OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Messages - Vecanti

Is it possible this was going to be for a built in System card?
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 02/23/2017, 05:59 PMThe condition of the sponge is not a contributing factor.
Unless your using it to try to keep from getting pregnant.
Mad Max Fury Road, I don't even know we're to start. First they nuetured Mad Max. He didn't even need to be in the movie other than to say, "Woman can't do stuff they need a man." Furiosa was actually an okay character. If the movie was juat a spin off of her in the Mad Max universe it might have been better. She was kind of kick ass. Mad Max was just a pussy.

Yeah, it looked like the Mad Max movies, but wasn't as dark in it's message at all.  There was stuff that was lame/cheesy like the flame thrower guitar guy. I was looking around the theatre like is this for real? So cheesy. That and the entire second movie is about how precious fuel is and so many people die for it. Fuel is more precious than any anything like gold or even life, yet this guys in Fury Road is just flame thrower-ing fuel all over.

That and it's a 2 hour car chase!  I love great car chase scenes, but I was okay, when is the movie going to start for like an hour before I gave up and realized the car chase never ends.

The first Mad Max when his wife and son die it's brutal. Mad Max is a hard core badass surviver. The original movies are like I said dark and appocolylic in more than just what you see on screen.  Fury Road was just another Hollywood, well we can't think of anything  original ourselves and we have a 1/4 billion dollars to spend. Let's make some Mad Max cars!!
Mad Max Fury Road, just fucking awful.
The old cdrwin (think it was cdrwin) burns the whole CD to a single complete ISO.  So you end up with one large ISO and a CUE file. I think it only ran on Win98 though so I had to set up a VM run it or I would get aspi driver errors.
Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 10/20/2016, 03:33 AMOk, so my Turbo CD & Duo are both acting up, & I recently discovered the magic of hacking a Wii.  However, WiiMednafen only seems to work with bin files.  However, I can't seem to make any.  Any version of CDRWin I get, doesn't seem to work, I've been Googling like crazy looking for other programs that do bin files(most don't).  I can rip most cd games that are Japanese with TurboRip(most US games aren't ripping for some reason), but it's in the ISO/WAV format, & I don't see a way to rip them in BIN format, so, I'm stuck & pulling my hair out.  I thought it would be easy peasey to just rip my games & play em' on my Wii....such is not the case......  Can anyone else a brother out?
I got this working once. I think I used an old version of cdrwin (on win98 through emulation). It output an ISO. I simply renamed the .iso to .bin and I think that was all that was needed to get it to work on the Wii.
What would be the goal? One machine to play all PCE/SGX/CD/SCD/ACD? Good news! You can do this now. It's called a SuperGrafx!
Quote from: esteban on 04/21/2016, 04:58 PM
Quote from: guest on 04/21/2016, 11:51 AMI skimmed through and it looks like a better title would be "A cheap lot of 5 random games I bought".

Pet Shop Boys
Hany in the Sky
Kid Dracula
...and I forget the last one (I watched it 24 hours ago).

I am actually glad he didn't cover the usual games, but he should have used that as his selling point!

5 totally random games...

The other was Cross Wiber. Best if the 5. Love that game.
Made that same run in 1989...with a Power Glove.
Quote from: guest on 03/25/2016, 10:39 AM
Quote from: HailingTheThings on 03/25/2016, 03:28 AMWere you even old enough to be on the internet when this thread was made?
Dude, I'm 30.
So... no.
I'd just merge the discussion topics really, but keep the sales topics seperate. I would think usually people are looking for region specific hardware so keeping that seperate might be convenient,  but as far as discussion I don't think people are looking to only "talk" about one system, it's more general NEC console discussions.
I've never seen or heard of a generic Android distro unfortunately. Not like a Windows install for example, where it would sort of install on any given generic device and then install the drivers for your particular device.

