RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - retro junkie

Not sure of the accuracy of this timeline. Lets just say it is "sort-of."
1989: Read about it in Game Magazine (Hunger started)
1990: The want & hunger continues without seeing one anywhere. Settles for a Sega Genesis.
1991: Still wanting one but gets sidetracked with a SNES.
1993: Finally finds one out of state Toys-R-Us clearance, purchased with Bonk! Gets Express the same year! Bomberman becomes family time.
1994: Gets a Turbo Duo- Gates of Thunder consumes time.
1995: Gates of Thunder and Lords of Thunder consumes time.
1996: Turbo Grafx shooters continues to dominate game time.
At this point everything becomes muddled with the CD era of gaming. I still had a loyalty to the Turbo but there was a lot of distractions.
December 14, 2014 I return to my senses, my mind clears, as I acquired a PC Engine. My passion is renewed. Games began to pour in at this point and my game time becomes once again flavored with this unusual console and its influence.
2017: Along with my 2DS xl the PC Engine/ Turbo Grafx 16 becomes one of several consoles of that era that I seem to be drawn to and never gets old. That era of gaming is my golden age. Those games are my addiction.

1. PC Engine / TurboGrafx
2. Super Famicom
3. Nintendo DSi
4. Sega Genesis
5. GBA SP bright
6. Neo Geo CD
7. N64 (Japan and USA)

No apologies.
I had the Sega Genesis and the SNES. I had only read about the Turbo Grafx 16 in gaming magazines. There was no internet in those days. I went across the state line into Tennessee and purchased mine off the shelf at a Toys-R-Us. That is were I purchased most of my games that I still have today. My wife gave me the Turbo Express for Christmas that year. I ordered the CD attachment with a money order out of the back of a gaming magazine for $150. They were out so they sent me a replacement, it was a Turbo Duo. I was not disappointed.  :dance: It has been in the last bunch of years that I have acquired the PC Engine. The love continues.
 8-[ Ummmmm...................there were no video games when I was a kid. About in my teens there was one guy in the whole neighborhood that got a "Pong" game system when they came out. That was all it would play, Pong. We were fascinated by it. His parents would not allow it to be played over the main TV. We had to use the spare B&W 13" TV, tube of course. I don't remember much else about it except you had to have someone to play with you. It was not a single player game.
Quote from: bob on 09/05/2017, 08:06 PM
Quote from: guest on 09/05/2017, 05:07 PM

There's two types of people in Kentucky: cousin-fuckin'-hillbillies and turbob-sticker-gougetards; which one are you?
and people who like skyline chili
:-k Hey wait a minute, I live in Kentucky..................but I do live in the CITY!! Not in the hills or country. So that might make a difference. Right?  8-[ 8-[

I wonder if this guy has the plastic wrap to go with that. It would make it more authentic.
I use this,
I got it from someone on eBay. They were making and selling them for around $20, I think, at the time. Been a couple of years. Works great. I get a very colorful sharp picture. And yes that is black electrical tape wrapped around that connection. It works for me.
Image Fight is in my PC Engine.
Not sure when I purchased this but I knew what I was getting. I could not handle the price of the real thing, being about $450 USD or more. And I wanted a hard copy, so reproduction was a good option for me. I think I purchased this for about $45USD. This is like a thick PC board. Not like a HuCard at all.


I sort-of like the case and small art insert. I wonder if I could find these for purchase. I would get them for all my HuCards.
eBay prices don't look so bad now.  :-k

I got into Turbo Grafx 16 back when you could walk into a Toys-R-Us and see it on the shelf. Most of my US games were purchased during that time period. I am so happy for those moments. It saved me so much when looking at those crazy modern prices. In the last few years I have focused on PC Engine and collecting many games that I either missed or never came to the US TG16. My last purchase was a repo, Coryoon. The original game was outrageously priced. I feel for anyone desiring to get into this system today from scratch. The PC Engine would be the only way to break ground. A US Turbo Grafx would need to be a once in a lifetime event running across a deal in the wild on a dream combination of games and console that would not break the bank.

My weakness are the HuCards. It is some sort of addiction. The format and design hooked on to somethin in my brain. it clamped down tight. Emulation just don't do it for me. I got to touch it and put it in the slot myself.

