10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Messages - Koop

very interesting... The download link from the previous page doesn't seem to work anymore, could you provide it again? Would love to test it out on the actual hardware.
$200 seems really expensive... Is that price because of the mod chip in question?  :|
Grats to the winner!
Quote from: esteban on 04/08/2016, 04:57 PMIf you are ever in the NJ area, you can stop buy and join me for coffee.
Cool when we meeting up?  Starbucks or Dunkin?
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB: Sega 32X
04/08/2016, 02:57 AM
I got a Mega Everdrive that can play all 32X games but I need the actual console! Can anyone help me create my sega tower of power?
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
04/03/2016, 11:02 PM
Yes! Hit me with the sack!
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 03/30/2016, 08:44 AMDude,  buy the machine.  It'll complete you.
I know right? You gotta get that Golden Axe! Imagine that as the conclusion of the story- full circle, would be so cool.

If it's been in that building for so long who owns it? Heck why not just sneak in one day...  :-"
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 03/28/2016, 09:42 AM
Quote from: Kooplife story
Amazing parallels!  You think that the life you have growing up is your own but as time passes you realize it's a shared experience.  You were very lucky to have all those consoles.  Sounds like you ruled during the 8-bit to 16 bit period and it must have been a blast.
Haha yeah you can definitely say I was classically educated, I am very fortunate that I got to experience all the games I did growing up. Would've told more but I ran out of words! I actually got to experience a bunch more major console afterwards too- N64, PS1 (my brother got the PS1, I will never forget the Christmas he got Final Fantasy 7), PS2, Xbox... Didn't get a Dreamcast till after the fact and never got a chance at the Saturn till recently. It's interesting though because I obviously never got the same real exposure to PC gaming like you did. Of course I play most new releases on PC.

Nowadays modern consoles just feel like shitty PCs, especially compared to how things were in the past. I guess you could argue it was always like that but now it's just so much easier to pick up a multiplatform title on PC and run it 10x better than a console release. The same magic just doesn't seem like it's there- but I guess I am just getting old.

Anyhow if anything it's cool to see someone else who grew up in NJ. NJ pride or something like that I suppose lol

Looks like lukester's plan worked.  :D
PC-FX Discussion / Re: PC-FX repairs?
03/28/2016, 06:26 AM
Quote from: SamIAm on 03/23/2016, 06:27 AMOpen her up, find the row of three white potentiometers, and adjust the middle one in 1/8 counter-clockwise rotation increments until it works. A single 1/8 adjustment might do the trick
Just a good ol' pot adjustment? Saving CD consoles since forever eh.

Is there such thing as a replacement laser for a PC-FX? I'd assume something like that will be necessary eventually, no?
Quote from: EvilEvoIX on 03/26/2016, 05:24 PMLife story
Wow. Well, I guess here is my entry.

I too was raised in the suburbs of Central NJ. I too came from a mixed Irish and Italian family. My Grandfather also fought in World War II, in fact, he was at pearl harbor during the attack from the Japanese- he lost partial hearing in one of his ears that day. My parents honestly were honestly not well off, but my father worked in many trades- carpentry, electrification, building maintenance... We certainly did not have a backyard like yours I can say that much!

My parents actually really enjoyed video games. They had Pong, they bought an intellivision- to them a video game console was a sure gift. Growing up my older brother and sister (my sister being the oldest) both got game consoles. My sister started with a master system while my brother got an NES. I honestly cannot remember a time in my life where a video game console was not easily accessible- for better or worse. Eventually my sister got a Genesis and my brother got a TG-16, and eventually even a Turbo Duo. Whenever they weren't playing I would be. My father busted his ass to actually make a really great entertainment center in our basement (now a mess ever since hurricane sandy) where the Duo was set up. First console I ever got to say was my own was a SNES I got for my birthday. My grandfather every weekend would take me down to the game rental store where I'd rent Genesis or SNES game for the weekend.

My dad tried to get me to do a lot of sports like my older brother. Baseball, football, all that sort of stuff. Honestly though I absolutely hated it, mostly because my dad was always the coach.

 I don't really remember when, but obvious sometime in the mid 90s my Uncle bought us our first gateway computer with windows 95. I guess it goes without saying that the internet was absolutely life changing. So with the world's information at my fingertips of course all I did was read about video games, emulation, and PC gaming haha.

Fast forward to 2001 with the release of the Gamecube. My father brought me to the nearby Best Buy- I'll never forget how cold it was. Looking back my dad got me that Gamecube for no reason other than to make me happy. I spent many afternoons with friends playing games like Melee with my friends, it really brought us all together.

Unfortunately after I moved out of my parents home I lost a lot of the games I grew up with to theft. That's a whole story in itself sadly. To this day I am trying to get back what I had.

I talked about my dad a lot because sadly he passed away. Yesterday was his birthday and I still miss him very much. Thank you dad for all the sweat, blood, and tears you shed your whole life to raise our family. Thank you.
Quote from: CGQuarterly on 03/25/2016, 02:53 PMI REALLY wanted a Mongoose when I was a kid.  Got a Murray from K-Mart instead.  :(
That reminds me, when were razor scooters a thing?
Damn that sucks, I didn't have any issue with that on my briefcase setup. Hopefully krikzz gets back to you, he is a good guy.
Please raffle me in this enter.