I've seen "sort of generic" distros. But they are still for a somewhat specific manufacturer.  Like a certain brand of Chinese tablets where they used several different parts over time.  So when you goto install the 'Generic Distro' for that brand, you have to install it while trying a whole bunch of options. So maybe they used 4 different types of touch screens, 3 different types of wireless, 2 different sound chips, 2 different CPU generations. So you have to install trying Touch Screen type A.  If it fails re-install try Touch Screen type B, if it fails try Touch Screen type C, and so on. Once the Touch screen works, you have to re-install, testing which each wi-fi type they included in the distro, and sound drivers, etc and it becomes a guessing game. 

But you still need a fairly specific distro for that situation.

Otherwise you have to build the distro for your device as far as I know if someone else hasn't done it already. That I have no idea. I have a challenge just getting the pre-done distros installed :)

As far as bricking, that is probably always a risk. In my experience, the risk there is when you are installing the bootloader.  Once you have the bootloader you are typically safe most of the time I believe. However if you don't have a way to install the original Androind OS that came on the device and the distros you try don't work, well then, you can pretty much consider it a brick at that point as you won't have an OS on it all of course.

Does your tablet have any branding on it at all?  Or model or serial numbers? Or when you go into the About Tablet/Phone in the settings does it give you any information?
Awesome Bernie. Would love to win this for the kids. Add me if I qualify. 

Think I will throw together a couple raffles here in a bit in the spirit of this amazing-ness!
Yeah, I have done this on my tablet (old Nook Color) and my phone as well which is running KitKat now.

It really depends on the device. 

Step 1. You may have to root it. You may not.

Step 2. You may have to install a bootloader or you may not.

Step 3. Software is 2 parts. KitKat (CM11) version. This will be a specific Download for your exact device and then something called GAPPS - this is a generic download (zip file). GAPPS is basically generic "Google Apps" I believe stuff like the Keyboard, Play Store, and a lot of essential stuff you need. There is  a GAPPS for Android 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4.  So if you are installing KitKat you would get the GAPPS zip file for 4.4 (CM11 ie KitKat) as if you try to use GAPPS for 4.2 it won't work.  Basically they just separated GAPPS from the actual specific version of KitKat for your device.  So again, to make long story long you will basically have 2 files.

You just need to have the 2 correct files, the correct version of KitKat for your device and then the correct generic GAPPS zip.  The bootloader usually will automagically take care of installing both.

Best place to start is:

For my Nook it is dead simple. No root necessary.  There is a DL that formats an SD card for you on your PC.   Basically you just put the Nook version of Android plus GAPPS zip in the root directory and the Nook boots from the SD card and ask if you want to install. 

For my phone I had to root it.  I had to find some files to put on SD that rooted it.  Then I had to install a boot loader.  Then basically same thing as my Nook, copy KitKat version for my phone and GAPPS zip to root of an zip card and the bootloader installed everything.
I've been thinking of something like this for a while:

You would still have to do region mod inside, but then you would not have to mod the outside at all. So no cutting the case for a "switch" basically.

You could mount this under the logo for example on your PCE.  Then when you move a magnet above it you switch to Turbo mode, swipe again to move back to PCE.   

You could get pretty fancy too, where you had an led light hooked up inside, so you could see a glow coming out from the HuCard slot or something, red for PCE and another color for Turbo. 

So it's sort of a "No Mod" solution. At least from the outside.
Quote from: Tatsujin on 03/30/2014, 11:22 PMlool..fugliest bonk ever made  :lol:
Agreed. It's bad. Looks like someone went overboard with the Photoshop apply texture.  That and the graphics don't match each other. Some are pseudo 3D like the smilies you collect, and then in the menu bar at the top the Smiley counter is a 2d hand drown icon, while the background is suppose to look like one of those cloth type games?

It looks like many college project we did where everyone worked on there own parts then when we brought it together at the last minute nothing really matched, but at least we had something to turn in. 

