OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Messages - ShinobiMan

I enjoy the CD version of Bonk 3 more. For some reason, the music in the regular version is bland... and for me what sets this game apart from the others in the CD quality music and the growth gameplay. Love all the Bonk games, Revenge is the best, but this is a close second for me.

QuoteBritish tabloid the Daily Mail has highlighted the dangers of Nintendo's pet sim Nintendogs, following an animal attack on a 9-year-old girl.

Megan Walker was mauled by Saracen, a bull mastiff, while playing the game at a friend's house. The dog dragged Megan from the sofa and sank its teeth into the girl's face, removing her lip.

The Daily Mail attributes the attack to the sounds of barking emanating from Megan's DS "game station" during a bout of Nintendogs.

The girl's grandmother, Jean Taylor, told the paper, "I think this game should carry some kind of warning. People should be told not to play it when there are dogs in the room. I blame the game for what happened to Megan. If they hadn't been playing it I don't think the dog would have gone for her."

The Daily Mail concludes that the friend's mother was unavailable for comment, but "it is understood that she told police that Megan may have kicked Saracen and that is why he attacked her".

Doctors managed to re-attach Megan's lip following the attack and the dog was later destroyed.
WTF? So the kid provokes the dog with a kick, gets attacked, and the dog dies. Really messed up.

What do you think? Who's to blame? Nintendo or the girl?
This was the game that nearly killed my chances of ever owning a Turbo Grafx. It was sometime in 1993, and the system was on clearance at a local Super Market. My dad decided to pick it up (he was a gamer himself, and he knew I enjoyed playing it at my neighbors house.) Unaware of what games were good and what games were bad, he picked up Night Creatures.

Upon playing the game, and realizing how horrible it was, we actually both decided that the perhaps the majority of Turbo game were this bad. We returned the system and the game, and it wasn't until a year later when I got a Turbo Duo that we decided to give the system another shot. Packed with the Duo were of course some amazing games, so all was good.
Interesting... I'm surprised by the overwhelmingly positive response. I'm going to have to give this one a fair chance. Afterwards I'll tell you what I think.

Does anyone actually like this game? I remember, even as a kid, I was appalled by it's clunky gameplay and horribly designed characters. The game looks like a badly animated Public Service Announcement, the kind you'd see on saturday morning during commercial breaks.

Love me some Beach Boys music, but that only sickens the concept of this game. Maybe I'm missing something. Does the game get better as you progress? I never gave it the time of day.
The X-Men Files:
General Gaming / Saturn Bomberman
09/13/2010, 10:18 AM

OK, as much as I love the TG16 Bomberman games (they were the games that introduced me to Bomberman), I must admit that Saturn Bomberman is my favorite. I think the general opinion, especially back in 1997, was that is was the best Bomberman game ever made. The widescreen 10-player battle mode was just amazing. Killer music, killer graphics, killer co-op story mode, this game had it all.

Anyone else feel the same way?
I first encountered the TG16 is early 1992. I had just moved to a new neighborhood and my Mom wanted me to make friends with our neighbor's son who was a year older than me (I was 6). I loved video games, and in trying to find some common ground with him, he introduced me to his TG16. The first game I ever played on the system was Bonk's Revenge, and it blew my mind. Here was this strange video game system that I had never heard of or seen, and here was a game and mascot that gave Mario a run for his money. I ended up playing that game with him long into the hours of the night. I remember being upset when my parents came knocking at the door, asking that I come home.

That was the start of a long history of TG16 gaming. Good times.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 09/11/2010, 04:38 AM
Quote from: henrycsc on 09/10/2010, 11:02 PMHad NEC released the LT in the US instead of the express, what might have been different?
Considering the LT was four times the price of the Express, and literally (instead of just practically) requires an AC adapter to run...I think it would have been a much more spectacular failure.

Seriously, when you see an LT on eBay for $700, that's actually a good price. The little fucker was ¥99800.

I really need to get an LT soon...
What is the LT? Never heard of it until now.
Quote from: exile on 09/10/2010, 10:41 PMIn today's age of hand held devices, Do you think if NEC avoided the hardware/console wars and put out the Turbo Express do you think it would have been more successful? I know the battery life was an issue, but it would have carved a nice lane for itself. Did the Express predate the game boy?
I'm pretty sure the Turbo Express came out in 1990, a year after Game Boy. A friend of mine's dad had one, and he'd always take it with him on business trips. He used to brag about it because it was an expensive purchase back in the day.

