@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Messages - OldRover

Thanks y'all. It was a good day. I mostly spent it cleaning, which is my favorite pastime aside from game coding. While moving a box to the attic, the sole wooden rung on the ladder broke, sending me to the floor while the box I was pushing up the ladder bounced off of my head and broke all over the place. Good thing it was just a box of VHS tapes and they were all fine, and that I have a thick head. While in the attic, I found an old NES that my brother had left behind. It still worked. Too bad most of the games that were left behind with it are complete crap, but hey... free NES. My mother made dinner for me and my son, and during our conversation, told me that she no longer had sisters because they can go to hell. Also, Blue Bunny sugar-free strawberry ice cream isn't half bad.
Looks like they're waiting on the books now... ffs, if it ain't one thing, it's another. Ah well... looks like the game itself will be ready to go on its scheduled release date.
Given the date of this post, I'm wondering if this is a joke... kinda hope it is (because a TG in this shape is BLASPHEMY) but kinda hope it isn't (because hey, rescued TG). :lol:
I think Saru is going to be there but I don't know for sure. I know I'm not going to be there this year (YET AGAIN... maybe next year). That is... provided he actually has them in time. Turns out that the pressing placed messed up this order too... the demos were initially messed up, and now the official game has a messup of a different flavor. They have assured Saru that he will have properly-manufactured product in his hands by the 11th though. Fingers crossed.
Courtesy of SaruPro on Facebook:

"So now that we have finally finished FX-Unit Yuki, I have decided to announce the next spin-off game in the series. Yuki has mysteriously disappeared! And without the FX-Unit? Nobuyuki discovers he can now operate the FX-Unit. However, how will it work now that Nobu is the user? Find out in the newest entry by SaruPro, FX-Unit Nobu!"

Fighting Street / Cosmic Fuckery 2
03/23/2018, 10:47 AM

Yeah... I was bored. Bite me.
Pics of game rooms used to be something special. Now it's a cliché.
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 03/15/2018, 03:58 PMand to quote Tifa

To quote Rufus:


EDIT: Oh wait, he never said that. :P :lol:
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 03/14/2018, 05:07 AMSo, uh, how about we calm the fuck down.  We don't need to make MORE people say fuck this forum and leave for nowhere, or worse, Facebook.
To paraphrase Barret Wallace:

"Huh? Didn't expect to hear something like that outta you. Yer just full of surprises."
Looks like we have an official release date for the game... at least let's hope it comes through in time. :D April 12th, the day before MGC'18 begins. Fingers crossed. :D
TurboRip doesn't contain malware. It's been false flagged before because of how heuristic scanners work. It's nothing out of the ordinary. There's a good reason why most scanners don't find any fault with it. I've even had clean software false flagged for trojan behavior in the past.
That came in quite handy, thanks! :) I was able to write up a script compiler for this project using this chart. I had some trouble initially with the file but I got it ironed out... I just had to change it to a different encoding type. Basically, I used your CharCodes.txt as a character integrity dataset. The source scripts can be done in UTF-8, and then I convert them to Shift-JIS with iconv, which I then feed to my script compiler. It marks anything above 0xDF as an error, and filters anything lower to make sure it's a valid character, as there are quite a few gaps in the valid list. Anything below 0x20 is ignored, though I make an exception and use 0xA as a normal line break (so it'll work in Linux if I choose to do a Linux port of the script compiler). If a 0x7C is encountered, it treats the next byte as a control code (for doing things like changing display faces or making the text pause and wait for a button press). Anything above 0x7E and below 0xA1 tells it to then read the second byte and check the two bytes together against the chart. If it checks out, it inserts the character into the output file and moves on to the next character. It also keeps track of all entry points in the script and thus also spits out a header file I can just #include into the program source to know where in the compiled script to start reading for a particular dialogue scene.
OK so it looks like there's also going to be a Japanese language version of the game that will be sold in a select few gaming stores in Japan. The script is about half translated right now. Anyone know of any software that can convert Japanese text to Shift-JIS code sequences? I can write one myself but it will take some time... would be nice if there was something that already exists. The reason I would need this is because this build will utilize the technique that Monolith used to display Japanese text, which is to read it from the system card's character bank.
Quote from: guest on 03/02/2018, 10:26 AMRemember when the dotard promised to repeal and replace ACA with something better, cheaper, and cover more people?  We're more than a year past "day one" and the jackass still has NOTHING.
Well yeah, because "who knew health care could be so complicated"... oh wait, we all did, you fucking toolbag... everyone but you, apparently...
After my surgery tomorrow (it's nothing too serious, no worries), I'll be re-opening the code for this project to see where I can make some improvements. Saru is going to resume the pixel art shortly.
The master has been mailed, so now we sit on our thumbs and wait for the snail to do its thing.
So the last battery of tests came back clean. I fixed a couple more minor bugs and did a little more tweaking. The order is being placed tonight and the master will be sent tomorrow.
The digital album is now available for purchase on Bandcamp.