Bonk turns into a monkey when eating meat?  I'm lost on this part. Do monkey's eat meat?  The boss actually looks pretty cool, but why does he throw Lollipops when he gets hit?
Quote from: Bernie on 03/30/2014, 09:40 AMIt happens sometimes.  I have actually gotten a letter posted to something mailed to me, that demanded postage due.  Saying not enough was used to mail it, but it somehow made it to me.....  WTF..  Needless to say, I didnt pay anything.  Situation is different, as it was delivered to my mailbox with no issues.  But, it isnt my damn fault some retard accepted a package on the other end, and now they want me to pay?  Nope.
It sounds like the negative feedback was left for the user never responding and so Lochlan really had no idea what actually happened and no explanation.  He didn't hear from the seller until after the fact.  Not responding or giving any explanation or looking into it is the sellers fault.  I'd leave the 2nd one for the verbal abuse.  That type of email is totally uncalled for and unprofessional. I'd want to know what type of seller this guy really is so I don't do business with him regardless of who's fault it was over something so small. That is beyond ridiculous.


I'm guessing it is some sort of pre-paid box.  It would be like putting a 1lb bar of gold in a regular envelope and then putting a single 49 cent 1 oz stamp on it and dropping it in a mail box somewhere.  Though if you want to mail me one I would definitely pay the extra postage!
I mean he knows you have another item to leave feedback on, if he cared at all he would act professional and take care of this. Obviously he doesn't care.

I would leave negative for the other one too. If anything just as a courtesy so others know to beware.  But just state the facts.

I don't know how much space you have, but something like:

"Seller did not respond to several emails as item had never arrived. Later, I discovered extra postage was due and paid myself. In the end after leaving feedback because I had never received any response, seller started emailing afterword and was threatening and vulgar. Emailed me saying 'Burn in Hell', using terms such as 'Prick, 'Broke Joke', 'Loser", claimed I was 'Pathetic' and 'ate shit'. Seller likely is into Van Damn movies and kickboxing under his carport! Beware!

Feel free to copy and paste.
Quote from: esteban on 03/29/2014, 04:11 AMBack in July 1993 I sent PayPal
Man and I thought I was cool accessing my email through Pine on 2400 bps dialup.
Quote from: HailingTheThings on 03/03/2014, 09:51 PMWho is "xak/validus?" I'm intrigued or something.
Power Eleven. Because I had just always felt that all soccer games sucked by default. And I'm saying that coming from the Amiga scene were I guess there were a lot of good soccer games, though I never played them for long enough as I just never ever could get into any they just were fun to me.

So by my definition Power Eleven should suck, but is one of favorite games.  It doesn't really even follow the rules (no offsides for example), but it is pretty fun a quick game and also for multi-player.

If you were to hang up a kick boxing bag what location would be your top choice?

1. Carport
2. Florida
3. A Carport in Florida
If you get this working, then a few sales/trades and 15 years from now someone is going to open this thing and be like WTF?  Or think they have a prototype or something.  :mrgreen:

Pretty amazing to watch your work!
Interesting. The CoreGrafx and CoreGrafx II have the round ring.  The picture though on the cover of the white PCE box has the ring too.
I couldn't give you a price on it. But it's one of my favorite turbo games. I think mostly because of the multi-player action. A lot of little things you can do co-op to get extra lives and things like standing in each other heads and then jumping after the other to getting even even higher to reach places you other wise couldn't.  There are flowers that you can use to fly so one person has sit and the other head to fly around.

Then there is sort a option to teleport were other is, but this costs health, but can save you too. If you've played New Super Mario World on Wii it sort of like the bubble.

Just a lot of great multi-player stuff.
Off-Topic / Re: Famous people you've met
02/12/2014, 06:08 PM
Quote from: TurboXray on 02/12/2014, 10:31 AMI'm on IMDB, and since I know myself... +1?
Nice. What's your Bacon number?
I'm just going to go head and call this.. fake.
Received my package! Thought about putting it under the tree! But I couldn't :)  Will be playing these late into the night tonight! 

Thank you again galam!!!
Thanks galam!  Yeah, I am super excited about It Came From The Desert as well.  Want to watch the movie with the kids from back in the day and then turn all the lights off and play this one!  B-Movie/Game fest!