I used to play the TG-16 release of this game all the time, classic game.
Quote from: DQ187 on 03/22/2016, 08:17 PMYou guys know me so well it's uncanny! :shock:
Jesus Christ this shit is too much for me.  :lol:
I just stick with CD-Rs for most of my games and only try to pick up titles I really want. Because of that my Saturn collection is a total of one single legit game. Still looking for a copy of Rockman 8 personally.
I kinda hope whoever bought the 1st disk from xcrement5x gets this one too. It'd be like a happy family lol.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 03/09/2016, 12:26 PMDang. It's incredible how totally devalued audio CDs have become. 20 years ago this would be worth $20-30, now these guys literally don't want it at any price.
I mean, perhaps if I was a huge fan of Popful Mail I'd want it... But I'm not, I'm sure someone else would be much happier to own it than me. Unless you mean just in general.
Quote from: NightWolve on 03/09/2016, 02:58 AMHahaha, that's great stuff! So yeah, it becomes an ugly "he said/she said" fight with plenty of dirt-digging, and that's fine for forum drama or other contexts, but you're a backer that put money down waiting for a product, it's a professional/business situation now, so that's gonna make you really nervous seeing that sort of thing!! I think he was really worried things might go bad and wanted a good scapegoat/fall guy to blame so if it sucked or was delayed, you all understood why, blame Agness and her sister, NOT him!
All it did was annoy the shit out of me and pretty much everyone else I think. One update explaining the situation I could understand- but man he did this update after update after update... Pretty obvious the guy had a problem after a while.

Needless to say I didn't buy anything else he did afterwards even after I got emails for it...

I met Kurt of HG_101 at a small con in NJ (had no idea we were in the same state) who had a key few words to say about John... Nothing too flattering.  :lol:
I actually backed this book, no idea who the guy was but it looked really cool. Got to read awesome updates like this:










This is all from one fucking update... I just wanted a book.

For those curious I got most of em in my archive still... Could be an entire fucking book itself.

Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
03/09/2016, 12:46 AM
Quote from: majors on 03/08/2016, 08:34 AM
Quote from: Koop on 03/07/2016, 07:57 PMAny word on attending Too Many Games 2016?
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 01/12/2016, 07:33 PM...Unfortunately we won't be able to do any conventions this year.
Let's hope things turn around if not for this year, the following years.
Aw, that sucks... I have my official $1 Game Sack™ from last year that needs a brother.
Oh naw I don't want it, I was just curious what it was.
Quote from: guest on 02/21/2016, 02:32 AMThere's literally no reason to bother unless you just want to be one of those gimps with a PVM with bad geometry that posts pics on Facebook going OMFG
I gotta admit, that hit me a little harder than I wanted.  :cry:
What is this exactly? A soundtrack from the game?
Quote from: guest on 03/08/2016, 11:48 AM
Quote from: Koop on 03/08/2016, 10:23 AMAny idea how the music is the GBA Donkey Kong Country? Probably doesn't sound as good does it?

Great sale thread, someone pick up Fire Emblem, great game!
Sorry man, not a huge Nintendo fan so I do not know (( blush))
Updating list for stuff on hold.
!!! But... You've played Donkey Kong Country before... Right!?

I actually found this video, the differences are crazy:
Any idea how the music is the GBA Donkey Kong Country? Probably doesn't sound as good does it?

Great sale thread, someone pick up Fire Emblem, great game!
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
03/07/2016, 07:57 PM
Happily gave my small Patreon donation for the month. Happy to see new content, gotta love the sack.™

Any word on attending Too Many Games 2016?
Quote from: majors on 03/01/2016, 08:56 AMit can be the little secret cool place for adventuring attendees.
Exactly how it worked out for me. It's funny because it does sort of match still, PC Museum... PC Engine Museum... Heh. If you guys need any staffing help or contribution in some way let me know, I'd love to help next year. I look forward to checking it out next year either way.

Any plans for MAGClassic? Whenever dates and such or finalized I will definitely be there, both events are always a ton of fun.
hey KC I sent you one last message before I send everything out tomorrow to you.  :D
Quote from: 780racer on 03/01/2016, 06:26 PMThis video sums up how I feel this place is sometimes.... with a few people. Its like all civilized.... THEN BOOM!
Who is the dancer on here?
Flights out on Newark, NJ aren't that expensive but this event really snuck up on me. I'd love to go, a bunch of people I know will be there. Looks like I have maybe a week or two max to really lock in plans though.

