RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - retroguy

Off-Topic / Re: Actor Bob Hoskins dies
05/02/2014, 10:57 AM
It's probably the most bizarre kids' movie ever made and that's why it's awesome. Interestingly, the cheesy "animated" opening was done because they ran out of money and the studio wouldn't give them any more to film the awesome-sounding prologue they had in mind that would have actually shown Bowser's takeover. The opening we got was the best they could do with the extremely limited funds they had left.
For a good laugh, try Last Alert (so cheesy, but so good).
Quote from: guest on 04/30/2014, 04:14 PMJust a bare turbo that may or may not have all it's parts are regularly going for $75 to $100 all day long now. 
Checking the hundred most recent completed listings just now, only about half the ones that sold had prices that were truly ridiculous and quite a few of the ones that were ludicrously overpriced didn't sell, so things may not be as bad as they look.
Off-Topic / Re: Actor Bob Hoskins dies
04/30/2014, 04:08 PM
I don't care what anyone else says, I like the Super Mario Bros. movie and it's almost entirely because of Bob Hoskins' performance as Mario. He may have hated working on it, but even so, he gave it his all. Farewell, good sir. You will be missed.
On the other hand, BINs on the common titles seem to be coming down a bit from what I've seen. True, it's only on loose hueys, but I never was one to fixate on having all my games complete, so when I'm able to start shopping again I might possibly be able to save a few bucks.
Nah, if he were gonna rant about that he'd probably do an episode of You Know What's Bullshit? Either that or have the Bullshit Man do another cameo like in the Tiger Games episode.
I was aware it existed since I was a kid (I have vague memories of seeing Keith Courage on a tv at walmart and my best friend's older brother had one), but what got me interested in actually owning one was Turbo Views. I haven't been able to collect as much as I'd like due to not being able to spare the cash, but I hope to be able to get back into it sometime soon.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Shanghai raffle
04/26/2014, 08:49 AM
Considering I don't have that many PCE games (only 6, but at least they're all good ones), I can always use more. Put my name in please!
If you own an Xbox One and you use Skype, Microsoft is spying on you after they specifically said they wouldn't. THEY LIED. Thought you ought to know.
I wasn't able to go anywhere last night, so I spent some time with my Dreamcast playing House Of The Dead 2 and a homebrew game called 2D House Of Terror (which I recommend downloading from the iso zone as it's a decent multiplayer game if you have someone to play with). I also watched all the Halloween episodes of AVGN.
Happy Halloween, everybody! And to my fellow witches, Happy New Year!

MARILYN MANSON :: This Is Halloween
Give him a Pokémon game. You won't see him for weeks.
My first was the Genesis, first played when my cousin came to visit for the summer and brought hers. I remember getting hooked on Sonic right away, but thinking Phantasy Star was just weird (I'd never seen an RPG before at that point). Then my best friend got one and we had tons of fun with Mortal Kombat, Eternal Champions, X-Men, Risk, Beavis And Butthead...  I know the SNES was the better system from a technical standpoint, but I'll always have a soft spot for Sega.
I found something interesting yesterday. When the first Pokémon movie was released here, they left out the prologue, but dubbed it later as a bonus on a different DVD. Someone took the audio from both and laid it on top of the original Japanese version to make a "complete edition" of the movie. Very cool! Check it out:

