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Started by Keranu, 10/04/2005, 07:27 PM

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Anyone else here interested in the paranormal? I became really into the alien scene three or four years ago even though I always admired it my whole life. For the most part, I believe the common alien abduction stories you hear are real and even though skeptics will claim it's sleep paralysis, I've found reasons to disagree and I agree with most other alien stuff you real. I am not a full believer though because there are LOTS of fakes relating to the issue, such as homemade UFOs, guy dressed up as an alien on camera, and made up stories. I try to open up my mind as much as possible to believe encounters and such but also make sure I do research to see if the encounter or whatever was possible. If there is one person who I both alien believers and skeptics should listen to is Whitley Strieber, an American writer who became famous with his book "Communion" which was about his experiences with the visitors. Whitley is an intelligent man and always make sure he has facts ready and doesn't jump to conclusion.

For the other sujbects of the paranormal, I like ghosts and big foot as well, but I don't believe these nearly as much as I do aliens even though there are convincing facts for both subjects every now and then. I live in what I like to call a haunted house and can share all of my spooky ghost stories if people want to hear them.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"



you are not alone my friend. I ma a believer as well, not so much in X-file conspiracy about aliens than about their existence and possible visitations.  I just love Chariots of the Gods.  

I also  believe in Bigfoot, and am planning on going on a BFRO expedition next summer. I have a couple personal friends, no non-sense guys with military backgrounds, who told me of what they have seen in the deep woods of Alaska and the PNW.  It's amazing.

Here in VT a creature in lake champlain (champ for those of you not in the loop) has been seen for centuries since the NA's were the only ones, and the lake has a bay called Big Snake Bay after a Heron name. There are no big snakes up here.  recently, some fishermen again caught it on video, not for the first time.  I have personally met with an elderly cuple who told me they have video, good video , of a group of 2-3 large, 20+ ft creatures, feeding in the lake near dusk. they claim to have recorded them for 45 minutes. They will not disclose when or where nor will they release the tapes so as not to make this place a zoo.  The guy was a retired professional. In 2003, a research team recorded somethingin the lake utilizing echo location (like buluga whales) in the lake over a few days....go to  wahtever made the sounds, had to be over 20 ft long.  interestingly, there ahve been buluga whalebones recovered from the lake bed..that were trapped here during the reccesion of the last ice age.  

go to and this will lead you to the info that you seek.  Good hunting:)
"Look to your knives now, and 'ware the foeman."- The Doomfarers of Coramonde, by Brian Daley


and speaking of the paranormal,  

I watched the excorcism of emily rose last night...good movie..with an interesting courtroom battle, fact vs faith. and quite today i have been stuudying possession and exorcism on the net...the story is very loosely based on a real possession in Germany..creepy stuff..

Ghosts exist.
"Look to your knives now, and 'ware the foeman."- The Doomfarers of Coramonde, by Brian Daley


and speaking of the paranormal,  

I watched the exorcism of emily rose last night...good movie..with an interesting courtroom battle, fact vs faith. and quite today i have been stuudying possession and exorcism on the net...the story is very loosely based on a real possession in Germany..creepy stuff..

Ghosts exist.
"Look to your knives now, and 'ware the foeman."- The Doomfarers of Coramonde, by Brian Daley


and speaking of the paranormal,  

I watched the exorcism of emily rose last night...good movie..with an interesting courtroom battle, fact vs faith. and quite today i have been stuudying possession and exorcism on the net...the story is very loosely based on a real possession in Germany..creepy stuff..

Ghosts exist.
"Look to your knives now, and 'ware the foeman."- The Doomfarers of Coramonde, by Brian Daley


Hey, doom. Thanks for the posts because I was concerned that I might be the only person of interests.

I believe big foot for the most part because there are some things such as the famous video clip of bigfoot and footprints that scientists can't quite confirm as fake. My oldest brother claims he think he might have had an encounter with big foot in Idor, Alabama once. Fascinating subject to research.

The creature you talk about sounds very interesting, I have never heard of it before. Unfortunately the Fauna Communications link you posted doesn't work and I couldn't find anything on , but I'll look these up sometime. Sounds like some very good stuff.

The lochness monster is an interesting subject as well. I can't say if believe in nessy very much, but I believe in the other lochness-like creatures more, like this one that has been reported by these two brothers in San Francisco (I think).
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Any interest I had in stuff like that has been ruined by shows like the X Files and the hordes of fucking retards who jumped on the bandwagon after that stuff got huge.  I used to really like reading about cryptozoology, but now everything is so polluted with lying dipshits and blatant hoaxes that it really saps the fun out of it for me.


I never tried watching the X-Files or most fictional shows like that, so lucky for me I'm not one of those people. Whenever a documentry is on dealing with a paranormal subject, I usually always watch it. Has anyone seen "Is It Real?" on the National Geographic Channel? It's a pretty cool show, though it's on the skeptic side, but this just gives me harder facts and these shows are missing facts that can be used against skeptics. It's still a pretty cool show to watch though.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


A good example of the type of person I hate; people who think that the moon landing was a hoax.  Fucking retards.

Did you hear about that giant squid they photographed off of japan somewhere I think?  That is awesome, I saw that on the news the other day.  That's probably one of the coolest discoveries of all time.


Quote from: "GUTS"A good example of the type of person I hate; people who think that the moon landing was a hoax.  Fucking retards.

Did you hear about that giant squid they photographed off of japan somewhere I think?  That is awesome, I saw that on the news the other day.  That's probably one of the coolest discoveries of all time.
Dude, I saw the giant squid thing on the news as well a few days ago...

