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Messages - King_Vidiot

Quote from: mickcris on 05/08/2015, 05:21 AMbump. back home from vacation.
I have a Duo that was RGB modded by a member on here and he also made a BNC cable for me but now I want a scart cable since all my other RGB systems are scart. Can I assume that your cable will work with my Duo or is it dependent on what RGB amp was used?
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB: Dragon Saber
09/15/2013, 02:40 PM
Looking for a complete copy of Dragon Saber if anyone has one...thanks
Here are the issues of EGM magazine I'm looking for.  I have cash or some classic games to trade (no turbo games).

1-8, 11, 15, 76-80, 84-85, 91, 93-97, 136, 150, 1990 Buyer's Guide

no use going through the trouble of rgb modding if you're just going to ruin it by hooking it up to a flatscreen or downgrading it to component
added some more games to my want list
I bought two scart cables from them, one for snes one for genesis.  communication is a little spotty but I got the cables in a decent time period, although they sent me the wrong genesis cable. after a few emails they put the right cable in the mail to me
is it rare or something?
I wish the reviews were tagged/sortable by genre...with so many of them, it would be a big help for people trying to find pce ideas
Looking for the following games:

Mystic Formula
Die Hard
Valis IV
Fushigi no Yume no Alice
Makai Prince Dorabocchan
Marchan Maze
Aoi Blink
Dragon Sabre
Momotaro Katsugeki
Xak I-II
Advanced VG

If you want to trade, I have a bunch of boxed and loose NES, SNES, Sega CD, PS2, PS3, etc games
love me some OotG  :twisted:
rick all the way
can someone point me to the best rgb mod guide?
I have an american Turbo Duo and I just picked up a Sony PVM monitor.  What is my best a/v option with this set up?  Is it s-video mod or rgb mod?  Are there any non-modding options?  Is s-video or RGB better/more reliable when it comes to the Turbo Duo? I've read things about all the RGB mods showing jail bars? 

Does anyone else use a Duo with a PVM monitor?
Any action/adventure or platformer suggestions?  Games similar to Bonk, Keith Courage, Bloody Wolf, Final Zone II, Last Alert...pc-e or CD...
Hey guys, I want to finally get my Turbo Duo working right.  As of now, the duo will play CD games about 30% of the time depending on the game.  Many times it just spins and spins and doesnt load the game.  Does this mean I should definitely replace the laser? Or if I open up the duo could it be just an adjustment issue or something?  

If I do need to replace it, where can I get a replacement laser?  

Where's the best place to buy the caps needed for this?  I sent my turbo duo to a board member a few years ago but when I got it back it was still dropping the background music.  I assume they got lazy and didnt replace all the caps.  

Also can I just use regular caps? Or is sticking with surface mount caps better in the long run?
You need to brush up on the definition of complete.
what are these? extension cords? or adapters?
Oh I agree a good CRT is the way to go for classic gaming  like this.

And for a dude who drops that much on one hu-card, how is it you dont have a dedicated gaming room in your house?? "No wives allowed!"
wow that's the saddest story i've heard.  to have such a nice collection but squander it by running it through such a terrible setup.
really I mean what did you expect buying from venezuela?  that's just not smart if you are buying a collectible where condition is a big factor.
Quote from: esteban on 03/06/2010, 10:12 AM
Quote from: Emerald Rocker on 03/05/2010, 05:53 PMDude, ignore these other posers.  The key to beating all those bosses is to move in as close as possible so that they die quickly.  If you're near the boss, then your shots hit him more quickly and he dies faster.
Well, he seems to be having problems with the waves of enemies, which kill him before he even gets to the bosses.

King_Vidiot, read my hints over on the TurboViews thread.

Basically, Blazing Lazers is designed to TOTALLY LET YOU ADVANCE during the "Boss Rush", but you have to use the "pea shooter with no shields" approach:
1. Some enemies can be avoided. LEARN.
2. Some enemies make your life difficult, if not impossible: LEARN how to dispatch them quickly (hint: you should use full speed + maneuver to counter their patterns "before" they are on screen)
3. I constantly adjust speed--it is part of my strategy--depending on my power-ups, the section of the stage, the enemy behavior (i.e. you mess up and have to deal with opponents you usually kill quickly)...
5. This final stage is one of the BEST examples of how a shoot-em-up (or any game) can create growing tension and excitement.  Music (double-bass!) + sound effects (those satisfyingly huge "mega" explosions!) + boss rush with incessant waves of enemies and the "occasional lull" to help you catch your breath ... all of these elements complement each other and produce a full cup of steaming AWESOME.

