10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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I sent an email through pce memories site about getting a Drac x disc and it came yesterday. I'm assuming you guys are the same people running the requests that get sent from there.

Thanks very much for all your philanthropic efforts this is awesome!
My OCD is to blame for this, but having a Duotap be white when everything else about the console is black, though it is authentic, seems lame to me. before I pry open my Turbotap, I thought I'd ask how feasible it is to swap the TG-16 sized dins for Turbo sized ones?

I realize the holes for the ports will be larger than they need to be, which may cause its own problems, but it seems like it would be cool to try and make a "Duo Murder Tap" and keep it all black.

Also has anyone tried putting a whole Duo tap board into a Turbotap housing?... that might work also, but I don't own to look at it myself. buying 5 minidins to make the swap would probably be cheaper.
Quote from: BlueBMW on 10/25/2015, 12:46 PMYou serious they're $70 each now?   They used to be $20 lol  This hobby makes me cry
Seriously. It's been a couple of years since I was cruising ebay for Turbo stuff, but I seem to remember there being a glut of NOS US TurboDuo controllers and DuoTaps  in box for around the 20-30 dollar mark.
Can someone tell me what the going rate for  a US TurboDuo controller goes for?

I am one shy of 5 player bomber man bliss and the recent sold on ebay are $70+ each!

I've got a few PCE pads so it's not essential that I get one (of course it isn't) but I don't remember the controllers being that difficult to find, or so dear.
Have you properly terminated the BVM'S outputs with 75ohm BNC terminals?

I have the same monitor and I had to do it to get my Duo to work.

You can find them on Ebay, just make sure they are actual 75 ohm BNC terminal caps and not just dust covers. Hope this helps
Does this count?

An Amazon seller sent me a Magician Lord homecart in this box. Now I use it to store broken systems up in my attic.
Xbox 360 - modern classic
I just finished capping and RGB modding my TurboDuo and what better game to christen it than LoT!!

Sorry for the noobish question, but I have a Supergrafx console box that doesn't have a back, meaning the front of the box with the pictures and logos just slides over the Styrofoam like a big dust cover leaving the white Styrofoam insert exposed on the back.

Google Image search of the Supergrafx Console box didn't turn up any photos of the back, so are they all like this?
This did the trick and I'm back in business!

Hi gang,

So over the weekend I recapped my US TurboDuo and all looks to be in order except one foul up I did which was to melt the switch that tells the system the cd door is closed with my hot air station  :-#

So my question is, how would I permanently bypass that switch? Can I bridge the solder points on the underside? If so, which way?

Appreciate the help
NEC Console Resource / New to the forum
02/25/2014, 07:01 PM
Hello everyone!

I've lurked here on and off for a number of years and have been playing PC-Engine/TG-16 stuff since the late nineties.

Didn't know the system existed until I read EGM issue 100's feature, "One hundred best games of all time" which included many TG-16 titles. That was about 1997, and that prompted me to go out and get my hands on Ys Book 1&2.  Been hooked ever since.

Anyways, hope to participate and learn more about the library and platform here on pcfx. Maybe have a bit of fun in the process.
