Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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Messages - fx-man

Quote from: majors on 03/02/2017, 12:15 PMNew user, one post to defend GPS? really, who are you with the group?
New user, but i registered 4 years ago to this forum and i'm on the user list since 1998 ^^
It's just that don't post often on forums....

And about GPS, i'm just working on their website. I didn't have the impression to defend GPS but to clarify some points.
The Game Preservation Society has many projects, but is deeply in need for help.

For example, they have a huge database they'd like to share with more than 500000 entries. But it cannot be seen on the internet as it's mainly using access. So, if you know a DB specialist who can adapt it for internet use...

There are also some articles about the preservation technics. But in japanese. The need to be translated in english and other languages. Here also, need for help.

Many things are to be revealed this spring (and one of them is concerning the PC Engine). But, as always, the more people participate, the faster it will go.

For more informations :