OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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dxdslasher Lurker

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I'm a cool-headed guy with a burning passion for films and games.
❤ Interests:
Collecting, storing, researching and reviewing games an films.
❤ Games:
Splatterhouse, Ninja Spirit, Dragon Saber, Read Dead Redemption, Batman (Nes, Super Nes and Arkhamverse), Metroid, The Super Shinobi, Castlevania, Contra, Ninja Gaiden, Megaman and others.
❤ Films/TV:
Rashomon, Evil Dead 2, Alien, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Predator, Harakiri, Three Outlaw Samurais, The Ballad of Narayama, Onibaba, Lady Hawk, Total Recall, Terminator 2 and many others
❤ Music:
Metal, Rock and Classic Music.
❤ Books:
1984, Frankenstein, Dracula, The Invention of Solitude, Othello, Jostein Gaarder works. Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose and many others
03/22/2017, 10:09 PM
Local Time:
06/06/2024, 07:06 PM
Last active:
03/23/2017, 12:39 PM