Pokemon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back English Dub
Off-Topic / Re: I don't like change...
10/04/2013, 07:07 AM
I like pink very much, Lois.
Listening now. It works great with VLC. I think I found my new favorite radio station.
Quote from: batmreload on 09/28/2013, 11:58 PMVOILA! Double Dungeons! YAY!
Another fan! Sometimes it seems like I'm the only one.
PC/Console/Mobile Ports / Re: NitroGrafx
09/29/2013, 08:39 AM
It's like you said. It runs all the PCE games I've tried pretty much flawlessly, but TG16 games are a crapshoot. Some work well, some work but have graphics glitches, some don't work at all. I keep hoping whoever made the emulator will update it to improve compatibility, but it seems they haven't touched it in several years, so I'm not holding my breath.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
09/29/2013, 08:31 AM
I need to get a 32X. I guess I'm just weird like that, but ever since I started getting into retrogaming seriously, I've always been more attracted to the "underdog" consoles that no one really seems to care about (and hence have cheaper games because "collectors" are ignoring them). SMS, Intellivision, Game Gear, etc).
Off-Topic / Re: BACK UP!!!!
09/28/2013, 06:12 PM
Quote from: WingZeroKai on 09/28/2013, 01:37 PMMan, I had nothing interesting to read without this place. Lurking other forums just isn't the same.
Ditto. I lurk more than I post most places and this place is definitely one of the most interesting.
I was fortunate enough to pick up one of the big ones on my list at the same time I got my PC Engine (Final Soldier). For me, the biggest ones not mentioned yet would be Batman and Die Hard.
The Kick Ass 2 soundtrack. Henry Jackman is seriously impressing me right now. I loved his score for Wreck It Ralph, and this one is just as good. The movie's great too.
I'm waiting for him to review Double Dungeons. I never thought it deserved all the hate it gets. Sure it's simplistic, but after a few levels, it grows on you and, while repetitive, the gameplay can be kind of addicting. I'd give it at least a 3. I'm curious what he thought of it.
Off-Topic / Re: R.I.P Hiroshi Yamauchi
09/20/2013, 03:55 PM
A small tribute I made:
A new Bonk game on the Nintendo Eshop would be awesome. An updated remake of Neutopia with prettier graphics and the ability to move diagonally would be great too.
General Gaming / IGNORE
09/20/2013, 08:59 AM
I hadn't seen the other thread about Hiroshi Yamauchi when I posted. Man, that's the second time today, I really need to pay attention more.
If you don't have a Gamecube yet and you want one, I say go for it. It's a great system and there are some decent games in there (The Hobbit is especially good). Just make sure the Game Boy Player comes with the start up disc because it won't work without it and some people like to take advantage of that and sell the disc separately for a higher price.
I've been playing Fallout New Vegas and I am LOVING it! Seriously, this has to be one of the most awesome games I've ever played. I'll be sad to see it end. Fortunately, since there's so many different paths and sidequests, I can start a new game after I finish and do something different. And then there's the DLC, but I'll have to pick up the Ultimate Edition for that.
Goonies 1 or Goonies 2?
Off-Topic / Re: Shooting In D.C.
09/17/2013, 09:25 AM
Listening to the news this morning, apparently he was a Buddhist. That's a new one. Aren't Buddhists supposed to be pacifists? Also, a friend of his said he was "obsessed" with violent video games (and unfortunately, the media's not making that bit up, the friend actually did say it). Sigh.

The good news is, they can't blame the Muslims for this one (although I'm sure they were hoping they could). The bad news is, we'll have to hear all that "videogames are evil" BS yet again. At least games can't be banned because they're covered by the first amendment, but you know some dipshit's gonna try.
You say that like it's a bad thing. :lol:
Off-Topic / Re: Shooting In D.C.
09/16/2013, 05:03 PM
Well, they identified the dead guy. He was previously in the navy, but was currently working as a contractor, so odds are, that's how he got onto the base. I don't think we'll learn anything else today, but they did say they were going to investigate whether he planned this with anyone else, so that's good.
Off-Topic / Shooting In D.C.
09/16/2013, 10:46 AM
If you're near a TV, turn on the news. Some guy shot up a naval base. There's at least four dead and at least ten wounded. There's a rumor that there might have been more than one gunman, but so far, that hasn't been confirmed.

EDIT: There were two shooters and the navy says they're "down". They haven't said if they're dead or alive.

EDIT: One shooter is dead and it is believed that there are at least two more that haven't been caught yet. Of those two, one is described as a white male wearing a military-style uniform, but they are thought not to be military personnel.

EDIT: Of the two suspected gunmen (aside from the dead one), one has been cleared and is no longer a suspect. They haven't found the other guy yet.

