@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Messages - khyrox

Off-Topic / Happy holidays
12/25/2005, 11:33 AM
Hey all - happy holidays to everyone (and since it's Dec 25, Merry Christmas!). Hope everyone gets lots of gaming goodies!  :D
Quote from: "Keranu"I recently bought a PC-FX plus five games off of ElSeven, so I have been enjoying that for the past few nights.

Congrats on the PC-FX!  :D
I've been on a (mostly) fighting game tear the past 4 weeks... picked up:

Street Fighter Alpha 2 (SNES)
Street Fighter Zero 3 (Saturn)
Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter (Saturn)
Eternal Champions (SegaCD) (finally got around to getting it... haha)
D-Xhird (Saturn)
Dead or Alive Ultimate (XBox)
KOF 2002 + 2003 (XBox)
SNK vs Capcom (XBox)
Capcom vs SNK 2 EO (XBox)
Capcom Fighting Evolution (PS2)

Shinobi Legions (Saturn)
Metal Slug 3 + 4 (XBox)
Shining Force Neo (PS2)
Digital Devil Saga 2 (PS2)
Trizeal (Dreamcast)
Capcom Classics (PS2)

Winter Heat (Saturn)
Virtua Tennis (PSP)
NBA 2K6 (XBox)

Now, my problem is finding the time to play everything!!!!!  :shock:
General Gaming / Top 10 games!
11/04/2005, 03:50 PM
Wow... I think it would take me awhile to come up with top 10's for all the systems I've played/owned.

However it's easy to name my top favorite game of all time - Wasteland (The Fallout games are the spiritual successor to Wasteland). Played the hell out of that game back in my younger days. Hence, my avatar.  :D
General Gaming / Game Boy Micro
10/22/2005, 12:05 PM
Quote from: "Keranu"Making new versions of the same hardware won't decrease sales if the original hardware was selling well already, so it's not much of a problem. For the most part, I agree with GUTS. I think it's a pretty retarded idea (those things are expensive too!) but the Famicom one does look sweet.

Smart business move though. It's amazing what people will buy given the appropriate image and marketing magic. It's your typical product refresh to keep the system from looking too stale and the cash comin' in from an established revenue source.  :P

Tiny is in from tiny cell phones to tiny mp3 players... now a tiny Gameboy... haha...
General Gaming / Game Boy Micro
10/21/2005, 01:56 PM
You're ignoring novelty factor and the sellability of something that's small and sleek and "cool" no matter what the heck it is. :P In Japan, the Micro has already sold over 200,000 units in its first month. Also, collectability craze is in full gear as the Famicom version has been selling out. In its first week, the Micro sales exceeded that of the Gameboy Advance SP's first week (again, in Japan).

I predict strong sales in Asia (not surprising given past trends in the Asian territories for these sort of items - and which I am a total sucker for as well!) and I'm interested to see how it will fare in the West.
General Gaming / Nintendo Acapella
10/17/2005, 06:17 PM
I'm sure some of you have seen this already. Pretty cute I thought. :P

General Gaming / Favorite non-Nec system
10/15/2005, 02:24 PM
For some great reading about the history of the Saturn check this out:


(Copy and paste the URL since the parentheses seem to mess up the link above.)

Two-part article. Great stuff. Sad story.
General Gaming / Neo Geo
10/14/2005, 06:31 PM
Quote from: "PC Gaijin"
Quote from: "TJ"However, I don't really remember anything other than Atari when it came to home consoles. I didn't "discover" Intellivision until around 1988 when a buddy bought one at a flea market, and we played Sea Battle just for laughs between bouts of Simon's Quest and Double Dragon on the NES. The 2600 was huge though, all my friends had one...

...And I vividly remember "the crash" if only for the huge bins packed with 25 cent cartridges that sat outside of KB Toys until literally 1985 or 86!

All my friends had a 2600... I think I was the only one to have a Colecovision. I remember their jaws dropping when I showed them Donkey Kong...  :lol:

I remember going thru the bins of 25 cent carts at Kay Bee Toys (it wasn't called 'KB' back then  :P ) too!!

My Coleco is buried somewhere in my basement... I should dust that thing off and see if it still works... haha
General Gaming / Sega Saturn
10/14/2005, 06:27 PM
Quote from: "mamonohunter"I thought the price was going around 50 $ nowadays, but maeby the price is raising. To bad you lost the DC-version Ninja Spirit, it must be very cool to play it online and I dont think the Saturn version is sooo much better (just a little bit) even though I heard people saying it.

Wow, Saturn SFZ3 for $50? I haven't seen anyplace that sells it for that cheap.
General Gaming / Sega Saturn
10/14/2005, 03:53 PM
Quote from: "Ninja Spirit"I heard Saturn SFZ3 is really expensive is that true? I recently mysteriously lost my Dreamcast version.

I just bought a copy of Saturn SFZ3 for over $100...  :shock:
General Gaming / Favorite non-Nec system
10/14/2005, 03:49 PM
Quote from: "RCduck7"
Quote from: "khyrox"The Saturn was sorely underrated. It's too bad that by the time Saturn really started to strut its stuff, it was too late to make any real impact.