The send-off was held back for a few more days for some further testing after a couple of code changes. Good thing too, because we found an obscure, game-breaking bug late in the game, and a minor gameplay mechanics issue as well. It's all been patched up now.
Not really doing preorders for Lucretia anymore. Not gonna worry about any orders for it until it's done. Too many debacles surrounding such things.
In theory, yes. But I don't see that being resurrected anytime soon, as I gave the project to another coder.
Long time no update. With FX-Unit Yuki being finished and being sent off to press shortly, I figured it was time to update this thread.

This project is about to go back into production. Saru's got the new pixelwork coming and has found a composer for the game so we can get rid of the stock music it has in it right now. The code is finished, but I may revisit it to make a few changes for the better. The Yuki project really upped my skill level so I should use that spike in experience to make Lucretia a better game.
XXX Unit Yuki: The Hentai Engine
There were no reports of any issues in the latest build. So that's that... it's done. It'll be off to press shortly.

In the meanwhile, I've already starting planning a new game engine for any future platformers that might come along. This one worked well, but was limited in terms of environmental shaping... that really showed when it came time to do slopes. This new game engine design is based on subtile collision micromapping, as opposed to the Yuki engine which is based on whole tile collision, so true pixel-perfect collision can be done, and things like slopes are a freakin' breeze. It's a bit more math-intensive, but the PCE isn't a mathematics lightweight so I don't really see it being much of an issue.
Where's our old boy Jack Thompson when you need him?
The guys are going to test the final build a bit more over the weekend, but it looks like we got all of the major issues taken care of. RC3 required one revision but that's it. RC2 required five revisions in total. If this build is clean, then all it takes is one line of code to be uncommented to make the build release-ready.
We solved the lockup glitch. Two glitches remain that may require at least a partial rewrite of the relevant functions. It shouldn't take too long. This exhaustive testing is required before we can put the game out... it should be as bug-free as possible before it goes to manufacturing. We're not EA after all. :lol:
The lockup glitch still exists. It's not really locking up the console per se, what it's doing is pausing the game when the stage starts and then double-pressing Run if you press it, so it advances one frame and that's it. It's unclear to me why this is happening but it only happens in one stage.
Sorta gave up on it. It worked "well enough" and I didn't wanna drag this out any longer. Besides, we can always just chalk it up to "Geni's meddling". :lol:
RC2 testing is underway. So far, no issues. This may be it.
MML isn't hard unless you're afraid of big scary letters.
As soon as testing is done, a break comes. :D A few issues were noted so far, so I've made some bugfixes and such. There was a collision glitch, an animation glitch, and a lockup glitch, plus a few uninitialized variables. Nothing major, really. I did forget to implement one teensy little feature, so I'm adding that in now. We also managed to fix an older sprite glitch that has plagued the game for awhile, which was a result of me being retarded in my methodology for more advanced stages.
It is done. The 23 month production of FX Unit Yuki has come to an end. We'll be running some final tests to ensure that everything is up to speed. The RC was sent off to Saru a few minutes ago so he can have his local people give it a full playtest.
Looking pretty good so far, nice work. :)
Yep, we are literally almost there. I am over halfway done with the final in-house test; quite a few little quirks were corrected along the way and some AI was tweaked for balance. Finishing off stage 5 now; only two stages remain to be put through their paces before we can call this game done. The source will be shipped off tomorrow to the various porters. We will probably do a final gamer test to see if any other issues still exist, and then ship this off to the pressing house at long last.
I may do a port to the PC-FX myself if the SCSI code in the toolchain gets updated. :D
Yeah, we are just a few dev hours away from passing the code over to the port teams.
OK so we weren't kidding when we said we had just a little left to finish up. We're in the final testing phase now, squashing the little bugs that remain. For actual dev work, all that's left is one short scene and one enemy type, neither of which will take much more time to add in and test. There were a couple of oversights along the way that needed filling in, nothing too major. It's mainly just been a matter of ironing out any anomalies along the way.
Apparently Saru's whole family has a genetic disposition for it. His sis was just in the hospital too.
There was one douchebag that was ragging on Saru for having kidney stones. It's like wtf man, do you have any idea how debilitating this is? Obviously fucking not. It's that kind of shit that pisses me off most of all. I'm sick as fuck right now and don't care if people give me grief about it, but leave Saru alone, ffs. Dude's been through more shit in the past two years than any of these whiners have been through in their entire fucking entitled, princess lives.

