RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - Shrapnoid

Quote from: guest on 02/24/2012, 08:43 PM
Quote from: Bernie on 02/24/2012, 04:14 PM
Quote from: guest on 02/24/2012, 12:31 PMTruth be told, I'd pay like 30$ for the packaging alone, no disc!  That posterthing is fuckin cool looking.
Well, curiousity got the best of me.  I bought one. 
The other thing to remember before doing business with animeforever is the guy is a liar.  He opened an account here in '05 promoting his mysterious box of Sapphires with that elaborate "second print" BS about how they were found in Japan and how he sent a copy to Hudson and they could neither confirm nor deny their authenticity.  He then opened that website just sell that "one box."  He's since sold some unpackaged and misprinted spindles and everyone now knows that he made them himself

Considering this checkered past, there's no doubt he simply ripped off that Mega Man hack and made some discs.  His last effort, SFZ, was a CDr step down from the glass master Sapphire discs, so you're probably not even getting a real disc.  His graphic design is sweet, but I can't support this guy in good conscience.
See? I guess I can understand picking one up if you're really THAT curious and can afford it but, I just don't see it.
Just found another one but, it's craigslist. Area just says "Pilot". Maybe means Pilot Mountain but, I'm not sure.
Nice as that looks, I'd rather wait for a possible enhanced graphics/Sounds version, done by the best MM/RM hackers around and supervised or approved by Bonknuts.
I'm a big Megaman fan and have been for decades but, even if I thought this deal were legit, I'd refuse to buy this guy's version.
Wow! I haven't seen that issue in what seems like for ever! I think I might have had that one or maybe a fiend of mine had it.

Thank you so much for showing this. It really takes me back!
Quote from: TurboXray on 02/23/2012, 07:44 PM
Quote from: Shrapnoid on 02/23/2012, 07:25 PMBonknuts, do you know Vagla, Speh3 or any of those guys? Vagla has done some Mega Man hacks and he, Seph3 and another guy were working on Mega Man Vengeance (The NES homebrew where you play as Bass/Forte).

If you can get in touch with any of these guys, they may be willing to help out on your Megaman to pc-engine port.

I've played it some and you did a great job. I've also noticed that if I change the file extension to .nes on the rom, Tile Layer Pro will display it.
Don't know if any of that matters but, I have a Megaman hack that I've been working with and if I ever find the time to get it done, thought about making it so it would work with your Megaman, especially since yours can run on PC-Engine and NES.

I wanted to try playing around with using the Wily Wars Sprites for enhanced graphics but, due to my vast ignorance and complete lack of coding knowledge, I've been running into some dead ends.

Anyway, just thought I'd run it by you and see if it's okay with you if I try anything like that.
I really would like to see a 16-bit quality graphics version of PC-Engine Megaman.
I'm VERY interested and I still think that doing 4, 5 and 6 would be a great 16-bit style continuation of what Wily Wars was.
Shrapnoid, no - I don't know those guys. I don't know any Megaman/Rockman hackers. I did upgrade the PCE version for easy sprite enhancement - as if you're still working with the NES system (no PCE experience really needed at all). I'd love to get a community project going for this. If you know any megaman hackers, definitely let them know about this and that I'm interested in helping out in a PCE version hack.

 Also yes, the huge majority of the rom is just the NES rom itself. Graphics and all. I didn't replace the any of the game code (music, video, etc). I just emulated it. But I also added emulation enhancement to unused bits of the NES regs. So you could in theory (and I've done in practice) include new graphic assets into the rom and use those instead. The problem is that you need to hack all the meta-sprite and tile stuff of the game engine. I started doing this for all the frame of Megaman himself, but didn't finish editing all the meta tables. An experienced megaman hacker probably knows all these tables or has tools for editing them. I'm definitely willing to add more enhancements to the emulation code if someone were to use it. I'm just not interesting in making my *own* hack of the game and when it comes down to it - no one seems really interested in doing such a hack on the PCE (I've pretty much advertised on RHDN).

 Other enhancements I did was add CDDA/redbook support. I could add ADPCM sound FX as well if needed.

 Here's a pic of the sprite enhancement in action:
It might not be apparent, but the sprites frames are now all 32x32 cells instead of 8x8 cells. Colors are upgrade too, but only one frame shows it (16 color sprites instead of 3 color NES sprites).
Yes, I see what you mean. Very nice! I'll see what I can do with getting in touch with the guys I told you about and talk to some of the other gifted Megaman/Rockman hackers as well.
I honestly don't see any reason why any of them wouldn't be excited about this project.
If all goes well, this should be an incredible game!
I'll let you know what I find out.

If anyone here is nuts about MegaMan then, PLEASE help Bonknuts with his requests.
Quote from: bartre on 02/23/2012, 03:51 PMnice pickups, I just got Phantasy star 2 and 3 for myself the other day.
and i've got a copy of Riot zone on it's way to me, really looking forward to that
Riot Zone is good. Much better than the arcade version.
Wow. You guys have some pretty long lists there. Now I'm going to have to really think(rusty gears and cogs grating) just to keep up.

We had a local BSer too. I think his dumbest lie was that there was a new attachment for the TG16 called a "PC-Engine" that made it so, that you could play PC games on your console and that it was an actual electronic engine that came out of a Personal Computer!
I got him back though... I told him that there was going to be a sequel to Abadox called Buttox and when he doubted me, I laid it on extra-thick, giving details and talking about screenshots and he just ate it all up.

Another one was that there is a special code for Super Double Dragon where you can play as the final boss.

What else...hmmm... 

"That the S-NES was coming to America very soon! Yaaay!" Remember that one? And what did they do? They changed their minds and made us all wait another entire year!! :x

What else, what else, what else... I know there is a TON of stuff out there but, I'm just too tire to remember it right now.
Off-Topic / Re: People who stare
02/23/2012, 07:46 PM
Quote from: esteban on 02/23/2012, 04:35 PMASIDE: I read 10% of Regal's post before shrugging my shoulders.
Same here. Sorry, Reg. You lost me after the 4th paragraph.
I don't mind just being looked at. No, no, no. I'm talking about straight up, g@@gly-eyed STARES, like the way that-eh-uh... Like the Daleks from Dr. Who might look at you if they had eyes. That kind of stare.
They DO look blue, don't they? Must've been the lighting in the studio.
Bonknuts, do you know Vagla, Speh3 or any of those guys? Vagla has done some Mega Man hacks and he, Seph3 and another guy were working on Mega Man Vengeance (The NES homebrew where you play as Bass/Forte).

If you can get in touch with any of these guys, they may be willing to help out on your Megaman to pc-engine port.

I've played it some and you did a great job. I've also noticed that if I change the file extension to .nes on the rom, Tile Layer Pro will display it.
Don't know if any of that matters but, I have a Megaman hack that I've been working with and if I ever find the time to get it done, thought about making it so it would work with your Megaman, especially since yours can run on PC-Engine and NES.

I wanted to try playing around with using the Wily Wars Sprites for enhanced graphics but, due to my vast ignorance and complete lack of coding knowledge, I've been running into some dead ends.

Anyway, just thought I'd run it by you and see if it's okay with you if I try anything like that.
I really would like to see a 16-bit quality graphics version of PC-Engine Megaman.
I'm VERY interested and I still think that doing 4, 5 and 6 would be a great 16-bit style continuation of what Wily Wars was.
You mean CrackTiger is Kab?? No. No way! That is too funny! The Aero Blasters fanatic?
Oh boy! This is rich! I never would have guessed!

I can't remember who did NEC_Avenue but, I do remember him telling me once that he didn't approve of using yahoo groups for uploading roms.
Come to think of it, Steve (TZD) wasn't crazy about it either. He tried to talk me out of it too. I should've listened to him... but, that was a long, long time ago.

I did find a small VG & CE archive a few weeks ago.
Let me go look around and see if it's in my links.
I'll get back to ya.

CrackTiger is Kab... Hahahaha...
Thanks, everyone and thank you all for playing.
The game is in the mail, Munchiaz and the shipping on me, my friend!
Quote from: Duo_R on 02/23/2012, 12:43 PMVG&CE is the reason I got a TG16,all the articles and ads had me hooked. I still got most of the mags and will have to scan them sometime.

Quote from: Shrapnoid on 02/09/2012, 12:26 PM
Quote from: kiketonto on 02/09/2012, 12:09 PMTo Shapnoid 1) now I undestand your signature!  :D
2) Thanks for the scans!

No problem.
That old ad is something that has stood out in my memories from back when I used to read VG & CE.

I sure do miss that mag...
Sounds great. That mag influenced me toward the TG-16 as well.
Quote from: SMF on 02/23/2012, 12:16 AMWhen i have a free day ill scan some of it. Its just alot of work ya know lol.

Question, What are you using to post pics at a decent size? I normally use photobucket.
Yeah. I remember it taking me a long time to do all of those old scans too.

Those scans are directly from the photos section of my old group on yahoo.

It's closed down now but, still intact for all of the old members
to use for reference or whatever.

Quote from: esteban on 02/23/2012, 11:41 AMHahaha. Yes, that's me.

By "old group" do you mean the Yahoo group started by CrackTiger? Hahahahaha. I forgot about that.

Anyway, I'm after the raw files (before compression), if you still have them and they were scanned at a decent resolution.

I have some free time in the next few days, I gotta get some Turbo projects finished. Threads like this keep me motivated to keep going.
CrackTiger? I don't remember? It seems like that there was a Black Tiger in Turbo Train but, I'm not sure and I didn't know that he had his own group either or maybe it's just been so long that I forgot.

The only groups I remember being fairly big on yahoo were NEC_Avenue, TurboGrafx Network which ended up with the most members and my old group, Turbo Train-16 which did okay I guess but, didn't hold a candle to those other two groups.
Still, it was fun while it lasted.

The scanned stuff in TT-16's photos section still contains the original size uploads as well as variations on those sizes.

I don't have any idea where my original scanned backups are.

I'm glad that I found out that you're here because I've been seeing some good VG & CE mags on ebay that you may want to add
to your archives but, some of them are a bit pricey.

I remember back when you first joined the old group and gave us all the link to the archives.
I just about drooled all over my keyboard, looking at those old Turbo Play mags.

It must have been a pain to have to scan all of that but, it was obviously well worth it.

Well, I have to go. I Have to relable some outgoing mail that screwed up the addresses on.
What is the absolute, dumbest, stupidest, most ridiculous game tale that you've ever heard or read about?
Off-Topic / People who stare
02/22/2012, 09:05 PM
What is it with people who stare? Especially out in public. I mean you can be minding your own business, have your hair combed well, dressed in casual manner and still there will be at least one person who stares at you like they're hypnotized or in some kind of dream state or just angry or with a blank expression.
What is it with people like that?
I'd like to see Sitchblade 2, Ninja Gaiden, Rygar and Xybots done.
I bought Boxy Boy and Yo, Bro from Nectarsis and they're in great condition just like he said!
Thanks, Nect!
Quote from: Lilgrafx on 02/22/2012, 08:05 PMGot to the final level in Blazing Lazers without dying... and then my hopes and dreams exploded into a ball of fire. :(
Just practice a little more and play it the way Fragmare said to and you shouldn't have any problems.
Quote from: T2KFreeker on 02/22/2012, 07:58 PMNice win there man. Enjoy the game!
Now that's what I like to see. Good sportsmanship!
And here is page 2...
And this one goes out to all you Legendary Axe II fans.

Here is page 1 of the ad...
SMF, you have SO got to scan that stuff.
Esteban, you own the Turbo Play Archives?? I wondered what happened to you. If you're still a member of the old group, you can just browse the photos section over there and take what you want. Since I did all of those scans myself, you're more than welcome to them to put on your page.

Here's some more that I just came back with.

It's funny that you mentioned Turbo Play because I have one right here...
Quote from: munchiaz on 02/22/2012, 06:28 PMyay i win. This is so awesome. thanks again sharp. PM incoming
It was my pleasure. Always glad to give away stuff I don't need.
Quote from: allyourblood on 02/22/2012, 11:44 AMI bought Sinistron from that seller about a year ago (or so) and he had it listed as "Very Good" with a small and blurry picture. It arrived to me in poor condition, and I say that as someone who doesn't care too much about most niggling details. He was kinda rude in our exchanges through the message system, and I won't buy another game from him. He seems to sell good stuff from time to time, but I'll give my money to more upstanding sellers next time.
This guy isn't from Austin Texas, is he? I had a jerk from Texas treat me the same way and lie about the condition of some games that he sold me.
He even had the nerve to tell me that if I left negative feedback that it wouldn't really matter.
FEEDBACK for Snickersbar.

Quick and safe mailing procedure, Item packed with care, game/manual in great shape and well cared for.
Game works perfectly!

Good trader! This is the kind of person that you WANT to trade with.
Thanks, Snick.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Tubob Sell Off!!!
02/22/2012, 04:39 PM

Items as described, packed well and with care, games in good working order.
Well, worth the $35.00
Quote from: guest on 02/22/2012, 12:25 AMBack when I got my GBA I picked up Car Battler Joe hoping it would be similar to Final Lap Twin, but I didn't find it nearly as entertaining.  Racing + RPG = WIN in my book, and Final Lap Twin has been the only American released game I've found so far to satiate that hunger.  Every handful of years I go though the RPG portion.  I've done it twice using the Express while travelling.  Those codes are a pain in the ass on the Express though. :)
Gadget Racers (Choro Q in the U.S.) for GBA is fun but, it seems to be hard to find.

I'm going to let this raffle run for another 2 hours and 15 minutes for anyone else who wants in.

EDIT: Ooops! I feel asleep! Okay. Now, it's over.
Quote from: elabit on 02/16/2012, 07:28 PMI don't know if this has been mentioned on here but If you want to make the sticker stick really well on a TG16 case where you remove the old sticker do what I do for success.
Rub some go gone on the case for a minute to wipe the old sticky residue. Then clean it off with some rubbing alcohol.
The stickers will look awesome and stick very well to the case. Goo Gone is a retro gamers best friend
That's what I did to mine but, I used an old toothbrush to scrub the gunk off and once that was done, I rinsed the cases, padded them dry with a towel and set them outside overnight to air dry then applied the new labels later the next day after the cases settled back to room temperature.

Goo Gone is great for any real hobbyist and can usually be found at Dollar Tree stores.
Quote from: kiketonto on 02/22/2012, 03:49 AM
Quote from: guest on 02/13/2012, 09:55 PMThese should come in handy for anyone attempting to play through Shape Shifter:
Thank you very much for the help. I got the japanese version and don't know where to go at the start!
Thank you!
I only use walkthroughs when I get absolutely stumped and try everything that I can imagine without success but, using one as a guide to play all of the way through a game takes the fun out of it.
Up to 400 with 4 days and 11 hours remaining.
Quote from: bartre on 02/18/2012, 07:19 PMyeah, that's what i thought.
if i were to add a buy it now option, what would be fair?
I don't know. Ask Sparky.
Quote from: turbofan1 on 02/22/2012, 06:16 AM...and what exactly is a zeta?
It's a scary type of Metroid that attacks without warning, defies gravity, constantly pursues you and takes many shots to destroy.
Off-Topic / Re: Year of the Turbo
02/22/2012, 09:08 AM
Remember the buildings that had an actual bell in the top instead of a silly picture of a bell like now days?
I miss that.
I thinks the whole playing on original hardware and collecting stuff associated with it is for nothing more than nostalgia and there are people out there who know that they can charge an arm and a leg to other people who want to take that brief trip back in time.
Emulators do make it easier but, for the people who sooner or later get burnt out on that and want the experience of actually holding the game in their hand, some of them will pay more than they really want to recapture that experience.
Toys'R Us used this same strategy a few years ago with the reproduction G1 Transformers that you could only buy at their store and had to pay $30.00 just for the standard 1:43 scale autobots like Jazz, Hound, Smokescreen and etc.

As long as people keep giving these vultures what they want, the prices will keep going up.
Has anyone noticed that the more we rant about the gouging on ebay, the higher some of these jerks raise the prices? It's almost as if they think that they're punishing us.
Kind of like the old price changing trick in Kid Icarus where you try to get the shop keeper to give you a discount but, if he gets angry or offended, he raises the prices for spite.
Quote from: MasonSushi on 02/21/2012, 11:09 AMI was able to buy in bulk new sports games on the forum. I gutted them and now have a nice case for each of the TTI games. That's the best way to do it if you can find somebody selling them like that. 
I got Sparky's stickers and went ahead and put them on all the cases. It makes a world of difference on your shelf.
Yeah but, unfortunately for us, a lot of the greedbay resellers have started doing this too in the hopes that they can sell the cases for way more than there worth.
When I see adds like that, I just shake my head in disgust and look at something else.
It's not you that's causing it anyway, Chris. I've been looking around and it's starting to happen with other systems and games too, even on craigslist.
Lately it seems that the money munchers out there, have gotten it in their heads that 20 year old games have moved out of the collectable market and into the antiques market.
Guess nobody told them that nothing is an antique until after 30 years.

BTW, I caught your Cadash review a few days ago. Nice job as always.
Off-Topic / Year of the Turbo
02/21/2012, 12:13 PM
Random Commercials from 1989.
Even though I prefer LA1, LA2 did have some nice points like most of you are saying, like the whole creepy, dark theme and good sound.
I also like like some of the bosses, a lot of the stages and the creepier enemies who will continue to pursue you even when they're half dead but, because prince whats-his-name takes time to realistically stoop before he jumps, that takes some getting used to even if you never played LA1 and that slight delay in timing his jumps just right can cause a lot of frustration when trying to reach higher ground while fighting-off enemies at the same time.

I agree with ParanoiaDragon about Gogan's jumps too. While they're over-all good, he jumps too quickly and at times seems more like he's skating instead of walking which can lead to a lot of falling if you don't briefly stop between landing and jumping again on small ledges and blocks.

Both games are great but, LA2, in spite of some of the improvements it had just seemed like a slight let-down in some spots.
Yes, Bartre, that's kind of high.
Mishran, you were very fortunate to get that so cheap.
General Gaming / Re: Atari 7800
02/20/2012, 08:41 PM
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 02/20/2012, 12:40 PM
Quote from: Shrapnoid on 02/20/2012, 12:38 PM
Quote from: ApolloBoy on 02/19/2012, 11:11 PM
Quote from: Shrapnoid on 02/18/2012, 06:04 PMI know that the 7800 pad can be found on ebay and places like that but, wasn't that controller only released for european 7800 consoles? 
They were only released in Europe and Australia, but you can acquire them from American suppliers for less than $20 each.
Yeah? That sounds delightful. Could you give me the names of some of those suppliers?
That would certainly be preferable to using the default 7800 joysticks that make my hands hurt.
Thanks again for that link.

I got the old Flashback set out today and played it some and even that version's mini-7800 controllers are a pain to use.
And don't even bother trying to use them in place of regular 7800 controllers because it wont work the same even though the plugs are the same.
I had an old P3 that came in a housing like that that someone threw out. I think it had belonged to a bank or something and had what looked like a strip full of dip switches inside.
Unfortunately our water heater leaked through the wall and into the closet where I was storing it so, I pulled all of the good stuff and chucked the housing.
I just got through watching the DBZ ep from last year where Bardock fights Frieza's ancestor, Chilled and transforms during the fight.

It was all in Japanese and I didn't understand a word of it but, it was still pretty easy to follow.  

EDIT: Sorry. Forgot to post the link. Here it is...
Quote from: T2KFreeker on 02/20/2012, 04:24 PMI'm in, please. Final Lap Twin is awesome! Racing RPG's!!!! And yes, I mean that! :mrgreen:
T2KFreeker has been added.

Yes! Racing RPG's are great! I'm partial to the Choro Q versions myself. Too bad there wasn't a PC-Engine version as popular as the series is in Japan.
General Gaming / Re: Atari 7800
02/20/2012, 12:38 PM
Quote from: ApolloBoy on 02/19/2012, 11:11 PM
Quote from: Shrapnoid on 02/18/2012, 06:04 PMI know that the 7800 pad can be found on ebay and places like that but, wasn't that controller only released for european 7800 consoles? 
They were only released in Europe and Australia, but you can acquire them from American suppliers for less than $20 each.
Yeah? That sounds delightful. Could you give me the names of some of those suppliers?
That would certainly be preferable to using the default 7800 joysticks that make my hands hurt.
Quote from: soop on 02/20/2012, 05:54 AM
Quote from: Shrapnoid on 02/19/2012, 12:23 PMThanks again. I'm glad to give it away to someone who really wants to experience it.
Yes, Cab. It can be tough in quest mode when starting out which is why you should talk to everyone you can before you leave town and stick close to the town when racing until you've bought enough performance parts to hold your own against the tougher racers on your way to the next town.

That's part of what makes it so fun. It's like level-building in advance for when things get tough.
Ah.  That's the problem I had.  I basically kept walking straight out and getting beaten.  and then borrowing money from my dad (I think).

Ok, I'll reconsider - add me in :D  I can always mod one of my spare systems!
Wise choice. Soop has been added to this raffle. Good luck to you.
Quote from: TurboXray on 02/19/2012, 06:41 AMIs there a need/demand for the bottom half jewel case of TG16 hucards?
Yes and no. It really depends on those who want to have the chipcases for that feeling of completion so your cards don't seem cold and alone.
Thanks again. I'm glad to give it away to someone who really wants to experience it.
Yes, Cab. It can be tough in quest mode when starting out which is why you should talk to everyone you can before you leave town and stick close to the town when racing until you've bought enough performance parts to hold your own against the tougher racers on your way to the next town.

That's part of what makes it so fun. It's like level-building in advance for when things get tough.