I posted this on another forum, but here's a link to footage of Shenmue running on Saturn:


I thought it was really impressive!

Very amazing what the developers could do with the saturn wich was actually more of a 2D machine.  :shock:

The Saturn was a capable machine, it just took a lot more effort to produce quality 3D visuals. Effort that many developers didn't think was worth it given the beating Sony was giving Sega at the time.
I looked around and found a site that specializes in Saturn case scans! They don't have the US scan for Super Puzzle Fighter, but they do have the UK scan (black spine... though with a little photoshop you could easily make it white).


General Gaming / Favorite non-Nec system
10/13/2005, 07:49 PM
The Saturn was sorely underrated. It's too bad that by the time Saturn really started to strut its stuff, it was too late to make any real impact.

I posted this on another forum, but here's a link to footage of Shenmue running on Saturn:


I thought it was really impressive!
I love how clean looking they look... There's a vintage game store near me that looks like someone's basement. Stuff piled up everywhere, kinda dingy... lots of cool stuff, but they really need to learn how to organize their store better.
General Gaming / Favorite non-Nec system
10/08/2005, 07:14 PM
My Saturn is my favorite non-NEC system. Love it love it love it!

I'm glad I bought most of the games I wanted to play on that system when they first came out... I can't believe how much it costs to buy some of them off eBay nowadays!!
Wow, looks great. You know what's funny, all companies need to do is just keep the classic games playing the same classic way but update all the graphics and music and levels and I'll buy it!  :lol:

Man, I'd love to have a spruced up Final Fight...
PC-FX Discussion / Hey all!
10/08/2005, 07:00 PM
Quote from: "dairugger"so hows Zeroigar? any parallels you can draw to say, gradius or any other series? ive gotten a couple games so far- but Zeroigar eludes me financially..

It's not a tough game to beat - you basically level up over the course of the game via points to upgrade your ship. And if a level seems to be a bit tough, you can continue and keep leveling up until you're strong enough to beat the level (it appears that in addition to new special attacks, your health and special attack meters increase as well). It is a fun experience though, with all the cutscenes and voice overs in-game. As a shoot-em-up, I felt it was ok - pretty straightforward with no "holy crap!!" moments (it felt like Soldier Blade "lite"), but it is presented well, looks great, and fun to play. Considering the power of the system it's too bad there were no other shmups for the system - this game was such a good start. Ah well... but I'm glad I have this as part of my collection.  :)
PC-FX Discussion / Hey all!
09/28/2005, 10:56 PM
Yup, I agree, it looks like a small pc... but I like it.  :D It looks great on my desk!

I got my copy of Zeroigar that I won off eBay a few days ago... great game! I love the anime intermissions and the ending is a satisfyingly long ending, not a "You've won! Thanks for playing!" sort of ending.
PC-FX Discussion / Hey all!
09/24/2005, 05:56 PM
Greetings fellow newcomer! I clicked on your thread thinking it was mine at first... haha...
PC-FX Discussion / Hi all!
09/21/2005, 07:02 PM
Quote from: OldRover
Quote from: "Nutribrain"Unfortunately there aren't too many action games available for the FX.
Expect that to change soon... ;)

Ooo, can't wait to hear the news!  :)

On another note, Zeroigar and Battle Heat arrived at my door today! I haven't tried Battle Heat out yet, but Zeroigar has been pretty cool! The shooter itself isn't anything that innovative, but it's fast, it's smooth, it's colorful, the bosses are big, there's lots of stuff flying around, and I love those intermissions!
PC-FX Discussion / Hi all!
09/20/2005, 08:45 PM
Quote from: "Nutribrain"Unfortunately there aren't too many action games available for the FX. Try to have a look at the language list here, in order to see which games require what level of japanese when you play them. I had the most fun with the games up to level 3.

Cool. Yup, I took a look at the language list and game overviews to see what I'd probably pick up next. Chip Chan Kick looks fun... think I'll try to find that next.

I'm really impressed with the 2D prowess of the system, and the FMV playback is impressive as well. I'm a big Sega Saturn fan and I remember it took a little while before that system had decent full screen FMV (not counting  the MPEG addon).
PC-FX Discussion / Hi all!
09/20/2005, 02:37 PM
Quote from: "Nutribrain"Welcome to the FX community! If you have questions don't hesitate to ask, I think all here will be glad if they can help you.

BTW, try to get Chip Chap Kick and if you like strategy games get Farland Story FX, it's cheap and makes a lot of fun.

Cool, thanks for the suggestions. I'm starting out with some action games since they should be easy to get into... once I've "settled" in, I'll definitely be looking to check out the other types of games that the system has.  :)
PC-FX Discussion / Hi all!
09/20/2005, 01:05 AM
Just wanted to say hi to everyone on the board. I just got my PC-FX today and it's such a cool system. Very happy! :D I only have Blue Breaker to play with right now, but I should be getting Zeroigar and Battle Heat in a day or two. (Man, Zeroigar cost a fair chunk of change!)

Anyways, I'm glad I found a forum and site devoted to all things PC-FX and PC Engine. I've learned alot about the system from reading this site and forum in the past few days. Thanks!  :)