinions on the merit of the game itself- which I have not played though I certainly played the shit out of Berzerk as a kid.  You got it done quickly, did the bulk of the work yourself, pressed it and got it out there while others were stuck in perpetual development since back when Burger King was still a Prince.  I respect that- and if I've never actually tipped my hat to you for that fact alone- then there it is.
Off-Topic / Re: PCEFX Hall of Shame
02/08/2012, 09:24 AM
Quote from: turbofan1 on 02/08/2012, 06:19 AMI think that guy Turbo Star or (Shags) should have been nominated for posting like A thousand pictures of that fat hairy dude in every thread.I guess it was some lame attempt to try to get mike to leave.
That was pretty amusing.  Was he really trying to get Mike to leave though?  I don't believe that Josh actually knew what his goal was- seemed to be more of the "meltdown" variety- Josh popping a brain vessel and glitching out, stuck in prolonged self induced hilarity until a family member was able to smack him on the back of the head.