Any idea what kind of classic game tournaments will be happening? Main site has nothing as far as I see.
I am coming for you. You will never escape.
Quote from: TurboDuo on 02/28/2016, 02:08 PMI like how they have all the comments hidden on facebook about their post saying they kickstarter is delayed.
Yeah to me this is the biggest red flag. Who the hell would trust these clowns?
Quote from: Gredler on 02/27/2016, 01:55 PMWrong bro, pce and turbo fans will be like bloods and crips, gunhed fans will fight blazing lazers fans, and TV Sports Hockey fans will gun down hit the ice fans, anarchy and maddness will befall us soon!
TG-16 fans/owners watch yo back...

imgur . com/Cr01Gci.png
Quote from: Keith Courage on 02/27/2016, 04:20 AMSure, I'd be happy to work on your setup. reply sent
No worries I can only guess how hectic it gets for you. I've replied back so we can get this show on the road.
Hey I dropped ya a PM KC to look into getting my briefcase setup modded. Let me know if you're taking on any work at all. Got to get this thing RGB modded  for my new PVM as soon as I can hah.  :D
Quote from: vacantplanets on 02/26/2016, 01:03 AMDamn it. Magfest is insane; there's too much shit. I was there. I had no idea this was there. Where was this stuff set up? It wasn't in the console room, right?
It was in the PC museum area, or whatever it was called close to that.
Quote from: majors on 02/25/2016, 08:39 AM
Quote from: Koop on 02/24/2016, 11:16 AMI take it he is well known then? I am certainly a newb so I just don't know.
He posted on N-G that he was taking orders so he could deliver at MAG so it was pretty much well known. He just doesn't mess with the PCFX forum. He does not need forum cred :) Enjoy your new PVM! What do you have running RGB so far?
Haha that's fair, I guess he's done sales like that for years huh? He didn't really mention it, but then again I guess he didn't need to. Well anyways I am enjoying it a ton so far! I've only gotten my snes hooked up and put in an order online to get cables for everything I could. Genesis, Saturn, SMS. Top two consoles I need to get with an RGB mod is my PCE and AV Famicom. I'd like to get a new AV Fami though because my current one is pretty beat up. If you happen to know anyone selling RGB modded stuff give me a shout hah.

Oh yeah here's a shot from my BVM:
Since I just got this PVM I need to get some modded consoles. Got to get my briefcase setup modded but I'm almost look for an already modded AV Famicom. Let me know if anyone has one they are looking to sell, and thanks.
Quote from: johnnykonami on 02/23/2016, 01:53 PM
Quote from: Koop on 02/23/2016, 12:47 AMI bought a BVM-20F1U  :shock:

First time I've ever owned RGB -anything- ... I need to start looking into mods for my PCE haha.
Nice pick up!  I saw you went to Magfest in another thread, I don't know if that means you are close to or from Maryland, but I am trying to find one locally too, so I'd be curious as to where you scored it.
I got it from a guy who went to MAG, but he was from Georgia. I'm actually from NJ, so it was a couple hour drive to get it back home. Best of luck on the hunt though, I feel the best places to source stuff is from places like MAGFest for sure- just be ready to pay market price because people obviously know what they are selling.
Quote from: majors on 02/24/2016, 08:16 AM
Quote from: Koop on 02/23/2016, 06:05 PMThrough his help I was able to meetup with someone selling an RGB monitor which I took home.  :D
Ahhh, Andy "Numbers"...He had posted on N-G he was heading to MAGFest and could do sales at the show. He had some extras to sell. Rob got another 13" and 8" also.

Did you goto the RGB Masters panel?
I unfortunately missed it, I forget what else was going on at the time but there was definitely conflicts. Happened a lot sadly. Andy is definitely the dude I bought it from. It felt a bit more like a drug deal than most transactions but I suppose it is what it is haha. I had asked him if he wanted me to post on any forums to say the transaction went well but he said it wasn't necessary... I take it he is well known then? I am certainly a newb so I just don't know.
Quote from: majors on 02/23/2016, 10:13 AMIt was Rob(lurker), here are some more MAGFest pics: https://goo.gl/photos/eRZvnv6kpdjzLP5M8

Glad you all enjoyed the presentation. Hope you got to chat with us while there..
Big big props to Rob, I thoroughly enjoyed everything. I talked to one guy a lot while playing Final Soldier. Sorry for forgetting his name, great guy- he said he didn't post on the forums here though. He showed me his small collection he brought with him which included Cotton, Puyo, and way more- was awesome just to see the disks in person haha. When I saw Rondo of Blood I begged to play it on the RGB monitor- it looked so awesome on the doujindance Duo-RX. Through his help I was able to meetup with someone selling an RGB monitor which I took home.  :D
Props to whomever loaned their hardware to have this awesome setup. Playing Rondo of Blood on an RGB monitor was a blast. First time I'd ever seen the shuttle in-person as well.

I bought a BVM-20F1U  :shock:


First time I've ever owned RGB -anything- ... I need to start looking into mods for my PCE haha.
Off-Topic / Re: Secret Santa 2015
12/26/2015, 06:29 PM
Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 12/26/2015, 12:32 PMWhooo!!  Secret Santa delivery!!!  WOW!!  Thank you so much!!
You're welcome buddy enjoy! Sorry it was a day late.  :D
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good obey.
Quote from: guest on 12/21/2015, 10:43 PMWhile we are at it... rey = luke's daughter... no?
heavily implied but perhaps we'll see a plot twist next movie
Only thing that made me angry was the ending. I've really got to wait to see what happens next...