rant over

EDIT: And just to clarify, before anyone gets all upset... I am not referring to the backers here, I'm referring to the bitches who didn't even support the effort and are whining because they want to stay relevant in their circles of hate. Anyone who backed the game has the right to know what's up. It's the people who didn't back it and just stir shit that I'm referring to.
There really isn't much left to do; it's mostly just finding the time and adequate health to do it. I put in as much time as I can each day to finishing off the little bits and pieces that still need to be filled in. People need to leave Saru alone about it; this is on my shoulders now, so they can yell at me about it.
Not fucking around with it any more. Fuck it. It's close enough. I have spent countless hours on this problem alone and this game is never gonna be finished if I keep fucking with it, so fuck it. Finishing off the last of the data entry for the fifth stage tonight and that will be the end of it.
No clue. All I know is that my math is right and this is confirmed on a logic calculator. I calculate the character's slope collision position (X+16, Y+32) within the tile by using their absolute position in the world and using bitwise AND against 0xF, which gives me the position within a 16x16 tile. That allows me to normalize their position within the tile, which is done when the character lands on the slope (otherwise, they'd just fall through it). Then, when the character is within the bounds of a slope tile, the code raises or lowers them based on the direction of the slope and the direction of the move. Except... it doesn't actually work properly all the time. It works great if there is no actual correction required (like walking along the ground and entering a slope... this works perfectly) but when correction is required, it doesn't correct the position properly and the character often gets stuck at peaks, bounces down the slope, etc. It's very frustrating.

Tilemap arrangement for a slope in 4-1

O  S /
/   O

^^ ok that representation sucks but meh.

To calc the collision position within the tile:
tileX = yukiX + vmapx + 16;
tileY = yukiY + vmapy + 32;
^^^ this works every time
Having a problem finishing up the code. Can't get a fucking slope algorithm working adequately and it's pissing me right the fuck off. It's almost working but it's glitchy as fuck and it's driving me insane. I am positive that the math is correct but it still won't work no matter what I do.
Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 01/20/2018, 01:35 AMAlso, his version of Termination from Ys Origin is goosebump city for me! https://youtu.be/i6yLoUNzqmQ
This sounds alright on its own but it sounds absolutely nothing like Termination until a good 3 minutes into it (long after I've already handed Darm his ass)... might as well have just given it a different name, imo...

^^^ this one sounds way more like it...

^^^ I cringe hardcore at this abomination of Holders Of Power.
Least Favorites: Tower Of The Shadow Of Death (because overplayed af), Palace Of Solomon (same reason), To Make It To The End Of Battle (I think it's a mixing problem... the drums sound terrible and ruin the piece)
Most Favorites: Holders Of Power (dumb name but cool track), Final Battle (it helps that The Last Moment Of The Dark precedes this in-game, setting up a good emotional reaction), Palace (somber and lonely, like my life), Ruins Of Moondoria (dat solo tho)

A Still Time and Don't Go So Smoothly! are annoying but I wouldn't put them in my list of least favorites. Campanile Of Lane and Noble District Of Toal are cool but I wouldn't put them in my list of most favorites.
I wrote this on Facebook at the start of the year but figured I'd fill in whoever doesn't read that trash site...

This is going to be my last game for awhile. I am completely burned out. I am trying my hardest to stay focused enough to finish this off but it's not been easy in the slightest. Once it's finally done with, Saru will supply the final sprites for Lucretia and we'll get that out too (the game is done, I can literally just drop in the sprites and rebuild the finished product in one command line entry), but after that, I'm done for awhile. I am taking the rest of 2018 off to focus on my own company which has exactly zero to do with game coding. I was considering retiring completely, but I'll be back to coding one more time in 2019 when we develop FX-Unit Yuki 2.
Quote from: RyuHayabusa on 01/03/2018, 06:01 PMThe entire goal of liberalism today is to tear down every aspect of Western Civilization in the name of diversity and guilt and rebuild it into some communist hellhole.
Actually... no. This is the goal of the authoritarian left and its gaggle of shrieking harpies who think that anyone white, male, and/or straight is somehow inherently evil. These people are not liberal and do not represent liberalism in any way, shape, or form. They are what we refer to as "the regressive left".
Off-Topic / Re: Happy New Year Everyone
01/01/2018, 11:28 AM
I spent the time into the new year playing Vasteel, so it'll be the last game I played in 2017 and the first game I played in 2018.