I love retro, one or two button, gaming. The price of admission presently is so unreal.
I am the type of gamer that has to hold it in your hands, tangible, solid, all a part of the experience. Of course I was into the TG16 when it was still on the shelf and the "battle" was between the other two guys. So that was when I attained most of my TG16 collection. Prices, for me, was comparable to the "other guy's" carts. There were those occasional sales, and I did get a few bargains at the end. Over the years adding to my stash, I have considered, $10 to $30 good prices.
What I consider one of my best moves was grabbing up a PC Engine, the original. You can get a good deal on eBay for one of these, plus get a homemade adaptor for those RCA plugs. And you can pick up a couple of games, all this, I think, for around $100, if you continue to hang around eBay. If you can find a Core Grafx II for something reasonable, that would be the best path, needs all the wires and controller in the package.
This is the easiest way to enter TG16 gaming. I think if you go head over heels at that point, you will not have any trouble saving up the cash and diving in deeper with some kind of DUO setup. I will seriously, at times, consider $40 or $50 for that hard to attain game, and finally go for it. Haven't embraced anything with that $100 plus price tag yet. (Used the word yet, which does not rule that out) But the cheapest route, my experience, for a lot of games, has been the PC Engine road. And you can always look at a game on youtube to get an idea how it plays. It can be a decision maker.

And there is just something about holding those Hucards in your hands that there are no words to express.
I would settle for the original Defender on Hucard.
In my area, western Ky, I was the only one that I knew that had one. I had to go across the state line in order to purchase anything TG 16.
There is really no contest. I had both during their "Glory days." I kept waiting for Sega to figure out what their CD attachment was for. Except for a few gems, total disappointment. When my Sega CD died, I dumped the games. I had no interest to seek out another Sega CD attachment.

But the Turbo totally got it right. Love my Turbo Duo.
It seems very serious, to me, to go through the trouble of closing his account. A cause of concern. Though it could be something personal.
Quote from: HailingTheThings on 01/22/2016, 12:53 AMNot sure if this is bad or gouging.. or a bit of both.

Kinda made me sick, though. Why would someone do this?

Also, the guy selling this.. didn't he join here a bit ago?


This guy?;u=10368
I found it amusing that he is selling manuals and loose cards alongside the lot of butchered labels.  I am surprised to not see the manual pages and staples separated out and listed individually as well.  Maximize those monies! :D
And it says good condition on those labels? Ummmmm......  :-k  :-s  :shock:
I like the Homebrew listed. I never knew all that existed. Lots of other info there in pictures that I never knew. I like what I am seeing. Has potential to be a very informative site.

I have that springboard converter for my TurboGrafx 16.
Got these as Christmas gifts. Busy working my way through Persona 4 story mode right now.

I remember my 1993 Turbo Christmas very well. My wife surprised me with a Turbo Express. Yes I still have the receipt!

Tomorrow is the first day for the beginning of my Holidays time off. It will begin early in the morning, OBEY!!   =D>

Thank you for all involved for making this possible.
Why don't you just peel the first layer of my skin off and salt me down. It would be the same as forcing me to decide between these shooters.

Ok....... I went with Soldier Blade, but one hand had to force the other one to push the button.  Gunhed is awesome and so is Super Star Soldier.  ](*,)
Quote from: Otaking on 12/10/2015, 01:25 PMTool is currently occupying every place on the Keith Courage Waiting List. Effectively every forum member must send him their copy of KC.
](*,) Oh    nooooooooooooooooooo..
It is very difficult for me to just pick three. I think Bonk 2 is the perfect platformer. And yes I just had to pick Parasol Stars. I get the most fun out of that one by just tossing something across the screen to see what type of fruit and stuff will appear. And Ninja Spirit just couldn't resist. But I might change my mind as I do have Son Son 2 on the way to my door. It looks to be fun from my viewing of the gameplay on Youtube.
KC is not rare complete and doesn't have that high of a price tag. You can pick up one from eBay, complete, for usually around $13 to $18.

Here is one that even includes the rare comic for only $12. want Magical Chase

Of course if you want Magical Case then this is the best I can do, $99,999.99

Wow! Great find. Congrats and I will also try to hide a little jealousy.
Got my "Batch Two" today!  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:
Hope to have time this weekend to do some gaming.  :-k
Got my email. I will need to camp out at my mailbox. Doesn't matter that it is raining right now and has been since yesterday. It's all about the game.  :dance:
Here are some that I have discovered.
BIKKURI MAN WORLD - It is really Wonderboy in Monster World.
Don Doko Don- reminds me of snow brothers
MÄRCHEN MAZE - an overhead shooter, sort-of Alice in Wonderland characters
MOMOTARŌ KATSUGEKI - basically Peach boy, platformer
OBOCCHAMA-KUN - a very odd wacky platformer (usually fairly cheap to pick up)
YŌKAI DŌCHŪKI - good platformer, some spooks and monsters
GENPEI TŌMA DEN - KANNONI - can't explain it, but I love this game. side scrolling platformer. Maybe its the giant worm, flying eyeballs, or the blasted monkeys. It gets so weird in places.
Dungeon Explorer - even though it is in Japanese and you won't know what the story is about, you will still have a lot of fun and the gameplay will in certain ways remind you of Gauntlet.
Street Fighter 2- hey it is a very good port of the arcade game.
And the shooters, as everyone is recommending, are awesome, if you are into that genre. I have 18 just in my PC Engine library alone. I have 10 in my Turbo Grafx 16 library. A total of 28 different shooters. Gate of Thunder and Lords of Thunder are good CD-Roms of the same genre.