Hint: Additional hints are in the other thread...
You understand this doesnt help me at all, right? I dont need a general strategy for how to play the game.  I just posted because I'm having trouble with one particular part of the final stage and wanted to hear what others thought.  Your post doesn't have anything about getting through this particular wave and the strategy for the boss right before it etc. 

I think my frustration came from what Obfuscate describes: the game is a cakewalk up until the middle of the final stage, when it suddenly becomes quite hard.  this is just bad game design. 

I figured out a strategy that works for me - basically switch from shields to the two "m" shooters right before the 3rd boss in the final stage, then use it all the way up through the second to last boss.  If you get hit by this boss you can take him out until he is almost dead, then just keep dodging his shots while power-ups regularly appear and you get a shield.
I just can't do it. I can't beat Blazing Lazers.  I've been trying for days.  I get to the 9th (final) stage where you have to fight all the bosses again.  By the time I get to the second-to-last boss I have lost my shield (it always goes away even if I dont get hit), and then after I beat the boss, the wave after him where all the enemies come up the sides and then zoom at you in the middle always kills me.  Then you start over from the beginning of the killer wave, and it's impossible to last more than a few seconds without any shield or firepower.  I'm ready to jump out of my window.
but it's all flat, it probably wont even keep its box shape if you tried to fold it now
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: Boxes
02/26/2010, 01:49 AM
 I just looked back in my gmail and found the auction.  My vasteel was advertised as "COMPLETE rare".  I paid $18.50 + $3.50 shipping for it.  This was on 1/8/08 so a little over 2 years ago. 

It looks like I got taken for a ride on a couple of auctions back then, advertised as COMPLETE when none of them came with boxes.  I paid $11.80 for a "complete" Ninja Spirit, and $2.50 for a "complete" Silent Debuggers.  A couple were actually complete: $.99 for Sim Earth, $10.50 for Dungeon Master, and $31 for Dragon Slayer w/ Map. 

Looking further back, it looks like I paid $375 shipping included for my duo w/ 14 games (all with manuals and cases but no boxes), and then a litter later paid $255 for a lot of 36 games (manuals & cases, no boxes again). 

Seems a bit high now, but I've played the hell out of it all so I guess I cant complain.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: Boxes
02/25/2010, 11:28 PM
strange, maybe someone cobbled together the single case I have? seems pretty legit though
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: Boxes
02/25/2010, 08:14 PM
Ah, okay.  I need a bunch (sorry guys), definitely a lot of common ones (alien & devil crush, galaga 90, dragon spirit etc) and I wouldnt be looking for anything mint, more like "is able to keep roughly a box shape"

edit: Were there  multiple versions of Vasteel? RoyVegas' picture shows a fat double cd case, but mine is just a regular one (with the blue vasteel on the spine etc).  Did the single case one come with a box too?
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: WTB: Boxes
02/25/2010, 07:56 PM
what is the going rate for boxes these days?
...or you could have saved your keystrokes and just posted the link
I've been looking for ways to upgrade my sega genesis/CD system from composite cables to something better for my CRT or LCD. 

The two best options (apart from an s-video mod) seem to be getting a SCART cable (genesis plug on one end, scart on the other) and then running that through a SCART to Composite adapter (for the CRT) or SCART to HDMI adapter (for the LCD). 

Apparently this works really well for the picture quality for genesis/sega CD. 

Since the turbo duo has the same type of plug as the model 1 genesis, couldn't it do the same thing?  Does anyone know if the turbo and genesis convert the same internally?
I assume what he did was a full cap replacement, I guess what I'm asking is once I open up the system, how can I verify this or not?  Maybe he missed a cap or two?  And if it's the pots, how do I test or adjust?
I sent my Duo away to get a region mod and the sound fix.  The region mod works but my sound (just the music, not the sound effects) still cuts out when playing certain CD-based games (Dracula X, Valis, etc). 

Could someone point me to the best post(s) that address this problem?  I was thinking of just opening mine up, seeing what the guy did who "fixed" my sound to see if I can spot anything he skipped or didnt do.

I don't think I have encountered this with games on any other system.  What is up with turbo cd rpg's having that little border around the main screen like it was a super game boy?  For me this totally kills the enjoyment as it looks really cheap, ugly and small.  Ys, Dragon Slayer, Exile all suffer from this.  It seems like Cosmic Fantasy 2 is the only traditional rpg that doesnt? Was this a style choice, or due to hardware limitations?  I don't ge it.
there is a hori turbo stick on ebay for like 80 tempting
Is Rastan Saga II a port of Nastar Warrior?
I'm finding it hard to get into the first dungeon explorer.  it's so freakin hard on 1 player
sounds good to me
Wow, is New Adventure Island rare?