AWESOME.  To think that there are tons of species out there that have yet to be studied is insane. Giant squid -- when I hear that, all I think about is 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea... one of my favorite books when I was a kid.

As for paranormal / cryptozoology stuff -- GUTS summed it up well: the field  lacks serious academic study and suffers for it. I love the shows that approach these topics as a true scientist would (PBS had some great shows examing religious paranormal actvities, so did TLC... crying statues, religious rituals, etc. were examined to demystify them.)

Does life exist somewhere in the cosmos (beyond Earth)? Sure, it probably does.

Do aliens visit us? Not likely, though the concept is fascinating.


The whole field of marine biology is super interesting, the amount of awesome stuff they pull out of the oceans blows my mind.  They had a really good special on PBS the other day with Alan Alda talking to the first dude to see one of those vents way down deep that have their own eco systems (the ones that don't require sunlight and made scientists head's explode), he was talking about how they estimate they only know of like 2% or some ridiculously low number of lifeforms that live in the ocean.  Crazy!


After the earthquake that occurred this last year in the ocean bed that caused all the super tidal waves and the pacific islands to move or be drowned in water,do not be surprised to see sightings of what would be considered "deep sea" sea life. With pollution in the waters,and all the storms,and that,feeding habits are sure to have changed for certain underwater life,causing some to go upwards for more food.

Also this has caused some other sea life to migrate to other areas and in larger clusters,like the huge amount of sharks off of Florida last summer,waiting to get a human snack. We damage the sea water,fish until theres nothing left,plus have all sorts of natural disasters,and expect the sharks to do what? Lay down and die?No,they are going where the food is at,and I cant say Id blame them. If you went to Florida and took a dip last year with all those sharks being spotted,in the hundreds,you were a dumbass and asked for it.


sorry Keranu..there is the link. Look at Lake champlain.  VT is so convinced this creature exists tht there is a state law protecting it from harm.

Yes, there are alot of dumbasses out there and the amount of hoaxes are numerous with the technology so readily available now. Case in point, I was stoked about the recent media attention of a video filmed in Manitoba, but they sold it to inside edition and it really sucked..terrible footage. An interesting thing about the famous Patterson Footage of Bigfoot is that contrary to popular belief, science still cannnot duplicate the film real time with a suit, nor has it ever been proven a hoax. There are many strong rumors saying it has, but it hasn't. How did they pull offf something in '71 that can't be replicated today?  for more info, Go to the BFRO (Bigffot field research Organization) for some fascinating info, and a legit scientific approach. -Doom
"Look to your knives now, and 'ware the foeman."- The Doomfarers of Coramonde, by Brian Daley


I read about the giant squid from Whitley Strieber's website and that is fascinating! Just imagine of what else could be down there.

Doom, I'll get back to you about that link. I'll look around that site and research a bit. Sounds like a cool topic.

By the way, a book called Hair of the Alien: DNA and Forensic Evidence of Alien Abductions came out recently last July. I came across this book while searching alien stuff a few weeks ago and it sounds very good! The arthur claims to have a piece of hair, claw, and some other stuff that he belives are from extra terrestrial life since he researched it's origins and found it's not from Earth and came from an alien abduction in Australia. If anyone has ever read this book, please post and tell me how it is! This sounds like it could really land some good proof on life that exists elsewhere.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Haha that old patterson big foot footage is the fakest thing I've ever seen, do people still think that's real?  It looked like something out of a really bad old hollywood movie, I remember laughing as a kid when I first saw it cause it looked so god awful fake.


no one knows for certain GUTS but go to this link and read an interesting article about the is quite something.
"Look to your knives now, and 'ware the foeman."- The Doomfarers of Coramonde, by Brian Daley


Yes the video is funny and looks like it could easily be a hoax, but researches have actually studied the video closely and found out it might not be a fake, mainly due to the muscle structure and movements; the "Is It Real?" show I mentioned talked about this and they tend to be on the skeptic side. Thanks for that link, doom. I have never seen the Wallace foot print compared to an actual footprint and the differences definitely show.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Quote from: "GUTS"Haha that old patterson big foot footage is the fakest thing I've ever seen, do people still think that's real?  It looked like something out of a really bad old hollywood movie, I remember laughing as a kid when I first saw it cause it looked so god awful fake.
No, it looked even worse than that: it looked like some really bad footage from a no-budget indy film like the classic:


Folks, you should see this fine film.

Please sing along with me now: "People say that he's downright nasty, he's mean and he's gruesome. He'll make your threesome into a twosome. Now is your chance to make a break, don't let a moment go to waste. On the prowl, hear him howl, here comes the Yeti now!"

Sorry for this tangent, but this film is totally relevant to this thread: the story revolves around a Professor (cryptozoologist) who leads his aspiring students on a quest to find yeti!



Sounds pretty good. Speaking of yeti films, I watched Harry and the Hendersons yesterday around 1pm on AMC  8) . I wish some channel showed the sitcom series because I haven't seen it in a long time.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


there was an old black and white movie where they were tracking the yeti and in the end the only survivor goes crazy after the Yeti come for him..then he is left a gibbering shell who no one will was spooky.....darn what was it's name? IMDB here i come.  Harry and the Hendersons was a movie i was cool in the end how all f the Cryptids came out of the woodwork...:)
"Look to your knives now, and 'ware the foeman."- The Doomfarers of Coramonde, by Brian Daley