Image Fight
Heavy Unit
Armed F
Final Blaster
Super Star Soldier
Rock On
Cyber Core
R-Type I & II
Dragon Spirit
Space Harrier
After Burner 2
Rabio Lepus
Down Load
Raiden -simply the best arcade port of its day
Soldier Blade
Aero Blasters
Air Zonk
Side Arms
Dead Moon
Blazing Lazers
Hini in the Sky

And I am still looking to add more.
After looking into this, investigating and finding out as to what the Retro Freak actually is, it seems to be a fancy way of getting into emulation. The system is only the small little brick that you can possibly just stick in your pocket and carry anywhere. The controller port is what is so big and it plugs into a usb port on the actual console. Whenever you insert a game cart, it dumps that game into its memory and saves it. You no longer need the game cart to play.


No thank you. Not interested. Actual hardware is my choice in gaming.

Quote from: mickcris on 11/27/2015, 11:22 AMdont really know, but there seems to be some fairly high demand for these.  This is apparently basically a copy of the Retron5 with a PCE slot.  Tobias (Fudoh) got one and posted his first thoughts on it here if anyone is interested.
Just read the post there. Input lag? Having a love of shooters, I cringe to think about it.
eBay, with a suggested price hovering around $300 USD, hmmmm.... I say no thanks. At that price, I will stick to original hardware. Clone systems seem too finicky, sometimes  not fully compatible. They have admitted that not all games play 100% correctly. That would cause me to be very cautious considering the amount of money they are asking. I would want someone else to purchase one and then tell me if my favourite games are fully playable. And it is interesting that it has support for Super Grafx, PC Engine, and Turbo Grafx 16. But at that price, I personally would expect to be able to play the Turbo CDs also. At the same time, I have a few clone systems and my experience with the systems are, low quality built and I do not expect the same durability as the originals. So a CD function would probably be very problematic. Might be the reason you don't see it on clone systems. Whether the price of admission is worth it, is totally dependant on the individual gamer. Personally I am satisfied with my gaming experience on my flat-screen and my PC Engine, Turbo Grafx consoles. I still have one old tube TV that I have dedicated to retro gaming. But that will not last as it is over 20 years old.

It would also interest me on how the hardware is being emulated, actual chips, android, or glop.
Dracula X on the Duo. Awesome fun.  =D>
Blown away playing Dracula X on my Duo. Freakin awesome!
Quote from: seieienbu on 11/21/2015, 04:30 PM
Quote from: Bernie on 11/21/2015, 03:48 PM
Quote from: synbiosfan on 11/21/2015, 11:27 AMYou're not going to rub each disc all over yourself again?
Good.  If my disks weren't individually loved by Bernie then I wouldn't want any part in this.
walagata com/w/redmoon/giphy.gif
Got my Dracula X disc today. Looks like I will be Turbo Duoling this weekend.
Got mine at a local Toys-R-Us back then. Had the Keith Courage pack-in and I purchased Bonk Adventures. Can't remember, not sure what shooters I grabbed, I just know I fell in love. Raiden, Deadmoon, Galaga 90, Aero Blasters, I think those were my first. And when the time came that I desired the CD add on, I ordered it out of the back of a video game magazine, no internet back then. The store was sold out of the CD add on, so they sent me the Turbo Duo as a replacement, $150. Going price was $299 back then.  :dance:

First of this year I finally picked up a PC Engine. Fell in love again.
Dungeon Explorer II? Now you've got my attention. Bonk 3 and Dynastic Hero,... now I am drooling over the next batch.  :dance:

Back of my mind is hoping for some Rayxanber.
Quote from: Bernie on 11/14/2015, 01:13 PM
Quote from: retro junkie on 11/14/2015, 07:51 AMI want one of these games. I just don't know how to go about getting one. I have already sent a PM but have gotten no response.
Who did you PM?  I never got anything.
I guess I sent a PM to the original poster of this thread.
I want one of these games. I just don't know how to go about getting one. I have already sent a PM but have gotten no response.
I am only interested in Dracula X. Hope there are some nice shooters in the future releases.
Rock On arrived in my mailbox this week. It has been in my PC Engine.  :twisted:
Off-Topic / Re: Show off THE computers!!!
04/17/2015, 09:55 PM
I normally use my IBM R60 laptop running Linux Mint 17.  :-$
I was expecting that 1920x1200 resolution.  8-[

ummm...... you know.
In my location, I never see a Turbo anything. I had to drive out of state just to purchase my TG16 back during its hey day. Even NES, SNES, and Genesis games are rare any more. There seems to be an abundance of PS2, XBOX, and Wii games. And they are mostly sports related. I depend heavily on the net for anything retro in gaming.