RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - Jordan

Off-Topic / Re: Turbo Fest (VGS) 2014
07/23/2014, 05:29 AM
I got in third place in Tat :-({|=. Now I'm irritated  :twisted: if I had known I would get close to that amazing second place mug I would have practiced more often. I'm glad it was Matt that won. Congrats Matt that was a great run =D> I'm glad Ash got it on video.
Off-Topic / Re: Turbo Fest (VGS) 2014
07/12/2014, 01:32 AM
VGS is now just hours away :dance: .
Supercop and Ever After. Jacki Chan is always fun though this one was by no means his best. Ever After is a romance most of ya'll would probably not be interested in watching though there are some funny parts.
The only Turbo game I'm playing right now is Tatsujin. Now that is one evil game  :twisted:.
Off-Topic / Re: Turbo Fest (VGS) 2014
06/28/2014, 05:09 AM
Nooooooooo  :cry: VGS just will not b the same with out you joshturbo. Who will take all the great pic's who will pretend 2 b impressed when I die a whole 30 seconds into Tatsujin? Sad to hear so many can't make it every one of ya'll will b missed.
Off-Topic / Re: Word association thread
09/08/2013, 05:33 PM
Off-Topic / Re: Dessert
09/08/2013, 05:28 PM
Yes, you must tell us. What is spaghetti salad?
Off-Topic / Re: Dessert
09/07/2013, 09:24 PM
Quote from: turboswimbz on 09/07/2013, 08:33 AM
Quote from: PunkCryborg on 09/06/2013, 10:52 PM
Quote from: turboswimbz on 09/06/2013, 10:19 PMsnacks
Fresh Yellow Tomato
Fresh Watermelon 
Zucchini W Italian Dressing
Smoked whiting

Farm Fresh Milk
Cranberry Juice
Apple Cider
Those are desserts?
Quote from: Tatsujin on 09/07/2013, 12:41 AMi never eat desserts.
^^^^^^^^^^^^This Punk
I hate candies, high fructose corn syrup, and most cakes/pies.  Those are seriously what I eat for desserts.  Fruits, cheese, nuts, and veggies.  Although I slip in the ocassional bit of an ice cream shake. (it's ma fat food)  Most people can't stand to deal with the way I eat outsides of meals.
Personally I love sweets but why would anyone have a problem with your snacks? They sound good to me.
I am a night owl so I would love a night shift job. I've only had one but I couldn't fully appreciate it since I was going to collage and had another job. You are young your body will adjust.
Off-Topic / Re: Word association thread
09/07/2013, 04:56 AM
Off-Topic / Re: Dessert
09/07/2013, 04:56 AM
I've heard of people who don't like sweets but I really thought that was a myth :-s. So I have to ask Tatsujin do you never eat desserts because you don't like them or for health reasons? And since you never eat desserts tell me what's your favorite snack?
Off-Topic / Dessert
09/06/2013, 09:59 PM
So, I was wondering. :-k  What is everybody's favorite homemade dessert to eat while video gaming?

Mine is dark chocolate chip pecan cookies.
Off-Topic / Re: Octurbofest 2013
08/26/2013, 07:57 PM
:dance: I can't wait last year was a blast and then I didn't know anybody.
 [-X Nope it's good for you to get a heart attack every now and again.
I have been playing Raiden since right before VGS. I played in the tournament and was mortified by my low score :-({|=, as I had the second lowest score. Since then I have clawed my way to the forth level, however I've only made it past the third boss three or four times so far. I anticipate being able to consistently get past that boss sometime this decade ](*,).  To alleviate my sometimes extreme frustration with Raiden I have been relaxing with a few other games- Mysterious Song, Pyramid Plunder, and horror of horrors a non turbo game Chrono Trigger.
Off-Topic / Re: Turbo Fest (VGS) 2013
07/21/2013, 03:35 AM
That was awesome :dance: you really missed out if you didn't come [-X. Love the pics/videos everybody thanks =D>.
Off-Topic / Re: Pictures w/ the Ex
07/21/2013, 02:57 AM
She has to be a looker or he would have never dated her.
Off-Topic / Re: Word association thread
07/19/2013, 05:15 PM
I finally finished Neutopia a few weeks ago. I've been playing Order of the Griffon, and just started Image Fight. I played a bit of Raiden so I won't totally embarrass myself at VGS I'm really loving it though :dance: kinda surprised as I'm not really a shoot em up player.
Off-Topic / Re: Pictures w/ the Ex
07/13/2013, 05:12 AM
Keep the pic's. If your gal dislikes it then she is insecure and getting rid of them might not fix the problem. No use in getting rid of something important to you if it might be wasted. It's shouldn't be a big deal unless you are a jerk about it.
Off-Topic / Re: Turbo Fest (VGS) 2013
07/13/2013, 04:57 AM
I will be there looking forward to seeing y'all.
Off-Topic / Re: Word association thread
07/13/2013, 04:33 AM
Off-Topic / Re: Word association thread
04/26/2013, 10:16 PM
Alton Brown
Quote from: Bardoly on 04/15/2013, 06:47 PMEDIT:  I played some 2-player Buster Bros. tonight with my sister. 
That was fun!

