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SignOfZeta Banned

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Custom title:
Raging Lunatic
Personal text:
Mad Psycho Chad
Ypsilanti, Mi
After almost 12 years of vicious, verbal abuse/assault by Psycho [Snapper] Chad Gombosi (think road-raging maniac but in a videogame forum!) on this forum as a career troll, I'm proud to say I was the first staff member to stand up to him, finally do what was right, ban slap him down! The Legend of Mad Psycho Chad who done bad is over... Sad. :lol:

Quote from: SignOfZeta on 06/05/2018, 09:55 AMYou're a controlling dick. I think you suck. Go ahead and ban me. Publicly it reflects far more poorly on you than me. My conscience is clean.

I hope someday you get the get the help you need. Don't waste your time replying to this, I won't read it.
He left in rage/anger/hatred just as he arrived, not surprisingly... I return him back onto you, o world... :lol: The denial is incredible, I was struck by his claim that his "conscience is clean..." Should I rename him to Chad "you-get-the-get-the-help" Gombosi ??

To anybody who was ever verbally victimized, felt ostracized, bullied, by this disgusting, obnoxious cyberbully who loved fostering a hostile environment where he could be his true self, an uncensored jackass at the expense of all human decency, civility, empathy, I'd like to personally apologize to you for him getting away with it for so long... I hear you, I feel you, and I'm sorry! He belongs in a padded cell with the New Jersey Nemesis stalker and others, not in a PCE forum!

I know the feeling of injustice in the world, the assholes always seem to get away with it, at least it usually feels that way, and being left to wonder will it EVER catch up with them somewhere, somehow, will they ever face SOME accountability for abuse at some point ?? It's a crying shame, PCEFX deserved so much better given the potential/legacy Aaron built up...

I'd like to recall a story, many years ago GameSack Joe told me Happy Console Gamer was too afraid to post in PCEFX because of trolls like him, Raging Necrophile, Psycho Arkanerd and others... That's why not 1 post by Johnny was ever made, even though he registered (I'm friends with John, talk to him on Twitter, so I know it wasn't about me)! That's the long-term sabotage unmoored trolls like Chad perpetrated against the PCE community, it's just as much about the posts/members we never had, but could've, to truly achieve the potential Aaron envisioned as the central hub of all things in PC Engine fandom!

Imagine the biggest PC Engine fan on YouTube, but nope, not ONE POST here, he was too intimidated by the likes of SnapperChad, Necrophilia, Arkanerd (but at least we got his shit Atari PCE ports??) and other career trolls who lived/burrowed in these forums... The other major case was Kevtris almost boycotting the idea of PCE FPGA work because of this very forum! It's a disgrace, Chad and his defiant loco gang are a disgrace!

Nevertheless, Sad/Mad Chad is a never-apologize/never-admit-wrong/never-back-down bully, blame-the-other-guy for how things ended up. He will never take responsibility for the ugly environment he helped foster in which other bullies took even more advantage of due to the lack of any apparent enforced principled rules or expected behavior by members...

Well, stay Mad Chad, just do it somewhere else on your own dime and time! Au revoir.

❤ Interests:
All failed/expired endeavors:

Chad's Game Music Page: page:!

Turns out Psycho Mad Chad has got lots of reasons to be angry/bitter at the world, and life in general, etc... But why did we tolerate it in here ?? I know the jackass had some sarcastic SOB witticisms/observations that were amusing occasionally, but it's the same reason why you shouldn't leave FilthyRear running loose in the forums... The lulz you occasionally gain comes at a price/cost that's not easy at first to fully ascertain...


❤ Games:
Classic examples of Mad Psycho Chad assaulting new members with his typical psychological attacks:

1) Keranu, ex-moderator, locked the thread in reaction:

2) His usual verbal assaults (notice the theme? psychological in nature), but this time on the only woman - Michirin9801 - who was active here (spenoza/Brandon nowhere to be found, his psycho pal Andrew Darovich also verbally-assaulted her, hurling "dipshit" around, which is what HE is 1000%!):
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 11/17/2017, 11:40 PM
Quote from: Michirin9801
Did you just say the Neo Geo Pocket was "crap" ? Are you suffering from a massive head injury or something? Doesn't look any better than the GBC?!? You're nuts. Nuts. If its 1999 and you're buying games for both systems every month the difference is like chocolate and shit. I loved the GBC, but comparing it to NGP I said, nuts. Its like comparing Genesis to Neo Geo. A subtle difference if any to the novice but very obvious to the game literate.
That's how crazy he gets if you disliked something he likes... I remember my early interactions with him, same thing, he went wild on me about the APE audio codec I was using, saying "I need this like I need a hole in my head..."

