RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - Tobibrocki

NEC Console Resource / Hello from Germany
01/14/2015, 01:50 PM
Hi everybody,

my (user)name is Tobibrocki, I'm 25 years old and I'm the new guy here at the moment, my hobbies are drawing and also retro computers/video game systems, the latter is pretty much why I'm here. ^^

But to elaborate and give you guys a bit more detail on how I got here, it all started around 1997 when I got my Game Boy Pocket with my first game (Alfred Chicken) for my Birthday, that sparked my interest in Videogames, I already knew the SNES and the N64 from visiting schoolmates back in those days, however the real kicker, oddly enough, was in 1998 when I saw and got to play the Mega Drive a friend owned. That system really left a huge impression on me (probably why I have more than one now) and really cemented my interest in older systems, because by 1998 the Mega Drive was already kinda out due to 3D Consoles and such. I would then move on to play PC Games for a few years until I got into retro computers in 2003, I think I was 13 at the time when around that same year I got a Amiga 600, then a year later a Commodore 64, then an Amiga 1200 and so forth. In between all these I always saw little glimpses and mentions of a fairly odd system called the "PC-Engine" online, at the time I wasn't very interested since I was busy with computers and I also was of the impression back then that since it's 8-Bit, it's games probably looked as limited as what the NES could do.

Fast forward to today and I have looked more into the System and was quite surprised by it's capabilities and it's library of titles, and at the same time kinda floored at the prices it goes for on ebay. ^^;

Btw. the first PC Engine game I ever played was GunHed/Blazing Lazers back in 2009 via emulation since a friend suggested it, however I'm not a huge fan of "Checkpoint Shooters" as I like to call Shmups that send you back on every death, so my enjoyment was a bit limited, a bit later in 2011 (I think it was that year) I got a Wii and went on the eShop and bought a game called Soldier Blade, and I sucked at it, but I had a great time playing and that was actually the second PC-Engine game I ever played and from what I played since it's probably my favourite amongst a number of good games.

And that's the story pretty much.

So, currently I'm really just starting out having bought a CoreGrafx from Japan early this month (and it still has to arrive).
I already got my module only copy of Soldier Blade in the mail yesterday, so, I just need the system to really get going! :D

And lastly, I found this forum by searching for compatibility guides for the various Revisions of the System, and I must say what I found was quite helpful, and here I am now. :)

Also, since I like to draw, I threw this together in the last 30 minutes to have something odd to end this post with, it's very rough so, enjoy this... Engine-Cat(?):

I'm pretty new here and I've known from other Forums over the years that it's good to have a "Welcome" section where new users can post about themselves, how they found the forum and how they learned of the PC-Engine etc.
Unfortunately, I don't know if I just haven't looked around enough but there doesn't seem to be a section for that purpose. I also don't know where such a thread would fit in the existing boards otherwise. And according to the boardrules slightly derailing a thread (even if it was started by the same person I assume) is not a good idea.

So, my suggestion would be a section for new users to, well, tell their story. :)

I just noticed everyone posts in the general "" thread, a dedicated section probably would still be a good thing to have though.
Hi everybody,

I guess I'm the new guy here, well, at the moment that is. ^^;

So, as the title might suggest I'm looking for a working CD-Rom2 Unit with Interface Unit or a working Super CD-Rom2 Unit. I would prefer the former for aesthetic reasons but the CD-Rom2 also has it's benefits so either is fine.

I live in Germany so shipping is probably going to be a bit of a hurdle, my personal budget is 200 Euro (which should be around 240 Dollars I think), I would like to keep everything (shipping included) within said budget if possible, I can go slightly above it if necessary but not by much.

Also, due to my recent CoreGrafx purchase my budget for January is kinda small, so, the soonest I could purchase/pay would be by the beginning of February. Note, I can only pay via PayPal since I don't have a CreditCard.

Those should be all the necessary info's I think. So, if you have one for sale, just leave a reply or drop me a PM. :)