I've been playing Neutopia today. :dance: I was told it was like the original Zelda, and it does remind me of Zelda. This is a good thing, since I'm in love with Zelda. Zelda: A Link to the Past is my fav. Though I've been playing Zelda: Goddess of Wisdom and that's fun.
I for one have never understood all the hoopla when someone famous dies. I get it that folks are sad for famous creative people like George Carlin but the other fame filled folks ?!? Whats the big deal. I'm thinking about Princess Di, people went crazy when she died and that I just don't get. People are dying right now. What is it every 8 seconds or something? I don't remember. As far as I'm concerned most famous people including royalty are just another person to me. Before she died I didn't even know she existed; and yes the circumstances of her death had a part 2 play in all the attenion but really what's the big deal. When Robert Jordan died I was very sad and not just because he wasn't able to complete the series. He had spent 25+ years of his life on that series and he was tired of it. He had a bunch of other stories he wanted to tell but never did because WOT took up all his time. He was looking forward 2 writting something else and just when he was almost finished, bang he's dead. Now that's sad. He never moved on.
Bonk's Adventure. I am stuck at the monent but it's nothing that a little persistence will not fix.
So, I figured out how to post an avatar and decided a jelly bean would be just the thing until I'm no longer a jerry jelly.  8)
Welcome. I look forward to hearing from you.
NEC Console Resource / Re: Hello
04/10/2013, 01:54 PM
Hey, welcome -even though you sound like you are more familiar with the crazy people here than I am, being very new myself- I don't play a lot of shoot-'em-up games, but I'm glad your here.
NEC Console Resource / Re: New Guy Here
04/10/2013, 01:44 PM
Good to meet you. Glad that I will not be the only person here who confuses folks.
Hey, I'm new too. Welcome!
Quote from: dingsbums on 04/07/2013, 03:30 PMNearly there  :D

That's amazing! When do you think it will be finished?
It was great had tons of fun am SO going next year. :dance:
I didn't own one, but my bro bought one about 92 he didn't let us pipsqueaks play on any of his systems -but we did anyways behind his back.  :-" That was my first experience with Turbo but I don't consider myself an old Turbo gamer since I didn't get to play much.
Off-Topic / Re: Word association thread
04/05/2013, 01:59 PM
No no no y'all are all wrong #-o. Everybody SHOULD clean up spelling problems but if you see someone has messed up let it go :-# -unless it's unclear what the writer is trying to say. Just don't be a jerk about it afterall in a world of touchscreens and tiny buttons it's easy to mess up. Of course being such a bad speller myself  :-" and having an English teacher 4 a bro I tend to not like people jumping all over me on the subject. Funny video joshua.
Thanks everybody for the great welcome. You are so right Game.head I need to get busy with that :-" right after I finish rereading books 2-13 so I can then read A Memory of Light. Of course that WILL take me at least 2 weeks so perhaps its too long a wait.
Oh drat #-o

Quote from: Bardoly on 01/11/2013, 06:46 PM
Quote from: guest on 01/11/2013, 04:16 PMWelcome to the funny farm!
Don't worry.  She'll fit right in...   :-"
my secret is out   :lol:.
Well, it took me long enough but I'm finally here  :D I am Bardoly's sister and I was at the Octoberfest that will identify me to those who met me and for the rest of y'all I look forward to getting to know you. While I do love TG-16 I haven't played it much so consider me an amateur as far as TG games are concerned.