Personally, I smell a rat. Considering how high security is at military bases, I find it extremely hard to believe that a single non-military shooter who wasn't supposed to be there could've gotten onto the base with a gun without someone helping him. I don't want to speculate with no evidence, but I think they need to look at the possibility of a conspiracy. Given what we know thus far, basic logic would exclude the idea of a "lone gunman" in this case.
James Rolfe has said that he doesn't actually hate all the games he reviews, he just goes with what he thinks will be funny because AVGN is a parody of easily angered/excessively negative people. This makes it really annoying when you talk to people who say Game X is bad without ever playing it just because it was on AVGN.
Nothing's Gonna Stand In Our Way-Spectre General

80s Hair Metal FTW!
I admit, at first, I primarily got a DC for the emulators and homebrews. Then I discovered how awesome the original games were. Love me some Crazy Taxi.
Quote from: guest on 09/08/2013, 02:10 AMthankfully you can speed up the emulator's processor.
How do you do that? I was trying to play Gex the other day and I kept having bad slowdown problems.
Again with this? Every, I say EVERY time Nintendo has a bad few months, people claim it's the death of the company and usually do so in a smug, "nyah nyah" kind of way. Seriously, folks, stop it. It's not funny and it makes you look like a jerk. No matter how much "hardcore" gamers wish they would go away (they're still pissed that their precious Xbox got stomped by the "lame kiddie" Wii), they're not going to. Nintendo is here to stay and I can guarantee you that the Wii U is gonna turn around. It won't sell as many units as the Wii did, obviously, but it'll do okay. The Xbox One, on the other hand, will flop horribly because the only people who buy it will be those with so little common sense that they openly invite Microsoft to spy on them. And the PS4? Who knows? It might do alright, but after the massive amount of money they lost on the PS3, sales will have to be spectacular and they may not even break even, let alone make a profit. After this gen, I predict that Nintendo will still be around, but Xbox and Playstation won't be and instead, Nintendo's main competitor will be the Occulus Rift.
Off-Topic / Re: Scooby got doxxed
09/06/2013, 11:56 AM
For what it's worth, there's a guy on another forum I frequent who actually survived a full blown bullying campaign from /b/ and got out with his dignity and his youtube channel intact, so it is possible to beat those guys.
Hammerin' Harry. I hadn't played this one before and it was a nice surprise. The controls, level design, characters, etc. were all very well done with a great sense of humor and I'd recommend it to platformer fans.
Wayne's World for the SNES. I knew it would be bad, but I thought it might be enjoyable in a so-bad-it's-good cheesy b-movie kind of way (like Virtual Hydlide for the Saturn). No. It was just horrible. I played through the entire game and I can honestly say it's one of the worst I've ever experienced, possibly THE worst. Avoid at all costs!
I would do both. Release the rom for those who can't afford a purchase and to make a purchase worthwhile for those who can afford it, include something extra like a soundtrack cd.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Raffle: Ninja Spirit
05/04/2013, 02:07 PM
If I were a ninja, I would help people by offering my services as a private investigator. Having super stealth skills would make it easy to gather information and getting close to the person I'm investigating by disguising myself as the janitor (something real life ninjas did all the time) would make it easy to trap the person in a web of their own lies. Put my name in, please!
I like the concept of Timeball, but I can't move fast enough to figure the puzzles out before I get a game over. I assume that's where most of the criticism comes from. Spin Pair is more my speed.
Double Dungeons. That game gets a lot of hate, but I don't know why. I've always liked it because it strips old school dungeon crawlers to their bare essence. There's no party, no stats, barely any inventory to keep track of, just pure monster bashing action. That's not to say I don't enjoy games like Theron's Quest or Eye Of The Beholder because I do, but I like Double Dungeons more.
My PC Engine came in today and it works great! My niece showed an interest in it right away, so I expect we'll be playing together when she has time. I'll make a gamer out of her yet. :)
What's even funnier is that they got away with it. I guess BS&P was asleep at the switch.
I wouldn't go for it unless the listing had a list of which games were included so you know how many of them are games you'd actually want. I've never been one to resell my games, so for me to buy a lot it would have to be mostly stuff I was interested in.