It's possible that the Turbo Express could have succeeded on it's own as a portable gaming device. I still don't think it could have toppled the Game Boy. Nintendo just had the market for games, their name was etched in pure gold.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 09/10/2010, 10:20 PMIt just occurred to me that this thread has been going on for so long that we are nearly due for another gouger to join the forum and try to dump a $400 Dungeon Explorer II on us.
I have that game too. :-)

How much is it worth? I wasn't planning on selling it.
Quote from: BlueBMW on 09/10/2010, 06:18 PM
Quote from: ShinobiMan on 09/10/2010, 02:00 PMI LOVE THIS GAME. Splash Lake is one of my favorite games for the Turbo Duo. I just love the music, especially during the boss fights. And man were those boss fights challenging at times!

spida1a did a great review of this game:
Hmm, I'm going to have to play this game on MagicEngine. Unfortunately my Turbo Duo stopped playing CD games... I think the mechanism that spins the disc is broken.
Want to sell that broken duo? :P
Sure, I'll take $500 for it. (JOKING JOKING! :-)

Actually I'd like to hang onto it, because one day I hope to fix it. Or until I get a working one, it still plays the TG16 games.
I LOVE THIS GAME. Splash Lake is one of my favorite games for the Turbo Duo. I just love the music, especially during the boss fights. And man were those boss fights challenging at times!

spida1a did a great review of this game:
Hmm, I'm going to have to play this game on MagicEngine. Unfortunately my Turbo Duo stopped playing CD games... I think the mechanism that spins the disc is broken.
I love Military Madness. I was first introduced to the TG16 when I was around 6 years old. My friend across the street owned the system, and the only game his Dad was interested in playing was Military Madness. I remember often watching his father play the game, waiting patiently for "our" turn to play (usually Bonk's Revenge). I never understood the game back then, but years later when I finally picked up a copy of my own, I realized why it was so addicting. Good times!
This is true :cry: I suppose I would be pushing my luck with $500. Oh well.

You got to understand, I'm trying not to get ripped off either... and I'm slowly getting educated about this games worth. And when I get conflicting reports, some saying $500 is price gouging, some saying it's a fair price, I have a hard time deciding what I should sell it for.
QuoteHey Zeta

I totally believe you are within reason for getting annoyed at someone "pimping their wares" and bailing without posting. This particular individual did post a few (albeit minimal) comments in the discussion thread. He didn't strike me as a "One and done poster" He didn't post harshly to the replies he received. He seemed like he could have been a great addition to our ranks IMO. He may not have divulged why he needed the money, but he insisted that was his price to part with it. I don't think he needed a reason.
      I think it is incredibly subjective what a collector is willing to pay for something he wants. While we both have the means to purchase items of high value, I'm not so critical paying more for a particular collectible if it means I will attain it with no hassle. Certainly don't think that makes me a moron, simply saves me time hunting down a copy or negotiating  an unreasonable trade. I know it irks some, but to each his own.
       Some games are priced too ludicrously though. Magical Chase complete most certainly IS NOT worth $1500.00.  What I'm trying to say, I wouldn't insult someone if they offered to sell me one for that price, I would simply decline.
   Perhaps I used "Elitist" poorly. I have been on this site for less than a year and have seen numerous debates on how much should a game be sold or some angered because a price was too high. Why comment? if the seller gets no replies, doesn't that send the perfect message?
    I agree that he should sell on Ebay to get the most for his investment. I just hate reading posts that have a condescending attitude. Give people a chance to show their true colors that's all.
Hey thanks for backing me up exile, and anyone else who did also.

Listen, I don't want to cause anymore fuss. Zeta, you've obviously got it out for me, but I'll stick around. I'd like to be apart of some Turbo Grafx discussion (hence my Tricky Kick post in the other forum).

FYI, a prominent member of these boards private messaged me and basically told me not to bother with the negative vibes, that my Dynastic Hero will easily sell for $400 or $450 on ebay. He wished me luck too. Thanks for that.
I've been a subscriber for a few months now. Love your reviews man. Keep it up!

Ah... Tricky Kick. It's one of those games that I love (well, the concept anyway) but it's so difficult I can't play it. I can maybe beat a few of the early puzzles, but it just gets royally hard afterwards. Anyone a fan of this game? Has anyone actually beaten it? I'd love to hear some stories.
QuoteYes, poor America and its legions of downtrodden who can barely afford the newest iPhone or the $300 a month it takes to fuel their school bus sized SUV.