$50+ for a copy without the box?

I got a boxed copy of it in my turbo duo lot...that lot is looking better and better
Was there a US release of Volfied?  I really enjoy that game in taito legends for ps2
I haven't tested but I have heard that the Tengen games (the funny shaped ones) won't work on these boxes
I recently purchased an FC Twin for under $50 all-in.  It plays both NES and SNES carts and so far I have been very impressed.  I bought a bunch of (very) used NES carts from an old game store and they all booted up fine on the first try. 

I wonder if you can hook up a sega cd or 32x to the master system/megadrive one though
I was wondering if people could recommend games easy on the japanese text worth importing.  Not interested in stuff that was already ported to usa obviously.  I'm guessing Wizardry I&II isn't but I want it anyway  :mrgreen:
Well thanks for telling me that before I plopped down the money.  Seems like it would be just as much a pain to have to rig the duo rx to play american hu cards as it would be to fix some caps

Whats up with this auction?

Is the bidding up so high because half of the games come with the cardboard boxes?  Isn't cadash the only rare game in that lot?
What will happen to the audio? And why wouldn't it have happened already?  And what other option is there besides a "normal duo" ?
I grew up with gaming since the com64/2600 so I was always aware of the turbografx 16 but it was always something pretty that was too expensive so we stuck with our NES and then later Genesis so I only got to play a tg16 occasionally at the display stands at toys r us or at a friends house.  I vividly remember the old turbo ads that would be in comic books, especially the ones for Splatterhouse that would show rick and jennifer going to the mansion, rick being knocked out and awakening with the mask on, jennifer being kidnapped, etc.  It was just never a system I was able to get my hands on.  I guess I found out about the duo late in high school when my rich friend got one for Rondo of Blood but by that point I was pretty deep into the psx and wasnt really focused on the older games.  Recently however I have become disallusioned to the current gen systems and their demands on my time (final fantasy XII, etc) so I basically just use them for arcade compilations (taito legends 2, capcom classics, etc) and fighting games (there are a lot of great neo geo compilations on import).  I have not seen anything in terms of the next gen consoles that would make me want to purchase one.

So instead I have re-discovered the games of my past and the many that I missed out on for whatever reason.  I pulled out my old Genesis a while ago and for Christmas I picked up a duo with 15 games as well as one of those fc twins that play nintendo and super nintendo cartridges which I am very impressed with. 

The only Turbo games I had really played before or where familiar with are Splatterhouse, Devil Crush, and Alien Crush.  Devil and Alien were a part of the lot I won with my Duo so they have been a treat to play.  I had been playing Dragon's Fury for the Genesis in place of Devil's Crush but now that I have played both side by side I believe Crush to be superior (Dragon Fury doesnt even take up the whole screen). 

My favorite new game so far is Lords of Thunder.  I don't think I have ever played a shooter quite this fun.  Gates of Thunder and Blazing Lazers are fun too, but can't compare.  I am trying to get better at Dungeon Explorer but I'm finding it very hard so far.  Fantasy Zone I'm not a fan of, JJ & Jeff is just, uh...weird and I dont like the controls, Super Adventure Island is a lot of fun, Bonk's Revenge I am liking more than Adventure but both feel like they are missing some fun factor, and I already had Pac Land on Namco museum vol. 4 and it still seems pretty bad.  Moto Roader seemed promising at first but then I started playing and right now it seems awful (although I keep going back to it for some reason).  Dragon Spirit looks better than the nes version but I've never been a fan of shooters where you have to shoot at stuff on the ground with a separate shot.

I'm looking to get my hands on some of the first person rpg's and some of the action games.  I just won a big lot of games the other day so hopefully those will be good.  I also ordered some cables that I'm hoping will work as extension cords since the duo cord is so short.  I would also love to play Rondo of Blood but I can't spend that much on one game and I'm not hip to the whole torrent thing.

Anyway, that's me.
Quote from: Keranu on 01/04/2008, 12:04 AMHoly crap! King_Vidiot, please tell me that you used to post on the Geoshock forums many years ago!
Nope, sorry.  Must have been some another fan of Joysticks  :mrgreen:

I just bought myself a turbo duo for xmas so I have been diving headfirst into gaming goodness.  Where has this system been my whole life?
The VideoGameCritic has a good amount of TG-16 reviews: