RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - juanito

Quote from: Jugbug on 06/12/2012, 01:25 AMThought I'd add the PCE adaptor I made to the gallery.  Looks like it's similar to the idea Chop5 had in the first picture of his first post.

I made it out of an original 32bit PCI extension cable (not PCI-E), something like this:

I removed all but one ribbon cable, cut the bottom PCB to the size of a hucard, removed the pins from one side of the PCI slot and widened the slot a bit with a dremel so a hucard could fit in.  Then I cut the traces on the top PCB for the 8 data lines to rewire.  The bottom PCB needed a little plastic or tape since it was too thin to make contact in the cartridge slot without it.  It's been working great for my use in a Duo.  I don't have a TurboExpress to try it with, but it holds the hucard and plugs into the system snug enough that neither would fall out, although the ribbon cable may be a bit long.

Hope this helps anyone looking to make an adaptor.  I think it cost me about $6~7.
thanks a ton for the information, im going to attempt to make one of your adapters after seeing that the only adaptors made sell for $200+ which is ridic (i wish krizz the maker of the everdrives would make a nice converter pcb, and it would be a reasonable price too, problem is getting slot connectors)

i ordered the adapter from ebay for like $4.57

im going to be using it on a laseractive pac-n10 system so i have additional problems with it being a mostly enclosed slot
i dont think the ribbon cable is sturdy enough to push the connector all the way in

ive got some funny ideas that will make this work with it, ill post a pic after im done

all this just to use a pce arcade duo card