Since you didn't specify which country, I assume you are American. If you are actually Somali or Haitian, except my apologies.
WOW, you really are a mean spirited person. Do people actually like you around here?

Yes I am American, and for your information I can't afford an iphone. I live paycheck to paycheck and rarely can afford any luxuries, yet alone my rent.

Man, it's amazing how even on a PC Engine message board you can find such hate. Really guys, I didn't mean any harm when I started this thread, but some people are determined to label me.
QuoteYes, this is not surprising. Those guys seem to love the idea that their game collections are (supposedly) worth ass loads of money.

How many people have ever payed anything like $500 for this game? Three? One? Just because one day some shithead on eBay with his first credit card payed way way too much for something doesn't mean that's what its worth in the grand scheme of things. If it was actually worth $500 you would have sold it by now. Why do you still have the game? What's the problem?

People will only pay $500 for this game in a crazy environment like eBay. It doesn't really happen very often outside of that fucked up, unrealistic environment. If you want that kind of cash, then take it there. This is a website for fans of NEC stuff. We do buy and sell here, but its not the focus and we keep the prices reasonable. I'm not going to drop nearly week's pay on some silly thing like Dynastic Hero and I'd be surprised if anyone else here did either. You're well into the realm of arcade PCBs and Neo Geo carts with that kind of lunacy.
OK, fair enough response. But hey, you can't blame me for trying. I honestly thought that it was worth $500, and at this point in my life I really need the money. I've fallen on hard times like a lot of people in this country.

I think I'll try ebay. I'm sorry for wasting your time.
QuoteEDIT: dude you posted back on August 4th looking to sell this on DP, hey look we are a good bunch here and love the TG and PCE but you are coming off looking for top dollar and you are getting judged... to bad man as new members are always welcome but first impressions count...
I actually would have posted it on this website the same day, but it took over a month for my membership to be accepted here.

Quotehey look we are a good bunch here and love the TG and PCE but you are coming off looking for top dollar and you are getting judged... to bad man as new members are always welcome but first impressions count...
Look, forget about it. I thought I was offering something great for Turbo collectors, as I was and still am one myself. I'm asking for $500 because I thought that's what it was worth.

If you guys want to play judge jury and executioner based on your first impression of me, I won't stop you. Know this though, I'm a pretty cool guy. Heck I've been a part of the Digital Press community for over 9 years. They like me over there, and many of them said they would buy the game from me if they had the money. Some even said it was a decent price. I'm only going one what I've been told. Sorry if I came off like a money grubbing whore.

So how about $489?  :wink:

Also, if you want to read the thread I started on Digital Press, I encourage you to.

Based on the warm response there, you can understand why I'm a bit perplexed at the reaction here.
Sorry dudes. I didn't mean to rub you the wrong way. Truth is, I didn't know it was a "totally insane" price. In fact, I already got a private message from someone who is interested, as it's one of two games that completes his collection. So there you go.

I love the Turbo Grafx and it's games, so I'm hoping I can contribute to this community when I can. Sorry my first post had to be a sale, but honestly, I thought I'd reach out to the people who would perhaps want or appreciate this game the most. Not some random game collector who just wants it because it's so rare.

As cheesy as it sounds, I want to give it a good home.
Guys, I'm basing my price off of this article ( and first hand accounts from people on Digital Press, a community that I've been apart of for over 9 years. Why would I sell for any less when I know there are collectors out there who can and will pay $500 for it.

I'm very attached to my collection, and over the years I've never sold anything from it. This is actually a big step for me to take. I'm not trying to rip anyone off. This is what it sells for legitimately.

On a side note, I too got this game through TZD back in 1994. God I miss those days.

Hey guys. First time poster here. I've never sold anything from my collection before, and rather than go through ebay, I wanted to give honest PC Engine collectors a chance to score this one.

A few months ago, it was brought to my attention that I own one of (if not the) rarest games in the Turbo Grafx CD collection. That game is The Dynastic Hero.

Throughout my childhood I collected games with my Dad, and since he passed away in 2007, I have not parted with anything from the bulk of the collection. But unfortunately, money has been tight recently, and the selling of this game to a fellow collector could really help my situation.

Upon seeing what this title goes for on EBAY, and after receiving private messages from members on Digital Press, I have decided that in order for me to sell, the offer would have to be $500.

The private message I received stated that they bought the game recently for $450. Again, I'm asking for $500.

Thank you for taking an interest. Let me know if you have any questions.