3) Victim: Digmac (2017). Result: Self-Deletion

Quote from: Digmac on 11/01/2017, 04:01 PM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 11/01/2017, 03:54 PM
Quote from: Digmac on 11/01/2017, 02:07 PMIt's different, that's why I enjoy it. To be honest with everyone, I've gotten more use from my PC-FX than I did my Core Grafx. It might have sucked hard in it's home country, but it's got an appeal to me. Do I think the PC Engine as a platform was better? Of course it was, I know that. Do I feel the PC-FX gets slightly misrepresented here as the hentai only console? Yes, I do. It is what it is.

Sorry if some here are butthurt that I'm enjoying my PC-FX more than the Core Grafx. That being said, I enjoyed my five Saturn consoles more than my three Mega Drives. That should tell you what generation of consoles I lean towards.

Good to be here, and glad to find a community who stands up and tells the truth about their own consoles though.

EDIT: Let's at least count our blessings... It's not a Playdia or a Loopy...
"Butt hurt" by your enjoyment. Stop imagining that anyone who disagrees with your (in this case, rather uninformed) opinion as a hater that is bothered by you not being miserable. We do not feel anally raped because you are happy. That's the apex of some straw man bullshit right here, not to mention narcicism. We had our opinion of the FX literally decades before you owned one. We didn't love the thing and then start hating it the second you got here just because we want you to be unhappy. Please choose your words more carefully.

(I knew this guy was an asshole from his very first post. I held back, I don't know why. I guess I'm afraid to jump the gun or something...I hope he's not 12, that would make me sad. Oh shit, now he's talking about rarity and obi and he owns four games. Why do they move on us in such numbers, why oh why?)

Listen, fuckhead, the first game you played was a $500 unicorn fan translated. Something that wasn't even released. Let us know how you feel about the FX after you've owned it for longer than an XBox Live billing cycle.

It's not that it's a hentai only machine, it's that it's a Japanese CDi...which still makes it better than an actual CDi but still probably the worst mainstream game machine of all time just because it has no titles worth playing. Ok, it has four games that would qualify as C-grade PlayStation games (and in some cases, became C grade Playstaion games). You better learn to enjoy looking at its beautiful industrial design more than your TV or you better learn to like shitty FMV things that are barely games at all. You're not going to find: a race car game, a Street Fighter II clone, a platformer, you know, games. Think of everything that's great about the PCE, Neo, MD, and SNES and the only thing it got any decent representation of is mid-tier RPGs, which is probably its strongest suit, and that's not saying much. It does these well because that's pretty much what was going on with PCE as they were winding that down, menu driven things.
You act like you know who I am as a human and can fully judge my character after this short time. Don't assume things. Take the ume out of assume and what do you get. If the whole forum is like this, I'll delete my account. Didn't come here for this, or for you, sweetheart.



I have to wrestle with the decision whether to keep paying to host his abusive posts... On one hand, as he pivots away from his abusive past to play "innocent victim" elsewhere, some Wayback memory should remain to prevent him from selling that lie. On the other hand, we wanna go forward with a back-to-basics, fun, family-friendly mission to represent the best of PC Engine/TurboGrafx legacy and maybe dumping him in the memory hole with others (like NecroPhile, Andrew Darovich, John Moriconi, stalking dildos Kyle "DarkKobold" Thomson and Wily Ryley "Gex" Reynolds, etc.) is the better decision...

It's a conflict. For now, the forum will continue to publish his posts and I'll collect any/all cases of abuse to link here.

Oh yeah, I wrote about this manlet on Facebook after clashing with him on animes, I just ran into this:

Yeah, I'm relieved I'll never have to deal with this marthafocker again, he's Paul's problem now until he can bark on the Internet no more...

❤ Films/TV:
Look at this fucking OCD guy, using gloves to protect his precious Lasers Discs!!! :lol:
❤ Books:
Chad believed there were no rules on this forum and deletion is "a coverup," (Is Chad Mad that Trump was deleted off Twitter?? That a "cover up" too?) so anything that psychos like him, the DildoPhile Dicktator and his gang of DildoKobolds posted on this private platform was basically "precious," "Shakespearean writing" that must be preserved/protected for all time in the name of humanity, advancement of our collective struggle, ha ha ha ha ha! :lol:
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 07/14/2005, 11:00 PMKeep posts on topic
By posting in a thread, you are responsible for keeping the thread on topic.  Any reply to a thread may be DELETED at any time, and without notice if it is determined that the reply doesn't contribute to the thread.
> Example violations (including, but not limited to): Replying with an image; replying with the words "me too!" or similar; derailing the thread to a topic not related to the original post.
And I had to remind him there were rules, but obviously, he just didn't want anyone ever enforcing them - he's just bitter and arrogant enough that he wanted to be in charge at some level to protect whatever came out of his own mouth at any given time...

❤ Quotes:

"Are you suffering from a massive head injury or something? You're nuts. Nuts."

"You're a controlling dick. I think you suck. Go ahead and ban me." (OK MAD CHAD! I will grant you a ban! :lol:)

"My conscience is clean."

"I hope someday you get the get the help you need. Don't waste your time replying to this, I won't read it."

Quote from: SignOfZeta on 09/20/2017, 09:36 AM
Quote from: crazydean on 09/19/2017, 11:38 PMI don't understand why everyone in the gaming community has to hate anyone who does it differently than themselves.
Well then you must be fucking retarded because the answer to that question is obvious.
Ah f-ck it, I couldn't resist! For comparison:

On Osama Bin Laden's death:
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 05/02/2011, 10:52 AMRejoicing over someone's death is perverse, in this case even from a perspective of pure math.

On Margaret Thatcher's death:
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 04/11/2013, 01:46 AMwe should all throw a party.

Quite an interesting change of heart by Zeta there... ;)

Quote from: SignOfZeta on 05/01/2009, 02:42 AMThis video is a nice contribution to the gaming community. It just goes to show you that even a complete asshole can do something good.

Quote from: SignOfZeal on 11/03/2017, 09:52 PM
Quote from: JAPJAC on 11/03/2017, 08:01 PMThanks for the fandom. Who are you? No one.  Don't care. Thanks for your time.
Fuck yeah! I mean, when did you buy your Neo Geo? In 1993!? Ha! You fucking herb! There's no way you could have filled it with as much cum learned as much about it as this guy has. Die noob, you got burned by the fan's fan, the OG (of the English speaking world) Fapjack.

Quote from: SignOfZeta on 02/27/2016, 08:03 PMWould you retards quit it with the "gang" shit? You're basically waving a giant flag that says "I'm clueless."

Btw, Kanye is a complete dick. Fuck him and all his sycophantic dick sucking hero worshippers.

Quote from: SignOfZeta on 11/09/2017, 10:43 PMMost people who use "gay" were using it before they knew what fucking even was, let alone gay fucking or retarded gay fucking.

I think that's where the pushback comes from on this and a lot of things. When they said Ninja Turtles were "gay" it really was without malice because they were just dumb kids who didn't know anything. Similarly, most people in the south were jerking off to flags decades before they saw Roots and...basically don't want to face reality and grow up.

It just makes you sound dumb, honestly. That's my main problem with it. Why is a bad thing a gay thing unless you hate gayness? Nobody seems to have an answer for this. 30 years ago, sure, a lot more people thought gay=bad. If that's still the case then the homophobic use of "gay" applies and everything is fine, you're just an asshole. But if you don't hate gays then it's just a dumb use of the world.
❤ Random:
Quote from: Sinistron on 08/13/2012, 03:51 PM"Well hold the fuck on Shag- We've just unmasked this sour bully and it turns out it's not Helgeson at all!
It's actually that "fucking master of power metal shooting" Sign of Zeke!"
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 03/24/2012, 03:22 PMI'm going to give you a pass here since you obviously have an underdeveloped sense of humor and I shouldn't discriminate against disabled people.
Quote from: dq333 on 03/24/2012, 08:04 PM=; hold on.  Give me a pass? You ain't nothing but a pompous bigot.  Considering that I actually work with disabled people, you are quite the twonk for saying that.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 03/24/2012, 08:22 PMSeriously, your sense of humor really is broken. That was another joke. Even retarded kids know how to laugh. Loosen up.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 01/20/2008, 02:46 PMIts nice to know when when I visit Japan I won't be the nerdiest mofo there. I was worried...
Anyway, here I am:
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