This was one of the first games I bought when I got my TurboDuo (December '92 I think),  so must have been around 1993 when I got the game. Will be so much fun to see this game and the video scenes after 2 decades!

Prince of Persia, was another SuperCD I wanted back then, but only had so much money as a kid.

I'm going to have to find something raffle!   :dance:
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: 2 Games 1 RAFFLE
12/09/2013, 02:45 PM
Well, if you are really looking for entrants I guess I'll enter. This is an amazing raffle I can't believe there are only 3 so far.

Ham! I could probably eat a pound or so. :)  Mmm pork.  Usually we get together with the fam on Christmas day and just have a table of various holiday foods out, desserts, pies, snacks, and everyone eats, drinks, and visits. Nothing too formal.
Off-Topic / Re: Samsung TV questions
12/09/2013, 02:32 PM

QuoteBrand Name   Samsung
Item Weight   46.3 pounds
Product Dimensions   11 x 41 x 29 inches
Item model number   HL-S4676S
Batteries:   2 AAA batteries required. (included)
Color Name   black
Specification Met   Energy Star
Dang. Hope they're rechargeable!  That must be one hell of an Energy Star rating.  :D
F my life. When did Grafx2 start letting you directly paint using a 9 bit palette selector? Was it always there and I didn't know it?  This really jumps to the top of my fav list now.
s11.postimg .cc/puh5ts3v7/keith.jpg

When he signed it he told me it was the game he had always wished he had made.
Suck it and drool over my collection bitches.  Now get out your rulers and lets measure some dick:

PCE_CD_99.2%_Complete_Collection Torrent_Unsorted_ Incl_PC_Cocoron_Prototype_[No Code].torrent

I'd shared this with you Xak, but all the games are zipped. :(
Quote from: Nando on 11/06/2013, 12:43 PMya got the six button pad right?
No. That's my goal though, a White PCE, a Turbo Tap, two Avenue 6 pads and then we can play this thing! 

Right now I am still drooling over it and have it up like art.  I remember seeing this thing in the magazines when it came out and seeing that huge bump everyone "thought" was crammed full of 20 megs of memory!  :D   It was pretty to cool to see it for real 20 years later.
It's opened!  Thanks again SamIAm this was so awesome!!

Sorry the video is so bad, but I had the phone plugged in and I couldn't reach any farther.  Too excited to wait for it to charge.  :dance:

sf two
NEC Console Resource / Re: Hi there
10/01/2013, 01:02 PM
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 09/30/2013, 06:08 PMdepends who you ask.  Some people like staring at dicks all day.
Mine is highly sought after in certain circles.
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 08/03/2012, 12:59 PMIf you go composite thru XRGB it still looks like penis though.
Is that good or bad?
Quote from: KiddoCabbusses on 09/16/2013, 12:53 PMFax receiver? Honestly, what was NEC smoking there? In the current day I can't imagine the PC-FX as anything other than a game/anime hub. Of course, this is probably similar to Sega Mega Anser or the Famicom Modem in some of the more oddball attempts to branch out.

Faxes were hot back then. They were the future! :)  I think back then it this is not to dissimilar to the XBOX One of PS4 trying to add features of cable boxes or something into video games consoles.

That is beyond awesome.  So does this actually play Mods in real-time? I would love to fire up my Amiga and play some my dozens of old Mods on my Turbo :)

I'm guessing this is something that will never be released though it sounds like?
Off-Topic / Re: Word association thread
08/03/2013, 11:54 AM
Local Yokel.
Off-Topic / Re: Word association thread
08/02/2013, 08:05 PM
Mrs. Robinson
Quote from: Capitalistix on 08/02/2013, 05:09 PMmy girlfriend is full blood Japanese
But how long did she live there?  Would you say more than over half her life?

So she is 60% new?
That's pretty cool.  First thought was I'd do the wheels.

Second thought was how much would it cost to do the whole car?   :mrgreen:
Off-Topic / Re: Video Game Name Generator
06/21/2013, 06:37 PM
For the furry's:

The Care Bears' Makeout Trilogy